EB Wis. £. Be Fabttor, his rival bad apparent taken op arms inst the same railroad be wrote the am passenger agent enclosing a wopy of the other paper and calling at. tention to bow anpopainr the KR wits being made by the attitode of the Boomer The genera! passenger agent replied # “hear Sir While we are sorry that you broke off your contract with os we wish to thank you for the attractive form of advertisement which you bave tevin ronning free for us We re guested the editor of the sare form and have agreed to pay him for additional space in cash or trans portation.’ BOERISMS. No newspapers are allowed to go oul of the Transvaal “The Boers have sworn death to all ritish lancers,” snys a letter fPom a Dutchman. The Boers are very much afraid of “the searchlight. They msked an Englishman who has since arrived at Kimberley many questions about it, enpecially whether it penetrated kopjes They also inquired whether the British ‘had guns which fired shells round corn. ers of rocks and hills. The Boer women are socostomed to the men in domestic labor of all kinds When the men are called away to fight with the army, the women go right along with the work of the farms, and has insure ap abundances of supplies TrE Pennsylvania Division of the LL. A.W. starts in well thie year The of jai - figures from Secretary Bareett, Boston, slate to be 1661 ahead of New York, with a total membership of 11.868 New York's figures being 10,097. The Selins, Ga, writes, CE REPUBLICANS. total membership for week ending Jan gary 12, is 50, 208% I. T. Travis, Agent Sonthern RK. “Tan not say 100 mach in praise to ong minate ooagh care. In my case 8 worked like a charm.’ The only harmless remedy that gives immediate resolts. Cares coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and ii throat and lung tecobls. CW {odgkins, Patton Pharmacy, Dentist Wanted. Good opportonity for a dentist. Dental room in Good bailding for rent lately occupied by Dr. Chase. For The Republican Primary Election of terms write or apply to G. 8 Good, Patton Borough will be held on SAT- Pp AY, JANUARY 27TH, 1900, be tween the hours of 2 and 7 o'clock p. m. at the regular polling place, to nom- toate candidates for the various By order of the Republican Borough A. BE MONTEITH, Chairman, | HOW THE CHURCHES GROW. In spite of the fact that every now and then some one announces the decay of the Christian chaoreh in in fluence and nambers, that body seems to be constantly on the march, and not going Imckward, certainly, so far #8 numbers are concerned. Fach year shows mon: members, more ministers, and more chnreh edifices than the year before, and while at tirnes this increase is not commensurate with the saps ported growth in population, at others it consideribiy exceeds it. From the New York Independent, which makes a biasiness to collect and tabulate the statistics on this sobiject each year, are taken the following figures for 19949 in the United States: HE Mendy Ahad bes Ha i Pe 3 1h * ELT. 30 rod gE Hh 4 none ant Nority notes that dur i g the venr just passed there is a general increase of one per cent. in membership, three per cent. in the pamber of ministers, and that 3,711 new churches were erected. The whole her of church members in this conntry in 1809 was 7.710000, while the Sunday School pupils numbered about one-third as many. SOME OUEER ADVERYIHING. Prom Phish cg Post, Once upon a time when a man run. ning a small country daily with 400 of ‘a circalation persisted in asking for bushels of transportation from a West. ern railroad he was one day refused by the genera) passenger agent and in his wrath the editor cut out the regular ad ang inserted in a large blank space the following. CRACRED TO THE MEMORY OF THE RR TIME CARD, NO FREE ADVERTISEMENTS RUN : PAPER," : The queer-looking and amusingly- worded ad attracted a great deal of at- | tention and finally the general passen- NIN THis Patton, Pa Mavisg 8 Great Rus em Chamberlain's Comgh Rewerdy Manager Martin, of the Pierson drog store, informa us that be Is baving a great ron on Chamberinin's cough remedy, He mils five bottles of that medicine to one of any other kind, and | it gives great satisfaction. In thems days of 1a grippe there Is nothing like Chamberlain's cough remedy to sop | the cough, beal up the sore throat and lange and give relief within a very short time. The salem sre growing, and all who try it are pleased with its prompt action. -Soath Chisago Daily Calamet. For saleby C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. DICKERS mw am) Deeds Recorded at Khensharg sp + Eure Frday, Jasnaary 18, Guardian of Janes { MoCloskey ot al to John © Beéiter, Munster; sideration, $450 Jennie M. Notley of vir v0 8. B King. Barnesboro, §8 500. Barbara Eastmun Uarroiltown, $1 Jone ph Hogue to William Hogue, jegheny, B1 500. John W. Kephart, Master, 10 Samuel CEE tao Ellen Waits, A Lewis -Barpesboro, #1. Mamuel A Lewis ot ux. to ¥ Barker, Barnesboro, $54. Jobn leonard Yeokiey Yeckley, Gallitzin borough, $1 Administrator of John Kelly, Bheriff of Cambria cosnty, to Rarker, Jackson, $1 0x 1. A Schaefer to F Cer, Barr, 88.000, Antie Mellon to Janes Mellon, fon, $00. Jotin 8 Hobb ot ux ter et al Cresson, $2 Frederick Artie of Nod, Carroll, $143 John J. Hank ti Peter © rod], $350 DA Luther, Jr, et ux. P. Reed, Usrrodi, $230 DA Luther, Jr. ot ox P Reed, Carroll, $253 John Price ot ux to Bdward P. Reed, Carroll, $233 Gallitzin Myo, hy the Treasurer of Cambria county, to Commissioners of Cambria county. Tunnelhill, Gallitzin Myers, by the Commissdon- ers of Cambria county, M Rose, Tunnelhill, $5 Assignee of Margaret A Annie M. Boley, Uresson, $140. to by the F H H. Clement &, Pat. HN ax io Peter fas ¥ ad Jobin Burk to Assignee of Margaret A Bork tw Annie Boley, Cresson, $155 Heirs of Hugh Gallagher to Jobn Gallagher, Gallitzin township, $2%. John Gallagher et ux to Augustine | Bekenrode, Gallitiin township, $200. Augustine Eckenrode to Alice Gal | lagher, Gallitzin township, $1. ot pee the Mexino. Creneral Lphia aesint in tilling the sail and joining with in showing the Keystone ewe that i im not only Mary papers i 0 Hiv Bard flomile Noel, Car Edward Edward : : Hodgkins guarantees every ottie of Chamberigin’s congh remedy and will refand the money to suy one who iu not tise afer asing tee thirds oft Bp 3 This is tie hot rearsedty in thei world fir la grippe, ooughs. colds, ard whoops, 2 eongh and is (leasant sr It prevents any tendancy of & ooid 0 pest in poenoionie FT Toomey 8 O68 Moya The Pennsyivania raiiroad company has arranged for a special personally ponducted tour through (7d Mexun by specinl Poiimen traio of parior sms ol ing, dining. sleeping, compartment, anal Ame realion Cars, ave Now York and Philadeipbia Fetroary 1a, visiting ail the principal pednts of io terest in Land of Montesnma, and spending five days tho Ronnd-trip ox pe. Tus thee ek ola, oper sil neesssary Taw points on the Pennsyivania ratirosd For farther information apply to tivket sents, Toariel Agent. 1198 Broadway, New York: 4 Court street, Brookiyn:. 789 Brosd street, Newark, N J.B Consrlascder, Jr, Paswenger Agant, Baitimore [Metric Baltimore Md Colin Sendeds, Passer ger mgrent. Soaglh- eastern District, Washington, Db 0 Thos FE Warr Passenger Apent Western District, Pittsburg, Pa; or addins wc, W Boyd, Assistant Passenger Agent, Fhisdeb Fogo Fa. cmth that i entirely hy after che Set. Levpanton, writes, 14 Take my prasa mona CHIR BH oure J. 1 Berry, HT oan willing was chired of the tise of one gitiute o doctors failed. It also cored my ¢ ren of whooping cough’ Petey snd cores conghs onlds, cron gripe and Hr wt and lung troubles Chibi fren o j it i may 3 dike Mothers endorse W. Hodgkins, Patton Phar cheep rust rahe iw} TS fhe Lon It has beer: in every stale many foreign Inin's remph remedy ars eure lor oroap the universal rereedy | diwcame. M,N Pisber of Litwin? Va, only repeats what Las heen s said around the globe when he writex 1 have peed Chamberlain's congh remedy in my family for several years and always with perfect sucress. We be the best rotigh i & sure cure for ro feel ini peaniries that PErtain pre Fe. Liam wt mA verti ve beanie remedy, but that it croup. I has saved of mar children a number of times” Ths remedy is for sale by OC. WW. Hodgkins Patton Pharmacy. the LGyewm Lewis Dennis Salem, Ind, says “Kodo! dyspepsia core did me more good than anything I ever took.” It digests what you eat and orn not heap bat cure dyspepsia troubles. C. W. Hodgkins Patios Announcements. FOR SHERIFF <1 bereby myself ax a candidate fur the nomination lor Rueriff al ihe oraning Reptblican Convention. sab jert to the rules of the party. T.M RICH POR SHERIFF 1 hereby asnogsce myself as a candidate fur the nomi sation for Sherif at the cumming Res publican Convention, sabi? lo The risiem of the party ARDS ARDS EE Jan, Ii 19a AN IN Fheusburgy, Pa Mow's Thin’ DO YOU GET up WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost svervhody who regds in eorw ro whew of ssp an SO a ade 5 7 WRIT “i in so mary ways, in} pra wa om a eRe C ohase relied av # gerd free by mare About Sas erirs fur my health and fife: my of lavig trouble foil " te nme their wh phi a on 4 & it AnreR any prompt alien Rens HIER RUE avert mle penile Patton: Pharmac ests what you eat. artificially digests the fond snd aide Natore in strepgihening and recone structing the exhausted digestive or gans. 11 ix the latest discovered digest. ant and tonic. Nao other preparation ran approach is in eieleney. 3s in- tantly relieves Art S2 Dyspepsia, Indigest Atgence, Soar St Sick Fleaduchs, Ostia: C Tramps. aod © all other resulta of (miperfort digestion. FPrepored by EC Dewitt A Co. Chivepn. £3 Hodges, Patter Pharma yy. i 3 Cheap John Store! GROCERIES, Canned Goods, Etc. Flour and Feed ame F 2 tay Correct. iocated store JOHN _GANTZ Proprietor. And stom new A + gu Wine: a 1 2 HE EE xy » A ey ads EE i 1 somminded too highly. It eared 1 me of severe dyspepsia” ie digests what yoo eat sed cares indi a hemrthorn sod all forms of {2 4 TEPER. XL» ERY, MEDIC IN | Pig We Ee Drug Store, PATTON, PA oom pein ad CHG Fre a wtrciale Laundry Work. ta share of TS Please give me a cali. Gartield Wilkins. Good Offerings. Toilet soap 3 wrapped cakes for { soond anadry sap 14 ph i Alarm clos at v Large Sday clowk for Large comforts 1d close of Aitowy i Blankets, Laution’ dren shosw o£ Childaen’ #% abioem at 180 ind Bis Men's sndersbirt or drawers per pair and Learn Our Price THE BAZAAR, i 3 S. Brady, Prope Patton, Pu | gpd & Having ‘Som eannat do better the to call on ee Eatimate freely given. tf 5 tk W. Hodgkins, Patton Ow Stodgiion. Patton. Pharmsaey. opened a Plumbing, Tinniug and Hardware Establishment Magee time occ rirk Hdw r below First) ank. we are pre- Se all kids of £583 avinge, at ane med by the I BE Co LE gE sued Dare Reming, | gi manner any # our ine m town of a Yonr patronage 1s ayia we promise tor satisfaction m as good as reerfoct perio? detati C.Harper(Co. Patton, Pa. every Thed. #1 a vour eves Free and furnsh Spectacles as low as &1. Lenses can he exchanged any time WiIthI A Vedr. won guaranteed tanded. TOZER, The Patton Jeweler. ENT LOWE Ea 0 Ie en Wie iL Reh Sa Prices ~AT THE. ». * pn Geo. Langbein. eto NLS a5 GEO. LANGBEIN, Patton, Pa.