4 Fi ; BEN ORG Ts ; a Ha id PUBLISHING CO. Propristers. E Wit Gernx, Filditor, i ESTABLISHED = wes, : TA OI WOU SEIS A LEA MI SL I 7 PERLIC SCHOOL NOTES, : Rr “lesvis Christ is in the noblest and > holida vs We have : 2 ; thinness 18 the market ‘most perfect sense the realized ideal of ¢ ne assortment put up ne Aes or al Ee ae i 2 humanity.” ~~ separate hoxes that we : @ cui hint sages as JOW On next Friday the schools will close ~~ sell at 98¢c & $1 48. ; ; Fe 3% 1 98 Hp to $4.48. until after New Year's day. All the, ss 3 > : : : oy babes wo EE : b Women's Dress Shoes as low as teachers except Miss Rogers will spend ee . Ty oa : TUE COT ADDY CC Sr! : their vacation at home. on New Stock of Silk Um. Ti Jill LI1URL J IAL. $1.48 ap te lam : The saddest thing that confronts the nig hrellas. Specially for $ . } Children's ficod Solid Dress true teacher is the face of a girl or boy AB presen tS. The prices are $ : Ri a: Ta up to 1.98 [withoat a purpose. It is a great thing - ti rht—$1 98 np to $4. $ Vays or Yume. when a obild begins to go to school at ~~ HB Di : the age of six. He has resolved to po know something. Ho bas a purpose; 4 ods that cash will buy, and where vou pay exactly that determination, pig > Yr 3 that contingity of prrpose that is an- - the SAM pric CAS othe ‘I's fl £), No more nor no less ( Ine price toy all. be Jit vour ch lel 3 Vedls faltering. The encouraging influences - i ars of ” - of home, church and school will give Oil OF YOUTISC 50 yedrs o age, the young and purposeful life such res. oo ; A . on roa bi Cog yl op cen EE Fs moan. We want to do.more business this month than we did in Dee. 98 by half. To doit we ing, no uncertainty. A life withouta GU hy we arraye d our stock in such prices as will do the business. Let us sav in conclusion that we purpose is changing ‘trom day to day, 3 ike bost on the water without ard. @~ carry more stock than any two other Cli othing stores. Do not handle dry goods at all. der or & compass or a sail, driven with .- y > the winds: as changeable, as variable, wo an unsteady as the breath of air that ; | - yy ope. Tatost whip porde. covert cloths, her. in the pounty. We do unt sell shoddy Aweeps across the water. What isto - Men Ss Clothing. x hotes n Kearney olof on $8. 48 nor do we want fo we leave that to Underwear Stock. ig ee : Se — : short top coats, chen conver e soll you a fall suit : be more deplored than a life that drifts [Rw elegant coat oF low an @ DO Ba Flasod or Natn ral wos] : with its own impulses, its own prasions, Wor sell a boy atl wool mit at : . Sw I that has absolutely no central purposes, : A Ane drew Hover cont at 7 48 BY an el "= "¥ es $l. 98 Then we have. oo al pe: |X. zw, Eg bis ; . : pL A i 5 Hp The 0 2 4m, $2 Ns HEE 3 4R 3 ¢ Lilo Fis ; - thit ents to-day becaose appetite calls } $i z Bon nis Al fas Latent alors id ry ". Aor the finest gra and whiades, and in any cloth you may Boys’ Natural Tw aol denizen, shirts and draviers, 55, 2 38 to #80 sack Pays Reefirs and ape Orv errnata Resfers, all dl. 98 wis] ages 1 La 8B oat Ags Bb ta 15 82.98 Omir Shoe Department is 5 Fancy neckweasr for the dul gy piamy full of the hnest 3 FEA Where vou get your money's worth of tha best : Slippers as low as Bo np to $1.98 for food, that drinks to-morrow be cause appetita calls for drink, that sins in all forms of indulgence becaose ap- petite calls for the gratification, that Arifls as foolishly as a man who would take his seat in’ a carriage, throw the ps to the winds, strike the horses a and trast to the dumb animals to take him whither they would! His course would be no wore nneertain than many a boy's and girl's in life, ‘moved by their own impulses and pas. mlons, without a purpose. : Grecian «location ated at forming Boys’ Clothing. (hr stow k of Cape Dlverooats will be sald at about Ball their actosl value to x clos them onl Weare agente ior SWEET ORR & £1)’ Patatco fw oan! overilis the Poet rik fan sell von : ¥ 4€ thedy all wk 1 48 & o . * re patie al and Bp lo MAR Fin a oman 3 in waist OF SE fn wean fang fg up tb irs ture, amy at forming the practical Roman. Bat, with tke advent of Christ intes the world, there came a new ern in history, tbl Good blick suite, Bot charnctor. With his coming the work we al] wool but show mp well ted upon the period of its final de ~~ ut wit. The wide- reaching infla. -— Drress suits at - — KOR 4% THAR. 11.4% up to $1408 Car Fare Paid On ail purchases of $1006 or over This of conse including perons ax fur X education. C hristianity has a hte education upon a new and un- L. : movable foundation. In teaching that fn Men’ Ss Overcoats. pational limits and prejudices. It he ~ 8 the world the great Fought 4 that an Cresson and Mahaffey, Barnesborn, Spangler, Coaipart or Irvona. It may Wa carry a stock of hone take the profits on a $10.00 side, but we coats and smoking jusiete 5. 00 hx Lo fiar the holidave at » will fo a8 we say. to $10 each, Nive for a nweful gift. Latent stock outside of Johnstown hy gr A p PN RR, PAN Py POO Ny PN JAIN ION Py PING PONG Pp, PION SINGIN PIV PNP PON Np PNY. Nl PIN IO I PU PONG BAG BA Ny Py. Py I PN Ny PN PV Gop PON ION p TN PN Py IN PN ' ha do stamped with the o irom of e divine image and are children of tion, the heir to eternal life. it | ei dca ; sig] Lame Wal Yaad ORE Py PI Ne } , : % sounty, a iad Ww EE m % I : ORPItAl ond the safe blown open and robbed of Low) Hat a w : a - GED TREE | gC at Philipsburg In September last with ts oontinta ing everything you want in the g ry} Lei a 3 So0Dn b her a broken leg, was taken back again fire al tae (ash Grider ov Vo rly ! ’ idl ; i EYE) | be ) Philip Divtrick and aif were 1000 ; Rl ed ®% i ing mill, 1 screen, 1 corn sheller; 1 hay Thursday Kerugen With the same lop the m ilo Pattonites whe attended tl fu oF | h CA , a { ; woken in nearly the sane place "ix Any Hes Whe atheided Hw 2310 CRE < 0: 4 is 3: y Land rope, 1 eatting box, 1 land “TOR . Fed sity nd Fifty [reilars mn E : Kign \ b fy } Mi Pe, B ! nd dedication services of the pew Uatbadw BRON ahah TORg Sat teRl ARs] hood 3 hdl 0; : Li SA Dd IOWA iit Elsewhere in the COURIER this week ohyeoh at Spangler Sanday bid tire vcdinn a 1 ! Col EY Xe! Lani can be found the annoutwwment of Dr \ ( ur Si it OT T. M. Richards, of Ebensborg, tor the Fhodntay Excursions Rites § mri ATH Ne 3 0% 3 : : ’ " ( ) fhe a Yio Ratarsbyll. ds ; Rn i} nomination of Sheri! on the Republi On seconnt of Christmas and New fo By Hae of | Vere at’ Fa * i EATS TR 3 Fi alc “fy » Eh x hx i 5 Can ticket. Mr. Ric haris ina stann hiyanr holidays the Baffalo, Rochester & ood mixed nists to ov lily Sp : Republican and a god fellow and if be Pittabtiegr ratiway will sell excursion also 1 cooking stove, 1 heating stove, receives the nomination and is elected ope between all stat “ ba ‘tables, chairs, bedsteads and other hp will ke & creditable officer, ful Sw oe hn Se gma HENGE £ will make a oreditable ollwer, 0b op 00 fre and ouethird for ciand m wid : fine : : RE OE PX AIG GRRE Jor Bi tH : e Dcaverer of Sam Root at Wark isehold articles too numerous to filling his obligation with bonor to yn Prkets will be sold al good a : ia mention. Sale commences al 10 a. m. himself and the taxpayers of the going on DPeevaileer 25 3 20 50 1d Thars dinmasn prey Terms will be made known on day of county, at Inu wl 4 EATS i MEL wml pee : : . E ar and a reasonable credit given. he 4 0 haa ; : 9 Saw Anges ie 4 en zap Mis. Wu MeN ELIS Daniel Gray, of Spangler, thiv coutity, tnrniug to atid taaing Fanuary F.5 : ’ on CL rehire a mini re tail S uU IT} NGS and A ANAL, had By v v 5 ne . ies bois ah : 3 ; LXE y he > : : ” . : Jo was instantly killed on the Susqgue. 1900. For rates, time tables and addic Te fro alm» ioud % \ The Johnstown Daily Tribune has ,.,... pxtension, near the Barnesboro HO08 information, apply to dearest ( f ay MY a A > OVERCOATS [installed new fast press. Itis from Join about 7 o'clock Friday even ticket agent or aildress U. OD. Pas. Di ests what :S the vital srgiis, or the Kidney themed thes nahh the Cox Duplex Printing comp ny, of : Gos . : ; call, Div. Pass Agt.. Mo Spithiheld { 3 you eat. . RN Hie HIRES ape the nobblist in the market and we ing by the evening passenger rai ec arsifioiitte bi Sl gui hs I waste away oriiby emi snarsnree ie +} : Battle Creek. Mich, and ix said to be : : Co atreet, Patisbhury, Ha Itartiticially digests the food and aids iy a Tanta ih ati guarantee to Bt them up in Hrst-class . ¥ s { ¥ i 3 t 4 “fe i fa skiv & or v § ¢ ex 2 ki ¢ § f % ¢ a beant iray was a teamster and made week Nature in strengthening aod recon Cosas on CT me aR Re IS. style a very resonable prices Sh ye trips for Westover & Notley, the liquor ; structing the vxhausted digestive ore ay a Ee x all in and look ab them Edward O' Friel, a storekeeper of firm of Spangler, to Twin Rocks. He ; mR aes Dronkenness, Eats. 3318 the latest disco rered fi gost. had prepared bis load Friday evening mL aay Cit Dis tan Arproach it in emer Th in to start early Saturday morning, and Ere 1 aera stant v relieves and yermanently Abd was on his way home when the fatal 38 THE ys) primis, Indigestion, Hearts ut accident oconrred. Daniel Gray was KEELEY Satu he r Biomach, Nau and distiag gies 8 es of ot right ankle. He was taken | about 45 years of age, and was a Write for = SOL INSTITUTE, Sisk Headache Gusteaigin Cramp. and by mail, a8 4 DiwK takin uh Swap the hospital in that city, where his brother of Ex Sheriff Joseph A. Gray. hee nk ive. | Prepared Dy EC Dewitt 8 Co., i Or and & CoE a SH iii N. give of Spangler. fen i The Merchant Tailors, FTRISATAS, £1. CW Hnlehios, Paton Pharmacy. | mention this paper. PATTY N PA