The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 21, 1899, Image 3

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EB Rv a BAA: =
RE wr Clmeewe, Fatitor, :
Ome pony, one year, in advange. - © $1.00
Advertising rates ade KDOWn pon ap
8 No papers diseontinged antl all irre
i RT andes AL the option of the |
Se himhere :
Baten al the Postafice at Patton an mootd- |
Sia clase pall matter
No paper next week.
Only one man i203 is over six feet
in height.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Miles, a
wom, on Wednesday.
“The Girl from Chili? at Hastings
Opera House to-night. ;
; FL Little, of Loretto, was in Patton
Jant week visiting his sons.
For apples, onions, oranges, bananas,
andy and nuts go to the Cash Grocery.
Por your stamped linens and em-
broldery silks go to the Evans Kisters.
Go the Evans Sisters for your trim-
peed hats, across from the Palmer
_ Besutiful rockers at H. 8, Buck's
farnitare stor on Fifthh avenge from
80 eta. up.
| lemsc Straw, ove of Westover's
| prominent citizens, was in Patton one
| Putnam Padeless Dyes do not stain
‘the hands or spot the kettle. Sold by
C. H. Perry, Chest Springs, Pa.
You exnnot do better than Lo call on
Gould & Beeser for first-class plumbing,
ote. Estimates freely given. atl
| Have you seen the nice line of furni-
tare at H. 8 Buck's store on Fifth
avenue? It will eertainly pay you.
Buy your best fellow or husband one
of those handsome box of cigars at
Kinkead's for 8 Christmas present.
‘hea piace to buy albums,
‘jewelry is at Fishers wall paper store.
: in you are hangry drop in to the
City Restaurant where you can get
| everything you wish in the eatitie line.
The trial of Harry Harris, who shot
and killed his wife Eva, nee Jones, in
| Baltimore some time ago, opened in
© Those who get one of the handsome
il | boxes of cigars at Kinkesd x will ap-
preciate the gift, enpecially for Christ.
i mas 41.00 a box,
The readers of the CoUrner should
read Wolf & Thompeon's new ad be
fore doing their gift buying for the
i ‘holidays. They have some good point
ern fox you.
: Fitz &nd Webster are to be congratu
ated for having made the hit of the
season in producing the side splitting
farce, The Girl from Chili,” w hich can
be seen at the Hastings Opera Hoose
this (Thursday | evening.
| Harper Whiskey is rapidly becoming
the national beverage, “it's the one
thing all parties agree upon
licans, Democrats, Populist. Even
the “know-nothing'' party knows one
thing; thes merits of Harper Whiskey.
‘Sold at Palmer House, Patton, Pa
The new Catholic church at Spang.
ter was dedicated Sanday with inipos-
ing ceremonies. The services were in
charge of Rev. Leander Bchnerr, 0 4
St. Vincent's Monastery, near Beatty
The sermon was preachad by Father P.
Edward, also of St. Vinient's. A large
number of priests and an andience
that packed the new edilice to the
doors were also present.
Mr. and Mrs, DH Warren anil
son departed for Philadelphia last
week, where they expect to make their
futare home. Mr. Warren, who has
been a resident of Patton since it was
a town, was engaged in the painting
and paper baoging business besides
dealing quite extensively in real estate,
and always took an active part in any
mavement towards the advancement
of the interests of Patton borough
He was secretary of the advertising
committee of the Patton Board of
Trade. We bave been informed that
Mr. Warren haa accepted & pusition
with a large advertising company of
2 wh i
Think of ft: mixed candies at the
City Restaurant for only 8 ote per
| pound
Ve familiar free of RoE adciehl
of Gallitgin, was seen on our stn
Hastings Opera
House to-night ( Thursday ©.
A box containing 25 fivescent cigars
for $1.00 at Kinkead's.
You save money by buying your
groceries at the Cash Grocery,
The choleest line of pure tandies and
fresh puts at the City Restanrant.
Fresh Fish every Thursday, Friday
and Satarday at the Cash Grocery.
Fresh oysters every Toesday, Thurs
‘day and Saturday at the Cash Grocery
svan Griffith, of Ebensburg, ‘made
Patton & business visit Friday of last
Go to the Evans Sisters for youor P.
N. corsets, muslin onderwear and in
fants long dresses
The cheapest place for wall paper,
picture frames and plastics at Fisher's
store near ratiroad station,
Wiss Emma Hursh, of Flemington,
who has been visiting her sister, Mr.
fd BR Moore, for same tone, rethrned
to her home Monday.
By the Johnstown Democrat we leurn
that there is to be a big boom there in
the near fatare. Monk coal and ia to
he developed, which will add many ©
the Flood City's popuintion
Ebensburg acquaintances of Webster
Davis, Assistant Setretary of the in
terior, who went to Bouth Afrion, oon.
firm the report sent out by the Interior
Department at Washington to the
effect thut Mr. Davis has gone south
for his health. They say that they Know
that he had been contemplating the
trip for some time. Mr. Davis sailed
Fred Betts, Esq, of Clearfield, P
waka visitor to our LHwn th first 4
the weell,
Think of the little ones at home and
stop in at the City Restanrant and get
some of their fine candies and mixed
Handsome iron bedsteads at Buck’)
furniture store from $4 up 10 $i
Wonld make a handsome {Bris
| present.
1. 6 Runk, representing Platt, Hare
bor & Cn, wholesale grocers of Phil
ipsburg, was a guest al the Palmer
house Tuesday.
Policeman William (ill and wife re
turned home Taesday morning from a
week's visit among friends and rela
tives at Pittsburg and Latrobe, Pa.
William P. Barndollar, the popular
traveling salesman, represgtiog Hal.
pin, Greene & Co, wholesale grooers of
Philadelphia, was calling upon hie 2 X-
tensive trade in Patton Wednesday,
Dr. 8. W. Worrell returned Toesday
from a Dele visit among relatives al
Clearfield He was accompanied home
by Bis sister in-law, Miss Blanche Min.
nick, of that place, who will visit in
Patton for a few weeks
Mrs and Mm. J. J. Bperry, of West
Mages avenoe, wish to extend their
sincere thanks to the many friends
who so kindly gave assistance in mak-
ing arcangements out, for the funeral
af Miss Rachael Green, whieh oovnrred
on Wednesday
The aditor of the UOURIER is fry Pee
owipt of a card agnonneing Lhe mar
rine at Chicago inst Tuesday of Herbet
A Pard to Miss fesse Wolfe, formerly
of Patton. Mies Wolfe was a highly
pespocted daughter af the late Major
John A. Wolfe, who for meveral vears
was proprietor of the Palmer bhuse,
and is also a sister of John Wolfe, whe
resides on Fifth avenue. After Fob
eudry 1st Mr. and Mrs Fond will be al
home in Janesville, Wis The COURINR,
along with the bride's many acpi nt
ances in Patton and vicinity, extend
hearty congratulations.
A lives Shave
If you desire it, ax wall as A smooth
and saxy one is what you aiwas receive
at Ciarfield’s barber shop, below Con
tral hotel
from London for Cape Town Saturday.
Wolf & Thompson.
This i% the time of year
time when we can make our fr
them w ith a serviceable gift
The hardest problem to soive
Wolf & Thompson.
£5 % % +3
vi oi & 4 1 Rar $ Rg a 2
& gu 3
% 3
7 1 ¥ » 1 a Fy 3 »
heart glad by prese
5 ~ ¥
most smitable present far the smaiiest ould
Look over our |
1 ancl I
will answer the (question:
We Bave a fine line of Neckliex This
aseful article in all stiles at 35 and
This season finds ns with one of Lhe
finest lines of MuMers ever brought to
Patton, We have them at Be, Soe,
“He. $end 8 50
Now of coarse On A iow Wilber» day
when the storm king has settled dow 2
you have Go peed for this article, Sat
a few days find you in peed of ap
You can get them here at |
ogy NG GE 3 aril 8375
hE NE * ¢
of Ciothmy
lises, and
When Li
We fave all Kinds at all prices Yaa
can get a suit of allowond anderwear at
1.50, 200, 2.50, and $3
Cotton Underwear at MWe and 8
per midi,
NOW no person gels RUgry when you
present them with & nice, peat pair
Gloves, Of na! And bere is The piace
Von cath got ile. Prices range roan
The to $10
Your oaght te know, if you don’t,
that slippers make a nee and pseind
present. We have them at prices mang
mg from 4% up ia $1.79
When this vou read remember that Christmas 1s aimost here
and if
hivoest stock from which to
3 v
SUPPLY CO. is the place.
stock constantly fresh.
vou want good things to eat,
I arge
and the choicest, freshest and
remember the PATTON
8 1
«ales enable us to keep our
Christmas |r
Richness. |:
Chotce canned pumpkin,
more richly flavored than the
field pumpkin choice nunce
meat, plum puddings, fine
juicy clean currants and rar
$A Ws ai; a
SMR: de icions sure, § TARYES,
BEST. Oar ¢
1as, white grapes,{,
dates. . figs, apples, bread than any
: x i cae thet
7 x gh ¢
25d 4 seta FEN
and ali good LMNs
table may
i311 out
prove it, it you
Tons of CANDY for
[i vou do
1}. i or Faia A “3 i*
We are pre-fPatton Supply Lo. you are
{ et ares ana vou with
Prices and
. yl 12
TOF dk.
: he avest prices
duce not gettin
Looking over the
Pes *
Pear iers
y FN .
Santa Claus were going
iit he considered
aitable. he wonld
a x 5
espectuiy s
1. best Flour that possi-jchoose Shoes, and if he wanted
can be milled is PRIDE have a pair that would give
and OUR especial pleasure, he would
» Ly
view of ours either. We tan for a sma
wi | i
If it 1s not
Arhuckle's Coftee 110,
© %
Ais »
« that iticome here for them. fust
makes more, better and whiter thok over the Shoes aud Slip
we know ]pers that we are offering for
aneestched hiristimas gifts, {od eS
1 pre, ang also
give it a Higher priced Shoes that are
4% Tenre- worth all we ask for them.
1s} There is more common sense
in a pair of Shoes for a Crist
mas aft than any| other pres
¢nt yon can make.
Bear in mind we have the
largest and best line of Shoes
Lowi vy select from
lon 1 heileve