= ! Gi BIKERS oF a4) : ge CL eo Aap SARAT | Across the fron Br idge | from Having openga a SR Tu be Heit Chwistnms Wink in ihe oe OT : : C8 RR ostation von find Sea wivaed wt Foun 1g fod fateh ; eats Wak, Pattng, Ya 3 : ot Cy : ; : : : - N 8 Lion You wi 5 es 334 Lo LL dus, Pevembes 13. LA grand Fair and Danes will be held 4 1 idl the (yelieral Store of “id ih Plumbing, 1 TE Daniel Mille or it ng toa 0 LL Ro: Hr Christmas week in fhe Firoinen'n i all, : pr = : ; : 4 } ; : > may feller, Giallitgin horough, consider BON, porean. Pa, commencing Monday, §y Tig : ‘Adolfzen & bod $ Tinni iq a nd " I a i 4 | Hake Prec. 25, 1888, and continuing anti the { Ca o i boa 2 “ nd Milton Hallman et ax io Fritk Baker, avening of Dec. 30h, ander the an. 4 a 4 Fi a Le | Susquehanna, Shon Laphoes of Patton Fire Oo No 1, whirh de . - ors rg, cd Hardware William J. Donneliy ot al to Uharies | oi consist of dancing and other pop. § Wi Ee ie Fs Nattle, Patton, $400. ular amosements al Shae PW ho handle a a complete | line po | Abraham Morrison et ux to Thomas | gq. . od lo the Tall. 1S pe | £ : ! pper will be served im the ba 2 : Snyder, Cambria county, $100. The efficient management of the cont: J ba Dry Goods, Groceries, In the soviet son: on “Magee | : ; : : : . z Ln - i 5, . : Pb : ' 3 fichaots, Of Watkesbis, Jt you Peter Kalike Shes to Michal Derko, pany intend to make thin Sue - We Sy ad Or . y Etc, Etc, gvemwhe, at one time oben . there bein - £2 no change not oa 1 Ba RBarnesboro, $3 fnomt suocensful fairs der heed in An A it 5 She Vi An wall ak AR thing ada nepded fn shel - 1 k H EK Kirk Haw. andition since Ist o fed yp Lae “Bal x Frederick Johnson eb ux “al to tion is : : week. hyia connty, A cordial invitation 8 | | somforta of honw ; Ink | David Rowley, Barnesboro, Ha extended to all, and sapecilly to those § Buying of Cheistmas gifts in 3 gop ALL and pee ony prices ait Sox Co. 5 second door below PITSL where yl Men" to Etisabeth Sunders gon gut of town, who will be assured § muster Shea} mabat Jeopie a2 Ot 3 amine our goods. National Bank. we are pre an. onster, 3. : esd 4 A tae Orchestre hus § Ye F ve tried to make ot oan J ; . a Flizabeth Sanders to Vimutins Me a goed ae ta Pe the music for easy problem for those whe make J) pase tn do all kinds f And gigh, Monster, $420. DE ya |S their selections at this stoce, by 3 Roofing, Spouting. Flumb- 3 Ben} i Hes: ¥ treastiver of the dancing Following i» the program gathering i collection if things i FirsiNation' IBa nk Bd Ere : at as reasonable : . jamin re, by 2 9 fur the week: ¢ copecially mite for Christ mos Ks “a 3 . after & scjourn of Cambria county, to Cambria (ounty, Monday - Dancing and Oyster Sup- § gviag, that will afford a wide 3 OF PATTON, rate and in as good work- Oty, Mo. has White $48 range for choles, and yer rmbrace . : nd suys He prefers wid f sm mindoners of { ‘ghia Penta per. x i 3 &s i ; y {lise things hs SEK ayy propriate Patton. Cambria Co. : Pa 1a nike | manner as any Toohey, White, $4. Y Toestay Dance and Supper mad will be appreciated hy the € other ig (ur line in town or to Margaret y: White, "odnaaday _Fifty.Cont Bail. § msipient y I sawanage is : Ne import many of the T0¥s, CAPITAL PAID U P. $60,000 D0. rou ¥- ou pa 3 ag iwi of ony Allegheny oomference of the United : atton half Haring orc in Christ, to John Te vr : a thar are shown, while the | SURPLUS, $50,000.00 BOLI ated and we promise ! £ eay snd this pince Vasbirider, Belsana, $100. : Saturday Fair and Dagee. A $36.00 : many oahet Sh Gv Lite et v ounte of Compnrations. Flems Fitts ida give perfect satisfaction mm topped the teain, and, Same to G. A Michaels, Beisano, qr gu cuit will be given away dur { dias. to permit ws to offer a ma th safe and in every detail. ARSIRTALCE of Baggageman $70. ing the ant evening. : Lf hey ar very reasonable prices iho : 1 a aie Nuke Siar suis tr all 1h Ain them off. Then they || James Dick et al to Faith H. Dick, op New Year's evening a grand We pnvite yon to come Bere 106 Oye i § Pra Jrraiie jn the jrneipd | . your chistimas remit will piv § cities of the Gf thing but get mad and Carroll, a Dance and Sapper will be given by the f R All porrespondenne will BEE rar prompt and They Are now studying : A SURE CURE FOR CROUP Fire company in their hall, at which ail ¥ i Pret Eat on thane deposits pou tia tention blow.” 4 ve wi : { a Panty Five Yimrs Fonstant You WH eos are invited lo coms and have a good $ A THT : LN | A BE. Paros, Wa H SaxoioRn, home was blessed by a Failure. time, rl L PY oN ) oY : ths : Xo t Provident. Cashier ne, big baby last week. The first indication of croup 5 poco tittle early rises purify the 1520.22.24 1404 “ith A ! ee received a lure hoarseness, and in a child sabject 10 0 ean the liver, invigorate the S AEN ry : dome Hho Cabin” quily that disease it may be taken as Rass | eystem. F litte pla for constl-| | ALTOONA, PA. $ GEO BOONE, a present from her grand. sign of the approach of an ab pation and ver troubles. CW. Hodg riety store that Harta $ JURTICE OF THE PEACE. of Mountaindaie. Following this hoarseness is a pecul- : The Christo ne : pple HER a SSF Chamtherinie gina, Patton Phare. | UY Claus recommends, Ofioe on commer of Lang and Fifth iso iar fous Song i amber pol i pe = in SS Poliections promptly at- bid ears of a | cough remedy ven ask SOOT XS T'R 1 ey 1) . Avenues. portion to sel pe _ : ” > getting ehild becomes hoarse, or even {fter the 0 ook ofl : . the croupy cough Appears, it will pre. Vi IVT 5 A SE ITZ. in his old days SWORPS. A Gant the attack. Tt is owed in many he {dant Dr Vv. A. Murra Sap and ee fwo Aght- thousands of bomes in this bn broad land : . Y, Are 2 he | PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. rs ¢ have yet lo arn of 2 imo ate eel, EXE 1 Batatiic | a . vein of cut sh single instance in which it has aot 3 ne wy ot ol a int athe ii gp ive vi dd yr. that mensares 3 fit {raved affect ns No other prepara § primp y } ison | ha Rr HS mall Thatont mn sung 5 H og, “sex to : tion ean show; such a record twenty The last i eu wae so Patten. by fee Hoos. Sh om. 5 Lh a store building wi ye 5 Sorta by Patty ishont a 1 ; 3 wg REM TRETE CT BARE 3 5 ns 5 alu B m. 73] 2 In. » failare For sa stton Pharmacy, : : arial Samarvil ; ; sy on, and when finished. W. Hodgkins ) i Reue! Somerville, DR. F. B. EVANS, o wn | nearly Sond with dyseepeis, Days for Hol iday Attorney: at-Law, Dentist, : ‘We test yOur eves Free 8 OHTR vind miners BpTInEn, veh » i i E & HARTINGS, A Ra wie, for Marion and grew wore. I used Kedol Gre 21 .. > PATYOX, EA All dinensew of the teeth and oth and furnish Spectacles as i Some od { geste w & you out. Cores iohi do, : AL op he ; ga i ahi 41 : ; " : suit of clothes ROOT stomach, heariburs wd aii forms . : Ww y i Aly I8, in Bt PR £2, FREXEST {HARE bree oN oF od wn £ » One ; : I xchanged any ume down at the low price of of d: rapepeia. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton os et og _ EE \ : ‘oy 2 x Ci wool and a yard Phatmacy. i But time enough yet if | Afterney and Cuenselor at law. Surgeon = Dentist, within a year. | Best of Repding for Od and ¥ von hurry and reach ns on Esexsstne, Pu PATTON, PENN'A - bi LES kab pest vi a pes pty attention 1 : . John K Gatammof fryoma, Pew ne ra iti tHe conntry . ve Saturday. aa PR phy Welviiwit Office in ood Boilding, secind floor, : lant week calling on his ter nes cilities than the Pitts Fie th fn ir Hunde. Mages Avenue or money refunded. He low rid mt. A glance AL ita columns We still bave an abundance af TOBACCO and CIGARS : : ii oe i with & life insurance company day by day will convinoe even the most everything fyon conld sk for in IR pga ti Patna DR. S. W. Worrell, ocd in that line. Sh Heads a oat thin is 2 iio ye way of Christmas Gifts, such as: G.I PITZPA T RICK'S PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, principal of oar Beids Ehoroughiy. In addition to the _ Fine Handkerchiefs at 10e, Ihe, 3, C Office in load Building, Roam Noo 3 : phe of the Associated Press, | 30c 0 $5 each. Restaurant 8 Magee AVONNE, BEAR LL ne te ne Seri \ : j the Fam, Peat receives wrens of she world Umbrellas, ail prices and styles, | 00 P. BK depot. yr ? as > ‘ or nde. nd | gollected spuciully by two of the lead to §7.50, my y ng ory Jes MEALS AT ALL Hol 3 Antis will meretve provint atieatim ; ermediate. + ue New pewspapers. Thaos not ; of the pri- A soures of Dews is eft uncovered. WHITE APRONS : ho the EE rit n = al : A an war is wm ‘continged now that the war has Lang Aptana, park Mocy, at oe, » the De omgrare into Africs. The Post's “gq 4 py poy Aprons, some ribboned from London and tbe seat of o coy ob ge Be, $50, We, ve le of wir are unequaled. Purtieiar praise $1. $1.25 and $1.50 each. tions o Tata a 20 aly mam 0p the wa nay. ‘XN. Ford, who so ably siges up the war aa e a O Siaation cach day CHRISTMAS Lal : ow that Congress is in somdon, Lhe : : . } A te Wu ee L rs L con Post n may be expected to give the most Cards 3c, Se, and loc. es, | It choc ¢ of the Cres has heen hr ight t tog gether Or Pheand fntereuting Tejoria from Booklets : feat varisly. i he { | | le 1 : | eapital ready the : ery gTeAl Yanhe tor the benelit of our co omer: £ hetnasives for the F LHC choi our customers, ana Wik if 4 Wik ru sele ‘ction it Books for children at 50, Me, 15 . Cr ee : 8 f Ton and the kn tor children © makes. Sureh, HOLIDAY SHOPING will be a pleas- Ee A BEAUTIFUL ure when done here Line of Men's Necktion in newest | styles at Hie eaeh. Sik Mufflers 25 we, Me. and B ’ STERLING SILVER HC LI D AY TC WS . % Most any kind that ‘vou would want, and prices are very close Satisfaction gnaranteed The Patton Jeweler. "cleanest family jper, and latest and Novelties of many sorta at She, Ae \ and Sc. At astomishmy lo “Taken Al ia ull the prospects of the KIZeS : * d RY on sn the brightest, and ita read- | LADIES’ GOLD RINGS in plain izes and kinds of dots, Nerve ny rien ers have every reason fo believe they band, chased and jeweled, SOc, 1.00, 0 EMI I\N = e farn- will fare better than ever before. 1.50 to §7 00. : LEGGI X >. The Onion ne Wedtick i. . Guid chains and bracelets. | CHINA AXD Ladies’. Children's and Misses’ sizes ; Onions are a kind of all round good Chins plates and cuym and saticers. NY XI XDI : Z . od boat . DC) 'vedtime: will by the next morRing. Pictures and brio-a-tirac. wma th i SK Al ES i sop + . Toys and dolls of every possibile sie WIEN OR A Ban cough care. break the severest cold. Onions make 1k 3 find "Par large tables lo ded with these egres’ all forms of : and price are all here and you wiki Ang Wii large tames loaQel WLR ihnese bic. Harmless .X od plaster to remave inflammation sar figures on all Holiday Goodwex- (i Such values in Opagueware wer 1 to tak CIty ip and hoarseness. If an onion is maslied tremely satisfactory. EOOGS. | mut u vaines mm Dpaglewdrs Wl ile for | ; | mo a to secure ail the Julee in it I will Rtore open anti! labs Saturday even. never aero before, Have YOU eX. a mined W. Holgkine, make i mis remarkable spelling sab ng OUT STK of C ays, rlassware’ : stance that/ will quiet the most nervous Al mail orders promptly filled as brillant as ent Yass 0.2 person. Th strength of it inhaled for . Bedalia, Mo., saved hia : : by On | Minute cough cure (a fow moments will doll the sense of I. WW. COUR wef} " amped and weaken the nerves un il given her up to de with : : . ayia ' sleep in Je wht ent Froth whey XTER 1 { AY | B R I 1.1. x he Ir EE amin | ton. ball cones fron otie props et ¥ Al too r a : Pe n rn a : | : : i ¢ bigaerd EY 5: ANE A 167 6h t 4% x pn ely 111] TORl and jan troubles. Redieves Pa Sei 3 hy the EERE ICE that i= a 4 hat £113 es 3 YORE aeoepin hi : OT FERIA EL % 4 fs g Pek aN Certaiiiay 8 form of opiam. ; ‘ iE ¢. W. Hodgkins, Patton JAMES NOLAN, eini : present? Prices range trom 3; rw o Ho ; . Pistachio, Cl in As- Where He Dhonsa't deo, £0 mi Se Sa : ; ch a A yvat-l Ad ; sorted Laramels, Mixture, Daisy and G Hodgkin guarantees every A printer doesn’t pithy $0 the doetor Attornev-al-Law, ‘“ dria Ae LM wlan ny Chambe: when he fs ant of sorts. Nor will he LRLNE AEs A045 IRIHTON, A tal ANS SRgarea amberisin’s cough remedy Pa Hor Pa. (¢ . an : v: i vs = £1 to the haker wien he wnt of pl » - H A \NDhk E RCH i I FS Pony {ary SOA 13 Hose a 3 yf the c haseest a ‘ +s Ai¥ ] a 3 Ee x 4 aoe Ny . toy Ei ill refund the money to any ane aa “ CONE EEE Ta Fan rissire Een bral hots h t 3 3 ) or to the Bible when be wants = wood Offices Fifth ve, pie Lents tel CAG Ais ALAR : recans, Br: Bs than and 0 ix pot satisfled after using two tL tr pide of the contents This is the beast en se I. oa 5 A large hine t * A i 5. yo select from What Fad a ” han a pair of dxates? . s his warm weather won't stay all winter. 4 sien DOV mare id rule Nor to the gan shop w: . watts a shooting tick, Nur tea cali in the world for in grip pe. An ys ewww ei iy EPPS et shop when he wants farniture Nar MM HAFFEY HOUSE AAV AA AVA MAAAAL AA IAIAAA WAAAY 8 , voids, croup aml whooping bank wh x - S& ¥ pi 3 i i A + - ands pleasant and safe to take. toa bank when be wants quciia So Mahaffey, Clearfield Co, Fa Go al ; o edel ta VO girl when he wins a press Nor to on aa ei : | ve a las LTA toate m3 (; ROC ERI ES, @tteem— 2s SEE eas - : is He was neve: Gre Xo RWYRD Chel te Baas 3oIBrlY Cas umonia law) r when Be has a dirty case P Nor to the boteher when he wanis tinoRcE Faas good railway engine will travel phat, Nor tas pomp whey helm dry Prop r LT sheives are flied with th hest and fre spies TTONIE-IRTR0 nlnce nie at. : 1,000,000 miles before It wears and bas ten cents in kis pocket, - EX canted goods, fancy corn and tomatoes, sweet pola cranites, lemons; Bhs ih ta 4 EATS aan ¥ RRS RE BAA $ x5 aE EA ERE RS Gant ELL ERI SE RAEI Kay 4 IEEE As & otire for rheussatism Chamber Pa rnell | & Cowher, One Minute cough oure is the bes lain's pain balm is gaining a wide rep 8 8 : : ady 1 ever used for coughs and utation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond, FIRE, LIFE ANG } ¥ it is unequalled for whooping Tnd., Bas been trashled with that COIOENT . COME AND SEE SANTA CLAUS. jy. Children all like it,” writes H. ailment since 1862 In speaking of REAL EATATE AGENTS lames, Gentryville, Ind Niwer it he says: “1 never found anything B ! 4 ; Piano \ \ hava Parton 2 eal sie ro hi : w " famed Bataan Fatt, Po PiohgaaE Ras, : LE i i : i =X I ] 8 3 be "Fw yi oF ie 1 is the only harmless remedy that would relieve me until 1 wed 2 : fn at i : : HA BLA for Anas it gives immediate results. Cares Chamberlain's pain balm. It acts like HS. BUICK. hi, colds, hoarseness, croup, peu: magic with me. My foot was swollen SEs ; — : a, bronchitis and all throat and and pained me very meh, but one UNDERTAKER 5 EMBRLMER, wl - GOOD is early use prevents good application of pein balm reliev od Next to Hotel Patton, Fifth avenue. ; LO W. Hodgkins, Pat me. For sale by Patton Pharmacy, { YL All Calls, day or night, Promptly at - W. Hodgkins. tended to. White or Black Hearse. ? PATTON, FPA. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers