; Patton Courier. PATTON PURMLINHING CO. Woo Greexe, Editor, ESTABLISHED - - 1593. | AS TO PREDECESSOR OF QALLITZIN. The Prince Priest Was the Fini to Become a Realilent Missionary. Toretto, Pa., Nov. 6.--The fact that Esquire Dunegan, of St. Angustine, this county, hws in his possession two roceipts given by Fatber Sibourd on December 15, 1784 and June 6, 1798, to sittiers on thy Allegheny mountains . for money contributed, is hearided by diverse parties as a great discovery and as fornishing convincing proof | that Father Gallitzin “was pot the first | Catholic priest to spread the Gompel among the pioneers of the Alleghenien” The whole matter may be definitely settles! by stating that no one who in even slightly acquninted with the _ early history of the county ever claimed ‘that, distinction for Father Gallitzin. The McGuire settlement, now Loretto, seas formed in 1788, and it is known | fhat Father Brosius, who accompanied young Gallitzin from Germany in 1792, ade one or mors visits to the settlers jn that or the following year -i con ~ siderable time in adv = of thy visits paid by Father Bibour On one of these occasions he set and conse. © tiated for a cemetery a portion of the land donated by Captain Michael Me. (aire for church purposes. Wa may even believe that fhe settlement re © peived visita previously from Father John Caasey, who in 1789 was stationed nt Siporteman’s Hall, now Rt. Vincent's Abbey, near Latrobe; from Fa wher Theodore Braner, his sacomsor; from Fathers Pellentz, Lanigan, and others. The priests in those days had roving commissions, and traveled about con ginnally, ministering to thelr soattered flocks. But, considering the extent of | Rerritory they had to cover, their visits were like those of angels, few and fur between. Father Gallitzin is styled “toe pho- peer missionery of the Alleghesion,”’ and justly so; not because he Wis the first priest to come into this region, which he was not, but becanse he was the first to settle bere, and to make this a fixed centre from which to carry on the work of the Gospel in all di ‘pections. The others before his time visitors at long infervais; resident missionary. FERDINAND KITTELL. Loretto, Nov. 8, 1890, pices i "DWT Sms. were simply be was the first | Baad Recorded at Ebensbury up to Date Priduy, October TT. Henry (Jood et ax. to Henry Kava, Chest $425. Peter Laccur et ux. to Dominico Rome, Susquehanna, §25. | William Honk et ux. to Elizabeth A. i | Williaros, Barnesboro, $350. Assignee of Prank McAnulty et ox. 0 F. H. Barker, Barnesboro, §1,050. Assignees of Frank | jeAnuity et ox. to F. H. Barker, $100. James Patrik et ux. to Philip Bender, ‘Rose Semith et vir to D. yy Barr, » B00, i r Improvement company to : Amanda ry Killins, Spangler, $175. | John J. Hsok to Peter P. Yeager Hastings, $30. William Dakes et ux. to 5 L. Reed, Nant-y-gio, §275. Henry Swope et ux. to Amanda Par abaagh, Allegheny, §2 650. jgnee of Frank McAnuity of ux. eo H.C. Williams, Barneshoro, £303. The fest work of the Congress, soon to assemble for one of the most im portant sessions held for years, will be, if the whole power of the admiinistrat- il jon is strong enoagh to bring it about, | the adoption of a joint rescintin de | claring the intention of this govern ment to be, to retain permanently the moversignty of the Philippine sands This is one of the results of Hminary report of the Philippine commission, and of the President’ conference with the mem bers of tha commission. The cabinet bas unani mously decided, and the President and the Philippine Commimiouers are oi the same mind, that the very fru Congress ought to dhe i to adopt a resolution that will convines th tients of the Philippirgs that thi country means to keep the islands ‘Sach actions, they contend, will de stroy the only argument Aguinald hes to keep the insurrection going. Dr. H Haden, Summit, Ala. MmYS, is & splendid medicine. | prescribe it, and my confidence in it grows witl continoed use.’ It digests what you eat and quickly cures dyspepsia an Judigestion. C. W. Hodgkins, Patt Lie Jory Bole Rochester & Pitts burg Railway. a and after et, oh, Rte trmiees will Lime Now York Central Station Pean’s Ivison Llearfield, welt ays opty, as fltows CoN. BB for Curwennyiile and Dobaly, «0 nets st Dabols Ga PunXsada way, Bw Cand Pisin. La sna Rar Carwensviiie, Pra Bats pared Hey adaville, Connects at DaBois with Yet habed Limited) for Fails Creek, Bbbewa Juhawuesoy x, Bradond, Hafan 50 pon. fie Carwepaviile, DrBeis ind Bey oldsvitin Connects ai Duliods Pon xentawney amd intennediatn stations Trans arrive, Sd an, ated Ses and Ln + fekers, thine tips tables sod fall Intormation e B. H kt OL oe = £3 fii wx, eared, Pu " Proprietors. Lorders worse | Fabian, a fidbing v! | advance toward Tarlas ost night. W. Karlin. | wheal | Heh WE “Ithink Kodo! dyspepsia cur Coated al LLAGAEL weak at BGS 8 Lae Ma 2 LR adel Be Yor Big Hou | $6400.30 5: : a | wank to ive lower: Dosalen SGe fewer TE a inna be, B00 Coulis, SIA | ADVAKCS C. 1 | Whenton's Forve Pro Avtar Was Likely ton May Maw dota mod Laws Todmy. Wo hsaton's Or Dear San viled north. [ eas of Praga; Mn IR nt forces i thers only puopdered aboot AN men, | autropelied, whereis at Dagupan there are sores thoosas is of insurgents and Bye miles of syooy trenches The Mounts river is closed. Greneral | Wheaton is supposed to have lauded, though commanicanon with him 1x not | expected moti weley Taw woatner bux hes good since ho started snd be whom i have bean able to fake the trench wr gE EES it Mavis, Nov.» fey len FR tii No ¢ Without great | lows of ra From Man Fabian General Wheaton Tacky to the northeast, malting a junc fisn with General Lawton. General MacArthur was px peited to Degrin Die gis erai Lawtes probably will resume bis advance today, though in the face of great Mifticoities, rains in that distro having aesrroyed all the brid ges in the vicinity, inelnding woveral the onginye Ts built fir the movement. Crensral law ten Kad been working band for several days 0 get rations forward Ine Thirty fiftt regiment is fo reinfor Bie poday A force of U0 insargents attacked the Fourth cavalry, making three fot charges and losing three men, fh Afherosans ost note The frat raft soross the ferry, at La mnatoan Was carried sway by the wwife current It had 18 en of the Third cavalry on board with their “bBorscs. Une of them ° Wks drowned, AGREED 10 ARBITRATE Three Powers fo Dechie as to Eaumimges From Fightiog ta Sammon Ring Crvony Uhiwet, Waa sarN, Nov, Row Assietant Sa retary Hil for the United States, Mle Tower for (ireat Britain and Mo Momo: von Schwarzensteln on the pad of Germany, at the urate department, signed a convention providing for the ad Josten ay arbitration of claims ol inhabitants of samon for duanages suiting from the naval and military | operations ghere fast spring King Osear 11 of Norway and Sweden was speified by the (realy aa arbitrator Tae Revalution Ia Uolomblie Cagacas, Venvrueln, Nov. R-—Uabiv dispatolins received hope from the Coo Jom bian boundary report that the revo Intion ip that repabiic is progressing About L000 revoiniionists have Oe u- plead Cracuts and Oras. WEATHER FORECA ST. Western Penvaylvanis sad West Vir gietu Clondy and warmer today; temor- row fair. Hight sentherly winds, : Ohio Cloudy » wi warner; faly; light veuthurly whale, dp HE MARKETS Presson, Nov. © WHEAT No red Shei CORN Shae Jes pollow No 3 SEF ee bill meted do, vd Se wiped, A LgiaRe Noo J ye | gow war 4170 high mized, SP mixed, Clee iw sod. 3% Sarl i GATS Noo white, SLR on Ka | Sanyo. extra No 4 Be ege 3 white AV ~ Na | timothy, SETHE Ra 7 win fe $itaagii on No § timothy, SOIL CW § paver miaed, $12 SiBILD Na | slavery, _ Bix : Piagn 5 : i. pm rhe, #7 GET WE Ri No i vmethy from aonstey wagons, dish lea POCTLTRY ~ Live large chickens, 8 par peur sraadl. See spring chides, oo So, wa Bo sta Aueke He ns mi. Smee Fil 2 per pound. geese. TBR per otic Doped Sdalennn, old, id 4 per pon ane. Sr osmian, duos, 12a: Sarkeys oi. gona Ein OAK CRabeire. dean, BESS pheasant Ph por domes quall. BLGLG per dessa . gray Sate Puls. $A 26 per dosen. BLOPTER Xia prints, Weg erestary ro: yo Ohia fancy PPCRERO TY Wi oeemabey endl, 8 we SOGKENE, Hd Be CHEESE Fail eres Oia, saw, IBBIN 2 three ajariere. TE% qe Meow York fuil cresm, Lami ae Wissonsin Jil We poiaind Diriek. Bias TERI ger. aw TA en Bian sepetiy Tread Ofsies, a0 maieen, B80 additional for carlin mos wlads Phen ETE EIR “i tlvern. Crp EVN Now & wt Honday fare 140 Jigs wid misdiam gre when ale eet ox Satiln was steady ab asl week's ROTA Mopuly balay was ight and market ate Woe gute as fad Rixtva £0 weglivt or $5 onda mE ead Hs de, 30 fair 4 Wage! Bi cant Beste lern’ Bak saad wmsinen. BE Pave BEER IG vas hI whan, 3 BER EIRE ui $a guond far sown BL THER goal Preah Ah pw wera wee LE Yoaglila wed $4 EBL BY. faly rows aul springer | ee BOE Boelane coos, RE 90k Hews Roceiote mn Monday fair abunt card Sin wales mariat ruled sciive and shomde Higher Sup vewiny Light) Wa gate ain Bh head Ak Te Hh Yorkers 48 romghi, Kise oR SHEEP AND LAMBS Sapoiy on Monday Farr. 05 boats on sabe shonin steady laa be Mate lower Supply sodas 8 jeaeies onarkes | stembr. We goose: (Moles wethers, $4. um £50; good, $4064 Xn mlm, BO Shas Ca common, BARGE ahi C eanbe, 5.000. i common Wi good, Raa: ven calves #00 7 5% heavy asd thin, be S408. 00. CiscinNazy Now, r HOGA Market sotive smd higher st BOS oe CATTLE Market stoady at 55.5000 Steer AND LAMBS Market for sabes farm bo Market Gall sod oi Wau Sh KBE pin. BE A 3 SA Xew Yous, Nov. § WHEAT Sut market fraser Noo 3 red Fehr Lou alla pet No | purshern Lu Panh. Bete foo by adonk to arcive (new) Bo. roel Te in slevalor. COX Rpt mmrked Semer. Nol dg Lo b afiomt and Hae in sevalor. CATS Boot marked dnil Noo f Sel Na white, Slige: No § whites, (Ko sind westera JRie track whic Be track white stale Eile = CATULE « Market wotive, steers ile wey bulls steady. cows Rbnady 50 Oe lower. Beer Gaen. 16 10h; bulls, Shas SHEEP AND LANES Market Tor sho jamie ibe lower: s Khekp, $504.10 culls, B C Camadtian lxmbe. $100 © Cig Mariel slowdy at HOA, HE REBELS. fy pn nded Mme. railroad company will plage on sue 9 enlde it has cured, tacks of pneumonia it has averted and | of the children it has saved from at Lomorrow No & ma | Hew grams aul 5 3 < Se Penmayivanin a IRL fA Fw fa Deer msrwer Prevane hoy es wial aera aut heavy Yorkers $060 THE PATTON COURIER, NOVEMB Winter Excursion Tickets, On November 1 the Pennsylvania at: its principal 1s tioket afioes paourEion viehreta to all prominent Mints oR seid Jey svaling, in New ay, Soa u {nba genai low rates, with the guriat The magnificent fwili- Virginia, North CosOrgin, ¥ The tiokets will be sad wo ihe poten smite and LET its many oconnechions train serviee, make fing for winter travel book, descriptive of and givieg routes of travel and rates thin favorites An illustrated winter resorts for tiokets, will be furpished free after: > | Ngvamber 1 agents can control tne rowdy of escape from on appication fos LICKEL Fireman's Hall A grand ball will be beid by Patton Fire Ua evening, November 16th (ood music secured for Everybody invited to agtend and have a good time with the fire Indies The best of Tickets only 50 cents. hak Been the occasion, = ardor will be maintained Cash Gir Boackwboatl and Rye, 1. B. Wilbur, proprietor of the Pat ton Buckwheat and Feed Mill, will pny cash for buckwheat and rye. £30 Pain Babn Cures Wire, Why Net You? Chamber inin's My wife has besn asing hambar Jain's pain balm, With good resnita, for a lame shoolder that has pained her cantinnsily for nine years We Have tried sil kinds of medicines and doo- tors without receiving any benefit from any of them. One day MW An advertisement of this medicine and thonght of trying it, which we did with the best of satisfaction. She has need we orily one bottle and her shoulder in almost well Adolph L. Millett, Man. chester. N. H For sales by C Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy LaGrippe, with its after eflects, an nuaily destroys thousands af people ¢ may be quickly eared by one fiinte poigh on, only remady that produces imsmediate pestis in cough graarp, bronchitis, BH and lung troobles It will W. Hodg ths ocd, and throat prevent consumption, L. Kins, Patton Pharmacy. It will be a smrprise to any one ‘who are at all familiar with with the good quaalities of Chamberinin's congh rimedy, to know that people every. where take pleasure in relating their experiencn in the use of that eplenidid misdicine wod in telling of the benefit they have received from it. of bad of threatened at teks of croup and whooping cough. It ix a grand, good medicine. For sale by C.'W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. | take People of Patton have opened a build ling next door macy on Fiftl “Blow About NYWAY but | i’ Large Lo 15 Tin fr per & geth r. 4 ar shoes. ‘ R 5] No. in their hall Thursday {pot the Crelling all Ww. anid | everywhem prescribe it this method of informing the 163 th f]y elie ‘ ¥ be gh x Pave House © ctiubiy; 'Y OUTS, CHAS. RHODY. WOMEN SHOULD KNOW IT i Many women suffer untold agony | snd misery becaowe the nature of their | disease is mot correctly understood. They have been lad to beligve chat ash trouble or female weakness of enire sort is responsible for the many PH w that Deve wont Nearalght, nerconsness, headsclie, : puffy or dary dvi jen under Lhe avis, ties of the Pennsyivania railroad, with | throngh | rhoumatises, a dragging pain or duit ache in the back, weakness or bearing down sensition, profuse or scanty sup ply of urine with strong « odor, Sreauent desire to pass if with scalding or born. ing sensation, in it after standing in battle or common glass for ates, are signs of guiney 243 maglirnent twenty fortir and Bladder tronbie The above symploms &re often ats Lh heraell mer physician to female weakness ar womb troyble. Hence, so many fall to tain pelind heonnee they aretreating, uel but a reflection | bf the pritnary canse, which 8 kidney | Eeibted by patient ar hy chine nan teoable in fact, womets as well as men are made miserable with kidney and blad- der trouble and both rset Lhe sume resid v Dr Kimer's Swamp Root the groat discovery of the eminent kidney and is easy £2 and Hluider specialist, get at any drug store al fifty cents or. ane foliar Ta prove ils wonderful merits yoo may abt it. botl sent iy free by madd Kindly mention the ParroN COURIER and send your ad dross to Dr Kilmer & Co, Binghamyp- oa. NY Youd Tey Brithalh meoidierw in Afi Capt. ©. OG. Pennienn ds well Roown i adh A fries forces that captared the Ser as sostrander of he fammctis taba Under date Nov. 4, eey, Vrvisarg, Revhtanaiand, “Refore starting on the inst bought 8 quantity of and Jdiar- iced soy plain, and | beneficial Patton iE friom ute aries: CRIN eb L wiaints onlle cholera which | i 3 seg] {hast rhown rormsdy, phar d when troabbel with and hal glyenit to cane 11 proved Pop sale by CL Ww Pharmacy, mY men, avery riot os Hodgking, 1 had dyspepsia for fly seven years and never fonnd permanent relief till 1 awed Kodol dyspepsia cre. Now | am woll and fesl like a new man,” writes & J] Flemming, Murray, Neh tis the beat digestant known. Cures all forms of indigestion, Phy Felcians kin, Patton Phares YY, or Rade $4 per thousand. Wall Paper Store, Giood Aue brick at $4 and Inguire at Fisher's | Celery Thomday, Friday day at Cash Grooery. and vicinity that 1 ann "ye Sevres — Soa a SS IIsnsy WS coud that gives hal Jewel Stoves and Ranges are the only effective rem | ody for stove waste Fovnry particleot Die + secures per fect combustion every unit sof heat ives effective wr vice. fewela bring to the ‘kitchen cleanh mess. com fort, economy. Examine their construction and see 3,000,000 in use. Tlere are leaks and leaks (Greater leaks go he ordinary stove burnt “onl and bunt f service costs the bucket loses. up wouldnt bo withont Dewitvs | witch havel salve for any £ ph writes Thos. B. Rhodes, Center- (field, D. Infuillable for piles, cuts, { bros and skin diseases, Bewsre of and Satur- i more than plegant grades at 300, 450 x pair. Tan, gray and balbriggen silk Qeeced When & <li snap comes then every | body makes a rush for new pipe, | elbows, jointa, dampers, eoitlnrs, ete, ensty and missing ones. to replace Somebody has to Wa can attend without deiny, wait aml shiver your wants now You oath to wen p28 or Dockash, Jewel, Gauge Door ant Cambria Fortes ‘ooking Btoves Ranges, and Heating Haves befor baying elapwhers In fet, befor So bay any W hore po0 ongrht 10 learn our prices on all winter sopplies” PATTON bi il, P. J. Deitrick, Mgr. have A sample bottle and hook abwointe. © i | conn te Heit. Avennes i | vended! to. ¢. W Hodgkins, Patton JUSTICR OF HE PEACE Office an Smart Lang my Fifth lollections at to sel an d rent. Office in Youn Boiling: next to P.O. Patton, Offer Hoors—-8 a m. © 12m, wna'i p. m. whp mm DR. F.B. EURNS, Dentist, ; HANTINGH, PA All diseases of the teeth and mouth wkilifiplly treated. nr DR. C. ERNEST CHARE, ‘Surgeon Dentist, PATTON, PENNA. Offiee in God Bollding, second floor, Magee Avenue DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYRICIAN AND SURGEON, Offer in Good Building, Room No. 3 Fir General Surgery and the Eve » Specialty. All enthiowill mesdve pool attention, Dr. V. A. Murray, your eyes Free Spectac les as [Lenses can ged any time a year. = Qatisfaction guaranteed ar money refunded. 'TOZER, ‘The Patton Jeweler. " LADIES’ AND CHIL: DREN'S HOSIERY. This stock In most complete at all M times. but it really seems that it is: #0 thin season, There is such 8 grand variety and the prices are so satisfactory. "A hint or © two will suffice today. : usaally Ladies’ silk foeced Past [Black Howe, Hose, 25e per pair. A fall tine of Children's leece lined Flose at 10e, 1200, 2c and dSe per pair. Boy's extra heavy ribbed Hose, w pair. Ladies’ Underwear. thar stek in very comidiete in thor: aughly good value Twang wires REI wry fos fir prervindy Oar Se fleece ribbed Vests and Diriwors, in WAGE VR, Are great 3 inedmorme grimace, i ¥ a] sEEne HE wirlhees ahd Vs Natsral we Pe Combination mus, anid 3548 A panels smo mead N y Ha Squire, Prom Ifa ion, ar, Hide, The, Altoona, Penna. = ane Los and in punning are now prepared to 4 all sonal promptly. The cout is OR Dr pias Flee i" a whisk he Praman’’ Wie now have Bank opened arver aries or rst lass and fa BOW as bank and & prs rpissed ils sie y Leave orders at Cash Grpeery BOYCE & LH LLY, Dry Goods. Groceries; Ftc, Etc. somforta of hone, amine our goods. [Office Filth Ave, | 1081 snd Se per with grand wearing qua ton af 150 and Bbc per i] Vesta and Drawers, The | mined at PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. en in Arfington blowk, next Postafficn, rewponded to Patton, Pa Al night rity pron pely. Times of the oar, tome ard thre FEV eymctal attest. SGEFIFOCE HURST ia sind 2 wl pm Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, Parton, PA. Office in the Good Building. JAMES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. near Central hotel.- WH DAVIS, — Attorney and Counselor at Law, All logn] Bid ness promptly atlended to. Cie in Harker Batiding. TOBACCO and CIGARS [Toe $ret tie D8 Pation al G. J. FITZPATRICK'S Restaurant on Magee avenne, Dear P. R. R. depot. MitALS AT ALL HOURS AHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa Arbon lations teins, Hest oof Lnguors fared WW hniem ot the bay. Ntabling aitaetiosd. GEORGE PRROUSON, Prop’r. : Parnell & Cowher, Agsaiis fare AFE AND i ACCIDENT HSUUI BEAL BETTE AGENTS Sul bing, Peilon, Pe Pens Noo H. S. BUCK, ONDERTRKER & ENABLER. Next. toy Hoted Fah oa x, lay Promp Low 2 ke FILE, 1 fyEmed Pution, or gah Digests what you eat. Itartificially digests the food and aids Nuture in strengthening aod recon. staucting the exhausted digestive or guns. It ig the latest discovered digests ant and tonic. No other preparation ean approach {t in eficieney. It ine stintly nelleves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartbura, Fiantulenee, Sour Stomach, Na Sick Headache, Gast ralgts Crampa.and all other resulta of imperfect d Frrepared by £. C. DeWitt 8 Ca. WW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmaey. {rave Teen troghiad will oo vers wee raining ny fart AE F3ir nde that Le Bing oan ov thix Alter Lr¥ing $ p Are RL TH met 10 1s Cattering SOF me 8 As well as anything clse needed for the nt | ger ALL and ses our prices and ex- in ; 2: elery ing for ith Nerves, Stomach, Liver apd Bidneys is aad in She aud TRL tae sagen Araes ste and dealers Pau on Pharmsey ¢. W. Hodgkins
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers