The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 25, 1900, Image 2
Five hundred back Novels and sold every- for 15 and 2 pay Wr worth we 5 C. A Check given with purchase. Lin Mt which the remains were Lawrence and laid 16 rest in the cenie- tery at that place. Patton Pha rmacy. Opposite School Building Chamber suits, side boards. couches, ockers, mirrors, -upbords, high and low back : sinks. and a full line of iron beds to suit purchascr Very Respectfully, CC. GRENINGER, Mgr. & Gleaned Here and The of health, but shortly suddenly il of paralysis and at & few eorpee. joss a husband, a father, Michael Lire, ever held in the county capital banquet Johnstown. ‘as master of ceremonies as the follow ‘Charch and Masonry” the “Courier” Reporter. Far Primary Eloctiom 10 be Hetil Satasiay, dun, Tiih, 1000, The following bave placed their names on the Republican ticket to be voted for on Satarday at the Primary election and no doubt there will be quite a race, as those running for pominations are all good men: For Burgess John Boyce, FE. P. Me: Cormick, Alex Monteith. For Councilmen Samuel Cornelius and EO. Hartshorn, For School Directors Wm, H. Saul ford and Joseph Taylor. Por Judge of Flection Danie P Jones. Inspector 8. L. Tryin. Aoditor Frank McClure. For High Constable ried Snddenty, Margureite, wife of Eimer Barns, died at her home in Patton Thursday evening of last week, after an iliness ‘of but three hours Mrs Burns prepared supper for ber In the evening hushand and seemed to be in the best aller was taken minates before 12 oiclock she Was & Deceased jenves fo mourn her Sr of CGallitzin, four brothers and three sisters, namely: John and Joseph Drass, Mrs Kate Albright and Mrs. H. RB. Allison, all of 81. Lawrence, Charies Drass, of Coslport; Mrs. Mary Lowmyver, of Chest Springs, aod Mich ast Drass, Jr, of thix place. Faneral services were held Sunday afteraoon Mary's Catholic charch, after taken to 8 The members of Marcelios Council, ¥. M. LL attended in & body, the husband of deceased be- ing associated with that organization. Musas Languet, The annus banquet given by the Masonic fraternity at their temple in Ebensharg last Wednesday night was one of the most successfil banquets J B Denny, who is soon to take charge of Merchants’ hotel in Johnstown, ‘Was caterer. Music wan furnished for the by Pribek’s orobestra of Judge A NV. Barker acted ing tosis were responded to. “Our Departed Brethern,” Alvin Evans “Oar Visiting Brethern,' Dr. Melivar of Pittsburg, who has been a Mason 56 years: “Fraternity,” George M. Wertz, The Ladies,” W. H. Denlinger, “The tie Bey. Mr Lavoxster. Liem Tor Appian Gs week Die W, pes On Weodnesday of ast [ Dowler, assisted by Dr. Bie, of Hastings, and Dr. Worrell, of place, performed an operation on thony Oswald for sppendicitos rane wandn the most violent form tor & few days the palienl's life was despaired of. Up to this writing Mr Oswald has improved as much ax could be expected, when the severity ami the advanced stage of the disease had upon hin, is taken into capstderation. He has many friends in Patton whe fope for his speedy recovery, Ans The and Twa Valuable Doge On Monday Wm, Mellon and Buena) Litzinger, of this place, whi are ers of sore former, hele sve Two English Hare bunting dogs from Boser & Un, of Cotavilie, County, Pa. When the d taken oat of the # PRT SRAYW IS, i fey 54 Loven ¥ans fave af hotel, quite a pum Ent Prono wil them myers ever brought to ¥ wa a ation. Married wl Weslave EB. McCardell, the night of the Pennsvivania railroad company at this place, and Mis Matilda Moore, a prominent Young fady of Westover, were married at the hose of the bride's parents in the latter place last Wer day evening, the Baptist ministe of that place, officiating. The COURIER aldhg with the friends of the bride and groom, wish them & long {bye SETA Yifw Cre FAT pe Nuobive, The annbal k holders of the Pa Association will be held Fellows Hall, Good budding. Pu.. Janvary 30th, al 7:30 o' clos Wa. H. SaNprorb, Sey, meeliig of tron Building The Patton, Pa. Jan. 23, 190. Cmeyeral Fegeiriaal a Dyer: re by Cmwede by the T THE ANNOUNCEMENTS Perhaps the most Hnportant of the manistration stricken hereafler priests may perform Lm cere. this = hey Wh de : 3 Wikre 52 SOME NEW RULES FOS CATHOLICS € nahn Maske by the Ronpent Erpowosnn Sy bent. hue in the Dio which | a Pallon nave fied of changes inn the disoesan decrees vienna By nod of priests Pha diooese, whooh net id {et odwr Paul's Cathedral, Pitsburg, af at Bt phates made ix thal regara fing ihe resting of pews ter church members who do pot reside within the parish. Heretofore it has been the casiom 6 perm parishioners in Ghe congragalion to rent a pow, or bard of 4 pow, in the another parish, and in cases wished the ministry of a priest at their homes they could eall ppon the pustor of the church wherein they rented a pew, Heres fer He will be mllowed to in any f Hm pwn parsh ehvren of where hey Tice HL A pew church sxonpt that gniess by special arrangement with Lhe Bishop ft was decided | thal prienia shall nod go etminks the Tatiia of their parishes in their sini rations, No members of one parish may call upon the privet sf another parish for Aine Thin rode will a py ail ehnrohes, except BO Pau funds dral, That i the ohn ody af EF ee £3] of the diocese, Anvoe renting a pew or part of a pew in the cathedral is parish Te of the cathedral, matter where he resides. Another importa? change was fal regarding mixed ma Fringes. There was 4 clause that prohibited a priest from performing the ceremony in a mixed marriage i any bouse exept ihe paro. ohisl residence. Thin clans has beer off the statutes entirely, andl Ani na mony wedding a Uslibolic to some 01 bane denomination, ia we parochial Tet dence or elsewhere, according to ther pwn judgmedis. Stringent reguiaiiions wers prime i regarding pienies and festivities beriid by churches. Some COnETERALIOnN., oe pecially those made ap of a foreign Cebement, have held modal events which Tasted anti late at night, and at which intoxicating Hguors were usxd. Such events are pot to last after nightfail hereafter, and the se of INLOXICADI prohibited ander © bBeavy | penalty. There has always been a penalty ab tached to the ose of intoxieat HR figuors on such ooCRRGns, bhatt now it is very severe, amounting aimost Go on communication A decision upon the parochini school question will probably resnit in the ervetion of & number of parochial was decide 1 that a) sehocins I every oon 4 possibie Lo speure Another de Shen in it thre shail be pan gre x Ata $y a” lm Oy WRN Aa “kal BN parish anes hy in the fied ther special. perminsion of the Bsbop. A change Wan ale: made in the term iif church committees. They are to be elected for threes years hereafter instend Tus Fe Te eg taal OP A Are way chard WHE of 3 May Favs in Parte Ried The South Fork Record says that about the 10th of Pebroary Dr. GR Glass, Jacob C. Murphy and HC Stineman will take their departure © Portis Hien, T Tey Ris with 1h inten tion of seeing the country aod learns mg that They th the srr do x foun $ in g the onstone In Joely are pleased wi toning ane can decide ou what business Lo én gage in they Ww Haale ene, Dir Gila Friem wh fie Satie (Ya ard a1 feast, wil spitie there. rae be artied i Ge mudd to be fil conse a tae worid & Mimeiy Comspiied 3 of Magen & Yoiepho i men at Spang 31 Priosiia: will Iw £15k] riit inte it £8 £5 ¥ the JM GHIIEE, Chairman. Uk Es VITUS Ley Barna Haran PROCEIM FF FAUMESS INETITUTE Herd at CareiPoaws Fylde and OB Wis mewsdois to Be dws ry The following is the program of the Farmer's lastittte to be beld in Uar rolitaws, Pa. Janney 20th and 30th Monday morning AL 7 a mh. a mpseting of Hw asernhere of the Bate Board of Agricoltore with the iocal aoaniittae will be hedd in the sebool hall Afternoon, io Crrgasiaatinn; mnie: What education does the farmer peed * J. A. Woodward, queries, tarion, 3 KE. Hipos, Equine in tax. oe 5 ation, Joul A. Herr; queries; music Frening, 7.90 Muosie, Se ehnir: Results of experience with com. mercial fertilisers, EH Hess: Our aatural PE ron in the porth he the pounty, John Somerville; gneres REY, How to take care of bouse flowers and pla ate. Miss Annie Sharbaogh. © Hed bodes beneficial to our public Jom Kavior; Toesday murning, 3 oo Mie Hiittie Shartaagh small frat culture, Joel A Herr Is it injurious te both body und mind of branches in our pob LORE pre Benedint's Lh. Ee, soibsarg: Are free ext ac hoois 7 meh poke. Mam, large and dren to aly solide Thal Lhwy we 1 Prat 7 in make Boome aliractive thr fhe rer, Mis Jas A Hoover, Frexdifhig and management of dairy eat tie, BE. H. Hess, quorum ress, Afernoon, | erin: Feomdling for a parpose, J Wandwirt The north of thie ontaniy, we pe ries: saan, Vegntabde garde fog, Miss Fiizabeth Bhasbaogh, Why farmers do not prosper. J Raekeris riche; Lanes and titles, J. Laicd Eider: Barnyard manger, Jord A Horr: De. hoarped cattle, Jom, Parstinsy ho sng. Evening, 740. Masic, St. Benedict s choir: Gowxl roads Fin H How ta care for ponitry, ville and Alex Crieff, Lowes raise sheep, 8. MM. Moklenryy How to a asiness, J. J Thomas) Strawherry cultare, Jobn ¥ Thomas, queries; Schools for the children, J A Wonsdwand | song; esxay, What consti tates good neighborship: al onrnnent. FR Desk {bans Pg was: How 1 Said DALAM reowrilat aon 0 Musi, Miss Hick A feat Reiter the Johny 144 fanoion, finan Dr. Mopar Rr Eg py So ii Freie, fooling Afley Cais § anda HJ Heddiog, general saperintend. sat of the Morrimdale Coal company, lacated at Morrisdale Mines, Pa, wus in Patton Tuesday 20 roule the SOMPRNY operations near here, knows ax the Wigton mities The (i RiER repremtnialive Was informed apon food athority Mz. Hedding i» brite vont 5d La tht the ipnportant os wld i hie violet in a ni} purchases Ett ts the possessions DOW heli to Erraditown, thw by the company Dear The mew drift recently CHI PRR ¥ distanicn above Wigton mine gives much betler faci RPE DE HOW in i pend by & short ties for an increased ouipol, doubt if the purchases of land question are made, loe Derive will be Se Inrgenl vod £40 the A igTan Tu ope of pperstions a he of 3 RK. OMew The folowing ellewrs Pater Kavior Powt, Grand He 3 ch G af bwenfesant Artuy of the receniay Ey teres John 1 Jes A Nagle, 5 Bare. IN andi were installed the ensuing Lites, cosnmander; Vv oeammander, XE mandier: JN. Nagi quartermaster, WOH OH Bell asliatant fs Wo Cassady, chaplain; John Gants, sergeant iflbeer of 100 day: CLAN ison Boe, fey Ww HH H BH prepares LR “is EWA Sarna E nmin, x Sah ed 8 th x Paiva entrain ik Lagat ey {the Lie WE Sve Meow Phrnigg st " fe NER hk } Perer Niinger, of Braldervas Fa. ga IAT Pree saa Pee Lael ae Silvie 3% Tw nstrovtions begin rea, tern gue mldeess 3 SSR ward, dpoang Por ests Hexay Bo MOYER, Director. wid May £3 Pit Faabuey rg bie Giarier : “the rads 1 THON New Y or K PE Quen Batld a Roaa ERIE TO JOHNSTOWN. Famsiiriine Kadina Bounty os Fells are Tikewdy tor be [mvehigmt. A great trunk line, extending from Erie to Johnstown, snd sutlined for development ln Pennsyl varia this Year, says come one of the standard grain and ore reasten, should the New York onpitai. stn determine 0 execate the plans they have hewn working upon for yeas. A hraneh will peach Pittaburgt and a new outlet to the Chesapeake and the Atlan. tie seaboard will be given that ity. The pew ine is sail to be projected “hy New York capitalist, one of whom ie John B Melrnald, the conlrscior who recently received the pontract for constructing the great tration band in New York. Ilscioded i the scheme # a proposed line from Black Lick sta near Blairsville, to Pitsburg, en tering the city by way of the Pittsbarg snd Western, FPittsbarg Jane tin and Baltimore and Ohio rallrosd The possibilities of such a rosd are thought to be soormots by railroad men, who have beer studying the il. Bataan. Licun, thar The road would form a pew short Hine bet ween the Urea Lakes and tide water and wonld open a new route for the transportation of gre. grain and coal. It wend be only 10 wm fm ane, hut would develop one of the largest oval elds in Western Ienosiivania wil the tami in indiana county amd jarge blocks in Usmbria, comprising altogether about acres, bave been lonmnl, and the Cambria Jron company in anticipation of the gonshrocti the rosd, will this summer spend from «ix to eight mitlions in improvements avd extensions Near! x Shad Ir iw anid that the Casha compRoy hax already made a contract with Ihe New York capitals t tr have delivered + 00, DE tans of ore sundly for twenty : years This will put the Cambria com- ny on 8 more inants with the o De gin Stet Company, Limited, with Sen regard lore rates Sreusld the branch Baile a nein sulle ta bone be given the aller foclnded in the plans is a giant steel plant at Erie thal will close 30 &5 006 oo. The road will be aw siraighi as have low grades. Jest heck af the greet i» AiMenit to earn, bot tse nama of John RB. MeDonald, who got the FKiS000 000 tangel contract, i linked with those of flue Sra. Land agents and right af way men Dave busy geting preteqowr of easing for Enough nae aked ong Go weaboard wonid cet ved et aber nd ¥ Wi tin why ie ean property under ott and gas pemvines those who bavi Deeg LS fhat the big rad Miwchell = di yr rye Dat ing the negotiations road ta to be baal. J. L cual operator, formeriy of now of Philadelphia, has been TE LET al af has re sell hi 12,000 goal Canbria The proposed trunk Hoe will onl thro Mitac huid that the name of Melooald bas ap find Lo land in cominty, bal fivmrid gh his dekd ameris peared (in Lhe Hegutia tons avid 2 Ley est y be diamd ict Mita taints, recently 31 A believes THEE LAG: siding PA New Yoru He thinks wet tinnd har are interested 10 ID reid that the Xbawmn which was built by Cpsigressman Ar ryt Ea ChE Pal ane his partner nauk Mavs by ean weed naLRisy Jefferson ool rtenslivo EA foadias ew paired pila wich has L PREITY sich Taciiilaom OAD eXUREREH Th robust the whee bases and v =f mew Compan’ Bie clutter of the Erle, Usiab Harpe? RRA Fever Tirapsville tanproad vere Agu, bat Law Wis Thos company lias in Trgsvilie, un New ¥ and $5 iA ¥ rabirouml. Alnpgt mites of the roadbed were jfrmaed, | Wester were never hud The bad said to be in good condition amd cup linking the Great Lakes to the Chesapeake by & new ; route is one of the impartint projects’ hus asked the sity ther Pittaborg Dispatoh. The road will he Bit with low grades and few curves and will be | breamely Ohio is expected 10 be the open sesame. 120,006 purchased outright or wrmer, Carroll township: Lit armer, EW able of sorting for a mulers fine af 8 Temall expeeiee The rontes as nearly as can he amcor tainand at tive time, will mn from Erie fhroighs Lpben to Towmesia, wm bridge torn and Titvevitie, ty a bridge acrom the Allegheny river, then to Cooks burg, in larion county, where the Clarion river wil be bridged The road] will run from there to Brookville and Punxsotawney, runsing sbont five hve where 5 Blab wit oon mien sant of Todiane, witht to Jolmstown, peel with the Ronferset branch of the Baltimore and Ohio radiroad. This world gies it an entrance fo the Chol peake. The company, it stated, has purchased the Reed docks, at Brie, and for 30 watey fale or harbor spies on Presgae [de bay. Probably the most diffionit part of the projet will be to hatld the ros fran Black Lick to Pittsburg. En- teases into Piltsborg proper is ex fami, Hut the Haltimore and It will surprise Pittsburgers to know that ihe divikon to Pitisbarg from Black Link station has siready been -sorveyed fo the Baltimore and Ohio pam get depot. NORTH CAMBRUL JURORS Ferm of Cosrt Pawo From Pal bere “Phe following jist of jurors of North Cambria county bas been drawn for thie Maroh term of Court at Ebensbarg. tirand Jury Davia, Thomas, gentle min, Ebonsborg: Hite, George, farmer, Allegheny township : Traverse Jurors First Week Bar ger. OC Fl. merchant. Fbeasborg: Car sidly, ltobert, farmer, Clearfiold gownshif: Conley, Jus. P. dispateber, Cresson township: Davie, George, farmer, Reade rawnship Eberley, ABE. merchant, Munster township; Gil Philip, larmer, Chest township; Gar man. Piter, farmer. Chest township: Harriss, Walter 5. clerk, Barnes tare; Haghes, Jonatbah, laborer, Car- roll township: Kibler, Philip, farmer, Chest township: Kaylor, Louie E, farmer, Allegheny township, Leslie Jab, laborer, Spangler; Lastzy, Mich. al farmer. Barr township; Fope, James. mine boss, Patton; Sharron, Jan, fhrmer, Clearfield township: Swanson, Charles, miner, Elder town- ship; Troxell, Lemuel, farmer, Reade sownabiip Pies fon Marel Second Week farmer, Clearfield township: Beiter, Wm. farmer, Mun. ster township: Bennett, Sherdian, farmer, Carroll township, Bannaa, H. Ji. prelmaster, forettn: Carney. Daniel J, farmer, Allegheny Sownship: Conwsyp. Henry, farter, Galittain township: Fox, Joseph, Hveryman, ger: Leray, War A. farmer, Car: pall tosenship: Geombling, A. A. mer thant. Bamesbors; Jones John, painter, Galliten: Kirkpatrick, Amos, Little, LL. M., painter, Loretto, Miller, Jas T farmer, township: MeGaing Wom, Allegheny township: Rice, F. A. clerk, Hastings, Smale, Eiwer, sherk, Patton Weston, Joseph, clerk, Galtitgin Travis Jurors, Hidams, Ueraid, arrall Lovell Dhstitibe send ireeditate held at Fanars aren, io be Following s the aid seam. Welcome,” Ww. ponse, RE Dunegan. acher” more Theres will bea Aa nesting on afploeR debate YW Sh the stiocess of the teacher tadent or x Memiati LL. D Gibson, px Se gutive ¥ 3 Kit. ackidress hy Super Gibson: Primary Punegan: “Lee af Rose Lyseh, afterBons Cegiia pares with teacher Crank Callabaa. Pars 4 learning sve Rinsdly Brag songs Exoeills 4 + bp OR A iiaiines De Riary 5 arta Hiatiue sd Sates SX Be, eS Se I RAYE BRAT ATAE a a BR & i Hv aRiedis SS Th a Komi wdisp aed Ea Irs Fugen J. 5a ilnonsport, is jeting as assitant ta J. © Craw supervisor of the Cambris & Pheision of the Pennsyivania goh increased traffic has made the work for that iL netesss tated widitionsd help Me Uo Comes nightly recommended a4 2 pentleman io exery Toma : td lear fell raiire aad : yo thin d he Mpa ised HOARY the 3 xy. ’ =k Gis Patton Eng ae and new Pauses ewd a Samos ine silt. Via CPEs hi jeweler Haat a {in his establish PEBARE alles power ovo Pe pa 193 Webster apse CHIR enRgHte, ang iE ae writer that ETN ICH and will greally ag a Mm manntact uring the smaller parts of bicycles, ete. exUeiaent