REPORT OF : L Patton Boroagh Council met in reg- | look forward e otir best to carry! ; and ‘most OE Etc. Be. goods will be sold or 4 toilet sets at a sn select Tard, 9.75: F 1 od and the Clerk | PATTON, CAMBRIA co, PA. THU RS SDAY, ! NOV EMBER 16, |Gleaned Here and There by the “Courier” Reporter. COUNCIL fag Fra Eas ues Way wy BE ON A433 {hay ¥ CME Jes Baud ine Gey Procesdings of Worting Held Monday Eve. | i ning, November 13th Bilis Paaamed. lar session in the council chambers in ‘the (Good building, Monday evening, LO with the following members present as long to be re- We have each. per roll call: Hubbard, McCormick, Campbell, Blair and Winslow. The { minates of last reguiar mesting were | pend and approved. The Fire and Police Committee re. that a new stove was badly needed in the lockup. The report wad | socepted and the comniittee instract ted to attend to the matter st once. out their fines, upon the streets was but no action was taken. . John Boyce and A. ‘asked that a crossing be laid in front {of theif respective properties. The matter was placed in the hands of the Street Committee with power to act on | A coramunication wim received from ‘Joseph Fedor in which he asked pay- ment for some stone he nlleges was _ased by Patton borough and which was his property. No sotion was taken lin the panier. A coramunication from James Mel- s fon was read to the body in which he | aaked that wn are light be placed on | Mellon avenns st or tear the intersec. | tion of Bosch avenue. The matter was | referred to the Pre and Police Come ' mittee whe ware instructed to investi | gate tha sae and report al next regu lar meeting. | The following bills were presented to | Qounell and on motion it was carried “that they be sccepted and Clerk in structed to draw orders for the same; iGeo, 8. Good Flee. Light Co, §71, for light for the Sm of October; Patton Supply Co. $281, fir merchandise; Patton Pub. a £7.50, for advertising; Patton Clay Mig. Co, $47, for sewer pipe; dnd the following for street work per Street Commissioner Lehman's ao count: F. X. Lehman, 32.20; H. Hab F. Bruneau, 2.35; A. Hut ‘ ehison, 1. ol, Wm. Robinson, 1.35; Jainoh | | Westover, 1.75; Chan. Westover, 3.75 & | Wm. Bark, 1.50; Atlee Neff, 3.30; Vie. & ' Lager, 18.60; John Person, 3.00; James Mellon, 1.40; James Pritchard, 35cta.; IH. Woomer, Theta; Rrioch Short, cts. | Om motion of McCormick and second by Campbell it was carried that i | statement of the Borough Engineer of the estimate of erection of sewer on Fifth avenue and Mpie Chest creek, which amounted ta §i, 408.94 be accept- ted to draw order In favor of Geo. 8 Good, con- | enetor, for the same. : On gaotion of Winslow and seconded | Borough Engineer be instructed to set | grade stakes at the corner of Fifth and . | Beech avenues for excavating parposss. | . Council then adjourned to meet at | next regular meeting night, Manday, Novessber 20th. Killed by Pall of Riek, Horbert Mills, who was an employe | of Pardee Colliery, No. 4, which is jo- treated about two and one-half miles | north-west of Patton, was struck by a + fall of rock while engaged in the mine a | Thursday morning, in which he sustain ed & broken buck besides receiving other injuries, which resulted in his death Immediately after the aceident ‘ poogirred he was removed to his home {pear St. Boniface. where he expired Friday. Mr. Mills was aged 33 years | and leaves to mourn bis loss a bereaved © wife and four small children. Previous to residing pear St. Bouifuce he was a {Teshlent of Patton. Funeral services were held at his howe Sunday alter noon after which interment took piace in the Highland cemytery of this place. 5 ions hn hi Chbiekam amd Walle Supper. . Umsler the auspioes of St { Cativelio church of Patton, a chicken ‘and waffle sapper will be held at the | Patton hotel, Monday, November 20th, | Everstody & invited to attend. Tick- 0 Wanted, ik layers, stone masons and Iv | vorees te work at Corton, Pa, erect. ling coke ovens. | layers paid the golag wages. Laborers i180 per day. Apply at Gorton, Cen- tre county Pajou Creek railroad. GE. 5 Goon & Co For apples, onions, oranges, oranges bananas, | sandy and ata go c tae Cash Grocery. | The matter of having prisoners work | FE. Monteith 17 : Ww ORNEr. Pro Brown. 291. Mary's: Masons and brick | the line of Beech | LAdwme | Adams (Duniol Ajteghehy A shopiile Sarestusre. ar rots wily Cm rend ew a nent Rpring # phen tenrteld. X RRR Th hora HE or Eee Ni 40 { rie Nal ; Coteniangh 15a 7 Centon ngh (Ur Pimiaviaven EE aA oa Deans Es ERs ssa h E, TayioriNo ii ¥. Tayi ar aX 3. fers LW Fhonsburg, WW. Wo er La [Ferndale Frankiin (its ayaiiifein Bore Castlitetn Twig UC Hnetings Fava Tut {ont C Javan Vintlhes Johnstone in First W HMawnyisd Wo, Thimt W Fourth W Finn ws intl E TF Hi eeeeat Ponder nts W Pirtewantn Woo Nix tewnti WW mpre pte hy k Hh temart Ww tie W -* ons Portage Tw oh Hoade (Fast Hane Norit emda Saosin fends Wat iekinoad Bowens Boxhonyy segs faved Rout x we & Spsierist Ww MTR Mr epee RRS aE seri Joor support Fp | Ruwgurhaun we TW Miwa Bmeyni Tm Tunneh papery Yodel : W nebiington, Wat at Wom Tugior PWR, iW {ioe 4; WY Ay Rg BERRY Tota 4 Mires iity over Rechaay. Hover Englehart County Treasnrer : a i ng a Liver Bugihnrt, Con +1 ¥ % | Camiissionsr | x Cau TER NERY vidal Rata fii <adieyg choy Wh ae irs 3 oe sual SS £ we i SEE.BNd¥EAnERS i he Eo ¥ as » bid is The following votes were cast tor candidates not enumerated in the above table : lark, ist Labor 5 wore Court. Brown, Rep 60135; b Pegs dM 0 MERC ErIROTY, bogies For Super thor Laurt, Mite hero Rep son, Pro 282 For County Treasurer, Walker, Pro. Weaver, Highteous Gov't. 47, Mi A £3 sae) ¥, Mn Pro el © Speagist ar, state Treasurer, Caldwell, Ww sods. 2382 x kp Almont, People’s-~3a A Ruaminell, For ¢ Ce onnuisaoners, Pro Sociaist Labor. Brown, a1 Stutzman, 293 Pro «276 Watkins, {mon Befornu~3, Mestrezan, - Dem, 63111 © Ricketts, Monroe, Socialist Laber--42 Riiy, Detn 6157 Bolan: Socialist Labor 8K Soetaist Labor 84 vane, 277 Poor Darect- For impaw hail 97 5 . i FOIE 5 For =u- 41 © Jonks bbe Hoa ist : Sent, For Mil Labor ~ Socialist Labor, 1 Leg Ampuiaied. Archie Johnson, engine hostier for the P. H.R at Hastings Pa, had his foot so badly ernshed by the same be- ing run over hy a locomotive Manday morning that amputation was peces- 2 sary. The unfortanate young man formerly resided at Glen Campbell, Pa. He was removed to the hospital at Al at toons an Tuesday. Will Have an Tron Bridge. It bs said that the viewers who were appointed to sscertain whether an iron bridge wus needed across Little ( hest creek in Patton borough, reported fi vorable, and as soon as is possible Jit ‘will be erected by the Commissioners of this county. [It bb badly vee ibe d ard cannot be srected toa SHO. pula Supp ¥, An oyster sapper will be held In the {roddatein Hall Saturday Nas vans ber Tih. ander the a th Independent Order of Wn Templars of Patton. Sandwiches and ouffee will be served, All are invited to attend “and haven atid time evening, Spee 4 af wl List of Lashsimod Rafters, § The following letters remain in ae postoffion at Patton for the week end ing Thursday, November 18, 1589 Charley Anis, J. FP Davis, Pred Dunn, FH. Davie-2, HC. Dentael, Ralph Hullthen, i © Jones, Robert J scr mer. Bari Olssari, Miss Alma Saulsbury, Miss Rachael Sheridan, Royman Shipe, John Smurt, V. P. Westover, Wm. A, White, W. A. Young. Persoms calling for will please say Ee GA, ie ax $41 ¥ y above letters day and Saturday at the Cash Grocery. Land Mow tiand thers lun'h the jus Sally Kelley, James Mee. Now Money Onder Sys! emp ders recently ordersd by the postoffice department, were put into use at the Patton postoffice on Friday, October They are not near so vomplicated iand puzaling and are & great improve. it requires metit over Hie old style about half the time for the remilter to fill sul the new application blank, they being so simple in construction that it is almost impossible to make a mistake. Then again the masey order clerk can do his part of the work in a much shorter time and is not so near Hable to minke a pmostalke. fOKL Hasanetd od Hastings. Manager Kibler, of the Hasthags Opera House, bas secured J. K. Emmett Lottie Gilson in “Fitz in for that popular of Thupsiny, December af the best ate town & Mad House! theatre an the night vith. Tlie will be one travtions ever secured ional bik that it will be well attended. A large number of Paftonites expect to attend, flyer: that af Frauckminy Instantly Hiiled, Cranial Flabtery, aged 63 years, and a frackman on the Peansyiviania railroad residing at Cresson, was run dowa while repairing the tracks af Gallitsin by u deaft of cars and instantly Killed saturday. He leaves a wile hres sons and two daoghlors Mistiee. All seliool and borough tax must be pad within 30 days of thi notioe, and all parties who move from Patton ow- ing taxes are requested to have same settled forthwith and save the costs of an officer calling on them, Fresh oysters every Tuesday, Thors: | Patton, Pa, Jasis MELLON, Nov. 1L ! ute has Charms tn Hothe this Ravage public schools, suid, “ if 1 had sp many sons as old Priam, I would wend them of the foandation for such sucess se _should be properly awakened to the great interest of popular education. McPherson visited the schools recently “schools, Parents, will you help it grow? day and ses ua work. High School. ‘show that music has & soothing and re- engaged in singing some pleasant, _chewr avery heart, light every eounten- many realize it capable of dog. “Tha says u prominent educator, Cmaking is very g being apprehended hy governnient of- maker of “moonshine” whisky any piesrert tion in the mountaitis near Pitton and highest wkill mn the still is loested or who the ‘moon. : shiners” are is a mystery. Its thought The new styla postaffice money or that they located the still in this vicini- whisky. of several weeks, lias been resumed. | CJaninta station, to Ninth steel. there is every prospoot for Lie entrance dovht NE OR LETRA. groceries at the Cash Grocery. PUBLIC SCHOOL PARAGRAPHS, isi Ertensive Prepiirations mre Beng made tor Hedding of the County Temshers: | Tustivete, : The Cambria County Teachers’ Ine stitute meets in Ebensburg, Nov. 37th, to December ist, 1806. Depending apon the loyal supportof the residents of Ebensburg and vicloity the mansgetnent has provided an especinily strong course of evening en- tertainments at considerable & Dre. Frambengh's new lecture, “Set- ting tha Keystone of the Federal Arch " is a lHwrary und bistorie master yp and will be dslivernd by & master on the platform. Governor Rob Taylor is to-day the . most populmt man on the American platform, and is the highest priced jecturer ever brought to Ebensburg. It is a rare opportunity offered to the people to hear hig in his greatest Isct- ure, © Love, Laughter and Seog.” rie Three 4 iccide 4 | The Smith Sisters return this year Miss Rogers is admirably handling | ; the department of is in the with a new acd even more interamting - She is ap untiring work. { program that they rendered last your. er and is thorough; good resulta must Everyone who heard them last year I» ie Er J monial to r ability to en It requires no poetic imagination to Hamlet” will be given hy Dr. and Mra. Byron W. King, and an especial 1y selocted and trained company. A chorus of seventy-five children will sing daring the week. Your interent and patronage am kindly solicited. Rreast Number Daniel Webster, pl te Hnroliod, 496, " wphaking of the all to the public schools.” How much | Heaven has been pleased to grant ns do we awe to the principles there in. culeated, in childhood and early youth? How important is it that every citizen Directors Curfman, Sandford and and had a word of encouragient for ne. Reif discipline is a growing factor’ prevalent in some of the grades in our Our assembly room is a veritable workshop. Drop in after dinner some fining influence over the fenlings and passions of heedless boys and girls No one, who has seen a sehicol when wholesome song, can have failed to ob. | serve its salutary and subduing effects, No angry look or morose fueling at such a time. Singing tends (vo promote good crder in school and to inerease the happiness of the pupiix. It does more to dispel every anbappy faeling, ; Respectfully, T. L. Gtuson, Coanty Superintendent, Foensburg, Pa, Nov. 138, 1599, Nostios a Light Consumers. The carretit will be shut off throngh- anes with a joyful expresson, than gut the tow from Saturday, Novem: ter 15th at nildnight antil regular boar tranquilizing, refining inflagriee of vo. on Minday evening, owing to neces: eal music has too Tong been Joiown and sary improvsments to plant. practiced, to need reconumendiog,’ (iro. 8, Goov Bue. Liner Co. “in no ou 4 place does the cheertiil song Mil more Tims gratefully apon the par, tus in com- meneing or closing the dutips of the day, or cconstonaily breaking out in Fall Suit the midst of the blisy scene of the school-room.” No listrument is mone And Overcoat A Fall Suit suggests sod weather suggests a stimulating to the voles Unin » good ano. Wa need 4 plano in alr assem. i room and we're putting forth an ort to get one. Tlie progres we are titving. We hope Ht he p us to succeed, BL Mens, Principal. Mucnshine Whisky. _ OW Billy Pritts in KnowsF ax the king of “moonshiners” in Pennsylvania and has for years carried on the onlawful business in Somers county witlioot and Oweicoat all oor friecds » The Merchant Tai rs, PATTON, PA. We the styles to please every taste, We fcials. He was thought to by the only : have ways near this city, but. now it is fu mored that it is being distilled much Altoona, ‘mays the Altoona A still in said to be in opern- are here to use our your behalf. yoy are convinced you Tribune. abont eighteen miles from here. Ham- plow of the staff are mid to lave heen I seen in Patton, and likely some hs. in need of a suit, overcoat Auditope found its way to this plioe. wtartiing developments may be looked or Urousers, we can please youL Nome for in the the near fliture. Just where DIN NSMORF, BROS. tv to supply the tuiners with cheap The govermment suthoritios are said to be on the hunt for the “Smocnshiners.”’ Work on the Wispay es mied. The work af extending the ““Wopsy”' railroad into Altoonas,after 4 inspension Ladies who want Pretty Ciolf Capes will be sure to find something here that vill please them. We are sure of being able to smit you, because we have the best collection of these Fall and Winter Wraps in all Ceatral Pennsylvania—a gathering that vies with paany found in the larger cities. Our rices, thon are the smallest you'll nd anywhere. We are getung pew ones in every aay. so that iti would be impossible to give an accurate descrip- tion of them~—better for you tn conte und see for yourself. $5.00 UP. We are also showin splendid line of Ladies’ Tail or-made Suits, made in the lntest styles of the pret tiest kinds of cloths. Suits of Homespuns as low as $4.95. | 1320-2224-1404 ith VENUE. ALTOONA, PA. - Your Orders by Madl will receive prompt attention. n : Contractor KE. A. Tennis has a force of eighteen men at work grading the pro. posed road from the VY," above the The work is progressing as rapidly as conld be expected and will continge until the The material and extension mn completed. for the road is being reciived, Two car loads bowisnt af the road into the ity af steel | and one of amber have rece VE wd, and in a few days anntier consignment is expected, Superintend. ent Houck & much pleased with the progress being made with Lhe work. Fomad Musdvod at alr mine Ma, Io tA. Repsher, omployed the | at Stnsaman met | with a painful loridint Wednesday of | He was enjpuged mjving some cond cars. when (n some nianper his fot was caught between them and badly mashed. This is an unfortinate affair far the gentleman, an be had just moved his family bere from Patton and had been at work only about two days, | Mr. Hepsher is a printer apd was em. ployed in the Record office for about a’ 2 month. South Fork Record. Fur your stamped linens and em- broidery silks go to the Evans Sisters. You save money by buying your
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers