The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 25, 1900, Image 3

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    om Fi
ei ein
eure, omd & am a. changed mam
0 I's BANNER SALVE isa ealing Wonder
a A pe
C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
atton Courier.
BoWriny Guepxe. Fattior,
Ere pop, Ene very, En advanien, $i.
Sr Adveradng mites miade BROWER dps 2 Vp
No pay 9g
Alssomtinasd Got all arrears
tiles wt the aption of $e
tent at fhe Postofies at Paitin as sponds
Elms foal: taatter,
Read the Bazaar ad this week.
Patton's political situation is getting
quite warm,
Go to the Bazaar for your valentines.
Comic or fancy:
Geo. B. Bridge, of St. Lawrence, Was
in town Satarday.
Nathan Yingling, of Westover, wax
in Patton Monday.
P. M. Swartz, of Montoursville, was
in Patton Satorday.
John Brown came down from Cres.
son Friday of last week.
Jas. T. Young, of Johnstown, was
calling on trade last week.
Special prices to cash buyers
month at the Cash Groeery.
Charles McCool came
Hastings one day last week.
aver from
Yon save money by buying your
groveries at the Cash Grocery.
© A.J Musser, of Peale, Pa, was 3
| visitor to our town ast Friday.
W. J. Slavene, of DuBois, was cali-
ing on Patton friends Monday.
H. D. Soyster, of Hullidaysburg, was
a welcome visitor to Patton Saturday.
Por apples, onions, oranges bananas,
candy and nuts go to the Cash Grocery.
County Superintendent T. L. Gibson,
of Ebensburg, was in Patton Monday.
Fresh oysters every Tuesday, Thurs:
day dnd Satarday at the Cash Grocery.
John Moran smiles over the arrival
of a bright daughter at his home Kan
R. C. Kaufman, of Altgona, was a
visitor to our town the first of the
P. FP. Proof, of Fredonia, Pa, was in
town Monday looking up the buggy
Mirkin & Kuosner, of the Patton
(lothing Store, received a new safe
last week.
W. B. Gray, of Philipsburg,
among the many visitors here the first
of the week.
Felix Porier came up from the Stone
‘Quarry Satarday and spent a few
hours in town,
Austin Curry, of Five Points, Clear
field coanty, Pa, was seen on our
streets Monday. !
Miss Tillie Stevens, of Loreto, is
visiting friends and relatives in Patton
and vicinity this week.
Don't forget the big redaction on
iadios’ shoes at the Keystone Clothing
& Shoe company's store.
The cheapest place for wall paper,
picture frames and plastico at Fisher's
store near railro ad station,
Postmaster Jackson, af Westover,
was in Patton Monday. He made this
office a short call while here.
If you are hungry drop in tothe
City Restaurant where you can get
everything you wish in the eatible line,
The loense of the hotel Blair, at
Ebensburg, has been transferred by
Judge Barker to his widow, Mrs. TC
Miss Martina Little, of Martinsburg,
W, Va, is visiting with ber COUSINS,
Ed. Frank, Walter and Miss Maggie
Little, this week.
Each package of Putnam Fadeless
Dyé¢ colors either silk, woal or cotton
perfectly at one boiling. Sold by (.
H. Perry, Chest Springs, Pa.
Kee “Little Trixie” and cure that fit
of blues you feel coming on. The rem.
ody is infallible, At Hastings Opera
House Baturday, January 27.
: # of Potter county will vote
on the question of license or no license
at the February. election. At present
there js no liquor license in the county.
your interest to try us,
The politicians are coming to the
to City Restaneant if you are
hnngry. 7
The best tea for the money at the
(lash Grocery.
John Nagle,
town Monday
nf St. Angastine, was in
ER Jackman came down from ar.
rolitown Monday.
Fresh Fish every Thursday, Friday
and Saturday at the Cash Grocery,
H. W. Holden. of Elmira, N. Y., was
in Patton the latter part of last week.
"N. 8. Barnett,
circulating among Patton friends Fri.
RM. Foster, of State College, Pa.
was among the many visitors to Patton
Inst week.
BE. P. Bender of Carrolltown, was in
Patton Monday, and while here made
this office a pleasant call
Gio to the Keystone Clothing & Shoe
company sod avail yourself of the low
prices on shoes ani men’s trousers.
Couneil did not meet Monday even.
ing for lack of goorum.
meeting will be held Monday evening
Janunry 2Mh.
The pleasant weather of the past few
days has almost put any in a notion
of taking a bicycle ride to Altoona or
other nearby towns.
County Commissioner T. M Sheehan
Sheahan took the time to endl on his
Patton friends on that day.
jocs your
Shoeing ?
If we don't it will be to
Annual Clearance
Sale of
‘Ladies’ Shoes.
If vou want to save on Shoes
as you do on Dry Goods and
all other wearing ap
parel, you want to come
here and see this stock
wost wirtide
FUR a :
great bargaims ang
price 18 below the
i" %
wnt of these
He new
ivi) oa
odie Ane
old pn ce, and we guarantee
our old first price, which
1s only one, Lorie
any others.
Our re; gular stock,
ap-todate styles, are selling
now as follows ach
than we can buy thes,
but we clean up ¢e yea!
twice hi what we loose
our Customers gain:
bo Fash Saskn dene Sibi e
te $35 SEWER tidak gl
| 3
{yoy Pegitiar 41 BN Mie
wi 1 on
Special prices on a few single pairs
£4 00 Rhos ut $00
3 50 : § 543
300 2% $e 1 56
2 Bh . 5 1 25
will quote prices
s and Boys’ Shoes in two
Watch or ads.
ony streets Toesdny.
rolltown the first of the week.
of Johnstown, was,
‘ gation, has taken charge of the (ath.
Next regular
of Clearfield township, who has been
st Bbensburg attending to official
duties retorned home Toesiay.
officers of Highland Grange
Tribune :
Hesslutions of f oopeet
We. the undersigned committee
Marevlius Council No, 446, ¥. M 1,
have passed the following:
WHEREAS, 1t bas pleased Almighty
God, the miler of the universe 10
Mrs Margurete, the beloved
Rrother BX. Burns, and as a tribute
JR. Flick, of Altoona, was seen on
Philip Hartzog came down from Car
Francis Wagner, of Glen Uamphwil,
was # visitor to onr town Tresday
James Somerville, of Sylvie, Pa
iutives the first of the week. | remolitions:
Mrs Max Sehleigh and daughter, of Rurns our brother loses a troe and de.
Altoona. Pa. visited at the hot of ported wife
Chas Anna, in Carroll township Bver | Resolved. That with deep sympathy
Sunday. with the bereavest hosband and rein.
jves of the deceased, we expres our
hope that aver so great a lem Lo all
may be pverrnled for good by Him,
Whe dneth all things well: and be it
F R Markle of LaJose Pa, who
was employed by Ralph Tower, the
jeweler, of Patton, for a long Hime, ‘wis
calling on his friends here Monday.
That we
brother oar most sincera
in bis bereavement and that hese reso.
tations be spread on onr minotes and
whe pibdished in the Parton Cor HIER,
Patton Searchlight and Cresson Record
and a copy be presented to our be
tender ta oar
JH. Haber, who has been in Patton
ooking after his interests in the drag
gtowe for the past month, returned to
his home at Gettysborg, Pa, Toesday.
The Keystone Clothing & Shoe oom.
pany bas a pew ad in the COURIER this
week. Look it op and soe the bargsine . ond brother. A Repsnra,
they are offering on men’s tronsen and WJ WEARLAND.
indies’ shoe H 8 Ruex,
Frank Little of the firm of Little Com
Bro¢ , meat merchants of Patton, has
beets vonfined to the home of his par.
ents in Loretts the past (wo weeks
with a severe attack of quinsy.
(i. H. Appleton, Justice of the Peace,
Clarksburg, N. J. says, “DeWitt's
little carly risers are the best pills for
constipation, We ney
Quickly care all
trovblesa 0 W
leer and
Pater Young, who hax been employed
in the lumber woods aronnd Patton for
the last three or four vears, departed
for Pittabarg. Pa, Mdnday, where he
expects to make his future home.
Reliable man for manager of branch
afioe 1 wish to open in this vicinity
sod apening for an energetic sober
Kindly mention this paper when
Rev. 1. J lLadden, the pastor
of the St Anpgustine Catholic congre
Ponce nit
olie congregation at Ehenshurg He writing.
is well and favorably koown among
the {at
AT Morris, Umcionatl, ©
films rntead «
abalogne fils postage
holies of the souniy
Strayer, a former saperintendent
of the schools of Cambria county, bot
Wh # special agent for the
inion Central Life Insurance company,
with offices in Fittabuirg, was a ploss.
ant ealler to Patton one day last week.
The modern and most effective cure
for sonst: pation ated ali
nr fiver troubles
| now :
Ake famous HLH
Wits ttle early
kine, Patton ¢
I want to let the people wha wn ffor
fron rheumatiem and selatien know
that Chamberlain's pain balm relieved
me witer a number of other medicines
and a doctor ad failed. It is the best
lintment 1 have aver known of J A
Dodgen, Alpharetta, Ga Thousands
have heen onred of rheamatian by this
Ome application relieves the
WW. Hodgkins,
pills. known as ime
veers LW Hodge
A pure whiskey agrees with any
foul in fart adds digestion | If tones
the stomach increases the flow of the
gastric juices and so promotes strength
and Bosh A pare whiskey Ike Har.
per Whiskey. Paimer House and W.
A. Medion, Patton, Pa
pain. Por sale by C
Patton Pharmacy.
Han J. J Thomas returned Bosse on
of hist week after having
been the goest of friends among the
Girangers in this section for several
days. He amisted on Monday. Jan,
15th, at the instsliation of the new
Ripans Tabules: for sour stomasch
Ripens Tabules cure dizziness,
Hipans Tabules: pleasant laxative
tipans Tables cure headache
Desde for more than 10.000 acres of =
newly sequired coal tract in the Stony. Special
erenk valey were recorded at Somerset |
lant week, while others are being
handed to the register and recorder on
rapidly as they can be filled out after
reports are made on the rvevs
Keveral corps of engineers are at work
in making the necessary surveys and
Overcoat and
others would be given employment if
they conid be obtained.
An exchange takes the floor to re-
park that next year we may expect {ao
resid something like the followiag in
the dally papers: “About ten o'clock
this morning a horeeloss wagon Joaded : :
with cowless milk collided with a brain. season of the year
lean idler on 8 chainless wheel The here when we must dis
tackles wheelman was badly injured our Clvercoat anc
avd being homed - Was Sake ina Stick. and in order
frienidions, where Lis death was pliniess 7 .
In an boar or hes iE Wik oliey 3 € peop
to make
the 3
bie] cals bo Fone
&: Hoistings rpetm Hoos,
JaGugry ike, Lhe
Ease eixes ow
prosent at Hastings pera Hote,
with May Smith Bobbins an d ber fig
ented aris The ply
#1 juny
maliarany, Riksee md
ER 3 g Pa 3
Harty ing, §1 heen
conipany of
has a tonching story inbud in a br
seftitg of amusing nciients, sturtiiog
DeaRRew and + 4
a Dovey frogs (he tao that 3b od hai ns
Pile elements of 3 meio dona, come
Faron wid: the Sas wal mpc IR
g VoRist
the jit
Yak pe nol
fem aR ic tay
Lahn, star of atieaes
amie Achaia dad
phenaminal dupoer, but
AT, a As Lea
sven ie whieh
cRifFeemy ait
FERRE el ¥
Wie LX
SE grade Reb
® SER ITah
gia od Easelisew ot Eadie
shaky in the
Th wh isl owing Ww ilers Ta
tafe at Paton tor ihe
Janaary 18%
Rove be
tng Thaealay,
Maggie Hillard
Mrs Yana Gilligan
Persons onliing for
¥ ts.
the abwive otlers
sf Lae
will please sly They sre Baye
EA Maio, MM
Move wave dso Maes Eiarmisf
Ant that's
Ww hal §
0g 3
of the Clash Laon.
wifis of
: : 7 Pte Bey vig © ae tee $ Pa fs oF paw
wan calling on Patton friends and re: P memory we ls nder the following
Resolved. That in the death of Mrs.
rss 51
A r Pat
| nderwear
_ We Linve on hand a fll line of Parse
Howe in afl in ta branches, carpets
window shades and matings
Foi SES.
Oak extension tables, # feet long
$4. 2%: iron beds, #4 and up: kitchen
chair, Me sack and sil other fornitare
I pre artion
Evans Sisters, Updertaking and
ante Apes
ti Miners’ Store Coo}
i Ka
'RICES of our
{roexis (Groceries,
ing Loni pany’s
i to be firstc LASS,
low as the
Smake.. * Meats
{ur dried frat sto)
guaiity wi il permit
Sohciting vou patronage,
Very truly,
| wen
the |
Ive heen
Business has
6 rush
i day = We hi
1A <INce
ing lic ¢
inable to
Mo Rcy
13 Count 3
Ou Shook Were
wn Va CO 114
¥ 3
N¢ 85