$1.00 PER YEAR. Miss Seeing Immense Line of The largest CVer brought to North Cabm ria coun ty. 3 Ordinance No. 54. Rapplemoent to an asrdingnoe of the RBarough of Patton, Penna, dated the eleventh day of September, 1899, and pumbered Afty among nances of said Borough, titled: “An ordinance authorizing the iwsne and sale of Borough Bonds the amount Thomann Diol jars, in pursuance lo Borough Election held Aagast 24th, 1399, and levying an annual tax for the payment af the same,’ providing that sail Bonds be sald free from all county, Lipal or other tax whntaoe ver, fthe Borough of Patton pay taxes assessed and paid thereon by holders thereof, said bonds be stamped before the sain ihernaf, TAX FREE Be it enacted and Burgess and Town ton Borough, and if by authority of the sams That, whereas, the Burgess amt Town Council of the Borough of Patton, by ordinance dated the eleventh day of September, 1508, sntitied “An ordi nance agthorizning the issne and sale of Borough Bonds to the amonnl of Seven Thousand Dollars, in pursuance Borough Fiection held August 24th, 1808. and levying an annonl tax for the payment of the same,’ prepared and are about to sol} issue of bonds: and whereas, honds have been sold “Tax Free,” itis hereby enacted and srdained that ordinance be amended an follows: That the Borgess and Clork of Coun oil. of said Roroagh of Patios, oases said bonds to be stamped, before the ale and delivery thereof, “TAX FREE" and if x further provide i, that tha Borough of Patton shill pay or canse to be paid at its own cont and EX pense at such tin or limes "hecome doe and payable, ail state, coanly, manicipal or other Laxes, whl soever, ax shall be Jevied and collected Fh spite and sn fay of Seven abate mane. and nat ali sfeh and providing that the Pat hereby enacted ardained by Counc ol tas Cate to baer wid anid supplemented and 4 ont maid Beene of hatieda, them, or shall be loyvied from the holders of Lhe same, {{hereof, until maturity, or time Cas they shail be reser nend ty {ivr Bor sagh of Patton, And it is farther provided: Hr on iy fix axed 4 eolieiiet Ly PERRI REI That the ‘RBargess and Clerk of Ulatnell be and are hereby empowored nd dire ted to prepare & CON of thin ardiianey rake affidavit thereto, and fie ame a8 A supplemental statement in Conners of Quarter Sessions of Cambria County, to the papers relaliog bo the hee of Bonds of Patton Borough dated the 15th day of September, 1598, already on fle in said Uoart Enacted aod ordained this the 18th day of December, [509. WwW. OL Humnari, Prisident of Council, Shier Attest: James Guraipcs, Clerk. Approved by the Burgess (bis the wad RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED Met iagy 0A Melt at Clearilatd “ af the held at Clenrfiedd inst week ihe Hitaes nats Al tho At Biting foal miners the mes phe Following pesodalions warn adopted Benolved, That we demund an ads varios in wages of 10 cents per lan on pie k mining, sorta nas £335 ¥ cls” py LApty £354 chine landing and MY per sent. on all yt five kinds of tabay, vreingr. Les gro ints effet eatting amd sen 1 mn January 1, IHL Hesolved, That the demabd shall nt apply to those operators who have signe] agreements with us that do sl ext, proven that thee apirit wt ter of the sjrreement has ax pire anti Ard dst axcert a hep i an wid wx the bes broken hy the operators That Pistriet bw instriaciesd 3 with Resolved, the offioers of the to prepa the IHstrict to pul thome demands into effert. Flanaived, That tlament is obtained for the Tioga if a satisfactory sete niin: ars ory or before Dsensmber 254h, pak eof signify their intention of attending the and a safficient pumber CHAO PE National Convention of Operators and Miners to be held in Indinnapolis, fad. in January, tO satiety the officers that bik pot a scheme to kil time, fhery the affieers of the [hstoet are authori tor potify the miners 16 cONTinGe Work. {reg until the National Convenfion has determined 0B A patioy To plirsne Glavastd ee Re Nominaiad foguiry among leading Republuats Fram variogs sections of the coanly dicate that there in an almost DRAB among the Repablioan of the mote sentiment rank and fe in favor Fen PIO TENE nation of NSepator Bigeinan, says thus Pe his first term with Haona Tribune Hos serves) bis sonst gents during fidelity amd Gilgen, carefully carry jug out their wishes whenever Roown, and doing whatever was 8 his piwer io promote ther Denl interests of thon vibe trict and of the State. I of the Republicans of thie county Mr. Stineman be given & second Ler, an iw Lhe castom in this district They have the utmost confidence in Lis ine tegrity and in the mnoerity of his pur pow and they think he nas well earned the honor of an ROP posed Ie node i fhe desire Phat nation [1 is Searvely IeCIssAry Lo shy that the Tribus boariny Ee ARTeEs WN 3! thin very sensilie exprosuai of sent ment Hanaread an Tlirtes Com aitincs, Hon, Joseph FE. Congress from this district, has received Thropp, member of the honor of being appointed on three Speaker Henderson, AManufactarers New cranmitlees Dy namely iadnas anced Pacific Railroads. of Congress are rarely appuanted Lo mors myer ine rw than one committer, and they ar con sidered particularly fortunate are appointed on twas, of Mr. Threpp be PF Hua “ SHEN lis the ites appears to Moers tor proceed forth. Totte k 9 MARTIN CARL DEAD Oe of Cienyficl Th Mont Hrinmd- pang Uitirens, wieliip's Martin Carl, one of the beat Roown and highly respected citizens of Liam. county, died Clearfield township asd hig iy ster a complication of diseases Brin at ne Frisky poon of Foer sige deceased had his jeg ampa- bated. mention of which was made in thie COURIER sme time sgo, ns heaith has heen fatling and no donb groatiy aleded in shortening his fife Mr. Carl was born in this county sud aged 55 years at the time of his demise Fo: iw sursived by an aged mother and Hin wile fife about wx Wittlam 1. and Louis Charles, six sons apd two daughters, naving departed thin years ago, namely: Benjaniin of Altoot, James Rose asd whom reside wf bone Joseph, Fiizabeth. Frneral services Wore Badd Satariay and interment was made immediately after high mass Sunday in the 3 Ag geting cemetery Hownlitions of Respect Al {range y apecinl meeting of St Angintine Poof H. held De fadlowing No. 11, cemiber 18 ihe soso inion ware ads sted Whereas, The Almighty in His wis dara Bun aurpmonsd Hiobmeelt {4 Hr aataemed browser, Martin Lo Carl, and Augistine Lirange omen 4 valoned and faithful ihenber, his ty him death St mvsther a dutiful son, his children a kind amd laving father, their aniy par. ent and the community a pn pete geightar ariel nseful citizen; therefore, Tug 11 Jerson, That we baw in hamie wabmision to the will of the Almigh v, and extend obr sympathy tos the Ie wed family Remon vin, That these resolutions bw Jacedd on recordt and a copy be sent hie aorrowing family, abso that a COTY we 111 thee oointy papers 1% pees biiient Hn ALATHA WHARTON, Kate Waanron, Maen BENE 4 A Ryav, TM SHEEHAN, ammities Toe = $ & on En Lee teh frical at BR indber Mie Rachael Green, who formerly renided at this place with her Brot her David Green, died at her home in Windber Sunday after an rf wveral weeks, suffering frm an attack of typhoid fever bey She wae in ber 4th year and Piirnesem fosd bovwwind pret mona ia airy ived by three Drotisers and Iwo sisters, Samuel, of Peale, Pa; David Goorge and Mea Harry Filer, of Wind. er and Mew J J The tha hroaght to this place Toesday and on Mperyy, af Patton anains of hiconmnl were Wednesday afternoon frsvral saprvives were held in the M. BE. church of Pat ton, of which she was a devont pram ber after which the Highland chmelery Mb Patton for several years previons to iptermement goetirred in of resided 10 parth dast fawn irsen, who Paiprle in this place Monday night CLIPPED FROM EXCHANGES Whi Visit saad (her Hews FE Nellie Wolte, a dining room girl the Ciamibde honse, Jersey Shore, who | had been in a cataleptic slumber from | Sunday night, December 4, until last Saturday evening, awoke then ined i {hid £ pow as wide awake as any body ipsburg ledger Burglars sonred twenty ihree cents at pipes, some change and other articles in Bengele's store and aiso efiterad two | houses ocenpied by Hongarian fuenilies Ciadlitein Times. A telegran: was received in this city 15k forenoan, stating that sn immense ow of gus was struck this morning io the well being drilled al Aokcaia, by the Central Pennsylvania Cas and Oil company of Lovk Haven The tel. egram stated that the gas had taken fire and the derrick was burning. An sonia. in a direct line, is about 40 vi bes fram the city. The big flow of gas wak strock at a depth of fet, TH Harman, president of the sampany for Ansotia this aflernoof, Friday's Look Haven Express LE On Monday evening about # plotok Livervinan Pringle, of Portage, Wak driving home from Cresson, and when along the Level close lo the home of Willing Lowery his horse took fright, throwing him out of the hagey., The tosh the woods, wire hein hind rane it. A wrecked buggy wis found (a the wile teri] whether Lily Signal, horse hen tes fos atin na ta hit a hive pot yet hee hugs fond bis horse Rrakeman D. H. Boudeny, of the Towaal fevight on the Ebensburg brands, had his right arm crashed badly last Wend. neaday while making a evaplitg near Vintondale. He was takin to (Cresson fur anrgioal attention. His home 8 at “anil, Monntaieer Hueralib Rrowery Restnes The of the Carrolitows Hrewiry, formerly held by i. A, Fara Have precenliiy Hen ses Baugh, of Uarrolltown, been transferred to Henry and the brewery is The plant "and managed by Her Bsless ian ir wm thought Drisithens near (his place, again in operation, the Dipiness is being man Farabaugh, a yonug of cormiderable ability, and that ander his direction Lie rit] flonrish x Gio to City Restaurmnt if you are hungry. GE warm weath vin apt A gh Yariv In agree aie) wReTIS aT WIC ak AML Wild y a. Vass bik PIER Wary wihioiesx DYICES - ES Quite pretty litt po o Fu Yoy outs 3 UK, the new depot and a lot of tobacco, | Jett. Swope, of i enmbsg tect ts the rales of the party. 1 T. M. CHARDS. double breasted, high neck RET] CRANE MEETING AT PATION To be Held Thaosday awl Wodpeabss, Jali wary BE and 34, Program of Pomona Graoge meeting ut ito be neld in Goldstein's hall, Patton, Tuesday atl Wednesday, Jan. Hi and 3 10). The meeting will convene st 1 o'clock p.m. Tossday. The first session will be oecopied in ihe slection of directors, reports of arty nittess and other work connected with the Fire Insurances company; duet, Heriian and Mary Dishart; select reading, Fla Bennett Thie evening session order at 7M ot cloek, cord Grange band; {iibann, of Ebensburg, au perintendent of schioaik How can oar publi whois be made more efficient? solo, Sies false Bamaan, of Loretto) ati ress, Hon. Johm Hamilton, secretary of Ag- rien ltore, Roads and Road Legislation. Wednesiay morning sessions opens {ng at 9:30 o'clock. The model milk hotsse, Thos. W. Hughes; Does it pay to fired condition powders to stock 7 L. E. Hayvior; recitation, Francis Callan; Roads, and how to make them, 3.0 Phemas: (Game laws, H. Cooder ham. The exercises will be inters roe] with music by the Flinten Grange choir, will ba called to Masic by Cons adres. TT nd 5 & Notes of Meeting of Viewers, Notice ix hereby given, that the an- dersigned viewers, appointed by the Cotirt of Common Pleas of Cambria Connty, to view and assess the bene Ate to the property owners along Fifth avenue, ia the Borough of Patton, by reson of the grading, paving and curbing of the same, will meet along the line of the improvement on Friday, the Ath day of Janoary, 1900, at nine oleioek i the forenoon, for the purpose of performing the duties under their appointnient, at which time amd place all persons interested may be present and heard relative Lo the same, : Plated st Patton, Penns, December 19th, 1888 Josep BE. PARNELL, F. {1 HaARTEHORN, James MELLON, lowers Mrs. Annie B. Gunoing, Tyre, Mich, sive, 1 suffered a long time from dys pepsin, lost flesh and became Yory weak. Rolo] &vape win mare completely cured nie. ft digests what you est and cores ail forms of stomach troubles. 4 peer fails to give immediate relief in the yromst cases. U W. Hodgkins, frattan Pharmacy, £3 POR SHERIFF 1 hereby announce myself as a (A NDIDATE for the OMINATION for SHERIFF at the Republican Convention, sub- * et we are compelled to have a ll until January 1, 1900 at Sei } te Revfers of Pebble Cheviot, navy blue stormt collar, Plam {sth day of December, [598 more than fortanite, for he has been moving to Windber where she rt toy 1 important abo resided with ber brother David, Dack, {nea Ww hramst wk 1 Ba C i : . - Aes Labo, who will be grieved to leirn of ber and ee : : pi Now 1s the time to select ith Italian Satin, only $2.30, worth #35 our Christmas presents. As well know Kirk Hdw. Furt Co. is the place to same. : appointed ta thirne very committees, which would indieate LBA Henderson regards Mr. Thropp (Gipn. F. PRINGIALE, . v yi § 2% a 4 fos ELE +p ¥yq 3 % . sg Burgess of Patton Borough gained 4 fries = hep Plain cloth, plush, ast rakhan, beaver, former prices 8, 10, 12 and #15, “% Leen Council Provemdings. thee Ly : sh Pat Be a au a man of excesimnt baainess oualith departure. His Was Rn exoeptionally Met ton Borough council me 0 - : ay : > Aor X - a iw ee : rong BR met in Fegh and generous Christian lady, who DRL rices, 3. 7. anQ $a. 30 jar semicon Monday evening with the : following members present: President ’ Hubbard, Blair, Anderson, Winslow smn Sp § tei : and Cordell. The minutes of regular QUET LAM PS meeting held Dec. 4 were rel ou approved. 26¢., 1.00, 1.25, 3.00, On mation of Winslow ane kind was sver ready 10 ido grown to whi were deserving of same Heart felt smpathy of the entire cmpmamty cations and ality thoome YOM Ofertas Eiloeted and examine our Hohday Stock At an election held recently by Mar: cellos Council, No 44 YM 1, thier Fo ah hal wi in ex bending to the Bereaved relatives af ROE fear Frank X. James J. Mitchell, Michaud Me Dijraie, ried Bart fn ¥udt fr oi Pics EE and following ¢ Merry wert 5 the dhceamd arNuIng Hams, weg vemked president; amily Exp iosd by Blair, It waa anarimously carried president aes painfully injan that the ordinance 1H be known as No 54. a supplement to ordinance Na. 5, be acoepted sa reid. Ov mats president farabangh, recording mPAny 8 Chas Lehman, Soanciad sed | sie fod cit Friday COPTER spied wer Te Rr | rotary: A. & fi apn aaedd ao re TAY | Walter Weakinnd, reastiey; © The finest est line in town, ranging Fisher, mOTR in price from he to BO Any H finish you desire. *" i Yissul} anda wan Dak Pa. cof lordadl a EET 4 DEPARTMENT STORE. Patton, by Winslow, it was anasimonaly car. George Uearbeart, fared ; . ca Hin T AY ) + pd yond . a pied that the hilow i $3 Ying it seni August Tepe and clerk fnstructed to draw orders Or Storm spn tine; ¥ Bh ys ¥ . ¥ Pg id bi & ; Poll Carrtages, Ete same: Chas. Rbody, $7.00; John Canty, | tare. J HoH : $1.42: RK Ramerviile, KBLo0: Same, H 2 Buck, . sekev. Paul Bia y snd od Fatih, Se ; $ : ; i ig 3 \ % 1 Shin 1 ; Tr $2 00 H OO Winslow, 330. : gut) i vy LE Le Aamage e¥y ro bh ateed plant wn (hater ie Epatyie gd iy : eating Stoves. then adjouriied Rte * Monday night ree pntwyr ; prices especially The Red : Cross, the leading stove in the country. Heating stoves al prives to suit everybody. Teter Rabe Pater b . ” 1% CE ariteti 1 3 Y 4 Wis 3 : Aiso Baby adips eshhath onan wd jinried Sty wate af hae Ha Peila Mitchell, Dy Dor Sexi (O60 Juwse Mitel di in Pleas of an G6. BM, December Terms, | ...0. ir elms atid whe Gal Sime voi atl pk PRA a ala euct 03 $33 ages RIE TE i Lan EMT MENG f ii Te $15 QE a Aliza ty . ! i “ils CLINTON ST, JOHNSTO i George Smith, vs the bria County, N tun Libel In DRvone cand now tO-wil, the Devember, A. IV, Reuse! Somerville, ibe] lant, FP. ¢ ft Christ . bri) : SLE I U2 1d H Caged of Laspnmen fri LE I wide CF i Fag . Also quite a variety of Rugs we wharbaugh, ‘are running out helow coat, Live BILE Lo ns a call. { i pao Lhe Prussian gs LIKE $3 pointed ¥ Graceful, Easy and Long W THE FAMOUS Olga Ni : saring. ; sinlote of Up cape Lo Wie X id : / io RT / KR : Thanking vou for your past patron. | sr I Ree He ; : ; Gliese 18 harvdny _mge and soliciting a pontinuance of 18 he thersole $2.50 Shoe © game, we remain for the purpose of : CR WIMEN v x » x a of ¥ v y 5 eho 4 Hd (31s Treliain Rican § fir fe 3 p 13 er tL APE Ty i my afftee io the Went Ward of Wwe DOr : oa . SL Sr : Ski i i a : ; FOR PAL : ¥ Very Respectfully. Cn This i . TRA ES : gag Lal I TY faka i 5 i KT AAs 13% FEET pers, iia ty Ia 2 SEE or uFyect dined Ph i & « rs 11 nary 1ith, 19006, at 8 (olock am. , when Spins hs cr = pil pd ; is cope Huxihiig lnm § 5 sbi t & woft as 8 shoes, TLR cilia +4 webght wales, Snkde ough of Ebhepasbiryg and where all attend If they deem proper 1 FO, Spagpavas, Master Ebnsburg, Dec. 14, 15948 : The best tea for the money & , Mgr. Cash © TRY spend persGns interested Win, HYG =: 3 EL FER HBAS A 13% Sue Ahn WE) flan FA £ po FIRS iy sof why Bs abd vo mics ¥. Manufsctured by The Rouk island Shoe Cio, Rock Istand, 111, and sald exclusively by C. A. Perry, Chest Springs Pa. PPE Veg ti Soviet qo 5 oul oat taarhiend drinking peas a i Central hotel . . a New York 11 men intemperance made 54 i es insaoe the Dasl Year fave and 33 women. the {iet your holiday presents al Fishers
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers