The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 04, 1900, Image 2

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    y Inspector
oes essere for os Jc
_ Three-fourths of them are
oe PLAY, hie way of
things that endears him to
Christmas day he ordered
: to John
felicity. Not only ix thé common look. |
ing, shiapeless blue Linuse of his ao
eestor prized because Hix Bis ances
vble foot
none of the sheen osnally panos inted
{with silk, a pecoliprity which has re
| sulted in the erroneons ideal as to their
made In China and are only exporisd
for the personal mse of Celestiale in
: foreign countries,
tel Hft withont knowing wh
a suddint he Bulle the rope
To WORr your a: cont |
wonid not seem moch of an bosor, bat |
Chinaman ft is the greatest
tors. Int Lecanse of itd intrinsic value
The chithipg nsuslly worn ly the Ch
nese ix of the purest ©ith aad costs ang
where from $100 to $200 & soit
As a mation the Chinese object lo
wearing clothing of any other kind, and
centuries of experiment bitve taught
them how twit to make Bp the costly
caterpillar thread into the most dure
Om thie aecasmt the Chinese
| dress. thotigh of purer msterial has
All the garinenis
Owing to thelr cost, however, they
are only purchased st Jong intervais
pach garment being of so durable a
| eharacter that they are handed down
to the third and even the fourth pene
ation. Wear appesrs to rather improve
them than otherwise, with the pestit
P that the cost of the father or grandis
* ther often has more infrinsic
than the power and less worn articles
Omaha World Horalt,
The Walle Ran Down,
The Irishinan wha went ap in the ho
#f 1 Was
did not recover easily from the sur
| prise. He relates the story In this way:
“1 wint to the hotel, amd says 1 “Is
Misther Kmutth in?
“You said the man with the sojer
WHE vex moh inl
“Ro | steps Inte the closet, and aif of
fhe wails of
the truth ze telling sox
| the ptidling began ranning dowd ta
the cellar. :
#agwedy, manrther” says 1 What'll
some of Bridget and the children wi
a wax aft below there ©
{pote own
in one oy Senator Morgan,
in the shortest of them ali, and
he only one that would be likely
support from both sides'of the
wn question. It reads ns fol
That in pursuance salad, but as a vegetalile,
4 of Article IV of the Cont
the UU. 8 will guarantee to
es Rico, Hawaii, the |
Intands and ull other states . sourres
w hen
“Raye the molor cap poy
They'll be all right
“arn down, is BY sary |} And
it Ie no chser af ali hae a hayihen
balloon, that yoz 2 me inl
“Am wid that tie walls sion] sleek
: | emt and be opened the dour, and there
1 was wid he Bd Joust over ny head!
Ana. he Rares hat % wh wa smved. Fro
Trish Independent.
HA HR ke
“Pahtine For Fousd.
It ix an interesting fact thet when
the dablia was introduced iste Europe
Ht owas pot ss & fower hat if was
Thee plant
ix said to be really akin To the potato
and It was thought that it would prove
an important addition 16 our food re
The single variety secms to
have been imported first. the Marchion
eum of Bote having intredgred It albvant
C10 years ago
: Madrid, the Spaniards having. it is be
Heved, found it first In Moxico and |
it enter te ts Tro
war introdocs] into France as well as
: Bagland.
A few daring adventurers appear to
hmve ade (rind of i as an edibhe rot
but It is never an exer matter to pepa
larize a pew article of food, and the
tuber of the dahlia did sobt-take on
i 1 Bad done so. the probability is that
| pever dv grow
. lower,
4 x
we should pever have trembled mined
about ite cultivation as 8 Bower. We
things for frait ami
foo, and If we hisd sacks of
® dablia bul In Covent Garden we
| should have had no dahlia show af the
a vers |
and refusing to work the
it, is daily growing in the
and sontdence of the
and propos to pve Mr.
fair trial, and not condemn
oe mere sayno of the persons
to defeat him and failed.
And on what island to imprison
the Rosie mobilized their
tis said that they only called
first levy, of men between 18
25.000 in all. The second
. :
sg, N. J, says, “DeWitt's
y risers are the best pills for
x We se no other.”
> CW, Hodgkin Patton
Tabules assist digestion.
2 How's This!
offer One Hundred Dollars Rewand for
ease of Uatarrh that anno be curd by
Hatl's Catarrh Core,
J CHENEY & 0, Props. Toledo, tv
undersiged, have Known FLL Chas |
the tast 14 years, and believe a
orabie in all basiness (ranisactions
shally nble Yo carey out any obdigs.
by thelr fen,
TRUAN. Wholesude Druggiats, Toe
N & MARVIN, Whalesie
0, AN
Cure fs ken (nternilly, net :
0! simply tow
lngton Post
{ Crystal Palace London Correspomt
ie Opinion of Shakespenre.
Thete is a story going atiout concery
Ing 8 famons man of Jeter who vis
teed Washington recently. He appear
Cel oat bat one dinner party. There
be sal next the yvonne daughter of a
‘ poted save] officer Her diealngdarny
ix of 8 Kil peenlldr te very soung
girlx but abe rattled away at the fa
mons man withont a oment's rexhils
IE wak during a paces in the getieral
conversation that she sail fo bim
“I'm awfully stuck on Bhakesped re
a EN ce id ddd
Dent you think he's terribly interest
: ing?
Evers bundy listened 10 Lear the great
{ pean's helilignt reply, for as a bake
pea fn scholar he Lax Tow
“Yeu.” ‘he sabi solemnly, de thiak
he In interesting. 1 think aor
than that. 1 think Shakespeare ia fas
cite for anything Wash
: Costly Lessons.
“What's thar there joung mane:
business" asked Mr Parvenn
leon a tutor, 1 believe” replied Bs
“What doen be few VY
ome of thea abd selena, © 8 nome
E naw Mee Parsenn CD aln't las
Dore wile Bt fe Bat last night Maytells
Crokd ner be was giving ber snine lessons
in oscndation.”
SWell 1 «nome sins git lo
ented returned the old ian. 1 wes
hope he won't charge uo fancy priv
for his lesson” -Ohleags Post
Pope Aoy
Steadlinst Satnre.
“1 have seen Rrotider Bruggetty gros
frovs a poor young wan to oa mide
aged mithonaire” subd the aged nla
ter. “wind it has mst changed him one
bit When he first entered my church
he establishes! the babit of polling a
quarter in the plate gvery Sunday, and
though bw has since grown rich be
in his 213 mtg napedis
: Why He Was Wakeful,
“Didn't sleep a wink last night” «a
© the dyspeptic,
“OM work ¥’ 3
“No: I heani one of those songs alwrnt
slumber sweetly, sweet dreams be
thine, and the confaumbed tune kept
running through my head all niga
Washington Star,
} Clearfield,
Cambria county, Clearfield, $3.
! ie.
i there
Cane! tails at
Deeds Resoded at Phenstinrg np to Date
Friday, teorinber 79.
Joseph P. Swope et ox. to Uiter M
Bwope, Chest, §1,500
MoMe Joh Drartin,
Loam Barbut
Tobie, Fider, $8)
John BE Kirsch, by Treasurer of Cam-
bria county to Commissioners of Cam-
bria county, Barr, $5
Commissioners of Cambria county to
Michael Kirsch, Sr, Barr, $5
James Swires, by Treasorer of Cam-
eonnty, to Commissioners of
ik Tes
er wx to eons
Commbsioners of Cambria county to
James Swires, Clearfield, $2
A. Shara, by Treasurer of Cambria
ponnty, to Dommissioners of Cambria
county, Gallitzin borough, 8.
Commissioners of Cambria county to
James Pierce, Oailitzin borough, 8
John Sheets. by Treasnrer of Cam-
hria county, to Commissioners of Cam-
bhria county, Dean, 88
Commissicners of Cambria county 6
William Hilderbrand, Dean $8
John W. Kephart, Master, to A A
Graomiing, Barnesboro, $27.
John Entler ot ox. to Mary Glasser,
Carrolitown, $500.
Administrator of Witham McCauley
to John H. Dougherty, Dean, $700.
lewis Newhaus to Harbison &
Walker company, Reade, §1.
Jolin Johneon, by the Treasurer of
Cambris county to J A Shoemaker,
Reade, $5
Mary A. Burley to Deliaiah Cunning.
ham of vir of al, Carrsll $1
Administrator of Aaron Burley to
Fred (i Betts, Carroll, $1
Catharine Bearer ot al
Betta Carrcil. $1
Guardian of Delia Ivory ot al
Henry 1 Conrad, Clearfield, $665.
Soxan J MeDermitt to Henry 1 Con
rack, Clearfield 135.
jeonard J. Litzsingyr #1 ox lo F. 8
Burgoos, Ashville, $250.
Rachel Keith to Tony
quebannab, $50.
Delia Fromk ot vir
io Fred G
Wright. Sus.
tis Sarah West
over, Sosquebanna, $100
Milton Westover et ux Sarah
Westover, Susqoeimrna, $100.
John J Westover to Sarah Westover,
Susquehanna, $106
Lawrence Westover to Sarah Wome
over, Sasguehanan. $100
George T. Bl w Harbmon &
Walker company, Dean, §i
John A Plsts. by. the Treasurer of
Usmbria coanty, to J A Shoemaker,
Ripans Taboien: plegsant laxative
A LEvely Streak o Mowse.
Revern! (vores stands in front of
a sbhiew oindew an Hetil etree
warehigg a procession of apse
thilce BE & cage as they An IB Al oe
door of thelr sheeping sparinsent aad
ot! at ancther with lightuiox rapidity
teen avoived in 8 dispote as to Low
many of the aninix there were
hare SOBTE EY TWO diwy
fle were al
others Tieng
ais sal,
eurvaas ithe
nutes! of twing of
proper msotse color, were Black and
white marke! in age bBlotcbex Like
flaletein cattle or oil fashion] swine
The hides into amd out of which they
ran were close together. and they vias
odd around so swiftly thai © was Lite
Were ery active,
proses ileal $05 TH AE Bev
singe Wik a a1
and Ce
TIE Ee Pe oh Bnbe ated
aatside apd pf Baie
wre 3 ap
HW pie 81.
Frost ape
Migh o
ih 8
The mand race was Kept
sul Lunally ail
ctrele revialy
thea tie
Cpe a 68 1
ERs wer
Lave §
Satine (hat
fist Teewtt Give
Say i
$8 Re EE bie
bed Dw Pini ie BetiE k
soabedddes BR hey
copii XK ierR Sh
amd i
Tow ne Kay
there asad Hos
feng file
Fae £9 Et WIE Te
caller raised the top of the cag and
dion woud sw
29557 a
+ £
fetta Seine %
meting 68 3 Diy rad ion 10
rent —d Ire pan is
The Rattle at Ship 1aguchen.
Pawn to bhp
ChaMnaAry to ns
wads or
ree hil
«sf war
weer Dar meg
Time Pega %
ng The slap
rEmriey hes}
Bag send Tok
sar aon
wx pied
Pond. ow fang
aun fad
than of
¥waer Prep
the hows of a
cb Bars
Best sin
fs hinted thu
tor Nodes dad
he hours of work
se are From § Wt a
or HY +1 day
eloddwr and alt
pears amd of
have shart
tix be ot
ered ant Bete 8
went ta oa hither
A “Crawlers, :
"PP Yen re — t go in there Thats the
growlery, and We secuplel” IT was
made he raapark a sl WE showing
§ frivnd iro ber DEOR 3
A ee gravels 4 7 fe wf id
"What's Has? visi gos Th
i be wah Tage
That's 3 owns wierd we vl
growler, witha oh Mapes Dad
wis vou fancy. You we gry hushaml
Moan oeosspann sufferer iin
ton which :
gout thers are aise Hii w lee
i wld
iy £
Fab iy
yan th i
fe rnipmey
in pas thw
od uh Pe TMT
ihe wat witsmmily 3
hiv npn the den a sting aside 0s
Bs A
we ponibd Por mind dw gharie when oi y
of as folf ger tetsper petting the bes
of we heve ealied Ut
hecsoes aoe van Jock ourselves fu thers
and row} io rie” rotten? anil
wa have gaite Wa
avail anruwelves of it amt | thing
very good § psd re
now. smd distur
the workl” in Bevo
wba Gf anlitary pot [esingenis a]
the growpry
ane i
pei epioet
iwhen ix
Frances Wilined s Empty Parse,
It was rharacie pigs pf bare
Franses Wiklund that wwe bpevey 1
fNY Gade
Ber fine
aut in the peerning with
Yaw ll
Minw Crerdon atiendes)
wan foal on
mes Mink
teenies UF whe
# fol
Pagcle pas hems
wnt 2
Twit to
whe move
Pipe aleim ewe told
fmsitabbe way of Having Po
page and rondhed Bet Cottage Xgacd
an the rapital of 8 polilage stain
tlpe went em she turned ber podiets oud
os Pe
ears ade
xe fargatzen all shot :
SEC hat ain Foro ibe abun? BUY shee disk A
pest pepnles edly
and | havent
A SET of ne
wot Noes WE
got inte the we |
said, wnl
derives i have By
hmven’t any
right. Mies
Aged wo gi &
meng, fo ing 8
railriain ca baen _— rent Erne
her. an
ule SIE Ze dolst tip
A ay i
He Did.
In x rural comsmuelor mo ane of (he
wikis ates dwelt 0 msn whe sae
a vow in IX that will wear hits
hair and beard goin) se] Hn i Jas
£1 Fremut sf ‘
of the Talted Siates
He kept 01 vow Di
ened of wileh time be hd pearly a ball
Fsahiad uf hair an Bix bead ans
Then vivuing the Moneinsisn 1
ward whieh his vised bad besn gradu
ally working for a kag Tine, that flor
ern] Premmonts Jdesth ln the asterval
hated practically absedvend i
vow, he decided to ave ;
and Lis Beard shaved olf ckan
Bix mest visit te the ed
shor and dus dod
un Tat.
i 3
lag x) BREW Boon
FEHR: er
relieved of Lirsnte has fe
rarried for fone decades
“How muels? he asked
“Have to rharge you Lal x
fo that oli” said the tatrber,
at the miaws thar By on the Men
“Half a dollar” SE
got anvihing for Youll
hook lng
thee hmir®
Prue (Bream of BArer Williams.
wiartor dix mall ihe oki
farmer, “1 atn't ow ine (ok potuely «ab
give Lar whar 3 arter hep
You now
bBatias wig
oY 8 i
ors lo
Hin =n swallerin
sf ad
Bristpe § “dna Komeeniant |
3g ig 4 no
i ¥ oe
When Henry Trstag Wes Hissed
2 wa b sry nigh? far 8
whens | mwas
whom TORN
iaeskrad wn
Pras aw Ba
# ure
Tin th Thee nce
3% WN
The stoves
sad they
WHA # Very
Started = Ran,
¢ Sar fa nery
Ins 3 SUL
for that matter, nothing will bart
"will suik,
or resign, or drive some other person
$i TeRTE BT Tae
1. T Travis. Agent SotwmR BR.
Selina, (3, writes, I can not say too
i Pout West Philadeiplis nmiros who much in praise to one mite coagh
pave in my case it worked like a
that gives immediate resmiite
eustghe, fe. rong
Ash 1h ated lung Lonblek
Hesiphine Potton Pharmay
Heanehite and
Chore § Siar Ahn venin
“Rumors reach ofe's ears (hat the
power of quarreling within oertain
church choirs can only be saossded bay
: beds of Jrish
patriots, and that there 3s slrnost Both.
ing so trivial and invisible bot that it
the high spirit of a
will set a choir by the surs,’” writes Ian
Maclaran in the January Lacles’ Home
“11 may be the place in the
& particule
stall, or the singing of
part, or a corpection of the cholr-
mgsier, word of approval lo
another chorister or a pimark dropped
by one of the chair cso tender are the
feelings of & cherister anpibing. or
or a
ar make unpleasant remarks,
ont, and then on some great OocEsdn
all the members of the choir will pesien |
and tale themamives wn seriously that
the event will be considered equal in
stores 1a A War Hike
the chads rather anjoys a crisis of this
kind, fair it gives stimuios To Loe artis
tiv temperament. Bat thent sre some
whi do pet enter wholly inte the an
Ripe dossn’t dicate guplity, Be
ware of sotnlerieit and worthivss
sabes offered fie DeWitt s witch hae
ssive DeWitd's ix the awmiy srigitial
Ay infallible core for piles and all «kin
dimes, 0. WW Hodgkiw Paton
Fharmary, "
Ttartifically digesta the food and aids
Natgre in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted A gestive or
gans. IU is the latest discovered digest.
ant and tone. No other prepara ef
can approach it ia efcianey. It in
stantly relieves and permatently cures
Diyspepaia, Indigestion, Heartbura,
alan Seis Sma
Prepared bY £ C. On)
OW Hodgkins, hii oy Pharmacy
Read about
Rew these prices dad ahi pay more:
21 4b
Boas! chrble- fey sted Eh
Mer eay y dar iy
bar gain price,
Me's RK entiioky Jar
Mest" wom
Large heavy
Wives &. = FA,
» ati
. s4e
ts 1x Hey Pa
Thousands Have Kidney Trouble
and Don't Know it.
How os Find Out.
ot Ride
bs i
a Ww
frog aemite 1g
ARE 1 or Nein in
: Lo Te GMT
dines wknd bind
sw edge Ne
5 Swipe
7 parade fu hin « 2% ony
TAL an, Pa
Biman nnd gesry
and & boo
more ab
Bi Kimer & Hosnap of Ha
je _ Binghamton, MY. When writing man
yon reading this geaerous offer wa This paper,
“The only harmims remedy
Cebiey King len naes the SyaLEm and votids
It pasicen the Shonsd pire,
1 vomntifies tie anos pie ye
11 shires eveneti pation aud Hyver dlenrders.
11 2 brew henpdisrhe and moat other scbe
Coby Kitig vores Nerve, Stomach, Liver
Sud une Sana 1
W. Hodgkins,
Patton, Pharmacy.
Having opened a
Tinniug and
storeroom on Magee
one time occu-
pied by the |. E. Kirk Hdw.
(Jo. secs ae door below First
National Bank, we are pre-
hared to do all kinds of
Roofing, Spouting., Plamb-
ing, lite. at reasonable
mate and in as good work-
manike manner as any
line in town or
ur patronage is
we promise to
avenne, : 1
Thed.C. Harper (Co.
Paton, Pa.
and fmarmish Spectacles
test your eves Free
Lenses can
any time
Sdtistacuion gua
or money refunded.
Altoona, Penna.