J To hee Held Christmas (leaned Here and There by the “Courier” Reporter. “THREE BO ing DAT Gatpitein Servrday- Break Through thee © fee an a Daan. Gallitzin, Dec. 12.-- A drowning soci. dent which cost the lives of three indi d cast a gloom over the entire com: ‘munity oecurred bere Hatarday after: noon. The dead are: Bert Schilling, aged 13. Ralph Hendry, aged 14. Clyde Hendry, spied 11 The three lads, accompan Miss Seeing our ied by two ‘jer. went to the dam nesr Tavior Mo Coy & Co.'s coke plant about a mile from town, soon after dinner to skate. The ive on the dam was only aboat 1} inches in thickness at its best. About i 4 o'clock the Hendry boys broke through the ice. The Hebilimg lad, in aMempting to rescie them, fell in. and with the Hendry boys was carried "ander the foe. Denning and Rockefel- jer were the smallest aries in the party {and they were unable to render the slightest assistance. They hurried to the coke plact near hy and gave the ‘alarm. A number of the coke work- vrs hastened down bul they did not sacoeed in finding the bodies until about 7 o'clock, three hours after the ‘ movident happened. The Hendry lads wera sons of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Hendry Their ‘father is an engineer at the Taylor: MeCoy plant. Young Sechiling was a son of the senior member of the hardware firm of ‘Schilling & Dawson. The parents were almost prostrated when the snd news cate to them and when the bodies of the three little fellows were brought to | town there was ament never to be for. | gotten by those who witnessed it. {I'he funeral of young Schilling took piace this morning ant that of the Hendry lads Monday nfternoon. Aw Apptecisiive Set. Street Commnissiontr Lehman hax CO ment the work of cleaning the mod off the paved streets of Patton, which act is certainly an appreciative | otie to every citizen of our town. They “were truly in a horrible condition and should never bo allowsd to get in that state again. The approaches to the ! paved portion of the streeta should be covered with ashes or cinder for a dis- tance of at least 30 feet, which would go a long ways in preventing the mod 3 from gathering on the paving. mmense Line of T he largest ever ‘brought to North Cabmnia county. > Died of Iviphitieria, | A five-year-old sou of Mes Barbara : Weakland, who resides on West Magee et Sia avenue, died suddenly of diphtheria ~ Now 1s the time to select gaturday mornifig. Interment oc- our Christmas presents. As curred in She Guthiolie sumalery. after curs 2 ye : | mervices at he hoove Ay morn. well know Kirk Hdw. (0 Three other children of the same and Furt Co. is the place to home are down with the dreaded dis oe ene. Heartfelt sympathy of the entire peighborbood inextended to the be reaved mother in her sad homr of tnt at Gongs coms Thomas Barr Fru rod. Word was received Wednesday morning 10 the effect that Thos. Barr, a ‘ young man whose home is in Patton, and who ia an employe on thé main WE line of the Pennsylvania railroad, was ABRY | hadly injured in some manner while in the performaffie of his dalies Toes day. At this writing no particulars Lenald be learned as to the case oF extent of his injury. He was removed to the Altoona hospital where he will be property cared for (ING CHAIRS. The finest line in town, ranging price from 5c to $9.00 finish vou desire. oh 4 of _ Aiso Baby Doll Carriages, Etc a . A ing Stoves. James Backer Not Galil. tn AR prices expecially The Red Early Satunlay morning the jury . Oram, the oad wt Prices which went ont Fraisy night in the to suit everybody, : case of James M. Bucher, the Moxham R Lo ni grocer which was on trial ay Ebens barg, charged with massiaugbter in | eansiag the death of Janes brought fn a verdict of not guilty NEientinn, Ni All members of the Improved Order Also quite a variely of Rugs we of Red Men of Patton sud vicinity ame are running out below cont. Live requested to bring their squaws and [van call. present themselves at the Patton Fire Company's hall on the 14th Hunting Moon, GES. DI, €8, at the Neh run. setting of the sun. eo Thanking you for your past patron. age and soliciting a contimance of same, we remain Very Respectfully. Cirk Wi nhen One Hundred and Fifty Dollars in | sohool and barough orders Same to he taken in trade. : FeyeroNE CLOTHING Us Money Suvid ts Money Fa rmind, hat's what you can do by buy - ot want in the grocery % Y5 DROWNED sthers named Denning and Rockefel- Pear, | FAIR AMD DANCE Woek in ihe Fro sents Hal Potten, Pa | A grand Fair and Dance will be held | Christine week in the Firemen's Hall, Patton, Pa, commencing Monday, : Dec. 25, 1599, and continuing antil the ‘evening of Dec Hib, ander the a spioes of Patton Fire Co. No. 1, which will comsist of dancing and other pop anlar amusements Sapper will be served in the ball | The efficient management of the cony pany intend to make thik one of the most successful fairs ever held in Cane Bria county. A cordial invitation i extended to all, and especially Lo thoes from ont of town, who will be asmts rend a good time, been scirnd to farnish the masie for | the dancing. Following ix the program for Lhe week: © Monday Dancing and (yater Supe per. | Tuesday Dance and Supper, Wednesday Fifty -Cent Ball. Thursday A Grand Sapper Friday - Dance and Sapper. Saturday Fair and Dance. A $0 | bedrootn suit will be given away dur- ing the last evening. On New 1 Fire company in their hall, at which all are invited to vome and have a good time, “Mew. Hridgei Meloy Dred Mrs Bridget Meloy, a highly esteeitied and mach respected old lady, died at {her home near Chest Sprioge Satur. day after an illness of nearly a year, suffering with paralysis. She was | aged 78 veurs and is survived by a hus band, four sons and two danghters, ehurols about 3 o'clock Sunday morn. namely: Joseph, Peter and Vincent, ‘of near Chest Springs; Henry, of Al tuona: Mrs Thaddios Steyn Mrs Philip Medion, Funeral services occurred at the Chest Springs Catholic eh rob Monday sora ing, "in the church cemetery. The deceased wan born in Ireland and came to Chis ceconnty when but len year od, where has since resided. The bereaved husband and family have a bowt of friends and acquaintances in Cambria county who will regret to earn of their loss of an affectionate wife and kind and lkewving mother, ; Wow Clavreh Cregunien oon. The ladion of the First Baptist church | of Patten sel on Tuesday, December 12, at 2p. Mm, toorgARiae a Laschion’ Aid Society. The meeting was cali order by the pastor of the church and they proceeded to organiae. The sie. tion of officers resalted an foliows: Mm A. E fliroves, president; Mes John Evans, vice-president: Mrs Mary Moftat, secretary: Mrs. MC. Alex ander, assistant secretary, Mm Flinn beth, Ross, treasurer. The society organised with 15 members, with an ested in the Baptist church to beoome members The nest meeting will be held Thursday, December 28 at 2p. m., ut which time the society will give a general supper in the church, the price of which will be 25 venta Report of Answer Seameryitie. Assemnor John Somerville on Mon- day, December th, completed hm task in Patton Borough and flied the follow. ing returns, which may be of interest to cur readers: Number of wehool chiliren between the ages of 8 and 16 years, 540; number of deaths fron May ‘ 1at to October 15th, #; namber of Births froen May Ist to October 13th, 33; nam. her eligible to be placed on the aailitary roll. between the ages of 21 and 46 years, 412 Mr Somers file hax made a careful canvass and we are positive that the above fignres are as correct as is possibile to obtain, Have Naihal Ba Eagles and Mrs Charles Nuttall and Bernard, departed from Paiton Eve New York from whch os 3 Mr LE Monday $ i Pe sleamer England, they snilesd Wednesiay 08 far Derbystire, farmer CHmanion tig BS where they will pg An Nu of 1 beastly Aig home, spend several fonts Visit fn Fras Deen Mr EYEE sino tails mother, whe Nattall bas i for some time past { in Paton pod Wis a ¥ town and danug his = who pegretisd to ay here grinded many warns friends ¢ depart on je fst xi IR woe hie and his fan i HMR. yy ekin Fog Rtas Sanne and piling at Fhensburg last week Among the malnns Hival at court are the fallowing presented hy Als torney Beunel Bomery ie of this place The report of the Viewers appointed by the toart view and vacate a owl tending from Baker's Cross Risads to Bailly avenue, Patton. In the malier of the petition of the mbiahitants of Patton, praying for the erection of a bridge over Little Chest Creek at Filth avenue, the report of Viewers filed. A popular orchestra hus Yenr's evening a grand Dance and Sapper will be given hy the | White Company has offisred ite nien the yi cerita adyvanoe for pick mining, Yo go wnnd | of Jobostown after which interment took place 0 HE MEET In Convention at Clearheld This Week. x WILL ASK AN ADVANCE 0HF 10 Cents For Fick Mining awd £8 1-2 Gor Machine Landing Clearfield Pa, Dec. 14. The miners and some of the soft coul operators of the Central and Northern Pennsyiva- pin fields met in confercnoe hove last night. through committees reprwent. ing pach interest, to discuss the demand for a wage advance made by the miner. The denand is for an advance of 10 cents 4 ton pick mining, 123 machine joading. and Xi per cent, for all other Wark. ; The operators present said they coold fot EIANL ANY CONOMMRIONA The min. say they will strike if refused The ater claim thist the agreement of June { wis violated by over ball the opera toms in the mgion, and many-bave : will be Jandiord. never obeyed nny of ite provisions A rinsor is abroad that the Berwind- into effect Janoary 1 Yesterday sddrewses wore muds by National Organizer MeKay, of Pitts. Burg: Mrs Jones, of the Sewinlints Labor party; John KR. Paisely and HEHerR Fawn © owtiy Fioes indiana. Pa, Dec 121 -Fire com. pletely destroyed Christ Eplseopal ing. Ttinthonght the flats originated in a defective, flue Nothiag but a part of the furnitnre in the Sunday | weliond soam was saved. There was in. stirasion of $2,200 on the boihling and $1,000 on the organ. : Readford, Pa. Dec 12 The Riddell hose, this city, in a complete wreok as the result of a fire Sasarday night, thought to have started from over prewwire of gas in the hath room. Fodber Prevent a Eoetnrs Altoona, Pee. Mra. Margaret L. Shepherd, the ox nun, who precipitated riots in Pittsburg and Johustown rec ently, Docae of her anti-Catholic lec “3 3 a tire, same here yesterday and rented a hall Five hundred women fSocked ts hear her, and half as many more were tarned away. The police refused ty allow ber to lecture because the ball was withont fre escape Np Fethosw Workoeasa. Altoona, Dee. 12 Thomas Sentt, a negro laborer, emploved on the rail road work at Sproce Creek, was shot hy another colored laborer named Woodson Saturday evening. He was ‘i : : % : hraught to the Altoina hospital. where Invitation to all ladies who are inter: gh Pp he died Sunday. Keott, it iw said, b FC Woodson esoaped. Miners are Happ: Wilkes Barre, Dec. 13 The miners’ arike at Nanticoke was officially de cared off. Monday evening, and the pvent wie celebrated hy the ringing of church bells, blowing of stesm whisties, pté. The strikers gathervd in ibe atreeta, threw their hata in the ar, and embraced each other i ewes as a i Rorehoman Washington, ee 1L Admiral Powes has rented a pew in the faxh- stable St. John's Protestant Episcopal church. of which Hey Mackay Smith in pastor. He has alsa been © tpastoe of the Episcopal Temple on the Tiinadyiown Boat, it Mart) A Yoligee af the Monn aka eiaay Az eelipee of the moot Wil setnr © of ih Peal Coles, | 21 RAE Saturnia § in wei Sorts aaa Mgns says the pohipswe s INIA GRR ath if penning, Mencing al a SE sin Al HEAR 3 Ff pemernbaer that the graalest 1a an 3s slant ary conianoeuions that have taken pmo hefiiew 0 GENE VeRDE CW {11 Tale place af the same thee, when statum, SHEL Be * 3 iy 1p fe RE REL mean wii ail nity Hine Walon fie aramn 4 BR ohae as Bas desire iT, An WEE ae A wipion sti i gpd easy Rael % aie what von Aiwas reese ab tap tie dd s bart Baddow el {pay ales Coane wart be Bogisiared y 2 wish te state to ihe citizens of Pat, 3 % spel that T wilt he ad the offioe of James Mallon, bsg Woanbemdny, | fopeniber J fie the purpose of registering the vol ors of this borough, Don't forget the date and place of registration. Jorn SOMERVILLE, Assessor, to its utmost capacity the gallery on the beads of the people wow. The © taste displayed by thelr window dre ad tnreatened Wood. Trstitute at €roves Honds, feces or] Following is the program of a local me TU institute’ to be held at Cros Roads Commissdonerelect T. M. Sheshan, schon, 31 € wifi A Ee i, Seria Hu of Clearfield township, was in Cresson Fn oaadads ue PY | Address of welcome, Joo Xaylor; re Tuesday evening on his way home from . g iy An sponse, Mr. MedAnaity; Futdire citizens, CLIPPED FROM EXCHANGES Fravple Wha Visht awd HM bher Feel, a Bist to the south of the county. ¥ a : ; ; 47 ALJ. Seymour, Misx Nettie Snyder, D. i 1. Kiine; Trials and tribulations of a MB Cowher, one of the popular antey school teacher, le J. Preis insurance firm of Parnell & Cowher of y T Aisle. What Improv ont 2d Patton. favored ns with a short dot oo adi in the corrienium of our rarsl plessnant call while in town Monday wthools’® Miss Celin Duvegan, Bert Windber Journal Flarabatigh, J 8 Springer: How to A.M. Thomas has pompleted his pigsh jrrammar, Ed. Brawley, Tom sewer contract at Milton and is now al Foley: Advantage of attending school, home in this sity, About two miles of AP. Schettig. Friends of education sewer was pot in, the cot [nsome planes anedially invited. being 19 feet deep Lovk Haven Ex. Ming Helena Hoover, of near Patton, left on the Monday morning train for Philadelphia, to visit friends and rela Pension Fawd Pinge Complete. At a meeting of the board of direet- crs of the Pennsylvania Railroad com- pany Monday, plans for operating the tives. She will probably remain a few proposid pension fund were on Mnithe 4 months Carrolitown Npws. snd pti % a pau The Indians Progress says that Juige fon fund wih anda : iy De p Jan White has sold the Henderson hovse at» : et he anaiatAnt he Cherryires 10 M (. Westover, of i dent of the ralircad The Be res, Spangler. Mr. Westover will make Meluls have } . gin thi plan decided improvements ci the property. oF oe ny onthe: They ve HOW Mr. Frank MeaAnaity, of Banesboro, oo, make the flasl arrangements : for managing the fund Vast Publish Marriage Lioehees. An exchange says that clergymen sre required by the present law to pob- lish marriages in at least one news paper. Failing to comply with the requirements got several ministers in serio troohle in the central part of the State recently. Special Tewin Avcounl Dedivitim Next Sunday will be ap eventfal day for the Catholics in tie viipinity of Spangler, st which place a new church of that denomination will be dedicated with appropriate ceremonies. The services, which will begin at 10a mm, will be in charge of Rev. Leander Kehuorr, 8B, of St Vincent's Col. lege, masisted by other priests. A Agrat Wanted. special train will be run for those wish 44 nee to represent The American ing fo attend the dedication BTVIONR, | Tea Company at Barnesboro and vicin- leaving Glen Campbell at 7 a mo je (Call on RR Beveridge. General Hastings 15, Patton 3:56, Carcolitown | Agent, at the City Hotel, Friday, Dec. Road 9:18 arrivieg at Spangler st 330. (5 (mi for particolars, The new church has been in process of sroction abou a year, snd the cost will we int the pelghborhood of $5 0060, Go to the Evans Sisters and see their Hine of trimmed hats and golf bats The ead Beat Last Thursday night whibe the Opera | He WX neg 5 Jue couttdense, = S Gi ow bP PREETI Bix slain, Hoowe at Houtwdale was crowded | pa Libr with on perieaiee PORN Tenens Gor De TRV @ ae dit dtl When ta ® DLE ess Way We sed gave way, precipitating the occupants The paiched, sonfident Desd Bent. oc ior ums mens Tittle aebieraa : . 3 ; ; i wage a brsilimnt cmetie 1 10 All wildest. panic ensued anid several PRODI ne vague snd visoaary dre, § Ty a = . Fix dusters Suton Lo Pale were injured, but sone serionsly. THe (ois san be will repent, socident was cansed by the overerowd. Bul gee yoar smith Troan thie Pend Hemi. ing of the balcony sand gallery. the You ei mney Juany 8 Susy wight ; - » for Jowsp flag wil OE van id 3 am diwer, huge pillars supporting it befsg in; Aad (ome victodons fom the Sght, some oases driven clear through the’ A 0% fron Henven could do 30 ma, Hoar of the parquet. Framer #1 Heaipiake » Feud need took for peri inane weed Car rapids, Toon any Hive Pesed Hewt. Vomt 1nay he snr smsoned Th defend. [fe award sont character or sii . 4 . bh 5 u Aud HF ye ave. YOU may Sepwenidd Dio not fail to sew the clogant display sone Dosd Hond amelie Li tb Tor LL 5 FT AY . i : i d tpi 1B wy taefil, shares aad Jefenl of sensible holiduy gifte exhibited In Wilf Gee no toss to this Time Bea the show windows of the Keystona | He pay display religions ssl Clothing (o.. Magee avenue That! When ail his other methods Si . Ca herred fn harrow, Teg oF send, MF somone. He tellin un pliacie tain yd pee bers of the ohismh wilt frou Aad phd thee powir, iste {asd i | Printers, physicians, Sowa, Tews, L Merchants, and men of pywry thle, | Hagves sie dome, ated still will do. Havosgh the worthy peer ta add at Bari ty herd! wonkd ral With oval conte pl the ane Pad Bow ~ FE Liles. MB Mezcwd, Tal A Fiwe Driaplay in always of the best and as he takes great pride in making their dmsplays attractive you should in justice ib yourself see them. For fall particu. lars read their ad on second page of this weve. RK reflect, and go call ors them. ; 4 Py WE iE compelled to have a Jannary 1, 1000 at oy 4 al ned sii wir Will {¥wing to the warm we “¥ ca “i Hy : x ¢ sacrifice sale, at win less than wholesale prices Refers of Pel ] 1. 3. 1S 3 shie Cheviot, navy biue storm collar. Plam worth ¥3 ted aretty little breasts Teq i high nec lian Satin, only $2.50, fo 5% tush. astrakhan, beaver, and #15, t Plan clot] bg % Ika RE Sd ii, § 1% i: Fo ahtit x +E 1 a 4 Cy SH de ~ ave] ewsaiverl ning ANG Lod INIT 32 LAAAR P grit sERMieT DIES 5, 12 * SHEE 5 FEY FERS i" 5 PIES, nN, Stock i % + Holiday DE . Patton, Pa. ET ———NL PARTMENT STORE A BS of Patton Ladies’ Suits, isso’ Coats and Gell tees § aan i Mig % 2 3 iin Stock ot { hnist- 3 d Hi wal. HmMn CLINTON ST., JOHNSTOWN.
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