sais istics tual Ls PATTON resLInING co. Propristors. | = E WiLL (GRreNe. Editor, reams oF SUBSCRIPTION. Che poopy, One year, In adorned, rAd vertiving rates made Known upon ap pliestion, 1.4 Aicontinned anil ail arrear So pipers. ar rm the option of the ages are paid, unless al pabitsher UU Batered a tha PostoMios at Pation as sect Sims pani astier, At the Goldstein Hall Next Monday evening. Get your holiday presents at A. C. Fishers : ‘Emmett and Gilson in “ it in a Mad-House.”' Of 1,000 persons only one reaches the age of 100 years. : ; John Ott visited friends in Altoona the first of the week. William Reeder, of Pittsbarg, spent Sunday among friends in Patton. Go to the Evans Sisters and see their ine of trimmed hats and golf hats. Lr EW Krine, of Ashville, wis a visi- tor to Patton theufirst of the week. The J. OC. Harper Co. has # new ad | in the COURIER this week. Look it op. Thursday, November 30th, just one | week from to-day, is Thanksgiving dny. Bee change of the J. E. Kirk Hard- ware company ad elsewhere in the COURIER. Bd Moore Is much eisted over the arrival of & daughter at his home one. day las atk. Master Rosell Barton will sing one i es in the M. KE. church a Friday evening, December 1st. Don’t fail to see the flag drill at the Epworth League entertainment in the : M. E. church next Friday evening. i Hf you are hangry drop in to the es Restaurant where you can get OT im you wl the sale oo. The lead pencil originated with the discovery of the graphite mines in England in 1684 during the reign of n Elzabeth. —— a aan weelng “The Prod- igal Father at the Hastings Opera Don't fall to buy a ticket for the Ladies’ Cymbal Quartette concert in Cloldstein’s Hall Mondny, November 27th. Admission 3 cents . Boynton McPherson, of Clearfield, spent Tuesday in Patton visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs Regben Mo- Pherson, of Beech avenue. onl A. Repsher, who has been em- ; ployed at South Fork for some time : is again looking after the mechan. foal end of the COURIER offios. The third musical and literary enter. tainpment given under the Bpworth League will be held in the M. E. church . Fridayevening, December 1st. J K. Emmett and Lottie Gilson will | at the Hastings Opera House in | _ “Pits in a Mad-House” on Thursday, | severe attack of la grippe the first of © Dec, 14th, opon 8 guarantee of $225. A sign of good times in Patton is the fact that good tenement houses are at a premiom. Several good houses erected in our town would find ready | Don't fail to hear Master John Mon- | roe Friday evening, December 1st, at the Epworth League entertainment in “His Little Pocket.” There will be no admission charged a es Tas entertainment | tobe beld in the M. E. church nex Friday avevening; don't fill to attend ns it will be well worth your while. Out of 12,000,000 American lies is less than $400 per year, and the | incomes of nearly 80 per cent. of the | entire number are less than $1,000 each per year. P. P. Young, one of Patton's sub- stantial business men, had business in | town last Thursday. He gave this : med hats, across | hotise. # unadulterated fun and | His subject will be families | the income of 4,000,000 of these fami- | Inman WA. Luther came down from Car- ‘ rolitown Monday. Fresh Fish every Thursday, Friday and Satnrday at the Cash Grocery. & A. Rishell, of Johnstown, was in town attending to business Monday. May Monteitls E. chorch Friday (ro and hesr Anna pecitation at the M. night. Cio the Evans Bisters for from the There are scores of places in this country where only one mail comes, avery 14 days. Gio to the Evans Sisters for your P. N. corsets, maslin anderwear and in- ‘fants long dresses Mrs. Joseph Taylor and son sre vis. iting among friends and relatives in Fayette county, Fa The cheapest place for wall paper, piotare frames and plastica at Fisher's : st i near raliroad station, cheapest place to buy alban, toilet, smoker and manicure sets and jewelry is at Fishers wall paper store. 1. FF. Baaghman, of Brookville, is in Patton this week. Frank's many friends here are always pleassd to pee him. Mrs. Annie B. Galley and two chil ‘dren, of Scottdale, Pa, are visiting at | the home of Joseph Taylor on Fourth avenue, The First Baptist chorch is being wired for the purpose of using electric Hght. This is a much needed im- provement for that edifice. Gold medals to Harper whiskey al Now Orleans & Worlds Fair, Chicago, try it, you will sndorse the Judge's ‘yordict. Sold at Faimer House, Pat- tom, Pa We refund 10 for every package of | Putnam Fadeless Dye that fails to give | satisfaction. Monee Drug Co, Unlon- Lyille, Mo. Sold by C. H. Perry, Chest Springs, Pa Cape Town enjoys a certain distine ‘tion in respect to the height of ita constables. The tallest is six fest eight and a half indbes, while there are 34 others over six feet in height. For want of electric light and a | quorum Patton Borough council dick | got meet in regu RESTO Monday night. Next regular meeting will be held Monday night, November 27th. A Jessel, formerly one of the lead ing merchants of the city of Altoona, hot who la now 8 traveling salesman on the road, was a pleasant vistlor t Patton Priday of last week and woile here made this offite a friendly cai There are over 100 goid mines in the {mmediate neighbarbood of Jobatines burg. stretching cot on ai} sides of the (¢ity. The monthly outpot of the mines is 15 tons of guid, #1 it is asserted that the ground is only beginning fo be worked. F. I. Raker, district manager of Central strict and Printing Tele graph company, comprising the whole of North Cambria county, was confined to his bed at the Commercial by a ¥ the the week. Go and hear the humanitoriompbone ut the Epworth League entertainment in ME church next Friday night. [It ‘will be the first appearance of this ‘mew and wonder! instrument in the State of Pennsylvania. You can't af ford to miss hearing it. Clergy men are interested in the fic that pander a pew raling of the Jooersd passenger agents’ association, a new style of certificate is to be prepared next | for them. It will cost $1.00 art wit entitle them to half rate fares over 5 railroads in the United States The Tribune says thal b, large nun ber of counterfeil quarters Lave Doon placed in cirenlatioa in Adtoous. | are of the issue of 1809 and of excellent | workmanship, miaking them exceed | ingly bard to detect from the genuine |The milling is purfect and they lack the greasy appearance of other count erfeit coin. pearance of tin than the genuine coi, oles a sull i Jong enough to bave his however, and this is the only way they into 1900. -~Coal- can be detected. A Revenue Service {officer is working on the ewe. your trim Palmer Trenkle, Carroll township, $i. They have mom th ap "inte whose home a newspaper of some | duseription does pot find ita way. members of that family may never look ipside the covers of a magazine, bot they experience a sensation of loss if | there newspaper fails to reach them. Newspaper Ink. The Not counting the floating population of miners and flishermen and tomber- men. which stays in Alaska only from pring ontil early fall, or the various tribes of Indians, which are estimated to aggregate hetween 40,000 and 50,- 000, the actanl white residents probably do not axcead 10,000. John Sanker, a well-known pesddent : of Cambria county, died at his bome i pear Loritto Sunday morning at 9 SA ve isa Healing Wonder. The funeral took place Tuesaday morn- Jing, with Interment at Loretto, after services atl 10 oelock. The chicken and wife supper held o'clock, aged 78 veers. He is sur vived by a wife and several children. at the Patton hotel Monday night ander the auspices of the St. Mary's Catholic church of Patton, was a grand sucoess both socially and financially. This is the second one of these popi lar sapoers held by that organization, the first ane being held about & year ARO. Miss Jennie Crain. dungbter of Mr. and Mra M, M. Crain, has accepted a position as manager of the store of James Stratton at Corville, better known as Ashoraft mine, loosted a short distance west of Patton. ville is becoming quite a village and it is expected that a posoffice will be ap tablished af that place in the very nour 2? « future, The Connty Journal is the name of a POW DEWHPRpET ¥ recently established at (ten Campbell, Fa, with Benton BR Thompson as sditor. 18 is a six ood pmn, sight page journal chook full of good live reading matier and well printed. 16 presenta a frat clans ap pearance and the citizens of that aan should see to it that it receives their most hearty support. Here's sucoess to the Connty Journal. DICKERS n DIRT. ki car ut had dyspepsia for Afty.scvun years “and sever found permaniny relief till | ased Kodul dyspepsia care. Now [am | well and feel like a new man." writes 8 J Plemming, Murray, Neb. Itis the best digestant known, Cures all | forms of indigestion. Physicians "1 everywhere preseribe it. CW. Hodg- | | kins, Patton Pharmacy. You never know what form of blood poison will follow consunaption. Keop the liver clean by nosing DeWitt's Little Early Riserwand you will avoid trouble. | They are famous little pills for consti- ; pation and liver and bowel troubles. (. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Having opened a NEW Plumbing, Tinniug and Hardware Establishment on Magee time ocd Kirk Hdw, helow First are pre the storeroom avenue, at one pl ed by the i E. Co. second door Nationa! Bank, pared to do ali Roofing. Sponting. ing, Etc., at as ine rate and in as good work- manhike manper as any ather in our line in town or county. Your patronage ; solicited and we prom se give perfect : sfaction every det tail. Thed.C. Harper Co. Patton, Pa In w ¢ satis Preeds Reerirded ar Ebensbury ap to Date Friday, November 10. Equitable Loan & Building Amon tion to ML P. Moyer, Carrolitown $700. James McHugh ¢ dx. to Venantion M. McHugh, Manster township, $735. Oliver 1. Westover ot ox. to Adnan Bowers, Susquehanna township, $150, Oliver J. Westover of ux. to Adam Bowers, Susquehanna township, $50. John N. Steen to James Wilson Leech, Susquehanna township, $300. John Westover of ux. to Adam Bow: ers Susquehanna township, FITS Robert H. Spendly ot ux. to Joseph I. Cox, Gallitein township, $150. Teresa Trenkie et al. to Jolin Trenkie : ot al. Carroll township, $1. Joseph, Trenkie ot al. to John Trenile Carroll township, $1 Jomept, Trenkle et al MD. Kittel ot ax. to Rosalia C tand, Spanglar, $400, & to Mary wy Is our new stock of FFall and Winter At surprisi ngly the best quality at that. voit want to see a hne Anthony Sanker to Rev. Alfred Tar | ner, Gallitzin, Borough, $500. Matthew McHugh to Rev. H. Me Hagh, Manscer township, $1 James F. Myers of ux. to Goorge J. Myers, Ashville $800, Trp nant Tuy Mathers, a manafactorens of Castoria have heen compelled to spend handreds of hongan Se of deillars to familiarize the public with the signature of Chas H. £1 eteber This has been necessitated pirites counterfeiting the Thi agains © ia, hut against the shor, AR parsons af fo mee that Castoria hears the signature of Chas, MH. Fletcher, if they would guard the health of ther children Parents and mothers, in prrticnlar, ought to carefully dxanune Castoria advertisements which have been appearing in this paper, aud to remember that the wrapper of every of genuine Castoria bears lhe facsimile signatore of Chas. H. Fiatah- er, ander whose supervision it has been continuously fur over Phila. Bulletin AA vin by reason of Castors trade-mark anne ¥ % TRS A fr 0 BAN pe PL asiar proprietors o Er wet abil Dees Sg EEF Fs = YE rl the snnfaciored ¥ years For =ssle Br eI, and Kent siitabie for Sh hae peapdiaon Box 2 Lae Hips Altres, awed god ready Hutliduysburg, Pa Honting Mave Por Sate A large sige Ulndereiia healing stove, rac ticaity good as new, will be Said at if vasew al the Cals Wintel. Three experimpoml men to run iii i aie machine. pighent, wages paid. #iyier pick work Steady Alno ond cond aller For partion. “EUPT, a. . MeFaurant, Froguaiity, Smit, Ada, dyspepsia ure ine. 1 prescribe it, poy confidence in if grows with Ir digests what you OH Haden, “Eehink Kodol isu splendid sya and covabinsed use.” eat and guickly cures dyspepsia und indigestion. U. Hodgkins, Patton UNDERWEAR a aa a 3 Yiu a i; our store 1s the piace lor that x Ye aise, The Be a Lo atest HATS very styies | see QU Aa wes Fy a ¢ HOLLER line of NECKWE 10 EAR Patton yo Willi evel Lirot HE fit wl an a1 . 15 Weil wort your toy $4 3 % yx * So aie ie } £5 ea Cail ang see Lic fie GISPRAN ay Lp ge Ye MLE star den BBG COIOTS. Wie 4 winds {il ¢ headquarters i GENTS FURNISHINGS : oy] {1A Drst—il Wii Trae + Lala we ete i. lorgel La : 5 4 { Conn A Wolf & Thompson. Good Building. PATTON, PA. JUST low prices and more than we charge for. goods, you pay If you pay less you get goods that are When a merchant quotes lower prices he gives you a cheap article. If you pay too mneh. worth less. than ours, NOTICE our stock of Ladies’ Misses and Childrens’ Coats, Capes and Collarettes, our prices cannot be matched ur Prices are completely ruined. CARPETS. The cne on your parlor begins to show wear, put it upstairs in that bedroom and get the new one down stairs We are opening a lot of New Pat- terns, they are heauties, too, and the Price is very at- tractive, Sewed and matched free of charge. Call and examine onr stock i ial STORE. Patton, Pa. 1 take this . method 7, informing the People of p atton and vicinity that | h ave oponc d od to (. Wi, Hodgkin’ s Pattos sroiacy on Fifth avenue, (0 course it is me About” {everyhody hates a bi horn anyway) but I have bought my stock from ¢ aid reliab e = Haotise in Philadelphia, wh agent has sol Id sold shoes in this part of the coun try for many years and therefore knows the wa of the people in this vicinity as well as anyone, my building nuxt door Phe 1g 0 Rl OW have a Large Commodions Koom, well lighted, a su room to go in and try shoes on, and taken alk gether, a nice home-like place to come and bu your shoes. Re spec thally Y (RIrsS. Cileafart Th. Dulisiac LH. ] 1 in be sold. ; 1 Xia His % . Gherkins, Pear! onions, Little sance, Mustard Beans. = 8 X ¥ 3 ay ws ppt ppear Bd oud el 3 Il Wl tiara: gods AE ime of Hemz's C how, mavest of A ane | mixed Wao Bak ked Bray od 11] 1% oy ¥ *% % oN 1 cevatone dress Steer q olehrated wants i ths ane 5 wis Tae T ai »¥e § *% i “ox paper, EO ! Diets, IC anil up. CO ion hooks 1c t Note paper s0¢ fy ream k 5 x he . Pevhinigers and P enc 115. Stat ary — omposit : Pens, Pian California Fruits, Peaches Apricots, Plums, Ans s Apollo brand which 1s angement we have Tau they are yy ani Fancy ed Bon rit Fears \ cond wy nene as Loat 18 the SLI KER Lined. TAL Ee tae rig al price, nyt Tes a { Phe best Work have them and Tim, % % Rii Ris Tt uric Neck ik Ci oh | IATS— VATIONS YO for Ns and * 1 ¥ Cg Be wr Meal aTs, ’ . y os ry ¥ § We Fe ON Lh “3 1 - 4 Wow satistat 2% % PES ERE REE 3 3% 2 en = bas + Wiii Re a Bigs vou fist. You will miss YOIOD BLANKET g ng a i Wilt ay vt RE RRL eo. S. Good, PATTON, PA. FIERO Liles Mest £1 eC oAg
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers