The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 26, 1899, Image 3
iy Peascription and drawing of Wg “They are y sienply parfict,’ writes | | patent jnsned in the UU RB will be | Rob’t Moore, of La Fayette, Ind, of | | farnished free to the snhseribers of this | DeWitt's little early risers the amon { paper by addressing Louis Bagger & Hitle pile’ for constipation and all Cp, Patent Attorneys, Washington, liver alhoents, Nowvpr gripe. © W, PDO Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Wl. Rhodes (he hosting traveling An effort was made Jt week to take from Kidney Disas- ironing Peis &/ to Jersey Shor, the wrecked Beesh Sn FN -. stlosmiat repr ¢ i x il 4 ey oad . : feel : a gradual but Co, of Chicago, spont Monda vavening © ‘ok engine that was in fhe collisdon 1 : in Patton. While in town Mr. Rhodes in which Engineer Basiian lost his Hie on -, TT steady | loss of str ength and made the COURIER a very pleasant When near Viadoet the locomotive fell “regs | > y : oi | visit. ; to pieces and the work train from AT VERY Ll I I LE PRICES ; vi 4 lity. They shoud lose no i John Dinsmore, of the firm of reo Shope Junstinh wis Sehat ap alter 0 i the engine. Lock Haven Express. Rearing a moat pordin}’ invitation to vist our . K Dinsmore Bros, merchant tailors, re t § 1 stock of PALI i ; . 2 . : er : Lio oy topes to see the argest storie of FALL AN 1 i ture home Toesday from Punxsn- {le tannery that burped at Corwens air of gira 0g € in tr ying p ol ry S idney turned home Tuesday from Panxsu. Oh ui WINTER CLOTHING, which-#osp necessarily : tawney where he spent the first of the ville two months ago, and which many Fp good te bit pom fortable. You ofin go poorly among friends and thought world be rebioilt at Clearfield, elad in summer, Hint abont this time <f the year ” ure, a Guarantes] Preparation. a Hee will he erected again at the former you want lo baer thinking of this best there in place, just across the creek from where 3 James Cawley, died at his home, near | x 0 : : 4 : ¥ Z Wonder. Dysart on Sanday, October 15, at 11:30 it stood bufore, and on & much larger OM or a e 0 ID scale. The people of Curwensville the morning. Death was cansed by | good. Rome clothing is made 1 Bae on th Fuso i Bad Fangs snoring fp to sell some Lo Wenr some ehothing is made « i | Phipsburg Is endeavoring to secure the deocaset] had Bean SRTEEER 7 ax a nearby exchange which says for both, That's our kind. Our New Fall and al on aur eT. an nrhrelia factory. several weeks, : : ang 3 = Winter Stock is exesptional in quality and oo ! i " hoo! girl in Wabash Ind. | i “Rand in your items of news when auantty. It includes afl Kinds the latest in ; = Ty : : Sw iri an “abhash SE ho “or . pi 4 als : § : Pic id 4 PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors. i Paton Borough Council will meet in A school gut 4 Dash (ARG. CB they are fresh. We don’t Hien to\pnb style, the news t fabrics, the best fit, and the : Tv > fry saraivais of the muscles 7 us is > . 3 fag gn Hite fotany t al Eh Laney Ci BE Writ Greexe, Editor, regulr session Monday evening Oc. #iffering from paralysis of the muscles | op, 4 birth after the child ix weaned, line is complete from Men's ta Childwn's. We tobe roth of the mouth, cansed by 00 persis marmame after the honey i want yi to set oor aseosrinient The Nuits toh pil % 30 Art HE AILEY Le 33 sey EG 3 L847 6 SH fhe rye! yen gid tel} Vis Tere ie Hew minutes : tently chewing gum. As a result the 3 ; : : TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. § ; tentiy ¥ ng gu $1 aver, a death aller the widow mw mar tha We oan i one hanr We inwait FOUF oom. ean th bag tp vy y . + : i Omit COPY, Ge oats in advance, ~~ SL Doft fail to attend the “Corner , a Ga. of her mo is deawing np fatnment after the job work is done natarallv feel good over the matte i nataraily feel good over the matter both aheap anid ‘an atfack of typhoid fever, from whi h s We certainly are of the same opinion Fro iy asl vps AT Fed agnin, nor the potive of an enter Ma Advertising rates made Koown pon ap Grocey' at Hastings Opera Hou sownrd the sar. plioation. : Frida night. £ -_-xo Papers Abuscntbned geti AF Ter : Ax Ghat a traveling Aalesminn alone mn and the slit on? yo charged 1 1 p i mM 8 | A ISN e r, age ned Jad, anes at he Option at the Jacds Sehwem, 1 prominent business . vos : gay = be aed 4 2 {3 err eal, hi, wh EM EMRE Fy ied ty, man o Reynoldsville, made a viRtio a Toa Nts aig pon (Entered a the Pontoon at Patton as wronnd | pil : vir after no wholessle Hagoor hots of ( - ood Bn J dd NE N ec bo a : 73 elas Fram miter, his pl Oe Friday. iris ¥ bur Ws AIOE thas ANY EL 5 hed TIE bpsdein or Ewes Av aR hald ®E by : i | i ) ; : "- xt to ~ 1 } See WwW. ¢ Rankin. a drommer of Johns strangers who viettead _ Tg : : 5 i whom Weaktland, whi ; — {iia phew the Aristo Weakiand, who EE OE : 8 os r eixs tvhom Foard (TERA Oe west OF f Patton At the own, *as looking afier trade in Patton Jatter part of last week. Fa t : 0 [4 aly al Prisduy nig! A jarpe nner webs » M. E. church | the firs of the week. Tad Delorer, of Hustings, wan in 0s anit ry Ne Want evering by ERTI SED LOW F RICE'S E prevent BEE 0 WET Pasi G 65 Ol 13 Thursday, Oct. 26 Cail md sew the Evans Sisters for town Tuesday and while bere made the | Looe 0a A fice the wark of hoask + bl t x A Ll PR cpa is Ser i Sak Sean Her ian Ware 0 Hae = Just one cigar | only 10 cents fine milinery and notions before going COURIER offer a short visit. He pee 0 000 ealiy sors of porn wis finiebod Withouor the snpiovrting veiatohet of ay ie and plasdity are means yt 3 0 § ; § } d RA wf y Fi Fosv oe t 3 x & : = A ‘sinew lime to buy. ports several cases of typhoid a . PIR theparty was seated to an elegant re. ingles. Largs t wd Fook Eagle sie oven 1 114 Bhasin : WET a woidt : : that town, two of his own family being ; Ap Wa preter to attract by the excedlenes of our assortments their ype argues nothing Jor worth, wear or fahion, superiofity in wiection and adaptability to the varied and studied wants of an wp to-date natronme One satisfying of every low. the Dost, Only 12 more dave till full election, J onep. Marks. whe has bein on Lhe Thos. B. McClain, of Hastings, spent | sick list br the past ten days, is again | Satorday in town, able tis b abot, The entertainment give oy he Gia srationy of gored arihuitgniting fod ; : : : . \ . spdewn dbmise now hint makes ons the best row and the brisdent ; > ; i : Ty ; CoE ae Ay Choe Specialy company in he Fire. for the bungry moripds wha eneraily 1 For good gootls at the right Prie Ro Miss Ithel Smith, of South : Ci man’s hall Weadnesday ar Thamday attend sack gatherings jrises nf busine on Patton’s busied street. We have just se. to the Cash Grovery. was the gest of her sister, Mex. J. evenings of inst work, was fArat-olass 1 EN : sadved the very largest and best selection of Parnell, wer Sanday. ? a An axchunge defines an sditor as a : John Simpson, of Spangler, was a . every partioniar It was gested by ono de withont nioney, a Uangroe. ; > visitor to our town Tuesday. James feClain and sister, of Spang: Jarge and appreciative apdiences, Man ont of a job, & king without a | . i . : : ; ler. were goests at the hop in the : : ; fi j , 2 RRR EELL EY 1 : A 16x20inch picture frame for 66 14 i tule i Monday night ; ; A dalightfol bop wae given by song Lhrone Pia ponstrocte | withoat wf $81 Lik LE : $I beg it NM OGRY Ign : " $ eh . wae ; : J : wp § 3 4 5 - : _ venta at Fisher's wall paper store. : Fog fF are young peogde in the Ceug: Saw nammer, batlds railroads with 8 1 121k, THEIR 1% 1 2% The layng of the brick on the pav- wein hall Manday siteret Xue vent aniloes ar faile, and arms witbhont 1 WWW : : ¥ : 1 W. H. O'Harn, of Pittsburg, spent bei Dt: ManURY DIKSRL ae apt F Doi, ABG AEMS Wilh ing of theporth end of Fifth AVENDe the secasion was farnished by Frank plows Fie rine a batebher shop in Monday among friends in Patton. Be DOERR 2 hi : - will be conmenced in a few days fHeilla's popular archestra A Ia i: the joarnaist world and deals ont x . : : = - pier Iatd on the shelves in Patton Ail we ask of vou mo call 1 x 2 #3 “Johny Gunn and Cecil Beckwith Bishop Fowler's faetpme On Linesin ymber Was present an & good Lie Brains ahaa ar cash or creed, He and atriokon with the Sisens : j . tricken ; th niin who pnderdtands | the $ ¥ han f § 3 drove over from Hastings § unday. life him nto the highest rank of is reported by all whe attended, loves Those who wivertine ds be ovis Chic : J : : +f hteaeif HK wilitar Iw a teache 2 The City Restaurant keeps the finest | American orators Chicago Tribune. My and Mr. Geo. M. Kane and two | m a The sitar . 3 le ; hes, a DON FORGET that ou 0 of green groce ee POPRRCRe rf RW EE, ANG Be see LRU : I wht 3 and freshest H green ries in ron't fai to attend the lecture on children. who have been visting me pee e : a 3 r I» hd : . = i * Hi : ¥ : Patton. i i latives at Brookville, Pa during the | oo fo save moatin and gets post himeell. partment ala o ins fis g : ‘Abraham Lincoln” at the M. E. 4 .. de, TA, CURING LUC! He beais the wounded, cares for the $e . i FS conta a fresh stock. Walter B. Gray, of Philipsburg, | church Thuwday evening, October 28. past two weeks, returned home Satur: | dying and resones the perishing, anc J, la . b . or Pa ae wha i by Mr. YAR Maat 8 3 3 2 AMA ; - im busitess in Patton Thursday | Mr and ¥ra J. B. Curtin and son ay. They Were pom. mn starved himeell when a ham sandwich { ( )( ) IS 1S DE I. | VV E RFE | ) I R I | Kane's sister, Mim Boxie Kane, who ? : the jaws of of Inst week. | Harry, of Riland, Pa., are visiting 80 oy cir @ Patton for a few weeks would jerk him from Cc. D. McMurray, of Ansonville, Pa, the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. CO. Holter ne death ; ~ business in our town the | of Palmer aenue. Hunters will remember that i is Sil Fench in Patton Agait \ / iN | ‘“ y tO re io) oO 4 tof the week. unlawful for any one person to kill in Aime Sie: Went wl : Vii? IN%sT vd Sad : C -y Property owners along Palmer ave. 40 one thin ten ruffled grouse or Side Vents who recently re : ; Ladies have you been to see the fine nue are anxiwa (0 learn when work ptibasant; more than fifteen quail or turned fram Ada, Ohio, where she hus VANS . fd ToT cs heen attending th ikl Norm aii . : : of millinery at the E Sisters er a erection of irgrinia partridge; more than len Sew sites BE I opal ( ) 3 womite Patt yA I I. tel Patton Pa oe . ! woodeock or more than two wild tur = 2 i Pe ii ; ety a > iy : aE x 2 in tmasic in Pattog. Khe formerly F G. Gulliver ad A. J. Muomser, of Veronica, wie of William A. Bagley, c keys, or to kill in one seasnn more tanght wo servant] terms in Pat ip : & : . . : RRR z RYO 4 re t iy , Peale, Pa, were seen on our streots died at the reddence of her son-in-law, than two deer, ! : : Frome Ro ont ; SE Before graduating in the above named Friday of last week. Patrick Dillon near Hastings, on Mon. fat who Sax | wa . : (ver, RB Geoodd, wha Bas heen ooang agget day morning. dctober 18, 1899. Creny, BB. Led), a : 2 w. LD 4 and wife, of Bella- 3 . after ti » interests of (Geo. 8 Good & © iplomas Ohne in id rumental and | re fonte, were st the Falmer house Patton is ertainly a p”igressive (,, ° pailra santeactors in New 0 harmony Following 8 8 recom. er. railroad contractors in W the latter part of lant week. town, having ld one street paved this sevice during the pest threes months, Bondabion given her by the president The cheapest place for wall paper summer, and work has been started 08 porgened to Patton Thursday night Of the eavtle + on ? # 4 i + 5 itn frames And plastico at Fisher's the scond. Bath Fork Record. {i svwenks very highly of the splendid Sy verti Bes that Mins Susie Wants store near railroad station. Codd medals to Harpe r whiskey at i BEE siti y twat. Peery RNY an sw ptiable arnlent of the fe aera New Orleans & Worlds a € hi are, enlly sndevelc weed country is Mordud Univesity (hiroe yours or PF. V. Pe and wife were visitors al, AN por Wha devated her entirs time 0 the home of J. B. Wilber in Patton ‘try it. you wil endorse the 4 GR over Sunday. wComlport Standard. jrerdiet Mold kaimer House, pastor WE drion, anthority © sq RR iy mad and standart that ® 5s pare diligent A large number of Pattonites expect i iy : carries with It mspeol: i A WAN ig her studios than ihe, She is to attend the “Corner Grovery” at thie | Pan] 3 ahner, vivo resides about +4 in & ent Hastings Oper House Priday night. miles west of ‘ation, is having. i Fone treate wd fo frend coat atom yea ion ar you are hangry drop in to the x ¢ FPiber of tux phice, i dod bo Ri pd x thing wn GARE . . i will peli aks # | Restaurant where you can wot Work. rary pe the ped ; SO 4 OER IE Lda ae i Tage ; $ Sarartnr “ ent Hi everything you wish in the entible line y Hhson ver that ; A party of Pattnites, beaded bey WW. ’ 3th Potnam Fadeless Pye prodaces 1h {1 Hob hard, fx iel 1 Ee 8 Ek ire EOL SRrhet Ny 0G IRV AY Srey Keo erp Saatent and brightest colors of BMY dave during the nonth of Nove tei rRCloir SN Ree : whi : Sold by CoH. Perry. ¢ “best haniing for deer | thee wilds oF Cling oi i Pa. county. CAS 1 Ol} 1A The anonal iostitate for school With & bank on the way and other For Infants and Childre teachers of Johnstown was commen eed pai Bibi Wat] Foiwriaia ‘ (ind You Haye Al wa as Bo ght | that city Monday. It will continue aking her way th fect now g A gh until Friday. : Jal fw We acta How wo elitain Pitente : EO No Sen UIT rR The famously funny comedy, the of trade. Era. Rit of ‘ _ : LeMere sir g1y son tiential. ress “Cornet Groovers,” will be at the JLast- Mp and Mes Thin Kasbaim and LE § SIGGERS, Putent { srer. ; Washington, D.C. ings Opera Hotewe Friday Right, Pron’ v danghter, Mer a rick fru a at a Cand children, Bi} $4 Altos spat | QIRISIIIISISIIS II SIEIIIIS, Mion Armstrong, of Philipsburg, who first of the week an) r Grocery Do where abe net resin! taro fo ¢ SReTEr Pek 1d Fis 3 er 332 Ts £ a 5 BEY 3 5 . erg Sai : : the stady of susie. We have pever verenes Lo be 0, Son, ob YY QA A DESIGNS ALEADE MARKS sovice A510 PATENTABIL a Eneitave Age § 4 i ane al WN TN ETE 3 aE ¥ ravi kad nd haa been visiting friends in Patton dur | relatives in Patton. ing the past week, returned to her * home Monday. Patton. Supp i BY a i Cush Grocery is headquarters for chased a very fine vam i oranges, bannnas, lemons, walter. Are Bow pre pared Ld melons, in feet every thing in the safely and prompts green grocery line. To carry a botis of “ha Ex Sheriff Jesse E. Dale, head ac. staf is becoming uite a pip a for the Patton Coal JOTNEAn YY, in Patton of aie: Lo moet ss To is visiting his daughter, Mrs WwW. WwW. eomiort of the sam dogs which Kerr, at Erie, Pa. this week, ton can well Basasl oF Ww Cc Dinsmore and W. H. Torrence, The COURIER has two of Panxsutawney’ ‘a popular young © irvnlatian than mn 3 pa men, attended the hop given in the in North C ambria wunty, Che dorvg Monday night. Sari hooks BE OFM IO Be Agyer part Yeckley, of near Patton, thwrs please make 3 tole of this fac was in town Monday, returning from AR exchange saw an oid Jtoons where he spent a few days member died, of whee Ronn © there with friends. — Cresson Record. wan some donbl, bo who ges W a & piikar by the tutor win Particalar attention is directed this echarch window x pote 4 week to the new advertisement of yonde “Bro Jo pingon cheep Chas. Rhody's new shoe store, which Heaven at £30 a no’ and san Appears elsewhere in the CoUriE ‘the funeral. Undeneath this somes John Anderson and sister Mary, of body tacked a teigram b ank, with and Miss Martina Little, of these words: “Heven, 340 p mo Marti arg, W, Va. visited among Johnson not yet arrived. Groal friends atton the first of the week, anxiety. iat We 2X A i. WA iS § 3 was siiitiarrrn Faun sassy Resp trully Y urs. CAST OTIt 8 CHAS. RHODY.