ER ai THR PATTO i ne yr GR A A PE SA | THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. of November Set Apart to ba {ihr end. i I The 30th follow. w mand the dany to the for Lhe set lung fapart of one Gay in B year as an of al thanksgiving 10 Al easton of speci | mighty God for thd blessings of the E is a Healing Wonder. PATTON PUBLISHING CO, Propristors. Win fingxxe, Falta TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ome copy, one year, In advance, - Sr Advertisiog rates made Known Span photon. % WN pepe gee are pmid, Sater a fm ap unis ay the opting of the the PostofMies at Pailan as Sochariih has rontt madier. Next Tuesday is election day. Dr. H. A. Seits is visiting his parents at Freeport, Pa. “Boy Wanted” at Hastings Opers: House Tuesday night. | Percy lsenburg, of Hontadale, was 4 visitor in town over Sunday. Barneshoro in to have an operm honse, says the Bentinel. Bee new ad of Gea. 8 Good else- where in COURIER this week. ; The Carrolitown News is booming an electric light plant for that town, Migs Maude Gibb, of Hastings, at- tended the lecture Thursday evening. ~ F.B. Byers, of Frugality, and 8. W. Swab, spent Sunday evening in Patton. Mise Minnie Holter left Saturday for an extended visit to relatives in Phil: Ipaburg. John Wilson, of Corning, N. Y., home of bis mother, Mrs. | wisited at the J. A. Schwab, of Loretto, was among the many visitors to our town the lat- eal fences {visited among friends Director, was a pleasant caller ow will election go? Did you know that there was a “Boy Wanted’ at the Hastings Opera House | next Tuesday night. £ | Born, to Mr. and Mra W. OC Hub ‘hard. Tuesday night, a girl. To Mr. land Mrs. James Deckert, Tuesday ynight, a hoy, Auer ned wnthh pilareesn | County Commissioner Jones was in town Tuesday looking after bis politi fle wan aocompanad by % | Commissioner's Clerk John C. Gates. Rev. Joseph A pastor of the First Bapt Patton, accompanied by i lucker, formerly ist church of his wile, Patton the »» ™ 4 first of the week, Harry C. Brooks, of Tyrone, a pop alar traveling salesman representing the Supples Hardwure Co, of Phiia- Adelphia, was 3 welrome guest al the Commercial hotel Tuesday. Jacob Lusch, Jr, the genial traveling salesman, representing the wholesale wine and lguor house of Sam's P Hallen of Pittsburg, was looking after trade in this vicinity the latter part of {ast week. Clearfield in getting a rad brick plant which when completed will be the largest in the United States, it is sid. The main building will be about 800 feet long and upwarde of 500 men will find steady employment thers. sandi- Honee at the Covrikr office Satarday. Mr. Harte so, who is a residen® of Carroll town- ship, is very well known io many in Philip Hartzog, Republican date for the election of Poor the north of the county where he will receive A very large vote, The election news will be read from the stage at the Hastings Operas House _ daring the play of “Boy Wanted.” Mrs. Frank Kendig, of Punzsutaw- ney, is the guest of her sister, Mra W. 1. Nicholson, at the Commercial botel. Patton promises to turn out an ex- oeptionally large vote this year, not- withstanding that this will be an off election. ‘When the Boers migranted from Cape Colony to the Transvaal they were forced to clear the way by killing Mins Agnes Markle, of LaJome, wis a visitor to town Thursday and attended the lecture given by Bishop Fowler, in the M. E. church. Two pew Cambria county postinast- ors were appointed Satarday A. J. Maher, at Puritan and Elizabeth Rodda, at Walsall _ Cash Grocery is headquarters for oranges, bananas, lemons, waler- melons, in fact everylhing in the green grocery line. M. B. Cowher, of well known firm of Parnell & Cowher, insurance agents of Patton, was in town on business Tues. day. Windber Era. Miss Mae Myers, the C. D. & P. operator at Ebensburg, was the guest of the Misses Myrtie Hoover and Mae Cowher over Sunday. Louis J. Miller, of Huntingdon, ‘spent Friday and Baturday in Patton looking after the interests of the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company. Li We refund 100 for every package of Putnam Fadeless Dye that fails to give satisfaction. Monroe Drug Co, Union. ville, Mo. Sold by C. H. Perry, Chest Springs, Pa. © Alex. Monteith, foreman of the Flannigan Ron collieries, is confived to his home on Fifth avenue owing to a sprained ankle received at the mines ‘Saturday. . Ovér at Tyler, Clearfield county, a few days ago a young man only 34 years af age married a widow who was ‘the mother of six children, and had one grandchild. C. A. Repsher, formerly of this place, but who now is employed at South Fork, moved his household goods to that place Wednesday, where he ex- pects to make his future home. Description and drawing of any patent issued in the U. 8 will be furnished free to the subscribers of this paper by addressing Louis Bagger & Co., Patent Attorneys, Washington, A number of prominent Ehensburg people are organizing A corporation to be known as the Ebensburg Im- provement company and have for ila object a general advancement of the town. A public meeting for the pur- pose will be held in the Opera Honse on November 10th .-Tribane. E. Poorman, of Tyrone, who rep resents Dibert Bros, masafactarers of the popular cigars sold throughout this entire section, was seen on our streets the first of the week. Mr the sole manutactiarer toby extensively used by the slave of the weed In Patton, which is known ax “Poorman's Dick." Poorman is £ % a favorite | preceeding year. This honored observ: | anne acquires with time 8 tender sig: nificance. It enriches domestic life. It summons ander the family roof the | absent shildren to glad reanion with those they love. Seldom has this na- tion had greater cause for profound thanksgiving No great pestilence has invaded onr shores. Liberal employ - ment waite upon labor. Abandant | erope have rewarded the efforts of the hashandman Increased comforts have come to the home. The national fi- pances have been strengthened, and! poblic eredit has heen sustained and made firmer. In all branches of in. | dustry and trade there has been an urn ‘aqualled degrees of prosperity, while | there has been a steady gain in the moral and educational growth of oor | Goire a dollar for her part of the vam pational character. Churehes and sehoots have flourished. American pa | trictiem has been exalted, Those a1 gaged in raintalning the honor of the flag with sach signal ancoess have been in a large degree gpared from disaster An honorable peace has Lihat and diasane, beer ratified with a foreign aation with which we were at war, apd we pow on friendly relations every power on earth The truth wi we have assumed for the benefit of the ape Vi i i people in (nba has heen faithfaliy ad There i» marked progress of healthy and vison tomar the restoration dneteial conditions nocher wi ¥ 3 ho 4 2 or | 1 sanitary regulations the mana has en Salish joved ghustal exemption from he hurricape w Roh aponurge of fever, § ’ ¥ yt wept PARARRI TL Porto Rico, destroying the homes and of the inhabliani«, instant sympathy of the people of the United States, who wie swift to mapond with generous aid to the sufferers. While the insurrection still éontinves in the island of Lozon, business is resuming ite activity, and confidence in good purposes of the United States is being rapidly estab. lished throughout the archipelago. : “Por these reasons and countless others. I William MeKinley, President of the United States, do hereby same Tharsday, the 30th day of November as a day of general thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed as such by all sur people on, this continent and on our newly acquired island, as well an Sh io ive] OUT, naw 5 property salting forth the gw § those who may be at ses or sojoarning in foreign lands; sod 1 adviee thal ou this day religions exercises shall be | oonducted in the chare or meeting places of all denominations, in onder that in the social features of the day ite real significance may not be jowt sight of, but fervent prayer may hue of fered to the Most High for a conting- ance of the divine guidance, without which man’s efforts are vain, and for divine consolation, to those whos: kindred and friends have sacrificed their lew for conntry. | resommen alu that on this day so far ss may be found practicable, labor shall cense from ite accustomed toil, and charity | abound toward the sick, the needy and the poor. An exchange tells a story of a man: who was engaged io repairing a side walk. with a dinner pail beside him, when his dang! : day clothes, passed with a y The girl nodd 2 el whe thar old duffer ¥ £ man ask the gi replies, “he's the man my ¥ bog wast) wither gels to oud geass ami clean up the yard Ex. i wearcely An sxchangs says there anything a woman chr not hairpin. They td teeth bation shoes, clean finger natls i La yo hse ter, attired in her Bun oun man. | ed ber head and after they | ZN had passed the father beard the young i take this me ¥ L I {4 ple % ¥ 2) {} | Sia. wd 2 i 8 © Opencl wR with a plek their punch bed bugs out of cracks, fasten up stray hangs, clean out their hus bapds pipe, scratch thelr head, piok their toe nails, ron it into cakes 1o ses if they are done, and atwint a million other things that the poor deluded men know nothing at ali about. Samoel MeClane, of Johnstown, who is the for County Treasurer on the Rept ticket, was 8 welcome visitor to og wiek Mr. Me man with & Larakas candidate the elev thu wwn one day lst Clune is a bright yodng tharoogh kuowledge of the npe and downs of business life qualifications in an exceptions that fits kim perfeetiy for the position ; ¢ VvEears ana spn 1 ge ¥ La wae 11 : degree } iy he seeks and his prospects for election are pretiy song The pennies will reiki nis mistake hy putting him in offion Chas. M. Letts, formeriy of the City Restaurant of this place, but who now resides nt Clearfleld, was shaking hands with his old anoem in Patton the fipst Mr. Letts has sold his interests in leg rfied adnan Bs sf $b hing 2 of Lhe Wes. the i this 3 £4 restanrant business Rn will in the future deviste bi manufeture of 8 patent finish wood, ete. which material appears meet with the gunersl approval of 5 ¥ aa oH pwn ch ® LINE Bg boar Dard painters or those in a position to use same. It is without » doubt the Boest thing of the kind yet put on ¥ ‘ market. the N COURIER, NOVEMBER 2, 1800. secure the necessary data 5 ® +. NE THIN VN at iki 4 HAD GALLITZIN A PREDECESSOR ? rah aon 5 Papers Alleged to Show He was Nid the First rics! on the Aliegtenies, An Altoona correspondent questions } whet her Princes Demetrios Gallitzin was the first Oa $ spread fhe Gospel among the people of the Alle- | We priest io gheny mountains in fact declares he was not, and claims to have knowledge of documents which go to prove that ghe prinos priest had a predecessor. | He writes: : wRauire E.R. Dunegan, of St. Augos- tine. hasir bis possession documentary av dence that the Prince Priest Deroe- | trine Gallitzin, to whose memory a monument bas been dedicated at Lor | ratte, was not the frst Catholic priest | to spread the Gospel among the po | neers of the Alleghenies. He waited | until the seremonies at Loreflo were over to produce LWo time-stained doo: | uments, which, while detracting in po | way from the fond memory in which | Prince Gullitzin is held by the peje of Central Pennayivania, prove cem- | i 3 3 { olusively that he foliowed another dim | ciple into the wilderness. The papsr: 1 reaiia an falicwes: 1 recwived from Mrs. Rachael Mo. anght 1 be spent in buying a sein for the priest serving the pariad fon, Sinking Valley, Ty, } of Mounting Valley, ote Lewis Rypot RD, Priest Alleghany, Dec. 15, 1TH the inhabitants of Alleghany tim of siteen Gollars f FF my maintenande 5 ix months 1.pwis Srpolien, Priest Alleghany, June 8, 1796 At time thoes receipts were given Cam. was yer a part of Bedford, one petition of the ware obtained Rev Fdmand Burns, the ssoond pastor at 2 Agpastine, who probably from Monire m 3 £ I have receives of S137 bow {iy # 1 af the original five The reesizds from 3 9 1 & shes ie heat ned family.” rae Popealating is HE OOM EY tn June of next year the people of the United States will be counted for. reat Goodness In Clothing AT VERY LITTLE PRICES Rearing a most cordial invitatioh to visit our store to wee the largest stock of FALL and WINTER CLOTHING, which must necessarily able. You can go poasly he good to be comfort you want to he thinking of thie hewt there is in clad in summer, bat about this tire Comfortable Clothing omfortable Clothing, th cheap wid good. re all oaome to wear acme (ot for beth, That's our kind. Our New Fall and Winter Stock is exceptional in guality and goantity. Jt includes ail kinds the latest in style, the Bowes fabrics, the best fit, and the line iw complete from Men's to Children’s. We want von ty wee our amsortinent The Boits themselves will tell you more in five minutes chan we oan in one hoor. We awall, your com- Mirkin & Kusner, Good Building, Next to Bank. Some Hothing is made Sothing in made bi) - DVERTISED LOW PRICES Without the smpporting crutch of stvie and guality are mean Large type arghes nothing for worth, wear oF fashion. 5 the sxcwiloncn of our assortments, their v to the varied and studied wants of an ando-date patroniige One satisfying of every low nmi the best known and the busest We have just re ; bi L$ We prefer to attract anueriorty in selection and adaptabilit ] } spice denine is what makes ag of 53 ¥ flace of hosiness on Patton's bushst street peived the very largest and best selection of fhe twelfth time Knce the ewtabilishe | & ment of our government. “It will re goire about AY thousand enupiers. tars,’ writes Clifford Howard in the November Ladies’ Home Journal, take the corneas, and their work must he fuiabead in one month's tine, or by the first week of July, 1800. That means that about seventy-five million people mins we recorded in thirty days ar AL the rate of twa and « half million a day. The rate will De sven greater than this, however, for in owns and sities of eight thousand inhabitan's the enumerition must be completed within two weeks, The enumerstors will not + SO be permitted to have any Assistalnoe i the work: it most be done by them in pracy, except in such sections of the country as coniain a great many for- eigners, where the employment of interpreters will be allowed, as other: wine it woald be next to impossible to WY SNE erators will be paid for thelr sarvides i accordance with the amotint of work | they ars calidd apon fon 3 s dT Bi La (ied vi iiday presents al A Flahers Wa BE Torner. Compton, Mo, was sured of plies by De Witla witeh hasal save after suffering svenlesn VOars and trying over lwenty remedion Pysicians and surgeons HReware of Jdanperotn aonnterfeiia “a Pf erie rae WwW. Hodgkive, Patton Pharmacy ho froum an! whose agus Fy (iraceful, Easy and Long THE FAMOUS FOR WOMEN. pling id : thx merit of vo yor boreaking 8 nocoesar hs EER Manutactarsd by The Rack Islan and sold exclusively by Olga Nethersole $2. wigs of #Erke aan si od Ahosee Rock Island. IH, C. H. Perry, Chest Springs Pa Wearing. ' 50 Shoe # hy ef pita. aR iorL & 3 uy sver laid on the shelves in Pation All we ask of you is to oall and see, DONT FORGET that our Grocery partment always contains a fresh stock. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. Miners Store Co, Opposite Patton Hotel, Patton, Pa. \ Ne * Lak ne “ked Heavy Men's at 1scts, . . a8 sel Ladies. Misses whiR % LD ad * x than HA of CO 3 Wheat $40 A aah 3 ¥ Vad), eh 5 lawn, nave x ia (IRIE NY OE Stove Pipe i TOI Beavy wn a A iii Yds xo on 1iak Sf ry | \ NI —We MERS HE Geo. S. Good, PATTON, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers