| PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors. | Wi Barns, Haier. | ihe aR ne a Sra Fah pie TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION Ome copy, tw Year, in advance, - < . $LOO ” Advertising rates made KoOWS pon ap : xo ge disoorntinned anti! all arrears poles al the option of the Bnteret at 1 Sip fo at Patton tS seconds | her daughter Mary, are visiting rela. | tives in Philipsburg. A. r A Yahner came over from Hast- | ings Friday. : Robt. Nicholson, of Cregsor, visited lection i over and now the rabbit will have 4) suffer. : Fresh fish every Thursday and Fri- day at the Cash Grocery. J. Kin Hastings spent Sanday at his home st Punzsatawney. stock. Did election go to sait you y A.J. Masser, of Peale, Pa, faw hours in our town Friday spent A For your stamped linens and em. | hroldery silks go to the Evans Sisters Rev. Witman filled the poipit of the First M. E. charch at Jersey Shore Sunday. x to the Evans Sisters for your I. N. corsets, mustin underwear and in- fants long dresses. Mrs ©. C Holter, accompanied by The cheapest place for wall paper, | plete frames and plastico at Fisher's store near radlroad station, J. I. Coffey, principal of the Public | Behools at Westover, was visiting among friends in Patton Saturday, . If you sre hungry drop in to the City Restagrant where you can get (everything you wish in the eatible Hine, Anbrew C Purcell, representing the John Kasamier Germania Brewery of | Altoona, was seen on our streets Mon- 1 dny, The show at the Hastings Opera Next selection comes in February — | : Howse Toesday nighl war well atten only three months hence. HH. J. Waltz, of Carrolitown, spent a | Patton. fow hours in town Friday. Miss Annie Moore left Monday her b in Flemington, Pa. line of Tal the Evans Sisters for your trim- x R arcs from the: Patent } Jamm Young, of Johnstown, was ooking after business interests in oor R Seeley and Chas. F. Pitta, of 8. . ¥., were visitors in town | ¥ , cannot do better than to call on & Boezer for first-class plumbing, | iehurch Priday evening. oe chenpent. place to boy ro pt, smoker and manicure sea and siry is at Fishers wall paper store. Now that election is over would it not be a splendid idea to again revive nterest in the Patton Board of Trade. A HL. Brideson and mother, who re- de in Pittsburg, spent the first of the week visiting among friends in Patton. , proprietor of the at Flinton, Pa., wis 8 welcome ; i our town Thursday of last cu Groeery is headquarters for _ bananas, lemons, wales 3 formanship of Mr. McQuillen, | " ng g rapidly. you. will ondctsr the od Bold at Palmer House, Pat- ref a Ine for every package of burg, where she purchased a full -l EX | evening {Thos A. Bradley, of Lilly, ded. A large number drove over fr vy Rev. Boggs, of Hastings, occupied the pulpit of the M. E. church Sunday in the absence of Key | Witman. Distriet Deputy Factory Inspector Pa, was a | pleasant caller at the Courier office | THaIiay of last week. Janes McTigue has opened 4 barber in the Fitzpatrick building on | | East Beech avenue, near the hoted of Fryckland. ‘ barber and no doubt will enjoy & splen- did business. them they ol ald be in great dangw {the Piahpy Cplimate “Jimpay'® Isa No.1 ‘the Gray hotel at Spangler, bought the Commercial hotel at Baroesboro from ). BE. Notley, paying therefore the som of $9,500 for building, furniture and Mr King i& a first-class hotel pan, and will doubtless succead in his pew ventore, Hon TH. Murray and the Chase Besirs have leased 325 acres of valuable coal land in Woodward township to Philipsburg parties who will ran drifta for mining as fast as possible. The tract contains 45 acres of the Moshan. non vein, five feet thick, and 324 acres of the B vein, The coal is said to be of excellent quality. Clearfield Monitor. Messrs, Rembrandt and John Peale ware visiters in town Thorsday. The Bloomington company will push their operations at Decatur asx rapidly as sposmible, and, we regaet to learn, will have their store and office at Asheroft The shaft is a thing of the futare, but it is bound to come in the next four Philipsburg Ledger. H. H and LL. 8 Bell, Joseph Ricker, F B Willinms, Fred Mitchell, We Plms, Henry Nothnagle, Wm Cranks, Jack Scheid, John Boyoee and Sidney Rounsiey spent Friday night at Windber Pa. where they assisted in the institating of a Castle of the Knights of the Golden Eagle at that place. They report that the new castle Vears. W, started off with a large membership. LIKES THE PHILIPPINES Wheeler Thinks They Wil Be Guiod Pisce For Americans Harm of ¢ Critician af Home. yongweg, Ala Nav Sf ymner al Jou Whewler, nv a jetter 0 Hon W. J Weal, of Floret: os, stating Bis views on Lie qostion, sad pert =F at delights! with the Phiippine islands. 1 pave no doubt that a hittie prosh and energy this fall will crash Gu the Aguninalds msarsectim Out of 000 00 of people (6 Thess islands i ih fit think that he has more than HEE pokdiers snd in a sgoare fAght Sas Atperivatss would tear Shem bo plaees “rhe evil features of these alanis hate healt exaggerated to the peouls Their exiont @ so great from odin ish and raw variation of ‘the allifads is ancl That there is a great variety of and variely of perodoecticns Americans will find this an esoetiens field Tor their energies, and the wesith producing powers of these islands ander American iaflovnos will be very great “ihe action of some people In the SI 1mited States in sewerting that the Fh plies ought to have indepetdenr pe a wrest deal of harm and asin Aguinaid: in sosintaaning the WisGrie Cons, ws he publishes all assertions GY | tells Bis supporters that if they hold oad {41} winter. todo pendence wil bee give them. “it Bin has a oad effet in tia that poopie who sre disposed ta be fava while town ant who desire G8 0 uv sn the iatendie fear 10 sasert themed vos 3 ine | cause they know that if they should © fe and the Americans shosid atanaod thair livrs, and to all probabiliny Li i Tone avenoe, one square tow the | {Central hotel where she invites the | puteonige of those wishing work done | with neatness and dispatch, Rev. F. L Sigmund, of Westover, who wis recently called to the pastor. ate Of the Baptist church of Barnes (boro, was installed as pastor of that Rev. Alex. ander of this place took part in the Joseph H. Hubbard left Toesday ‘morning for the wilds of Clinton epunity where be will put up camp tents and make other arraggements necessary for & two week's deer hunt by a party of Pattonites whe will him in a ow days, Fred, Stine, of Flinton, bad bis le leg amputated above the kone + Merorial hospital, Johnstown, Friday, Reine, who is aboul twenty years old, had been suffering for some time from: the disease kngwn in tl. medical ‘world as osteo sarcoma. Cambria . Precman. ¥ legs LET . A prominsnt theatrical manager, in {speaking of railway trafic, has this to say of the New York Central: “Of all roads were like yours, what a comfort Lit would be to people in our profession Xho bave to pend %0 much of their Miss Alice A. Asheroft, trimmer for the Frans Sisters’ millinery store, re turned one day last week from Pitts F anad adeless Dye that fails to give ypplete line of Chiristnias articles and tion, Mouroe Drug Cd, Union- ‘stamped linens. It will pay you to Sold by C. H. Perry, Chest wait and see them before making your furnaces located at Saxton, i pu rehases elgew hose, Reference to the card of the First ty, ‘which have * National bank of Patton will show years, are to be put in ope | that the surplus fund of that instito- #001 as the necessary i tawney, visited hor bio daugh- : Misses Alma and Edna, who are ng Mt. Aloysius Academy, | Saturday. mored that “moonshine fosudls was eleven tion has been increased to 850,000, an ‘amount equal to tne capital stock This shows wonderfol progress and of speaks volumes for the solidity and success of the bank -- Cambria Tribune, Two fossil snake of large size have | recently been taken from the coal mines ! at Peale, Olnton county. One of the andt one-half fort being manufactured not ne and is now in the possession of from Patton. Samples of pier Shaffer, at Peale. The other i have been seen by several | yo taken from a mine 150 feet under hin the past ten | ground and is nineteen feet long. The startling developments | fossils are complete but were taken out i and lung troubles. C. Ww. Hodgkivs, in the r, ‘neat future. lina Sections. 3 Lia Tiat join | property we “idl oi conliseats al Some a ¥. Castle at Windber | HE On Friday evening, November 3d, : District Grand Chief W. H. H. Bell of Cambria county, with the amdstance of weveral other members of the order who reside in Patton and whose names are mentioned cisewhere in the (no. gen thin week, ihe Knights of the Gulden Eagle at Windber, Pa. The castle started with af £7 charter members and he weting was held in Sir Knight wimax Lochrie’'s new and splendid i after which u grand banquet was {diel with not be forgotten by fins Hove report that they sd an every band, brothers of the order, ng Shijatn of The following am Hoe re oe Eh Wi sued natal Hyped af the * £ Loch fient © nat PPP _ hirke brie, Ww EP $i wait, WwW wi PTE EEO, £ ? : 4 7 [3.5 Jom, Lewin, ~. ne WS Kanter W. H Evans and J KE Wilkinson, Trustees. . eli 8 Ht i3 Bo i Hamme , Ensign; J Mast Ereci Pinger-Boarids. Below is the law as to the duty of supervisors in Pennsylvania in the matter of erecting and maintaining y guide posts Anger-boards at the aw tions of the pa highways: The aball cans be I BU PrY ars EE Li erected al 1 roads wi uw Tres fn their respective Lown are not convent srs fBemly fixed theron, and bani pointia Ww to the di i 3 odiba, on which hoards shal] be ihsort! et in large amd legibe eharseotirs he name of the own, vil spw Gr pak to Ww h such rosa mal lead, and tbe dis therson come pated in nalles if any DETY RT shail, after ten days’ personal notice, pegheel or refuse put or Keep in com plete eq amir, fade bx ard as afin said, such su eeitnr shall for such offense, forfeit and pay a sum fd excewling dio Constaiies are qatred by law to make sor st sant to eal Court | of 3 AFL Wess n index ti Pe wWikh & fre x big de 8 4 MEE La Byerly Pride, $a i 3 =. ion Fo if SHIT» f300t add : wrvicatariy soy thst wiat ing whether « . TY porting | i Hoses, aoe ap Wa Hi Bon Rk Dr. W Wixon Tady IN. Y “1. heartily recommend ane mangle if gave my wife immedi- ate relief i suffocating Pleasant to take. Never quickly cure ‘all coughs, colds , BAY R 2 corbgth vare 1 fuils to y throat Patton Pharmacy. asthma’ A, © Americans of that character and Be ‘And Overcoat instituted a Castle of }IUaRBC/H he intersection of ail public Three experienced men to ron Sulli- | i van compressed alr machine. Steady . work ‘and highest wages paid. Also fifty miners to either load coal after | machines or pick work. For particc-| lars address, F. P. MoFaRLAND, BUPT, Frugality, Pa Wants al Onve:; A fresh cow. Inquire of J. nell, Patton, Pa. 2. Par- Geo. Noland, Rockland, ©O., says “My wife had piles forty years. De Withs witeh hazel salve cored her. It is the best salve in America.’’ It heals everything and oures all skin diseases. CO. W. Hodgkine, Patton Pharmacy. | C. bottle of Chamberlain's congh remedy | and will refund the monay to any one who is not satisflicd after using two- | thirds of the contents This is the best | remedy in the world for la grippe, | conghs, colds, croap and whooping | cough and is pleasant and safe to take. | It prevents any tendancy of a cold to result in pnenmonia Hodgkins guarantees every aE FHS Cry oF Tht eng, 1 fin = be cd Loan ery in JOE R NEY i of the EATER preg omtl thet he ls Aen of #1, Ls | d Bosinegs in the Olty of ayn WEgte aforesaid an that | wy the sun af (INE 1 HE 4 eo LA FI Gur snes ail every iene sven oh Eiht Cpa 8 fata reds Thm? Estat Tir SS of Hatt wari i a PRANK J CHENEY Fi sniberibest ify my | Penis twee. A 13 fm AW GLEARON, : Notary PPahiis fen inte rosa oar @9et EAHA for eetimmonial ei se REY day of Pail sf mimi 8 pre oe ate Ase d by pwn of CEE aia hod Blow Tavs fa pul Trew FORE N ¥ ¥ Tishawlo, 3 by Yeroapivte Ca apiiy fio Pim dre Then Teeat KEES ih Mul FirstNation'|Bank OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co. Pa CATAL PAID UP, 880,000.00, SURPLUS, ¥o, (00,00. 4 §orvsinate od aru Mand RETR § ceri ais et IS tes. Daetiwiatin. be : EF A Sal vrusesrialive i Bar anda oer wl) the lending 5 the prinelps! 3 Arete Deas Bars ne ripe 350 World, Lh PERT Aeon wii Bagwe any prompt and | par yatiag tue ay jnterssl pald pn inhe deposite, E Parrox, Wax H SaNpparD, President. Canhier, ggests sil This Fall Suit weather a A Fall Suit aad Oveicoat Suggests rchant Tailors, PATTON. PA. The Me . i ¥ 5 5 * * ¥ ave fae slyes We 1 % . s: “ 3 every taste. Le 3 Pe 3 PEN yu 3 HETE eg tpl ; Brtient [¢ We are sole representatives for Central Peonsyivara, of the ivi heuted Cinhen Bros, Beautifud Kad Window Draperies, AR ‘3 the picture They are the handsomest Urapesies vou cer saw. ami mre so simule that anvioee With fny tasty whatever, can drape them In the pretty mua onstrated above “ae Clirtaine are not expensive, can get a beantitul ctfect ne of them, sew showing up extremely » 2 Hoakaapsr Curtains with £10 10 wy. ruilie $1.88, 80.48 to 35.70: pair. Pioipt de Bsprit Curtains, $3.20, $2 4% to $5.65 a hair. We would be pluased to frernish you with any fur riher informa vn in regard to thes bematiful Win dow Draperies GABLE & CO. 1320-2224. 1404 11th AVENUE, . ALTOONA, PA. i Ele som SE — # AT VERY LITTLE PRI Bening i most pordial invitation to visit our store to we the largest stock of FALL and - INTER CLOTHING, which must Becsmuriiy ‘aod to lie comfortable. Yon cin go poorly be in semper, bat aboot thls thma o the year you want te be thinking of the beet there is in Comfortable Clothing, 8 both cheap nnd good. Sonu clothing is made to salle some to wear some clothing is for both. That's our kind. Our New Fall und Winter Rtock is exceptional in quality and quantity, [¢ inclodes all kKinds--the latest in style, the newest fabrics, the best fit, and the line in somplete from Men's to Children’s. We want you th see our assortment. The Suite themuslves will tell vou mere iy lve minotes hia wa on in one hour. Wa await yoar com. ing Mi kin & Kusner, Good Building, Next to Bank. VERTISED LOW PRICES Withont the supporting crutelses of styvie and guality dre mean. ingless. large type argues nothifg for worth, wear or fashion, We prefer 10 attract by the escellente of oor sssortments, their speriority in selection and adaptability to the varied and stadied wants of an up-to-date patronage. Our satisfying of every low- price desire Uh what makes sus the best known amd the busiest place of bisiness on Pattor's busiest street. We have just re. ceived the very largest and best selection of ELTIES. ever laid op the shelves in Palton. All we ask of vou is to call and see. | DON'T FORGET that our Grocery partment glways contains a fresh stock. G OODS DELIVERED FREE. " De- ers Opposite Patton Hotel, Patton, Pa. x NOV EMI Of Hosiery, 0 ow as now. Fast Black at gi WW onal Hose, eX 2 Nao better 11 38 Tn $k Ph Vi yon trie eid the “FL 1 ked : weet | TEM wi Ric I Fon. fiir C 3 i 18 5: inka 3 w ID FISH © 3 IL Aly Hawn, v i. yu Yas A at Yo Dad —swan s tabie In 4 3 ¥ 2 edded, for il in good con. Dr. nsiY Tr 1.00 , 5% and rou. + Stove Pipe— : mad e from heav v our-~A SURE BAKER 5 pw pf and Ag os) Try Keystone Spring : per sack. ey aL £1 Ri eo. ©. Good, PATTON, PA.
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