GRETC oF BRIGHT COLORS. | an Englishman Pars Denriy Per . Sanshiane Trick, i Jn speaking to the arier abont the i favorable infloence lig! Boe Went ir : has upon the produiiion of brat | and delicately shaded dveow aed colors I a fapions English isanufactgrer of ane the PATTON COURIER earmine recently said the seventh vear of ite. “Some years ago | was aware of the and having become so well superiority of the French carmine, and, Is general recognized as y : process, 1 went to Lyons and bargained ssonjative pag of North, | te me celebrated mABGEACIUIeY that city for (he sequisition o his tixaguration of the period | oor for which | was to pay $5.000. development Patton Bas. «yi | was shown all the process advanced and the growth and | and saw a most beaatiful color pro n of the town’s many business | aueed. but 1 noticed that there was not s hiss been rapid and digni- the least difference In the French mode ; | of fabrication and that which [| con the | stantly adopted myself. | thersupon peg enjoyed | appenied to my lpstroctor and insist Ce that he mast have Rent some secret HL hei concealed. The man assured me be had apsreinte the value of iT. got and ssked me to Inspect the prod Timprovermente, Wr mediam. | o#8 a wecond time 1 accepted the in eftation. sud after | had minutely x amined the water and the mater iadw, which is now well equipped which were In every respect similar to : Whee meshhnism, and the my own, I still felt so much in the dark 1 : ork is that | said. ‘1 have lewt both my abhor a andl up-to-date, and a ney, for the alr BN dows pet admit os to make good carmine’ a. in all the business instl- | Rens sad the Froschoan Tron’ f ths town, designs and PANS gecetve yonrmelf. What kind of weather inde with an eye on the is It now? cles of a growing city's re- “A bright and sonny dey. 1 replied. and that Pstton is the * ‘Ard soch are the days, sald the metropolis of an extensive Frenchman, ‘on which 1 make my cob w needs no more conclusive | | or. Were 1 to attempt to manufacture u than is offered by the volume # on a dark apd cloudy day my results : Py ¢ tad. would be the game RE FOUTS ft me 8 Anno ¥ advise you, my friend only to make : shi is py appreciative your earmine on height. snnny days’ : ho & bestowed upon us their | wrye moral of thin" comiinued the ) well as those who have Englishman, “will apply quite as weil tritiated words of enconragement to the making of many other colors it in the future, as in the past, paad In manufacinres, and salen in the i ta present to its readers 8 | fine arta for It fllostrates in a practical to their best interests. : | WAY the chemical irfinence of zh upon ceria in coloring compounds of mixtures’ WW ashington Siar. ames K. Por ran {or President on expansion issue and was lected, | estima not only was Texas annexed bat A PECULIAR SPIDER. s expanded | several other states and | go Caredes Birds "a mie ne barks In ries during his administration. | His Mammoth Web, y president bas yet been elected Far np In the motinexifa of Ceyian $+5xpandion sue. History there is a spider that spins a wel Hike ? bright yellowish sili the central net | of which is five feet fn diameter, while the supporting lines, or guys, Ss they are called, measure sometimes 10 or 32 led bids on ai grinting 0. feet, and, riding quickly in the early morning. you may dash right into it. taet that he is aboot to. the stout threads twining rougd your ] bet, extravagant as it MAY face like a Ince weil while xs the and be wsks the dealers of his erentare who has woven it takes up his submit bids, the contract to be position in the middle, be generally 5 thie Jowent bidder. A torn | eatehos you right ln the bowe, and, though be seldoan hites or stings, the | contact of his large body sad long legs is anything but pleasant. if you forget and try to catch him, bite be will, and, though tot | jaws are as powerful as a bird's Deak, and you are not likely to forget the env "| counter. The bodies of these spiders are very £ handsomely decorated, being bright | gold or scarlet underneath. while the upper part is coveted with the moat 1 ate ‘slate colored fur. So strong sre pred of a nearby town who _ are frequently caughit therein, and even | the small but powerful scaly lizard | falls A vieum. has often sat and watched the yel 0. gener opinion of those ow monster— measuring, when waiting § with whom we base ton- | for bis prey. out. fully six ibches-striding across | the middie of the ! | stout threads round the unfortunate = eee captive, le 4 very faithful and careful Tre usually throws the cofls about alive of the district in the gg head until the wretched victim is ‘and is entitled to a vote, firet Blinded and then choked. In manny by his constituents. The unfrequentad dark Books of the jungle when the proper tine | yon come KCTOSS mont perfect skeletons the Republicans of Blair of small birds caught mn these terribie cr : Renato Biipeman the susres. =PRESUNE Iapaten. Sud Shes of a8 SHON SHEhtly hentminded. “Iroen your husband ever help you about taking care of the tahy? waa ‘capital is being rapidly asked the wife of a young professor in islands which have of a peighbaring city. patrol of the United “Not often, though The business men does. Last ovening be said he'd take ” Willie for an alritig az he Was going hoo 000 We save id to walk down to the postoffice. Hall an hour [ater | saw aiy husband sit : and think they ting io the parlor reading a scientific their share of the pepazine but 1 evuld see nothing of 3 of these the baby. dollar's worth of which“ ‘Where's Wille? What have you in Gaba, Porto Rico, Ha dope with him? 1 asked ! and thus AVhy. ald the professor, 1 forgnt 2% on of money whi all aboot Kim 1 thick be ix sitting in the postofice.” "~—Lietrpit Free Presa Lots of These Sorinlists. i owNe omy child, you CRBDOL IAITY be a marked difference Ravenswood Plunks” of the President and “Rut. papa. what Is your objection + of this House, and those to Ravie? d during the last Con © wary shila, he ls one of the most ob be ond ht Oct. . — Jectionble socialists | ever met. : A socialist, papa Rarely you are « after settling himself and mistaken” En Poona 'monot. iat the White House, and “od to abare my weplth with sel ‘conferenie with the Presi- “Ravie did that! Why. papa, what y hom: he is, and has been 413 be say?” ® acoord, and these Fle said he wanted to be my sonin iv to be frequent law.” Cleveland Plain Dealer. A Gentle Bepeaaf. is tha you people have so fie actually demand AH “Wh Jorg ways a he mn ‘belog in accord ery imporiant questions, in- ot only the policy of the gov- hot of the party of which temperament, hath prominent members, and balls pli’ Dlr DE LB get Ce Foul x si of language. 11 able to for that hey are net revelntions They are oo Prely side Ee ee - somersaults.’ AV ashingion Star 10 y between the Presi. peaker will have upon ot 160 is able 10 read” “xy friend. i entind the South Ameo ean. “yop forget thal ead hn past have amusements su sited to Yon also overlook the Hs gives RR AOR AIH BENS 0 A AA There nnd Here. “Well. | don’t Biltleve 1 more than ape own women ix able in every 160 of our ‘to read snvthing hesidis the dry goods I: : hicage Times Herald. | being anxious to improve Gpon my ow venomous. his the webs that bird the size of larks A writer says that he with bis legs stretched pet and noted the "| rapid manger In which he winds his and sometimes he “In India only he wonan in every ue PATTON COURK 5 +N rm y KIDNEY COMPLEXION. The pale, gatiow, distressed- Jockin | meet are afficted with plexion.” Their kidneys are torning to 3 parsnip color, So is their complexion. They may also have indigestion, or suffer from sleeplessness, rhetimatisnm, neuralgia, brain trouble, pervious £X- hanstion and sometimes ‘the ear? nots badly. The canes ne 3 Foally the sufferer from kidney dis “ease does not find oot what the tronble is weak, onhesithy nd is nati! it is almost too iste, Perarne are so like mild the first symptoms sickness that they do pot think they find themselves sick in bed. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root ap and strengthen their weak and dis. eased Kidneys, purify their 4 Kidney-poisoned Blood xion and soon Ley ith. You can get the regular wipes at the drug store, at fifty cents and one dod. far, Ar you may first the wonderful virtnes of thie great dia povery, Swamp Root. by su ding your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co, Bingham. toni. N. Y., for a sample hottie and » bok that to you abetlutely free by mail writing kindly mention that von read this liberal offer in the Parr ww Con RIK will enjoy better J. BD Bridges. Editor “Democrat,” {ancaster, N. H.. says I ever need.” and cures ronghs, colds, croup, asthma pnénmonia, hromehitin, grippe and all throat and lung troutdes. It prevents consumption. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. The Frog and the Judge. * bad een Liviag slongside of Ki. vor ake Par 15 years “wm the Jodie { conchaded to ph Ssbhing i won Eos earioads of tae fake daring those atix pat of nN Zreas pat The fire o Key ed Sak taken onto Lid we ¥ uw et i vo hendk ned Boe and righ after 4 FORDE, satel weit Sih EP £ YR "7 ¥ day i #1 In baci ¥ mer aod 1 bet the Boat gn dri Yom awd may It owas Beak Ww £ ard frevg frog on ¥ r of giv ng hep atin tir i Add Pood x sw hirt ae if corse [Wa boa cat a for > = And very pot one ™ queried the jan "wir wg oN nde By satisfy tyes! thar | dl Spar what did you det “Just fAcated around for { think | was bossy nest of the time preparing A (Rs 16 Come off the nex! week, but had a Dace 1aken Haid feat frog | most have felt it.” “put Aide's you pall in your Hoe at all? “1 dem't think so. If I 4d It pmeap sd my memory. Should 1 have dots sot “Why. of eaurse” “For what reason thie fae Yi test wee] wt say that did repd si pear ese ®140e 10 val 10 five Bourse ivy ro ses If the frog wak nn the bok Chase snobby Lis proboscis may heive all right’ “Oh There sraihed the fudge. woos as 1 cast him overboard be swam: tack and climbed into the host, Eh xt the end of five hours he came hop ping over to me, as If tn sak if 1 hadnt had all the fun | wanted | deeded that 1 had, and 1 unbeaked him with apologies and rowld home "Chica News was Do reason then WONEN SHOULD KNOW IT. disease is mot correctly anderstood They have been ld to believe that womb trouble or femile weakness 5f pomme sort is responsible for ihe many file that beset womankind Neuralgia, Dervousnoss, beadac be. puffy or dary circles ander the eves rheumatism, a dragging pain or doll sche in the beck whdlioness or Paesiriy doen sensation, profes or SORNIY Sage with strong odor, frequent desire to pass it with scalding or hare. ing sensation, sediment in it alter standing in bottle or COMBIOR Kaas for pwern our notre, Are signs of Kidiey 4 bladder troable "I above symptoms are often ab triboted by the paltmal herself or by her physician to female WeARTOM LT womb rosie. Hence, so many fail to obtain relief, because they are treating, iy vf = Re pot the disease aed, but a Peflertion * | of the primary canss, which is Kine trouble in fact women as well as ows are made miserable with kidney and blad der trogble and both need Ihe sine De Kilmer's Swamp-Roct is great discovery of the eminent kidpey and biadder specialist, and is easy get a any dmg store al Afty cents or one dollar To prove its wonderfal ments you may have x sample besktie and Doak welling ail about it, bold sent abvessiate iy free by mail Kindly menlon Jie Parton Corriea and send your ad dress to Dr Kilmer & Co, Binghamp won. ¥ ¥ ie Tube the Tambatone Alona. The tetery wpperintendents that The frtiey or tori the fui _EY RG Eva whivd: mre srran goad Hy stmt it mrrvess the stone. three natty baa wax to be Buried were waiting fon frst we rharaT hrs and shown Ie tea or paramos the funerals of & {he alway 4! mdertakers waa. Balt mere Son es BRANT ror a offen a dney Come Lwrtekin shooting distance Chawever, need a medicine or a doctor until they will build © | yet retaimnd we , clear their com. prove for yourself! halin all aboot it, both sent | When | fmeing a oa “Ty mperns that zi | poses because their TANGeR are ATUINGE and powtie. You never saw a poet of Many women saffer untold agony misery becanse the natore of thelr i tnve Leen kuown to be deluged she friemis of ihe man wha tombe tome to be Snished. The stone is aken to the cemetery in ihe | KILLED BY A BEAK BLOW. CR A AE The loos or great porthern fiver, o & powerful bird The following Cptanee of ome of them reypTserig 3 : aooghe, colds crotip and whooping po i is oo wantad to ger The gh and le pleasant and safl to take. man bapreted 8 few years ago. A yonon Memas Indian. ving at Grand Laie gain of one LE Hw SN him cme mem ptafal birds to Cre da¥ the youth who wis an ade At fmiating the peenlinr sotibing ory of the loon, steovedsd in calling a bird is shot faites! will #o the Hird sithomgh #0 severely wound 3 that Sauls sotther swim por dive, Molen life and mrength fo ternal pe ht in the wnter. ihe Dery, 41 Tt med Hed ler wid, trieve 11 hat when be spprosched pear enough seize the bind it oaoddenly LRGs 8 81 its bead and neck ont with & spring ike an ar row frog os Bw it was Holy guiek duck of his bead thm succeeded In evading the blow Bw awa ahdun the for weveral Times, Al tempting £3 dio tn and seize hls by £95 amtriaht wR I ER lb 1c En hi. So yi Ei GaEn Bin, sezlaiBag in faiiont ins Hist [powerful eek. me minabe | eough cure i% the band peared y for eriop Immediately relieves The Inline foo Ts hie with the lings wed hil 1 2 sempaiaborg lhe Su) ie Ar and air laneh the fybagt Brio ) Baa wt hein fare again a battle roral indian seeking to carry ashes mind the Hind athemipting tte gain his frevdon The bird however, was too fnoch for Bix foe sid before the [aditn hmd soverad a yvand on Bis shore bainnd soprse diss hed k Hine with flaw from beak full on ihe naked ih The | Lan nenasl trates] lowe Youth's fr Fler toy 5 reine Flan So i the suv bana The sw prize Both fue 10 nad Elyey Lik ET Miset of 1) EE EE UT Ry J el far Yh Teedly fies Tatiana iesrt. - 8 Tory oF NOSES. Why Renowned Gonarate iad an Yo. ant Orgsn of Reman Types. The flarores are Seielaped Te yim x obitd thar de resell saad pleasant serronndings and whose mind ts fled with pleasant theyghts will have & plessiog face The shape of the nose and chin will depend entirely spon the strength and character of the mental faculties . hy Pad At 10 a her's nose nny De small sod turned 1p at the end, at 15 it may have | grown freer amd be straight snd at 3% it may le provounesd Reman. It all de pends dion hls mind. The Romans had Big moses with bigh bridges because they were a stendy and detprmined race of people. KRoardi | pens and determination w 4 give & nian a Roman nose, no matter how (gtie of he owas Dart, The Goestks Aotioate Body dhiseled bes: lien hast stiaight, an arth with & Roman or *nod Dose, dnl you? Ou thie other hand, it wishd be heed fa Bad a great general who had net 8 Boman nome ef JHetores of Alexat der tha Crest, Washirigton or Grant snd see if (hey kave pot all pot Big srang Loses the Rasibasesgne Type, Yet ww quite wife to say that if we could have por traits of £1] these personages. taken in fancy. we woold fini thelr sifactory argans little podey aMairs lke those rhe FoEnIGHE TUR af bmbies The ET great RERAran Foam Lp fe fit Boanan prdEsl 12 od Ba sien Bes ee Ban Pram ice men they nny general 5 Toes gi i ney He Halle A Rettahle & Caiwenteher. “8 fae selon? the the sgrine bart anderstand how i ena so they apserewed if and put od 7 $liey Knew Bo wo Bing about sowentchar This side ’ MERE RTA rie P's faa vend yor tix iis af Pen Bis Present Fad. be Buying many "sau Parkins a ties of Roath iE %s Sapa” “Heit wad apm d yy 3 a Hw that's gil shoes amd ther I hae a whlendid + Bille {oo 140 ee BY BOW Yer ? pers Basar A Man of WMennn ¥ ny jis He tie Eihel “Ma BE Wier wknd ¥ AY PI wy think that my child? iy toll gragdiens 1 ne wr Boston and Ad «Heookivn Life pr 54 xy he os i Bo was towdan, Hapa eed ax So Va fish ws we deeornts as twenilide mistress om fer birth and psost popoiar planed fll sheet music arranged for plano ne ora; | sinking that [bits game Hd ning sung by the hest knows sd bY 8 thie Toadinn ate relief in sefoeating and lung troobls Patton Pharmacy. i | stytish cut pretiily lined with ceri, Napoleon, Wellington, ne each. ££ ** qualities of Real «whois not satisfied ser ining two. hinds of the contents This! the hewt remedy in the warld for bi grippe It prevents any tendancy of i cold to reanit in prenmonia. or Latest Me oes Please send tw the names anid addres ses of three music tepchers or perform. ers on the plano or organ ani tenty- Ave cents in silver gr postagy. and we will send you all of the following new | § * z he Flower that won my Heirs, ™ in the sountey, “Mamie 0 Roorie”™ the latest poplar valle song, “Mirch | Minin, Dewey's Mash. Twi Steph a. plsved by the famions TU Ht Marine hand of Washington, D ©, and five other pages of proslar muse. Ad dress, Popular Maske Co, Incianagolis, Ind Used Dy Bardia Hocdbees | AT. Capt. ©. G Dennibon js well known | aif over Africas ax cvansmander of the forces hat captared She fanions mebel Galishe, Updey date of New. 4 1587, from WV ryburg, ws: “Before starting on the jast. xmpsign 1 bosght a qiantity of Chamberlain's coliy cheders | and diar- Sas Ee eee Fonts Whe! a coltl snap comes then | body males s rash for new youu ay amy oor pt an al Te Rechnanaiand, Bel thoes remedy, which I asd mynelf when troubled with bowel somplaint, and aad given | it io my nui, and n For o_o » 37 Hoehne, Patton | Pharmacy. £ 3a Beeser for first-class plumbieg, *n Face of Pat irmatem froely given 40d 0, myn, forty ars De 40's witeh hazel sive cured ber. It a tive est snive in America” 1t bonis sveryihing snd care all shin disessts : “WH odin, Panton Pharmacy. {hee Noland Hochland. “My wife had pibs Pain Halwa Cites Others, Why Net You? : My wife has been asing Chamber: laine pain bale, with good resslis, for a Jame shoulder that bas pained at Ehsaan s | ntinoaliy for mine years. We have sete a kinds of medicines aod Po PR 8 without receiving any Twmefit from thoaght of trying 8, which we did with | the bent of satisfaction. Rw has awed | only one bottle and ber shonider in Pr W Wines, Tealy $l, x XX. ays, p . ut Ee recommend Hoe misate cough cure. 11 gave my wife imaredi- | asthma” tn take Naver Talis gairkly cure all coughw, olds, throat C. W, Hodghiom, ; It will be a surprise te oy ote who dre at all failing with with the good : {hamboriain’s congh remedy, to knew that iwiople evry. where take pleamirs in iatiog thedr experience in the oss of Hist splendid | medicine sod in foiling of the Benedlt they have rece ved Aen in of bad vod, of shmeatened al raion of prenmenia i han averted sod ! Fata iil ildwes it Bax word from Rl Sah a of cronp and whikping cog ee grand, Ro mesliokie For wile Wo wR ina Patan Pharmac. hao i Lafisipoe, with is afte olonts Base shscneicle of peopbe | Riy cared mise Ely ie ody shut rot bl do DOBRO Stn, prenmsnis aug t Sriubive twill Hod waalliy Sst it may ! Ban i i ane 3% Rs he Neadache for ‘ Forty Years. Wie Satyam © sawed feo TORR ea 1 dap hat att | reps Mi Sodan Bh TERR TE tie Narvie) Stumanh, Liiwer | 3 A <4 & it handsomely stylish, at PISO agich Be Sere AN Sa ESR SAR armot do better tha to ondl on i We test your eves dnd firnish Spectac $1. be esichanged any time low at lenses within a Satisfaction guarant VEar. ior memey refunded. simon weil ~- Adolph L. Millets, Men | H For sis by © wi ol gion. Putten Pharmary. - ar hotise the place tei buy Ladies’ Winter Jackets We give a few specials showing Buyer prices are going. i\ Hoe of Black Kersey Jackets in Jauikets, cingantly made linings ard pearl : re a Me ‘amd brown stitohed, with with ontvelvet haaelly nex, PON ench. ik very stylish jon svi lia kersoy, newest ow ined $1.0 oc + line in black and edlored whispes at $12.50 each, Riack, bine and tan Kersey Jackets, made. silk ned and very A lnege assortment of intest syle | Japkots | Re heviots and Kersevs, hean- ally Died, splendid Rigen st pam earh. Very handsome Trinh Prieos Jar ota, Bred with black satin, stitched lapels nil velvet online, SIR each. hye Sqgaare From Station Altoona, Penna. Across the fron Bridge from R: B station you wi 1} find {sen eral Stare oh ‘who handle a complete line "Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc, Etc, Ax well as anything abe needed for the pondiinte of Home ger ALL avd see our prices and ex Famine QRe goods FirstNation’ |Bank OF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co, Pa CATAL P AID UP, $50, 000.00 SUBPLUR, &60,000.00. ‘Aes iow wl a ultons Forms, fodiviau. abn and Hanke roseived apin thie nad favors Lenratstont with we and consereaiive 8 fir di mars the | able in the principal hed Sorid will haveoar prompt and Jorma Senin. soe monty paid an time deplete, i 3 BaTTON, Wx H SAXDFORD, President. Cashier.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers