The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 09, 1899, Image 1

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    . VI—NO. 49.
a, 1360,
‘majority of people cach]
expec! to have a
t people Took forward to.
s — as one long to be re-|
bered. We have each
s dome our best to carry
Jarpest and most select’
In this section, «
Ve have presents suitable for ail
Sheds wil cid
st possible
see’ for your self J
g "Cheap!
which you |
ot be bought for
#220 f.0.b Pitts
for ;
ce poultry wire,
Republican Stats Ticket Won
by Over 100,000.
I GF 8)
Tiekpt ithe
Wit n
The Head af the Reveived
New: In Fittebaryg
Geperdt Hikiv Latter Cinnmed 8 Flo
rally of ¥235 000
Noe No Farimatas
as ih ha tate 10
Murainiy U¥er
Pui aoxioma
from sii of the toa
dicate Diaroews & Hep |
Cressy, Dept to be 135 080
| pomntios the eatinnaloy Ware oo pOEARAIUY
| based of mYesgre tnlormARon and fom
| plete retarns may change the resi
Pritsiecenia, Nov 8 — Retarot from
| about ope half of the 4% sonpties (no the
| state indicate that fhe vote was (he
| lightest polled 1p years Lieutenant
| Colonel Jumes E Barsont, the Repob
| lican candidate for suate treasury was
ent cotaiderably as a result
made upon Dis Military rec 4 but
: returns received indicate his gern
| ower 100,000 plaraiity
In the state the following ticket Was
| elected: State treasprer. James bE
| Barnett, Rep ; suprowi court judge.
| Hay Brown, Rep. . 3. Leste Meares
¢ Dem ; superior conrt jude
Mitehuil, Rep There are two
| pres in the suprigpe Sour and
| party siects one Judie
Uloimpdete felaias Fins
| ip this oily give Barnett.
| for state ftremsger. 4 praraity
| Creasy, Demuporag, of 64.407 aguinst 3
| pidraiity of 4 Sasfor Haywood, the Re
: publisho candiiate LWA aud A pa
| rality of 0 ai for Beacon, Republican
in 1597 The total vote cast was (50.430
Co agminiat LOK. 5% ip ISHS and 14), GY in
Ke pablican Heats (Chairman
Po osdionel Barnett y majority in
{ state will be 140000 The majority
the 3 wards
| the suite, exclusive ot Philade Tata agri
; Adiegtieuy, about 18, gery. Une $277
candidates will run sotoewhat abess
Barns, i gh the PP Msiny within
party has Yess conennirated
Colon! rnets.’
In an interview Senator Proross sad
+4 seems to be a stasuch Republican
| victory all along the line sad a Wrong
| indorsement of tod ational adminis
i tho. Wears all grasilied ut the spun
did indorsement of Colonel Barnett.
Otis cotngresanall wis slucted
Penisylvania. In tbe Nioto
| pomiprising Berks and Lehigh ©
| Onptain Ho oD Gree ww, Dea
| ebosen by & majoriy of 4 & Dn ti suooeed
1D. M. Ersentrout, des
| Brovoro— Estimated Ban :
| rality is 750. He rans about 500 Ge
his eke. Tae Rep sa hdioane ela § Thr id
i oonnty tioket.
Bini gr— Estimated, gives the Repub
Boal state thoket SX plus 1
| pire Republican county
: by oie £00 so LI) ws
that hy
il Joris of frou
i fh wa
H 148 disinwts Gal Sf a
; Juilige Haaisy
Ra A Ag Sta
| of about J
: 1 oth mg reLarns coming (lo sow iy.
Bagh vite. Filiy loser oul 343
arb give Harue as Bast ae
Yang Re tarns dry 1
ally slow. However. the
| cath thas the Prepmprslie
Yi be heated By Shae
| Thi Vuapoerats wilh probably «
CRUntY OY GA8 plurasty
Lo Ds eemivie A hughes viatis
i Payrnest was iu 3
Wiia ain Pei
a total
uf. Sah over 4
i eleched
Bawrosit a plusuucy
: He was vasliased oF
Pairs — Phe. Ben i
; | Sharman exiiniatis wpe Li Daasin od
| pelos DOW a3 mand bas Lhe
: Lriket will have nik | th ki} 3.8 #5 pra
ality in Duaphin county sad do ¢ Har
Limburg will te carried by Lhe Be pat sili
PLIES by severnl Bande are four
i ptate trenstired, Was CRE B Tew Xu ie
L certain districts, hut gnined
isl rs
| go that he will run aboub even with te
{ pest of the teket.
Lo Mostouk ~~ Estimated Urdasy
ahend of the ticked aml will carey
oapty by whint Has
| crubic gain of 485 over aus The ra
| mninder of the Demcratic ticked has
| about the usual uradily
| Jorities averaging abont O00
; mated
| d¥Aares for oon
Ds henind the tik
i pard
L1DG give
woke tn OGRE, AS Lins Hepubhoans |
} Ee
Allegheny will be about Bir and om
Fak t
piuraiity a Lino
oe was very light. | ‘
Gost iE phiied by mn
it i= on
Revs cau
2 3
3 mene fin
The Doepnidtan
W aN
bE ery
oF 48 ie
votes Marsh
CHO ME aw Paint districts out
18 give Barnet Bid: Creasy,
This i+ & jos of JU for Barnett as com
with the ih vote GT tis mati
sain, Ue plurality wail ba
ih 3 Bpoovatin pehianty
nny ®
1% Y
wid Sih 3 CSE a FAD
Rega vpn Mai ain distnitia
Hargett 4. {reasy, 0
Thi remaining districts ure fikeiv to
relies Parnert os ead fhe ht | fon
COM Isai TY guid andiytors ae oben LIN
Republicans leading Highly
Faoaiue Fhe Bas gi Hen!
ean ay aba ajo 5
jemds Bis Lu
paticidate Sig
elated ved
ang off
ing 253
ay fiegt
FRA Pate § akhest
whole var Vv light. Dsaseorato
chket ie oatiniaiawd
sibel snoreaw
ao candidate in he
Sars voted the oid
Huswrpa js ¢ abont lait Lo
Woe Was Gu vw Republican »
and conuty fe ket isnt] By varying
pluralities. Harnett will bave about oa
plurality’ 8 sania about 20 belitua toe
eget, ;
Berks The vote was the siallest io
yours. ‘roasy’ pe furaiity being About
$000. Tod Democrats eleton thy «
tips oounsy Boekel By irom 3500 Ww 3,
200. Judge Padicn, Ue, was Quan
monely eisctad. The Democratic fol
rality yn 158: was 5.40 } :
MERCER Daroeit’s plurality
mated {500 ihe Republican PEI Y
tekat is eloted by from 10M 10 #00
W assisgron-~The Republican stake
poh aE
aol and Repaoi
water ticket
Loo Breve:
Hogs ca
gir Fi 3
this cxonpt or on
#00 Belin
she rest of 0
ter. #0 henvy did Jones draw
pit: the Read i thie Bepsbdiss
ravetvad the mews of tha
Plirsatinrg Mr 7lraclt was
Eo] At sud a few
aa ier
{rene at LRN :
vive stave for Barnett
j t Wis A gratiiviod
sew LAE] EY
# nisagirs had maddy beltore tas
rarurne hi
agi RL LZ
Se mid foal or Beads
Se We IE and | shin Bar
HAVE AT Saat aa, RE
arma Now 8. Barnett wilt BAYs
a0 estimated majority of from 0.00 0,
iN On the soRste. ie is de suet of
be wii lel
arent #
: figure, Jude Nas
rolled u
: the
Governor by Over 30,-
ooo Plurality.
jt mesane th Have Coma Lavgely From
the Haaks
Riva Mave a3 Majority ut
Pei br rsiic fe pulitcans
the Legiv.a
Supsesds Dapntori
The returns
gatity 02
ol SE
rapt. {L. Nov
Whi that the Lemirenis
Cin~pnatt Cleveland and Toiedo
ean wit mise that Melsan Was
rd at Lines and ant possibly at
(Reem, hiptieR draw mein
Wire heavily sit the Democrats had
she Republicans Al the same ang
fine the Republican pel Qmne autsded
Cigetnnatt Cleveland and Toledo wer
ficreassn at auch a rele as $0 indicate
a plurality of from a (ne a dn Dor
for Judge Nasr for governor and ae
entire Republican stale Gok, 8.8
ding a ma oriey of the legisiator
TorLgps, sor. 5 -—Mayor Jones
pdes fiw y defeat. Hf my race
(aay way, he said
the success of Jobo $ Mc lean auld a
rebuke to the | nfsmons Phi py
policy of the administration, | teal tha
15 has pot Heel Yn
The dt wate, which will ao
more than 00,000, seme 1 fave Slane
largely from the Democratic par’ y
fu Lucas tvounly, hi ho
“aiden Hale! Jones, White 31 Was
preted thi he world cot sae TER
i Bas a pray
$i tix WW Hie
8. AA
lo Lorsin, a great fron working ced
fra 15s
Democrats Thal in sven posanots
Republi wi gain was Si
In Akron, o great inanulssbanag oon
ger. the some offen te Doth
fo Cleveland, the home of Hanaa
Jones has achieved bis only victory
He has carted both the oaty sod
ponnty of Cavadiga, Miolaan setts 10
have bewti the third wan Lhe Pais
In Hamilios county, the hom bf
George B. Cox, the Democrats Haws
won and there the Demos vals seein 10
have msde thay only misrked gana
Here it Fraokiin conoty, the house of
Judge Nash, the Repobhcana have
the couuly.
is as to the vote oo legisiatare
LAD wanting, lat it is
Republicans wil
history ©
pantend both
beapches, Ax oo Lipid States ssa
re Sl a
rege to Have Bees Helis Adin
Appointed by a Judge
mission Te faspert Counale
Lomisviee Nov. 8—Colonal U
Menge! received Grdeds frau LroSErLOY
Bradley to send to the polis at oooe tue
Lewisville Legion, which bal been oo
| dur army af it's armory all duy iw reads
ess for a call
. wlertion had been one of the
Up 0 this time the
A few mropsts for al
lagea interference With ¥olers Ward
made, But taere was less than the asual
amonnt of friction between the workers
sf the respective candidates. When thy
polls closed at 4 o'clock the inspec ter
representing the interusta of the Brown
ticket appearsd and demanded adui
ance to wateh Lie odunt
This was done amder a Baadabiaey a
junction isstad ty Judes Toney of tho
etrenit comp, shortly befiirm noon, ro
straining the oiIy authorities aud
peor kuown here
cers of election from interfering with
the Frown mspentors. About the ni
dis of the afteruoon the Repubiow
scared & similar order for ther spect
ars on repressutaiions that they were
thread ano with interferancs
Lip a number of places the
worn roland recugmton and
Bradley sv onder for troops ©
ails wis made upon a statemen
adge Toney reciting this state of a
The nien were
few minnion
Laan a
Fok B60 Liles
ready, amd within a
form about the
fal np wit
man awl
wins was in ania
ines Lhe regia?
4 in pandineses Tor 3 Olei 4s
anak As soon ae The oni
awn SherdtT Bell hawene
¥ asl profested Agueast ooo
oF thie trae Gn Rai
Shut thre Bad been po disorder aod
roa hie, and that thers was go
for acts yoke shite an! Fibioe, Labld
Judge Cus 4 ad pot male ay ris
Bios, the short,
¢ PEA ead foal
eer Wits dH 4
sed had
80 ak
; arin said
SRI trom the
hendguarters, stemmed stores
fair count, as ghey clamed. Reach
the Precise shey wire met by a num
0 " and ftizens. Firousins
were ro ak ir tse and aboag Bb
BilhE iN. fe Dern Was
woanded. “Bot serioualy. The attacking
party Bed wid no arrests have Dia
nied hes res Hs
If a man sows the wind, he is lable
(to eatoh 8 eye lone fn his self binder
SCY fay - York (Nah. Thoes.
Have wen
Canv else on
1% 0 bo siectel the Jegisiatare i nat us
4 J. Mul Rep, is alerted (0 congress
a ths Stcreenth district, to sacosed Lo
renzo Danford, by about £00 plornlinty
John Walter Smith Kiectsd Govsruor by
Ca Large Majurity Democrats
Control Legislators,
Batrtwony, Now, Relnoom lite ra.
turns froas from she city of Baltimdre
and meagre teturay from the state indi:
cate that the Republicans of Maryland
averwhelmioyly defeated,
and that Jos Walter Sinith, the Demo
catic candidate, has beat elected bY »
majority varionsly estimated st Troan
10,000 wi 15,000. There is aleo a reason:
able cortaioty that the lower house of
assembly will be Demo.
the § i
ora: by & large majority, ssl that the
C Daepnoisrats wills sdack end BRO states nes
kas BO OTOrDoe the Heputdian ade
eantage among the holdover senatoms,
thereby controlling both anchies of
the lagsiature.
The Deauoorats re wild with onthe
siasrs, while the Republicans are corre:
spondingly deprosssd over the esi,
whieh wy ae stilted to attribute WO
tremcinity MnOng the fddowers of Masor
Master and Laiged States Senior
{haope Wallington. Phe ntter nas
rake G0 peat uk the ssnbaien Py Haw
go Hestaieg, suse Bis resignation A
ase ooel thos Slate Gitead soni tee
a Tow Worse aus Gp slid the AVE
wheeling defamt of Hepubiwan
as nn cas
Hr OW Tes
Lat atte if
“guhl Demooraki
Eve Lad
Kusshad Ftus Ont dak Carr ed
haut y Bie prubiBiene Canady ad
fhe Stake Asuenaiiy.
gain an ta
hiv Gislriis Whlgn ave
cloaca OF i Laue aby,
amd 33 Dhunoorsas wae sieot i. Ab
Dnoaamts salon] grave TetOrseR in
Ere county (Badalo; amd Chemung
gonuty, tie hots of ex Seat ravi
B Hil In the city elections up tae
statis DMwnoerais: vous sbdwesd 0 27g
fading PBufain, Diay ail Scbany
gave large Begublican majorities, a
complete overitun. Mayor James b
Motairs, Depusirat. oa reales Muy or
of Syracuse, a Fibre 0 Bis jeschuis
Wi the sass
& § avy
¢ popRllety
iy toe four coonties of Naw York
ay the usual big Democratic BJO
* were tolled ap, overy eaaniidate in every
pounty hung
siectod axoupt Gray,
candidate for recrder of |
\ thie largest plarality in the
quite certain thas |
| Rinms. aginst whotn Charges ot Yul
{ ton hal beers made
{ The W holy Republican Ticket
Ns lected.
The Pasion Ticket Wad Frobubly 10,000
Majority, Haleomb Belg
Chosen Judge
at ni wis
ANS, Py (ow
iii hs
| plurality of 45,000 for is New Youk
Cman Robert Mase, Hepublimn, by
tee | investigating municipal affairs
Boston, Nov. =-The Rey yablicans |
eroor. The entire Hepublionn sate | :
he election in Cambria county
The fight on the county ticket for
ning cat by & majority of aboat 200,
rentedgid ee allnriane to the fusion |
ity of abont 4060.
ares point that way There bas been
r The cainphign was the hottest sver
Boy tile the Republicans pre Deen
sickey wil He the fusion slate Tres urership.
« The New Clearfield township, defeated Engler
we C Flower, the incon lest by at on the Democratic ticket, but only by
in the contest, and the Den nae
aiade the teen of manip | swuershl
ne ’ P The Democratic campaign managers
Tr exten, Nov = «The teraros od
Se pounty by majorities that will
shoagh thers wus no Aire vo
good working majorities anith wii nares candidate for county (ressurer, baad
appesred in doubt until the last. Bare
votes 0 far received Locucite the sui
seu aby ods for the cousiraction at
Reanit of Puiten Berough.
ho very! mye vote » Was polled. Pollowitig
15,000 Majority. publican, 01; Creamy, Demoorat, 188;
Loviseinng, Nov, L Chairman Long
Brown, R.,
: the state by Drom 10,000 th 15,000 yas | 199; Mestrizat, Db.
. jort
i sarth, 2 ; :
the Third, Fe Fins. Ninth ond Judge of dori “ourt. Mitchell,
The Revublicans lave nade heavy | 8 Remmel, 8, 18.
Goebel large CUM OTI LI, Chasirasn | Jen pks, R i Hamer, lod. R., 2
JERE pa jist
w ¥ 189 Sheetan, D., 216; Wesner, Pro, &;
gn aud Gast $his Mallet. Poor Huse Director. usta
arcisitig the right of frasuiise Cantos County Auditor..-Gittngs, R., 81;
steamed in there wers on the staiioh Nowspaper Offes Buroed.
ga, scores of ail sg hibars ant ©
by fire ‘this evening shortly after 8
Tammany shows no alstion (wer the
| connty Heke, having axpected (8 The
| rejoaingt ix over the defeat of Assembly
eres M. Stewart, [unocrat. Mazet
| Was shes head of the assembly comin
New Yak
Mussa husetts Wont Repubilions,
curried. Masaachoeetts today ty SY i Hy a Mijority of About 00 Yoto2. BM.
votes, clecting Wo. Mireay LUnne gos. Sheatuan Feeted Commissions,
ticket was clected by practimily tise |
sme pluraiity. (showed a gieat falling off in votes,
CARRIED BY BHT probably 2,500 less than last yor.
Treamirer wits very close, Samuel Me
{ ("lune the Hepublican candidate, win-
Lasoons Neb, Nov 3. {1 ih evident | The balms of the Republican
to beth pirties that Nebraska has |
county ticket wow elected y a major-
standard Bile Regablicany are nok
yor willing to admit deleal, arly fg: The State ticket in the county will
a faliing off of the vos of both parties. be about 500 Republican,
but wile the fue te have suffered |
not lke thin three to a preciibe | ween in Cambria county over the local
If the present ratio is maintained, ox. ticket. the fight centering on the
iY aol eee haa
“aki uch mors. The Commissioners fight was qoite
TE a jntenmting, also. T. M. Sheehan, of
sts passed off qiuety Pasi
apdaville es eciat mayir iver Wal. | Dart in the race for Commimsivnership
A ex. The state and United
States senatorship Suk th wire viioed a snuill majority.
A Johnstown, Pa., Nov. 5 at] p.m.
prominent en
Republicans Carr! (eid New Jersey eonepded the defeat of the enti
sounty ticket and the State ticket in
cated (hat the Republicans luvs Saris
the tate by abont 0 piaraay
se on 4 range from 100 to 300. The retoms
state ticket The Repalaicins wit
trol noth honses nf the legisature if | shovied that McClane, the Republican
a3 Lfirensed reuresentation 1 the Bote : . : ;
am = ¢ LIEN mad) gains in nearly every district.
Desmacrats Amend | contest was bitterly foug ght and
Dexven Noe So Retaros an ateaigud
. peths majority in the county wi
caus of the Democratic Hoke a thie | y y will
( Arspabioe) couuty. The proposttico 1 | hardly fall shor of #0.
mnuicipel water works Ba varied
The slastion in Patton Borough
Taylor Predicted tu Have Curried Kon: isa detailed réport of the voles cast:
tocky By From 104M te Fir State Treasurer. Barnett, Re-
pition, Watkins,
of the Republican cumnpaijm osnmities Peoples, 3 C Soe
olaimed that General Taylor bas carried | Jindge min Court. -
, 179: Ricketts Pro.
ty He says shut Tavior has oarvied | 5. Stevenssn, Poo, Munroe, 8. 18
Eleventh vongressionad districts, wikis
the Eighth and Tenth wre dase, : R., 197; Ruilly, 1, isl: Robinson, Pro.,
gains in most all of the Demoerstie | County Treasurer. — MeClune, R.,
strongholds watch were axpected 10 give 198; Hetflay, D, 188 Walker, Pro, 7;
a suds th Bp have Sap | Cpunty Commissioner. — Hostetler,
Ti the aly fouisy be Teozn 2.0 ‘R., 180: i R., 173; Fag! hart. D.,
Bens, Peo., 7; Brown, 8, 18; Scott,
LP Walked to Polls, After Bachunging Go.
i a I 179; Weakland, D., 201;
Caxtox, On, Novi 8 —Rewpeoting wo sone. 818
President's desire for stnplioity Wm ex 7 0 EP
fans orgauized Bo demonstiation wien | Hamor ) RB. 192; Farbaogh, D., 188;
be caine hers 6 vole, but when the train Brody, D, 180
platform nearly all the mein ters of the bed iam
reception committes of (he 1898 cus Altooniy Pa, api 7.~ The Altoona
Evening Mirror building was gutted
Friends fopeilet witht S01 JERR STG W
cof (Hi CakiEEns Lamy Shering Dog 1 g'eloek. The plant was located in a
4 By 55% wan sed ay
3% the arty in Carriages disppe oe three-story frame building, and val.
The party weat direct to the Barer ted at 425.000, The es will reseh
home to be the guests of Mrs. Mo Hat 1 000, ovens] DY insuranoe. The
wy & siuter rest Lil rohan fie started on the third #oor, and be
As sl a8 GTUCLIGES Worl cXURRNESS gay gn alarm was turned in the bulld-
injt wisa muss of flames. The iinotype
and Mrs. Mohinley ekunfintabi BAT
Sahm the Dresident started for depen
munichines amd five prosses were .
with the job
ini Dlisce, the Fust wid. At tin
EC MOTH an rest panch, together
a [mEge crowd i
pros ata 1 i Aves ”
yoga iierad
shaking Sepals
prissdend Walked wo the Polling
Ba ven i awn Here ther
yeone angel kat bee was
He wan Back of th
sab (dg se shslant sud Lhed
Bik ballobBh thie uke.
preg vied Nhostan. Heating Shere For sabes
boise ¥ Nos Pho TE octal : 3 Sh ;
Bu si I Ned iid he AHN Tals : i A fargs alge inderelia heating slave,
ther AEH HB ky 3 RITY AAR 1 WEY Ul Cand be good 3
Boston 3 , IRUhody RO will Be sold at
Ban snore 4 fognire at ouoe at the CoD
§ ia
Jamas :
aN ie passant, For Sede
Pwo portable cogines, suitable for
‘ww mill, One 30 and one 20 horse
0 Wer, in first class condition
and ready run. Address. Box 2
Hisliday sburg, Pa
I Rats 4
booth ©
3% Bow
a hargaia.
’iER office.
CL ies
bat tiie yosr Peale
rise Phemoesratio
srme reonieed plurality of Hie
WwW. Marrs; Crane, Rep.
stade woul Replat,
ilowing North Gambia
have been granted legal per
mits to wed: Jha Duadak and Miss
Meri Murkoviss, of Barnesboro; Janes
é LL. Kirkpatrick and Miss Mary Soyder.
Jimmie Reader, the loon efampion,
: 9 af Carroll township: Mike Heros of
s again matched to ght Bolly Stroup, | ;
| Hider township amd Miss Man Girma,
of Blansburg. The mill will be pulled :
Tap ‘it. Seite hd af Pattun: Prank Feniello snd Mary
off November 14 before the Coadport .
TY oh ci Strallo, of Barneshore, A. J. Westrick
Athletic lub. The pugs have fought “Be
: i and Miss Malvini Lantay, and Benard
twice before, Reader bang knocked
: Lantey and Mise Martha Aogart of
out in the first mateh, antl the wand |
resulting in a draw Hastings; James 3. C ‘Hollen and Mis
i | Dora Davis of Reade township; Mike
| Korte and Miss Frenceska Hydock of
| Barnesboru.
Read br Matched Wilh Siroup
Por good goodi at the ght price go
| to the Cash Grooery.,