The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 18, 1900, Image 4

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    ‘Guaranteed Preparation.
2 SALVE is a Healing Wonder.
| C.K Fork, of Altoona, was a Patton
visitor Monday.
SUL ee aye GEREN, Ration,
| Ome eopy, one yer, in advance, ccc 3100
i) Advertsing pation ronade ROWS pon ape
a antes ot the option of The
Entered AL the PostoMios at Priton as second
Go to City Restagrant if you are
Er. :
own Monday.
There are 5.400 square miles of coal
flelds in Great Britain.
Irvin G. Grenninger spent Sunday
Fresh Fish every Thursday, Friday
and Satarday a the Cash Grocery.
Mrs. Wm. Yeckley and danghter
Were visitors to Gallitein over Sunday.
andy and nuts go to the Cash Grocery.
Michael Stoltz and wife, of Ebens.
burg, were visiting friends in this place
Sanday. a
W. O. Bracken and J. J. Kinoey, of
Galtitain, were in this place Friday on
val BE. Ashton, of Syracuse, N. Y.,
J the guest of hia uncle, Chas. W. Hody-
dl The cheapest place for wall paper,
pict re frames and plastico at Fisher's
Wore near railroad station,
Miss Mary Mulcahey, of Ebensburg,
visiting in Patton this week, the
guest of Mis Gertrude Noonan,
See “Littl Trizle” and enjoy an
evening of fon and recreation. At
Hastings Opera House January 27.
Instead of an’ engagement ring the
Japanese lover gives hin sweetheart a
ploce of beautiful silk for her sash.
If you are huogry drop in to the
ity Restaurant where you oan get
everything yon wish in the eatible line
| Mids Alice Young, who has been
visiting friends in Johnstown the past
two months, retarned home one day
Bdwid Lewis, of Johnstown, was run
down by Mail Express and instantly
Jed at the stone bridge in that city
last Tharsday.
Bach package of Putnam Fadelow
Dye colors either silk, wool or cotton
erfectly at one buolling. Sold by ©.
H. Perry, Chest Springs. Pa,
3 Jobn Kirby, formerly employed by
the P. BR. R. as telegraph operator i
this piace, who is now located at Twin
Rocks, Pa, called on Patton friends
The Penfold News is the litest ad-
dition to our exchange list. It is not a
jarge journal, but its four pages are
well supplied with good resding mat
ter. Here's success to Editor Chamb
Editor Benton K. Thompson, of the
Glen Campbell Journal, and Mise Clara
1. North, of Covode, were married at
the home of the bride recently. They
ve taken up their residence at Glen
"HH. A. Eoglebart, the well-known
_ elérk at the Mountain hoase for several
years past, will take charge of that
‘hotel as landlord when J. RB. Denny
leaves to take possession of the Mer
2 chants’ hotel in Johnstown. — Ebens-
inh Lewis Dennis, Salem, Ind, says,
Kodo! dyspepsia cure did me mare
_good than anything 1 ever took.” It
digests what you eat and oan not help
but care dyspepsia and stomach
ropbles, CW. Hodgkins, Patron
_ Herman Wills, of Ashville, this
discontinued anti Kil arrear ;
Ramuel Kelly, of Chest Springs, was
seen in onr town Monday.
Attorney Somerville made a trip to
the county seat Monday.
Lonis Kall, of Conneiisvilis, Pa, was
in Patton on bosipess Monday
You save money hy boying your
groceries at the Cash Grovery,
; The well-known Oronse hotel, of
South Fork, changed handle last week,
Thos Peach, the well-known livery:
i min, of Ebensburg, drove down to
| Patton Satarday.
Ris rumored that a bark will be es.
tablished at South Fork in the near
"Require Schroth sod Harry Scanlan,
of Carrolitown, were seen on ony
streets Sunday.
A.W. Lieb, of Nicktown, was gireo-
lating among Patton friendly and
_pelatives Satarday.
Mr. and Mre A. OC Fisher and daugh-
tar spent Sunday at Nicktown visiting
friends and relatives,
John Danielson, of Viatondale, form-
erly a resident of Palton, was calling
| on friends bere Monday.
Mrs. HP. Dowlesy of Patchinville,
Pa. was the guest of ber daughter,
Mrs. EO. Hartahorn, over Sunday.
Ex-Governor Hastings, Col Spang
jor and Jas. A. McClain were among
the distinguished visitors to Hastings
one day last week.
Dudley Hartahorne and sistex Edna,
of Curwensville, sre visiting at the
home of their brother, EB. O. Harts
bors, of Beech avenue.
See “Tittle Trixie” and cure that fit
of blues yon fee! coming om. The ren.
ody is infallible, At Hastings rpms
House Saturday, Janvary 27.
Bees are said to son an enormoos dis
tance, When absent from their hives
they go up in she sir until they we
their home, and then fy toward it in a
straight line.
Hon Wo P. Reese, of Johnstown,
ex member of the Penosylvania State
Legislature, and W. H. Morris, aiso a
prominent citigen of that city, were
visitors to vor town Setarday.
Dr. H, Somerville of Chest Springs,
was elected second vice-president of
the Cambria Coonty Medical Society
at the meeting and banquet beld at
Johnatorsn last Thursday night.
Joba LI. Sexton, of the Blossburg
Advertiser, was in Patton the first
the week looking up the interests of
that progressive puper. Mr Sexton
made the Covsgrn office a pleasant
gall while here,
ith any
It tones
A pitre whiskey agrees
food, i fact aids digestion
the stomach, increas the tow of the
gastric jai and so promotes strengl bi
and flesh, A pure whisk) ti ihux
per Whiskey. Palmer House and Ww.
A. Mellon, Patton, Pa
Having had namerous calls of yoang
jadies to learn to sew, 1 will give the
opportunity by Fetiruary, if a certain
pumber will be assured. Will teach
correct method amd seaming from a
straight hem to a perfect fitting jacket
For further particulars call
Mrs FE Usoney, Patton, Pa
AES wee
In Japan a rafbway teain was blown
from a boeidge resents
sisted of two loenmotives, Hires freight
cars and TWO passetiger Cars (RITYING
80 passengers. While crossing au sent
bridge the whole train, with the excep
tion of the Blown
from the bridge into the stream below,
joreanalives, Was
Indiana eonnty officials declare that
the new move of the County Commis
sioners in having prisoners work os
the streets and roads of the county
works with entire satisfaction. This
week Judge White added Conrad Mo
Dermott and Sesmoar Paniap to the
foros, the men having been conv ieted
of entering a story and siealing & small
quantity of goods.
: ‘county, died at the Mercy Hospital,
Pittaburg, Thursday morniig of last
at the Shiffler bridge works Iast Satar
week, as the result of injuries received
_ day. He was found on that day at the
_ hottom of an elevator shaft with his
skull I crushed. He was only 17 years
Lately occupied
{terms write or apply to G. 8. Good,
P. H. Walls, general manager of the
large coal operations at Frugality, Pa,
was in Patton Toesday, and while here
made this offos a pleasant call.
Mervin Lewis, who was acting in the
‘capacity of clerk in Pitt & Seeley's
store for several months, has accepted
a position in the Inboratery of the Cam-
‘ bria Steel company at Johnstown. The
Cormier wishes him much success in
his pew position,
Shocirid of Trade Meeting
The Patton Board of Trade met in
regular session last Friday evening per
call of the secretary. The following
bills were presented and instructions
given for orders to be drawn for same:
JF Parnell, $448; W. {* Hubbard
g1.87; BEd A Mellon, gia IL. Gold
stein. F122 The following resotntion,
which was nnanimously adopted, was
recommended to the Barongh Coansil
Whereas, The Patton Ulay Manufac-
turing company are now eontem plat
ing an extension of their manufactoring
plant, embracing a hrick addition to
their present butiding, and the erect fon
from four to six new kilns and the
necessary machinery to increass their
present output from 50 to 78 per cent.
and necemarily a corresponding in
orease: of the number of men employed,
be it
Resolved That in order to encourage
stich enterprises, and xe an inducement
to new enterprises of snch character as
will prove a benefit to onr town, and
to promote similar expansion, the Pal.
ton Board of Trade, respectfully sug.
gests anid recotnmends to the Borough
Councd] that an extension of the pros.
ent exoneration of Boroagh taxes lo
“dhe anid Patton Clay Manufactoring
sompany, be granted for a furt her
period of five yours from the expiration
of the time covered by their present
Resolved. That a copy of theese reso.
Jations be resented to the Borough
Council of Patton, Pa, by the sscrelary
of our board, for their ation.
Respectfully submitted,
En A MrrLoN,
See’ y Board of Trade.
Meer Fostalbisd
Af the last regolar meeting of Mar
cellus poanail, Noo #48 Y. M. 1, Install
ing OfMeer M. M. Nolen installed i]
following ofoers for a term of one
year: F. X Bagman, president; M.
McTigue, second vice president; C F
Lehman, financial secretary; C. A
Repsher, recording secretary, Ww.
Wenkland, treasurer. Geo Gearheart,
marshal: FS Yingling. loside sentinel,
A Storm. outside sentinel: H 8. Boog,
A. Burkey, J. R Cordell, P. Biller, exe:
cutive committee. This council of the
Y M 1 isin a flourishing condition,
having a membership of 86. The finan.
cial part is in very good standing,
showing & cash balance of $538.00, a net
gaia over last garter of $22.60 Mar.
celine council pays $5 per week sick
henefite and has ite rooms in the Buck
building nieely furnished. Every
Catholic young man in this community
shogld beenme 3 member of Lhis organ.
ization. X X
A Brave Dow ard
The Chicago & Nogfh Western rail
WAY company announces the pubiica-
tion of & thedling story of campaigning
in the Philippines, entitled "A Brave
Coward” The famous battle of Ma
late, the charge at La Loma, a love
romance, the carver of the Tenth
Pennsylvania at Manila and in Loson,
the conquering of cowardice by a
young Pennsylvanian, are all inter
woven inte nne of the most delightfil
wsort stories of the hour yet sete]
fs common with the first Nebraska,
the Thirteenth Minnesota, iah
and Ovegon men and the Taenteth
Kansas, the Tenth Pennsylvania wale
history in the war against Aguivaido
The tale is superbly illustrated with
* Pa
. .
tones, printed in convenient for
dred weil be Drwarded to any Redes
on peesipt of # canta in postage by W
B Keiskern. 22 Fifth Avenue, {hioagn
Bie Pander Bead
It is announced that two important
B08 wn eh Ya a 5 i ¥ 3 iy x .
pireider Tanase i bhus HOEY
Barve been mane The frst JJeal to be
recorded fs that by which the Babeock
Y amber company, of WINTER
Couseasion of A000 aores of amd form
erly owned by the Cambria Luamber
company Thus land = adong lear
RE gde (reek, in Somerset coninty, mind
very rich in Anest timbers. In addi
tion to this purchase the Babeock Lam
bwip company Has Boa hid FEN) A0ree OF
d belonging to the Parker,
Harrison amd Packer
tale is shared in by Congressman Hor.
are Packer, of Unindersport, Potter
sonnty, Another is Louis Plack's pur
chase of 1.900 acres on the Soath Pork
Cronk in Summerhill towshipe Uharies
$f rome was the owner of the tract
The price of the transfer is given al
go AL 75
sivaire of RG
x ks 7
erlale his es
fv 10 own Rowe © ?
The Lioydsviile miners, it is claimed,
have been promised a 10 per cent. muse
on the first day of April Whether
they will he satisfiad with his sdvanoe
depends entirely on the action! the
Indianapolis convention. From the
pensral appearsnees of dogs the
mining district pf the wmonttain, there
senrns to be ni desire whatever to take
any other action than Pow be
capctioned by the great gathering ot
representatives of the apited Sine
Workers of America at Indiasapelis.
Pgh. Dispateh.
Pentist Wantod,
(rood opportunity for a dentist,
Dental room in Good building for rent
by Dr. Chase. For
- Patton, Pa.
Go to the Bazaar for yonr valentines.
awptied by on Wide A wake Corvesprmtont |
from the Tearfietd Connty Towe. :
When youn meet a bevy of pretly
irivis alwiirs blow your cigarette smoke
in their faces: They enjoy it.
Mise Maggie Michael, of Wankesha,
in visiting ber sister, Mm. H. Lowman.
[ii health caused Mise Olive W.
Berkey to return home from Alum
Bank where ashe for some time past,
has had charge of the postoffice.
Fighty dollars wire subscribed by
charitably inclined people for the pur.
poe of stecting a monument over the
grave of the iate Samme! Neff, of
A blowout caused the tannery people
to rest Monday the first day off for
the hoya wines November nh.
(laws Dlowers here inst week. As
nual the select few got the valuable
presents; others got the cigar holders,
glass pens and sun glasses.
Four months of school gone. how
much do you know ?
John Toser wants to sell his property
while the boom ix on. Beller stay
with us, Jobn
Hownni Fry bas had shipped to this
place A cur of Jime.
What ive will ase in lees than two
years: Fifty coke ovens, a new meat
murketl: 8 new blacksmith shop: a new
railroad op the east side of Chest
Creek: over one thonsand men em.
ployed, and among them there will be
a few lies Slave and Huns, with a
ght sprinkling of Polanders: slectric
fights at all the bosiness places and on
all the stpest corners: Lannery ronning
full time
[want to let the people who suffer
fron rheumatism and sciaticn know
shut Chamberlain's pain balm relieved
me after a number of (ther medicines
and & doctor had failed. It bs the best
Uniment | have ever known of J. A,
Dodgen. Alpharetta, Ga Thousands
have heen cured of rheamatiam by this
One application relieves the
WwW. Hodgkins,
pain. For sale by CO
Patton Pharmacy.
ast t o Cenn yy Heodolle
The following have taken cut Inwinl
permits to wed recently: John
Penrod. of Sooth Fork, and Treva
Reile Grafs, Barnesboro Thom Ma
joy, and Mary Farrell, Patton; James
Warner, {lresssn, aml Josephine
Biller, Ebensburg: Joseph Sierba,
and Nastazgijo Pettrocako, Barnesbora:
Jomeph Warrender and Elizabeth Ann
Plerson, Barnesboro. :
Fresh oysters every Toesday, Thors-
day and Saturday at the ( ‘ash Girocery.
Overcoat and
T h e :
here when we NUS
: dispose or
1 nde Wear
arder to
anr ( wercoat
‘ - *
Tis} ti iT
; i
Stock, ARE
{ Foe road
av al
Tia Riis
feed to
we sod t
aad as
Av :
lve sg Cali
We have all the
latest goods in the
Millinery Line at our
store in the Salomon
hiilding, Fifth ave
ane, and extend a
special invitation to
all the ladies of Pat-
ton and vicumy to
call and exanune
Hats trimmed in
all the latest styles
Satisfaction gnar- .
Evans Sisters,
Patton, Pa,
The Ne Ww St hf
to Miners’ Store Cob
[| Qricressnrs
Wit bave on hand a fall jine of Furn-
ture in all in its branches, carpets
window shades and mattings. :
Oiile extension tables 8 feet long,
$4 24 iron beds, #4 and ap; kitchen
chair, Hie each and all other furniture
in proportion
and embalme
#7 WY oor | 5 % &
hite or Black hearse.
courself of the SPECIAL 1A WW PRICES of our
entire stock of Dry Goods (roceries, Boots,
Shices, bite.
handle he
Or dried frat stock 1s
quality will permit.
- a
Qmoked Meats and gnarantee every pound to be
complete-—and prices low as the
Dold Packing Company's
Soliciting vou patronage,
o rushing
holidays we have been
unable to write much
Ste N CW
i k the
LF Shoes Wr al.