Chieago's Query Indian, An Englishman of rank and mopey wieited Chiceyo recently and with him fmm his pr SCRretary, 8 ¥s frosty faced, folly fellow Pxford anieeosicy The Brought letters «of introduction hic gs man frog novell 3 don actor and man of tiers Wredt to Ohlone New Thue bei inv i private ml ross RR tht Rhine knew With bedi buffaloes vnier pabivin aol Hh Bhokie, but they pared for what was to the fnncheon party had Bpon by a coil Mack Begs Bair enrbed right to his Hest The erry the pepaet hmd the attendant with interest. When Jweaiter Snails hd left the roan, Bowlisl guest tarped to his said “Mr read wot (Rane haat straigit 3 id he aie wlio waited on enris ihe astrakhan. ” Sears Tritaing ate £300 In. faint ROW LE LE 8 } sar Ey Th mi hn seria Met Nags, it vi gangs ¥ RITE 4 FEN anly. The haly an Married With a Damp. The tourriage castors of the Neg are peculiar, The young man imeeks 8 bickde Drs ofdnins the favo her PRIS and then Leatehiog ber in Joose and ron Vee Bs cmos hor several tines Ay he tends in triton Here her father drags the youd Wdder to ber th wi of thefr hint mother drags robe are then nade to nivel, ant t ‘her pours ver thems a of fol of wut { RE Bemals Togo ey, srk FES PTY completed, 1 spond their pawns fa the depihs eof fla and for fee days and mig to kil fist with Lapey to everyday Bf There nod which ix worth | the youth and makden wdng lap the hut adder they mre LeBant twe oc saplings that Mench other Then an vloer of tin CgERRpy the ep inigs med drs Aogether until se funds of wonple touch. with a Kiss | mecording the ff orf’ sakes the man and wit se Vg Taking Umhrage. A few Hilde (a0 very snastRl were henngping bo front of the shop of the baflie of the burgh among w bry the Yaird eupied the oh it Aesculaps wlio was fis politiead ome ! sad resaiad lin "How's a’ wi ye ther Ony politioal news? “Nathing Yery particuiar.” replied the doctor, Tonly it skh that hw Pruteh have taken ninhoage at” Flin the doctor got a touch {i der from fils shop bay. who acquaint ed him that a valuable patient waiting for hiton and hiro e abruptly foe bis politic 41 laird sopa‘en 'mbrage” exclaimed ird. “Mercy upon usl jae ten ralivage” Baillie, ken veo A wa'sd then or Bot HA wae town!” sald the “ame sie thing. Its a sugar and ane o the sweetest of thet The Umrtiele’s up alresdy, but ye shall ha a Bane welght bame wi' ye at the ag price. ~Comblll. frarsies his armas She | atl does pot viel nord Pina: ner eh to ber the iE np 3 “rant wipe given arn: Cine 1s i Br IRAN we describing Inst drags de From iy fh bm TA day, doetor? in on Mis xhowul ane es off tie they Cab nx bhaibie An Expensive Knife, Au ol sian went into 8 cigar store where pocketknives are on saly, He hail a fancy for one of fhe knfves, Hug thought the prices. 75 160) high After a parley with the proprietor bh eoncioded to wager 5 cents T Eninst ‘the knife and play a game of poker. He lost the money and then that muck again. fie eoptinned to Jose until be Jost £121. all the money he hal but Ae proprietor made bin a present of the kulfe In the afternoon he returned, saying be was dissatisfied with the knife He Bad paid $121 for it, bot would will #ngly exchange it for a 81 article. The ‘desler kindly made the exchange, and the man went his way rejoicing He Bad no money to trouble him, bat be had 8 knife and, after all. a knife i= 8 good thing to have Arizoga Reg Bean, . Ls, ¥Lrie Signifeant Signe. ft has been insinoated that the Ag ton OY Breanne wedding is off. If you watt tn know, go past the Appleton house. The sound of a half depen sew ng machines can be gard there £10 daybreak tll Inte afWhight When » marriage f= glen up for ¢ good, the we w tng wavhine ia Wie, exp onus be i Rerrlnilios, Aiba C68 {rien Jr The rugeist™ Wark, There is a drnpgist in obe of th mrhai districts who adv rises he tlisertny Pare rites Ruch advertising dannot fal perl to those who desire tol od Boston Journal Wer G4 & eXefnt. He Needed No Help, wai Lelp™ orted the man who was belie relieved of his value Calm voursed, amsy polug food of thiz job wit Obie Bate Jour Ab i. +) Yilon friend,” sald the need. OF wan take oan (vit aps Asie fy gd Netiling Down, wine pix ions 1a got married and set te down.” sald the fag ravad bachelor “yo that I can pick out ene good club ; ik to it”. Philadelphia North It Caries the Corrent. wif 1 were you winhin't agains mizht hare” The * SESS 4 the passon £53 drene] Was 5 x wieder an resting fis mnn ay eB tl Fi hep flood ad's tl Ye wad ng & where Bains ¥g l wee anther, That's Sof Wanting a Job, When the bare AY chaneviior of fhe hes wits | i thie forint Fae fata stone wis hastpior tye Bs gin day & xverninel Glee Fetting sone PR for 1h EI ped yon y called to mee Mu bri aut wir for Rpnderiand Slips Bi A fren doting mo a litte wi POE saved ir Him Piety meat B proisd serls Vooppn i v dl 51r i Mr find told (Mr Mac Die dws 5 Ey Mr dst fe Bin Mr { LA rn et wt ead § ee if Mr WKS TER 3 #5 erp rertiiel ¥ spared. ERR batty friend Ce the Ole Tied, jeland™ in love with Brooklyn lever. RETRY, : a ii 1 Mev fret 3 Willing to Cam promise, Alans middie of civil war a freclily appointed ondonel, With 8 ew iy wiilisted Joined the 1 forces (6 nner {tine that a Wi or wale of the hill snd x force atartiad out in purssdt The next day Lhe an foderates @ Jigtant in the Ihe 1% aay cidloiel ao A brigadier starts wt for a pletsaee ride. A to the fugitive bewrtl clpeling the sawp for a WR 8 Darrow escape, hud AWAY nnharn After it wan over the got Well what 3 Ea Laie 5.53% WHR rae wider» AA af fhe oto grr pennyted miles {pct Kees the RAR ag Fy VEIT S uk aw WER thy frend dol yon think of War now’ 1x Wheeler in this mm bof the time? nel e “Al mar Ls pegsl vasively ha tine ia What the prospect” gL tvely, “1 wonder sortie Wav this Answered] whether nfernsd poyiprans ised Run nant The Yankee Joker Ahrand A wiaay uf hs which, while CHCA, IR Re that fi rhligey owed book proceeding grees Bpdatiat aml EW ly “Jamie Gregay, cokluy anit the alien “What, doetor where a tinotion? 1 ensgenl laws op iere of Ly eresty Loree dase ¥e an Az Fires Laregory, Li. 1» Od, 1d Storrs rele Lite & «T All bu al RETOW, pulley, ing fined plane, wheel and axle, were known to the ancients and used in everyday life wes 5, yeral ssid 19 CAmerioa, ard cost MoHenry, Stank reiisf. UL - Phar: dickens | iN DIRY. Fhensbrg Oretaber 20, Wi Phhpede Bagaaddaad at Friday. Hovwadd raid company, gn sideration, ain wis liza tor Pannuyl Ciallitein borongh r & Loan Washington, Bri A £50 Peay 13% Atinie Sean gran tH fan Patrick (hark to W iltiam Risvkbnrn, {unilitedn Boaroueh, SL ’ Ama wa nient Peter $39 By, iF HY pry ris £5 ¥ yo + nda J. Kiliins of Ea 1 Ruan wl Snangler, $100 virto R Sialiitein horangh, 89 company, Aunkenbaner of muet Prignan, Exsontor of Berna Farley Farley Tonnelibill, 3860 Exeontor of Mickasl MM Simon A, Waeakland, Fon Plack of H. Piper etal, Washing Rimon M Wilson ot ux nelly, Patton, fui Ira B Bloom of Price, Cambria, $880 {haries Anna Andrew F hirg, Patton, $80 Hoary Tayvier et u Notley, Soangrie Lewis Burk teriea, Hider, 8150 Frederick Bland of ax. of al Blandbaryg, £5 [land of tay Jaren x rpms) £1 Ww AS Fo ma Stven, Frodoriek ax. ob al Riandburg, £5 ERIN, wren + ind PER Ey Phew are perlisd Robt Moore, Pa Witt's little early 4 for Hyer ailments Never ine t Hodgkins, Patton La Fayvells, cf risers the wtion and little cranial Pharmaey What a Mogul Can de That was a remarkable demonetrat. on of what a Mogul can do, that ot New York Nis surreal On the Cantral The arher day, wi tie oof foguis, Retthwestars Liga, vars, five Sram and nine Wag in The total RED only pestinide, han elgine egw, k 1 Lhe gariem) ont be id, fw tha af ARs Ais msdn mati [rims Fees SRR. BINTEen Lars indi weigh of that frais wan i, ined the length © the enone, Was quarter of a mile # engine made the running Lime New York and Albany, 143 three hots and 80am mingles is no ratiraad af the train between Thurs {ry the weorid which bas a Yuettor pondbed wore slalifad en gir tire ry ive Bt ree meta vaan $151 men always alert nassen gers than the New Yo spd Hadesn River road can match ita corps of men President Calla nf employs railroad. way down the sng te the hamble and fitful teackman who watch thelr sation pails through the night and the lives whirlin many of which nealie railé under their guardiansh torial from the Albany ong SETI day, fy order of the trave shear by $ {i ERE Y “ % SEOs i re Wind's jittle good health by Boweis br party to take never griie we will ee no others,’ plegate, J P., of Clarksburg, W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharma wary mA Lg § “Falw Sew York phils never was 3 Regeeasry The Philadel and whisra she got the name uy clear, Rhee had the i the frst saving # Pou AES PP rvoss t wena Ley TAI. frst feted the it Buponn) Roman € al fa &x pus Tes, Balle chineh, wan potian, had he Site directory, was the Hrst To had the nhished the first he RA | sears frat insnrance pa ¥, x foreig jit journal and the first daily wis the first to number residences and had the frst Hut turnpike AnThRiRYEry soto] the Hirst mierica, ADyihing sow abot that SERS HRW RST I Lone, bh LER SDRWT Bigmi ess houses, mill Bail the gassized the paper first slats engine used In An and pokey % manpdetely Oe rei 1 Bismark, LAY, Ripans Tubules Ripans Tabules, Prato Em r 3 > Bonk “Roser Wor obikin Patents” an in first ina HOW TO FIND HUT Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and lot it stand twenty four a sediment or settling an anbealthy oom if it stains your i kidney iii Loy pass it or pain in the ba Gg iw mls proof that the jidneys and are opt of order £73 hat er vari fort hours; ya Hen nen ia evittenes Proud £1303 vipoing hladder 15s nn in {he Dr i an offen wx pressed Pht LT goal faifills every wish in tiem, pain in the bind, : biadder and every par! of the anna PRGA VE. v to hold witer and soalding pain in or bad offerte following oss of REINO pictniey Perrenals Quramp- Root, envine rhenma ¢ It sorrects inabiiit pansinge jt, Degas, wine nr leer, and "pleasant peconsity of being compe to go often during the snd to get ap many times doring i mild and the extiraon Swamp-Hoot i soon stands the highest for cures of the most distressing you nead a medicine yon sl the beat. At druggists Afty conta or one dollar, You may have x sample hottie a Bend Phat Selle mime abont it both sent abwaintely Fr fred by mail, if you your address tn Dr Kilmer Binghamton, NY When writ sure and mention generous offer in Lhe day, inary offect reaiiped ita wonderful CANE EACH Pranks flash dvery fuer Cols Lares Non snnot do teller ar toy reall on fronid & Besar Eotimates Fromal yt oF yo 0 Frese vermeil vier HE LHR TEININ ME. $411 Leddy Brinig + everything von wisn of Hig BEER adage Tren innekbong® AE r wounds. bar, onde, sores, | «| New York Central 5 Rudson akin diseases and ail frritathng erupt ns, nothing Ai santhing and healing Dd tron CM # We wend ve Ww 0 BUSINESS OR CT GEO. BOONE, py £ Tit k i 3 i rit F nyiy ith ak. to weit] att rent PRA pad Hours a yo I EURNS, Dentist, sling, wel XP mn DR.F. B at Dentist, NEA weircined Boor, Surgeon PATTON, PEN inn Good Batlding, Mages A viene, DR. S. W. Worrell, HY RUEAN § Hew Hee in BGreg Sutygiars ad Dr. V. A. Murray, PRYSIO 1X 8 SU RIGEON. whet Reuel Somerville, © 1 a sgh RR ded E300 (1 wd x 3 LEY EY iE Pg 5 mri ha Py ee id DESIGNS TRADE -MARXS AND HEH TS : bid otic is rte Age” So ew i . COPYRIGHT or DE To Bers a ar phot, : Bo Ally» 4 re pstent Ave, YX ork. Patton, Pa. 1 hated, Pa ear PEASE re LBS fs 8 PIU RGN, Prope. Parnell & Cowher, . INGURANG Ai HNTR gisknp Nis, 15 BUCK, UNDERTAKER & EMBALMERK, anpded Lo FirstNation PATTO! Patton. Cambria Co, OF Pa Whaoping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis and Inoipiant Consumption, is Cures. eet and \ A hoe - MN I 3 28 450+ : Hewdd 5 FE ¥ fers, MH Bank Boarding foe River Railroad, Pens Beech Creek District, Condensed Time Talde. thom down Fay Mall Now Noe 5 ed sv ivapis THeiion Noa 2 1 3 mk 0 Ress ‘ER wl - ¥ yw ¥ Ewaien® Sia $45 ME ERATE 3 1% “ PIs tends frewn A ni pew wt Het vada $im. £1 Wh stapes win Phils fing madivewed gt Jersey hae y.. af Mi Hal Paper ioanin #3 sig bins rai Hi ferting wit at vase Patiaen 3 3 and Live LE Rl Fees at Spr Ans with the thers eet AE wTetae RAI wED Wo Boanbhoun Cheesy A peat, Willinmegat, Pa Penunsylvama Railroad. in # Mant Fane 12 i Main Line Fadtwant, = wg Amy - Esa sly Fossa tee, ila Lehr apres 5 ¥ % = pilin Nant wf Mebailey 3 Hewreorbhin ret af C0 frat mide Fae Ration wt Whe bus ey fs. arriving Shen Viaanbedl foo Mahal ving atl Union Stgthon. af vik alee 4 Hise Ma AErLPEs sg xt Uodon” Sation ay Mut? : ion Miatbon §t 5% Pied Cari pdaedl Gerivigae at Wa bia ey at > Bs 3+ ter, Jonata Ar Unaon Stmiien Mauka Moy, BOER rg ipennal. &7 i. division view sta malin apd BF * NOW mi Bay wih Motioon X Bors Bt Mtiews wR PP AN W fist hdr sotion rains will run pera Lindos sexton (Mabafhes and iui 5 Asya] A resins Anily exert Nin. Amit CH Heke sieners) Mavsger, Mahathir: Pa Hz wntingdon & Broad Top Me Rail road. In effect Sept. 11, 1899, seve vend Ew proms eaves Huntingdan Sunday: for MU Delias st oF Mi Paailas at 3am ieanven BG plagtan erery” seep iit dak for ME Dallas al TOE mo © at MU Desiine ad 3086 pn ; » Skeeetaovs only: eves Iuniiog- areiving wf ML Pals Ans asoend jv ontuniitans at Mi and Pambeetand. Md Noribhwanl. Masi mvs Mi isiies Se srviatag at Hunting ton vew M1 miles Be reeving al Hanling pavaen WE I iE 3 EER ak i o pager Lisposite 5 “or Family Use fread. Ler BARTHOLOMY OT § Orders Are Promiplly Attended 1s. EDDLEBLUTE, Proprietor. . Ripans Tabules cure headache
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers