; : has borne the ignature of and has been made under his per- _ sonal supervision since its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. tions and Substitutes are but Ex- A endanger the health of against Experiment, tute for Castor OI, Syrups. 1 ts Harmless and Pleasant. it her Opium, Morphine nor nor other Narcotic ts age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms Feverishness, It cares Dinrrhos and Wind Believes Teething Troubles, cures Constipation as sasimilates the Food, regulates the and nataral sleep. *s Friend. me FAMOUS e 50 Shoe FOR WOMEN. the goerit of prrfvet wiple, Nv evumlont and duratdlic : Breaking in LOC RATY a in ges enone to Lh Mine AE _— afi ney feinds tC ironna Kad afiomk tat bn odd as 8 glow, yor ik drole. it coeds Gy Shoal shee for wens ain enmfort. in a lily Lei whaler me Scheie (af nit ine fad © Vw bead, arid geod adh pi Wis oy pes binisi wen of #0 he wad Dupe WL Island Show Cr Rock Toland, Eh. and sold exchusively by A Perry, Chest Springs Pa. ’ WESTOVER LETTER made. White the Times is Republican o ny - Wie Awake Correspondent | right to be on earth, and that politics from tvs Clanrfiedd County Tow. | are pot everything. When one cent a ‘citizens’ meeting the follow- guy will buy a mornimg paper it is re wore nominated: ME foclish te be without one. The Times barges; T. J. Venetia, R, is three dollars & year, or RIL cenis 8 1". A. Riddle R, Frank | week, and worth the money . ‘D, H. P. Wilson B, council; Hoyak R, D. A. MeCardoll Ki directory; H A McCloskey BR, D, inspectors: V. K. Judge of election: #1 Sige] poor Over. Cures Drusnikenn es, Liners. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, Chapnian is shipping from this | : twoand ‘three cars of lnmbe of our ‘hosting onl win, J. EF estover, H. E. Telford bax taken an iotepest the store of A. B. McHenry. For Fami \ Use Last Satorday evening through a» \ pour of rain more than 200 yo 0) ga for General Use get x wended their way Lo amusement eq’ Finest Pods a er to sce the entertainment given by eo Young Peoples’ Amateur Comedy 3 A ; . » mpany of this place. 11 was highly BARTHOLOM Y Lager Beer, manufactured at er, N.Y. and bottied by the J ing, instractive, moral and 1 partion spear to be well satisfied Gallitzin (Pa. Bottling Co. the nominations made last Friday 1s our station platform to be used €X- (1 (yedors Are Promptly vely, or almost so, by a gang of P w, for the parpose of using in- st snd profane language, boldly drinking whiskey, dancing and making pselves obnoxious to respectable in a general way 7 This should shotisbed immediately. Love howe Atte fe wi 0 R.C. EDDLEBLUT Proprivtor, The basiness men should keep their street lamps 1it dark nights. It would : Cook. Be at Jest a little protection from in. : qd ruflantam : JANUARY ‘SALE PRICES. Fur Collarettes. We have a few bal viry excellent evlinrettes left, all oitens ride, Eta Abang Wawra Reflecting in Bs wishermg circulation Cand dpcreaiel wiverlsing pairotiage the prosperity tht arks th Cipening of the new year thi tabitiig Times : A ) : er te HiR Times a few only being mentioned bere: thin ever impresses upon fs Plaoteie seal oollarettes, the excellence of jis high trimmed with chin ohilia, andar and the success of its efforts hE, only $2.95. make 8 model paper fo : rook mingte coliariile, 0 to ni ie} pay for thie ie individ. sizes, redid to $4.19 ual arisd for Lhe family. Thu Ties is Av very handeame lis tric A DEWSPAPETr, SPATING DO pains Or ex. mares edge, 8 tails, For $5.60 pense to cover the world thoroughly And many other styles. every day, that its current page of lus. Fur Ja kets tory may be vomplete, and in its longer, ( : range overlooking nothing that oocurs | Jost a few left and redooud wi grand ‘at home. It is clean, dignified and values: : Shri : » : x SELEY Ihe tas asus ¥ Fare dent peliable, certain that no lack of these. ine genuine \asks seal jacket, 5 a § : > (38. a regular Shan and dn Exo fentures ous ou made up offensive tional value when priced at $155 sensationalism. It can be taken into | Rather than store if, we offer it now the family circle with confidence that | $112.50. ita columns are filled with wholesome | One elegant Yelvel jacket 3 » 3 FOL IRs, & RAAT 3 instruction and entertainment, Wher { go at fhe half-price rate, $25. ever known the Times is recognized as | Where else are values like those? the best type of a cone ise, erisp and | complete newspaper, and among news. | paper men it ix the publicatien with which comparison of excellence are arg sont, with Rize Tiraid and + F vase, 10 I. W. COOK, Altoona, Penna. cage of Patton sored and ordained ¥ bev autlarity of tha eRe i Murs A in politios it realizes that others have & Cures Drug Aner kn ardinance sessing 8 Sewage tax on the property ownen adjacent to the sewer on Fifth avenoe between Rassell and Magee avenues in he Borough of Patton Be it enacted anid prdained by the Burgess and Towns Couns of thw Bor and it i Beeeby on That, wherdas the actaal cost of oon structing the sewer on Fifth avenue het ween Magee and Huossell avenops, sith its terminos in Chest U0 rR Boroagh of Patton, is ssce tained toy bar 41.578 84.» portion of which dow ried equitable should be paid for by the Borough, and a portion b y thw properly owners adjacent 1o the ame. It is therefore enacted and ardained that a sewage tax be, and is hereby as sessed upon the following property’ owners adjacent to sald sewer line, 10 the follewing amounts, same beng dn termined hy the foot frontage of the respective properly owners, and that the same be collected by the Boroagh Solicitor within the next sixty days Should payment not be made within that time, a municipal Jen is directed to be entered against the respective joth. Or the owners thereof, and in favor of the Borough of Patton, hr the same: - Fn 5 £8 FP. Haart, : 1% o Serpply § i Fl ymiuden, EB § Fa ie = Prat sept Wesebeead, amen A Fepta on ThE > ¥ ie. Jone Fives Wow AR fi 1 AGeddts Yorvoreem FTES Foon Re fae RB fx dat % Pork 00 A Beas berg, Ma % bx hid £4 pe 10% and 4 ani ZB wwis A How sai. Ying td 3% ¥ Betian of » FIELD'S ~i soon Te POEMS. © toma Attorney at-Law, 35 Fontsr ; te wl iw : the fi sper Frnseted and ordained this the “day of January Al i Seo _Hussawl Prion of {oun Attest JM. Griasor, Clerk, Approved by the Burgess this the Sth, day of January, 19060. Geo BE PRINDIRLE Burgess of Pation Boaroagh ho (i 1 Americ | bress Press bs 1ii« gi . an Pr; Maku Any 3 / carn them at them. Prices Very Write us for crcuia giving hull particulars. Tonerres Pun Co, 1-0 Fifth Ave, s New York. salve offend for De Vie anive DEW es toe om “Aw intiilible : Ginenge iy aid Patton. Cambria Co. sry for § Wo Hoelguing JSINESS DIREGTD GEO. BOONE, SPICE OF THE PEACE CMe Ou 8 ide A Sones fended on H. A SEITZ, Dentist! Office in Young Boilding, next to P.O Patton, Pa. Office Hours 8 Wm. 0 19a and Io tah pom DR. F B. EURNS, Dentist, BAST IN om CAPTEAL PAID LP, gis SURFPL LS, 850,000 of Rete Bar 3 fran eit ot 1 Tet % af lang nd Fu i 4 a A FE Paros Preacher Boarding House. = Vine Street, PHILADELPHIA. Opposite Franklin Square 58% Cambria and county people vis delphia will find this a cos ti Sinemet Yeats a y ik) iiflie treptaad. venient ana Terms 81.60 DOR S. Ww. Worrell, PHISH mith ae LAN AND SURGEONS, Offre in Good Roliding, Room No. & So Ganerst Sovgury and a Ewe 3 Jpeciathy Ad Pade wl Vit! = The Delineator 8 THE: iin wil pene Sarl vIn Aa brid £5 wont WL Woman's Favorite Magazine, (3 FE PEER, Prop'r Parnell & Cowher, Roents Hw and iw ened by the fanonn famiabe its jublishers The Botterick Fa 3 ak Eg toy 1 Wand New York, a ie ise rate id TIPE AND IDENT FIRE ‘ Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAS & SURGEON. 4 ts she seeded hemuly, anil Ere Puan] adie EUGENE {ERA dad lt $3 Given Free Reuel Somerville, £5) enim a AE gi w Cii¥e bn The amd Bailing WH : “FLD FLOWERS : hesinel, wail AVIS, ig { Snag ral Las Pransat ne Pa Fy act Seabed 80 0 BACT and AIGARS 5 Fhuakivan a KR dk rveen I» ELGENE hitsp EORUMERT SOLVENIE FUND PATRICK > Roms Wonrpe 81 LK i 58 4a pd « Ssaga Restanrant on Mage gv : : . RR. dept. ae, tpsvnd max Bol Pr ienbone wy wk Hix ror a yi Let sending i & Core fon, =v = on New 1 Ee St % EBT EY alta 5 iE B SEaTYE DR i Your ea Red aut i a as To pps wii well wovgl prom : he ent at SALI Patent seat ag i Thrraag hs Ba aibenrtised | Fateutk taken C5 RGR ig nk Tug ATMS T Bi ited fat way da © ] ICTR + EVANS & CO. cfatent Aftaraeyy) Evana Building. WASH INGTON. B A FREE PATTERN 8.008 "ont Tia Bowe, «=v 5 Sew Tak Ce, LL end Aen eran gEl ana 3 Creek In <tr ric 1 mate ree The Table Had dams Exp Mai wii Ain i *y AX as Nove 18 pe ils A Renal —~ BR pom % Set EYE REP wt 2 wr ke fri BW i * I snd & 3 w brmviiiog ie Pht a © ww toad fevan WO {naples NE Plitis ENTRY NE hE § of af Jer % tr pee Wes Hal Hot me 3 PUTTY aE sates wis Ponies ab rertrond wend Pht tipuivs ow Costa ding railroad wt totale Hoelwsdir and wd Prats wi Mak fhe ¥ with Lh Cctv onberss sabi wn [Naha Lin. Agen, Ph Agd.. Sh temsatantt. 16 Ne Souk Pennuvivania In afthet Nov. 15, 10. Main Line Lam) Rw 4 opments Fast ward som, Wy iin dae: *, hy 3 Ba x Ee pr yt ¥ : Em Casi aso Bosna eet wow Buys “5 G5 fie 2 Ne We Sun ® a & Clearfield Division. {ape Pasian wR sei ris ewaed Toudve Now (BA NE TOW G0 wt “gh. 2% Naw 5% aE rg Rt ree EE al Re pwn Live ak to Tewesen vores ra nd arvivivg =i Ms tags Viganplteell a) aerivigg at Mansi wad arekell at TR rit Railroad. Amt wand wns § nan Flattest af Ms ain es wy at Au ste He ByrIY Ta 5 poi maT Hes af Mabie Bar £ phere Un ’ 5 #1 cat 3 Aeriviag Fk beer Uae patel Gk S 5. Gt $4 Fudd Tor Mab Yorkin Nis = : Stands Maisons al CPT 8 Se Mist afte 3 beds fr Ma iy MENLO walieng Haiattox . samik, & a Se ET aed PA NW. mi Bowes & Xow Anil x exe pt =a semen Manager Viahatter San iing da IER IAR BN ER Be WA CERErY Cogent Raniada yt oe Mi: am wt TL Be Tomin Nau T Sanday emir meee 184 auling or Mi 4 20 4 % ¢ $rYiving wl MM Co a A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers