i the “Conner” Reporter. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA., THURSDAY, JA? LUARY 4.1 HA Gleaned Here and There by OFFICERS SWORN IN. Nk Faok Osth Mews Jaded Baik Monday | HE RECENT DEATHS Tomeph Aden, of Xone Beheonrades Hii Passed Away Sant peda y Joseph Adams, a highly respected citizen. died at his home ear Frkan- rode’s Mills Satarday afternoon with a eomplication of diesen produced by oid age. Mr. Adams at the time of his detnise was aged 37 years and eaves 10 monrn his lows four sons and two daughters, his wife having preceded Bim to the grave shoot Twa YRArs ago. Paneral services were beld in the 4 it ENcare amen! Neprent spyieay on the FRB 8 2: at I rows Resmething less Shar #8 peaple who wirre passe gers on The Hastings branch tries due fo reach Cresson at £30 pom. wir Tomsdiy morning wondering jost how they sminped sericts Injory or even death in the scoident whieh happened at Cresson Monday aflersoon. As it in, several were Hurt and a car fell over the embankment, forming part of the Sistirin of & pletaresgiie wreck cane by a fredght trun : fro im ihe { Genrield Consiy Town, : Held in Patton Tuesday and : Wednesday. The large Evangelical church was . crowdind to ita fall seating capacity. Sr The aeling was mostly done in a Very 00D | S QUESTION faimtic sarner Some of 2 0 20 GOOD ROADS QUESTION Jaa tot diencn one minste ares wonid be moved to tears, the next Supt TL. Gib. of Enensborg, and Hom. niouby they would be on their Doden FRsssdtaos, the Speirs The first quarterly meeting of the lire parse that was raised for She impels pk ow ow Wo Awaiis Oawrcenpondent shouting in 3 hilarions musnner. The The county officers who were lected Chest Springs Catholic ¢harch Toesday e best. Itis this brought to my store a permapent desir tionery Tobacco and Cigars. It will please 8 me wo meet your P wants if my method | of doing business is |! : amy insnrane to you that you will not be | isappointed in buy- g of me. Watch for > our new AD . Next Week. Very Respectfully, 0 i - jast November were sworn in at the Oonirt Hose before Judge Barker at 11 o'clock Monday morning. There | were only a few spectators present to | withess the administration of the oath, the exercises being very brief and with. out incident, | The officirs who were sworn in were Samuel J. MeClone, Repablican, 10 socoesd FE. F. Spencer, Republican, ss county trensurer; Abram Houtetler and : Benjamin Jones, Republicans, and T. M Sheehan, Democrat, as commission. ‘ern. to saooeed the two former and Thomas Hoover, Democrat; Philip Harteog, Republican, to succeed James Somerville, Republican, ms poorhouse director; John Gittings and H. A } ' Hiamor, Republicans, and ¥. E. Para baugh, Democrat, to succeed E. L | Miltenberger and T. RB Gittings, Re publicans, and P. M. Lawrence, Demo erat, as connty anditors | Mr. Me(lone's bond of $10,000 10 the State iy signed by himmelf, Horace K. Rose, W. Horace Rose, and Henry ¥. Haws: that of $80,000 ta the county ‘by Mr. McClane, W. Horaoe Rose, F. ‘8 Fisher, William K. du Pont, J. Em _merling, Jobn Lo. Stibich and Joba The bonis of the commissioners are ! Lin the sum of $3,000 each. They were : goed as follows: For Mr Jones, by jrnself. William Knorr and Pavid BE. i Evans; for Mr. Hostetler, by hiowelf, Andrew Baumgardner sad A Co | Weaver; for Mr. Sheehan, by himeelf, Ed. A. Mellon, snd Philip Hartzog, Ketmrned 1a Hastings. Benjamin Waltz, win has been man: ager of the M Jer's Store os large ‘store in Pitton up pail Loe same Was {to sold Misars. Pitt & Seeley, and who | Was empliyed by thime gealiemen abso, departed Monday for Hastings, his former home. Mr. Waltz will manage the large storein that pice recently | purchased by Van Dusen & oagrove | from Jax McNelis. “Ben” made many friends in Patton during bis sojourn bere. Fd. Moore, who hak been au f+ Adent clerk in Good's store in this Pitt & Seviey Lo fill Mr. Walte's position. The Covtumr wishes both Mr. Waltz {and Mr. Moore much suctess in their | new vocations. MAW inter Woldkige The following North Cambrians re ceived marriage liovnses from Clerk of Orphans court sino Decernber 20, 1899; Prank T. Henry and Elles. E McKee, of Plinton: Harry Lansberry, of Pal- ton and Henrietta Pell, of Hastings: Charles Moore and Ellzabeth Ann | Booth, of Barmesboro; Jolin Byron and | | Janet F. Harvey, of Barngsboro, fsaac | Bollinger, of Hastings and Bessie Stewart, of Eider township, Wiliam 1. Dramard, of Clearfield and Mary C. ' Lumadune, of Patton. 6G. A. KR Omerrs Elon At a tuoeting of Lieat. Peter Kaylor Post, No 633, Grand Army of the ; Republic, held on Katarday, December Lag 188, the following offioers were elected to serve the ensuing term. J. ‘DD. Lines, commanter; J. T. Nagle, senior Vice commander; John N. Nagle, | guarter master; Gea Boone, offieer uf the day: Geo, W. Cassidy, chaplain : ! James Wharton serjenn £° Jews Jordan, sy guard: W. HLH Bell, representative. madd Mews Mes. OC. W. Hodgkins, of * peoeived a message Friday evemag cane taining the sad intelligence that her sister, Mrs. Mary Slater, of Elmira, N. LY. had departed this ite Mrs Hodg- kins did not know her sister was REI, making the shock very siden. She departed Saturday morning over the | Beech Creek railroad for that 0) or Eis pris WE a attend the funeral. Taos Bibs Prakon Lawrence Collen, an employe of ime Pardes collivries, had the misforinue 10 | have two ribs broken by falliog on an ey pavement Wednesday, December (97th, while on his way to work. injured man was taken to hig home ‘and Dr. Worrell called, who gave pecessary surgical attention. {oe irl Waning. : steady girl is wanted at onee A good Patton, to do general house work in ied Inquire at the CovmiEy office. “at that plebe. The forenoon at § o'clock, afler which the remains were taken Lo BL Aogustine and laid to rest beside those of hie wife in the cemetery at that piace. The ohildren of the detensed have the sympathy of the entire sommanity. Mr. Henry Fanibaagh Mary, wife of Henry Farabaugh, of _Bradiey Junction, died at Ber home in that place Monday aforniog, December 25. at § o'clock, after suffering almost a year with consumption. A bosband, s danghter two years odd, mother and father and several brothers and ed are ff to moorn the demise of de ceased. Funeral seryites were beid in Rt Benedict's church, Carmiitown, on Wednesday morning alter which inter ment was made in the chareh cemetery chase by. Mrs Faraough's maiden name was Diamond, and ber parents reside near Wilmore She was a kind and Yoving wife and mother and many are the sympathies extended to the tereavest relatives, Deceased was aged 28 ears Archie Fated] Archie Farrell, as mach pespsctend eitigen of Bpangier, departed tide life Friday of lest week of capver of Lhe stomach, gen TO yer Servioes were heid at Nicktown Catholic chareh Son day ufter which interment was made The COURIER repre- sentative did not learn if deceaned had relatives in this county. FL Baker Transferred, (is Monday afiernoon PF. LL. Baker, who has hewn manager of the Csoiral {hse Printing snd Telegraph 5, in Northern Cambria county, Ww headquarters ai Patton for the two years, departed for his home (irbisonin to spend & week visting relatives, Upon his metarn be will be the transferred to Pittsburg by company. Mr. Baker has made many friends in this place who are sorry 10 wow him leave the town, but wish him all the success attainable in bis new His successor, Samuel Sayder, of Johostown, comes to Pal ton Wghly recommended. Barty Sate Con enim, it is probable the Republican state convention will be held at Harrisburg Wednesday, April 2% Reeder of the State committer tan seni ‘a commubpicativn to tbe members suggesting that date and it =» believed no objection will be made. convention candidates will be non nated for auditor general and twy congresmmen-at-large. Eight dele gates-at-large ax well as 32 presidential electors, om: for each of the congressmen and ote for each of the United States senators, Mot Bemate Stagio vy Resige First Assiitant Postmaster {ieneral Heath, in & decision in the case of Mr. Jennie J. Drown, ai Maddux, Conn, an- poanees that “the Department hax de cided it will be incompatible with lhe best interests of the service to reladd married women ax jostoffice clerk The Department his ruled. therefore, it will be necessary for her to resign froan the service, Post masters, wader this raking, hereafler will have RUATYS Ca ee pan ee sab Es ein al waged ahi Lon DRL SEE TOW pesigrnalaons of saoh dns Chatrman her 33 and also by him again on the platform in front of the Capitad . during the magnificent demonstration AL this with the $10,000 sword vided hy Cone to ihe Republican national convention will also be nares! 5 : : of Aloota, will pay to W WwW that when a female postoffice clerk : : The bran'h train reschedd {rman Hite lta, due to the partly bliskaced condition of the travk ap the mmstan Fast as the main fine at Uresion was reached a {freight lrain, then Hassing. srparated ioe aly mame. TIM wcond seginent of the As pwnd fresaht train in pre ent Ero She waetinn ahead . prast whnh fol bowed some of Barbed agninst passenger Lean tossed sre tombled over vf he freip hd Sars wore tha care of the The rar was the pnbank- teria whrieks ae pears psent ta the tape from frightened wo Reoveral poopie were a hat noge ERE REraOamty Mre FJ Patton, were ~& and danghter, if th fie TRY aed enraged injury, bul were hadly frightened the Jacking of Board of Inrectom in Parton, Pa FEW BD TE wot WE ATE SR EWE A ¥ aluahie €A0 Congrweeman Theopp sevivped ax a CRrist mas ZOE for fis son Fariston, thw carved oak snd leather chal that was geod by Admiral Dewey w liens Be was awaiting: the approach of the prrocedsion on Pennsylvania avenve the night of in bis favor when be waa presented gress. Mr Thropp was (oe of the Congressmen named on the latter date as one of the committee Lo receive Admiral Dewey. There wis quite a Feary to secure possession of thas hate, sys the Penosylvanis Hawkeye, hat Mr Thropp bad left an onder for i within we hours of the Hime it Was ased, sind this placed Bin alist of any of the otber applicants Cosi road bn tha Bn Faw meniip, One of the aost important wales of {an hres comseiaded Che rebar COMRDRRT, Afrnhiry coud and mate In Northern pointy Lhe deal throagh Kittel] & Little, of tiv which the Mooniain Loa Jiant wid aad k ohh ERAN EA CR $7400 for 382 antes Ww Cialis fowrshin, per ere, ploves aud recamimentt Their spotisnrs tes the Department Moret Og Sursdsy December 28, 1508, Bane Simmons and Mis Annie Lregory, bith of Patton, were united in mar at the home of the bride by Lee, Boone Justice of the Peace, On riage lations are extended to is pe } Attentton GAL Bo All motmbors of Lient. Peter Kay ior Post. 63. AR, are requested to Duel in BelPs hall Saturday aflersoon at 2 Rueiness of importance will bee trsnsae ted, EE whose IF von desiye if, 88 well ax 5 sand aiid pase ane what you siwais pe cvive al Garfield's harber sboge 3 hid 3 . Central siehglis Cheap Yor cheap new and second hud the liveryman, Patton, Pa. - sleighs and sleds call oa T. N. Nagle, eign ayia ted oR Is 5 Bis Se Deeroal Pais BEY j a utred 33 wR Ya an Froeeeie Masco M Alaster {amie 4 wimtaliagy ot Chobditern 8 han {Cita ¥ AR Meg tor Inet LE 1 VE x in Beis ball ; the pomigation of “Mop for the come ing election wiil take ple Ww, HH. Bri, M. of BR. Shin 42% ami a a » Ea Tim A in So Dh A bis Thursday eyening as Cambria county Pomona Graege, P. of H.. convened in Goldstein's hall on Jan 2 and 3, 1906. . Towsday's afernoon session wa id the chareh volentariiy by pdietioe wis evideuoe hat the per popalsr chond, much approved by the besity applanms called to grder at 1:30 by Master HM. These young men Gooderham. The secretary of P. of H, Fire Insarance compsty reported Lo our Sows we most say that but eos nearly $HORON0 in policies written: of the! trio belonged to this place. song. The policy boiders then elected Wal F. Moser snd wife spent the the following directors for 1906. Hoo. holidays with friends in the rastern 1 3 Thewass H J Ivory, la BE Kay- part (f the tate. & few days With ber parents last week. *Sqjpire Pry is on the sick Het. CE Tomlinson, J H Dismiond, Jax Westrick, Jobn Sharp, John (rweas, A. B Kiewh, W. T Senker and W. Ri Rowland, week haviaig an operation Mr Herman and Mas Mary Dshart ob bis eyes sang a doet, “Her Memory lirings me Moliie Zitpmerman has x boom in the so Regret,” which * weght a grand millistery lise at present. appiatse JO Thomas made a short Ar Sbofl and crew are busy geting x member of the Pamomi Grange Soke ovens in the near futore. Legislative committee. The master By abusing ali other denomivations then appointed DW. Joosm, of Wil. more, to $11 the vacancy ing lere tery ight, except the one There was & change io Thai selecting you belong to, in certainly sot in ae of solicitors for the Poof Bh Fire Ine cord with the eachings of Christ 7 hin surance, and bereafer instead of the Sernion on the Mount. Subordinate Crangees selerting the wticitors, the board of dippetors will fave it in charge. WA Bayer sas selected as a member of the auditing | sommittee of Poof HB Pie insurance : and Jas. O. Thomas was elected a deputy for Ma Corsage ad fosrred stil Tp om The evening wwasicn, whith wan free o all, opened with a sosg bi the thir, flowed by Master Gooderham lates | ing T. LL. tabwmon, saperintendent the public schools of Cambria gnty, who gave an interesting talk “How can cur Pobile Selous be ; le more Efficient ™ He pointed ont y things that could be improved, sich one of the greates) fanite was 2 i giad to bear that he is recovering from hin reownd dek ness. mentioned by ns in this paper two weeks agn, He now owns ail the good ope ade THEY extendvely in the early a geod thing when they wee it Wim E Moore our young sod very haan decane constable, kas been doing = son iderabie amoant of business for Shep DD. Gingery the last week. Sthool tnnvensd Toesday snd gvery Body is forry to part with the [tthe fair education to enable them to get Mrs Jumwes Moore and som Perry, have retirped from Braddock where The choir then veuderwd a song amd | Whers bai it gone. : Hon. Jobn Hamilton, the sithor of thee : “Hamilton Road Law,” wa introduent and ail farmers and wheelmen of this’ wetion whe filed to be prment missed one of the most practiod talks om iond Roads” ever glven in the county. Mr. Hamilton did sot spare the farmer mach and pointed oot where and how the balk of the money paid by this hard working class of the Stale for the building snd improving of roads was disbursed foolishly. He stated also that be wanted lo hes the day when the state aid wonld come 10 the faroser. but the it would Dever come. antil the townships would elect a board of sapervisors, on Ihe sabe principal he rural districts in not givieg esoagh stady in the selection of wnchers, andl that of not paying living salaries in srder to keep the best and practical Sem rran Theepy wad fhe ail Sodio which is contrary to aw, Mr. Enos i» an oid soklier who was tursed down by wis made spon the recommendation of Congressman Thropp, whe hae ad- ready done a great deal for the old Civil war vetersas since he is io office We conyratoiate Mr. Enos and wel conse Bin to the mail service. Hema goosl man, and will make a good pust- of school boards. Taking it all in all master. Our Dongresstaan deserves the subject of “ood Hoads” wis credit for recommending hin handled 2s oaly men Who make this php S13 ERIFP 1 herehy ARBOR DOS improvement a practical stady can wmvsell as a CANDIDATE for the Song by choir and addons NOMINATION for SHERIFF at the coming Republican Convention, sabe swat s Se At $i Wednesiay morning the ject 1 the rales of She TCH A 53 3 L * MM. RICHARDS ander cottvened and after a beating + the progran pritk lovee § first, and 1 song by the Grange ou was Laken up A paamled sped cream separdior,’ Was ihe oped The members who have asd sha cream separator Sad 8 8 prod to swe lem especially wien the spring pets The rein ppituplon TREE ES PRR i file aew winter suit 511 & CHIoNY of fine Chexiots, Casse mw ali the The best wit Jooking and best ort ama Te . - ite ade for the {21 Tor 3 wikile Lhe Tigniage ¢ Boodene ssl Wi 3 from Rome says foo sitter the rece ScDrmon af mE Peers iy gh Ears eo Thott at Cardin aregraiion of Tudaige Bis snpdsmer if Cid inse mag of kreat plety aml reodesty am dat SiKLY- four years bl age, 0 bass I Seed this ile of En ase, amd, despite the dignity of 3 prince of the church. Be always steps in a cell and “op i hard matress, IWAN S pight in “Port Moore” and in netics Clalr Bodlianon was i Altocsa inst thie Fed tract of jand in shape to eres Col. Thomas has secured by purchase The friesds of D. W. Michaels are
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers