The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 26, 1899, Image 2
ARAN 7 sas Ag aiN WITH NEWS Dry (i oods, hol 1 sale © Store when yOu buy . Groceries, es. at's why we can sell you high gra GROCE SUP- cle : gO ls HELLO! PATTON groceries; you always jive on the best. We don't want poor stuff at the cheapest prices, but the hest on market, and your prive, too, ie all right. What you send us ouakes the quality of our fond and our peagie like good things to eat. We need not tell you | tah harry bsonuse always you are “Pride of Rome Canned Vegetables. Nothin finer on the market, people that’ have aed them cannot say hin Beir p yeaisy VOU cannot gel any better, Pride of Rane Peas, 13¢ per oan. Pride of Rome Corn, 13¢ per Can. of Rome Beans, 130 pel oan. aned Tomatoes, jo ar 3 for 25. TH our double Urea { Da a perfect article, hin we cnn recommend wath canfidence tO agery ion ar af gr mon Pine Lard if you w want the heat. Noble pancake Aor, ready for use, Lio per pa kage. Canid Oalifornis froits, the very best that can tus had. n Peaches, ‘ I e. Apricots, Cobweb pe asinjy to the palate, good cheese, White Cherries, extra fancy, all at [the lowest J When you want to buy a Bill of We We do not belong to that class who think they and do not allow any of our ¢ clerks to misrepresent anything. ¢ us a chan tO serve you Once. Ne buy most of our goods direct from i Shoes, Flour. I ee od. Ftc the manufacturers, packers al lowest prices. Fane 34) Fan wl TM per r pound Or (iow Rive at 8c por po rand. an pound pail Tey. any favor, nly Arhaekles Coffee, [lc per pound Granpiated sugar, You g ways get the Delicious Breakfast Foods. Vito 1c or 2 fur 2D Girannintedd Grape pits Ihe per package. oe PET | at) ninet for your mony. Quaker Bolted Oats, 12¢ per package Wheat le or 2 for 5s Ulream of Whent 150 Shreadoed Whole Wheat Biscuit, 15 ord for 35 Lonypare quality and you wl il And aur goods of 1 Faney Mixed 1! akes, direct fram the steam Bakery al Pui wieiphis. A Low arrival just in of the following: ity Mixed, French Mixed, (‘ream Puffs, lady Fingers, Honey Jumbles, Ginger oon, Butter Thins Reece sion Flakes and a full Hine of er sokers, atl at the lowest prices, A Word on Coffee. hae } Fog! Fis emet halite ian Yow ted. skilfully Whapided, best Coffee ohiain dine aver the superior Lely etes Try our, fancy Mocha and Java at Mw the shat hurasn care and skill can pro aoe, seen! {es oti Fanoy Riend Coffen nt 150 We able for the Money A trad and you will fot fail 10 drinking qualities “af our Faney Blend over the so- called packed hrands, togted ane you will bave no sther Fasey Green Lo Me at Voe the pom AOE DEPARTMENT da, no satler Muoreh pay yi url, 1 se Be ally pis im | tb the Noone will oor can sell you shoes © Segper than ww sehpre go. Why? Becalee We 0 arry a big line of General Afford to ‘well ahees cheaper Lhat any Fyre alee It ail buy shoes frosty UR, FARMERS, ATTENTION! Produce ardige. and we tan ty $43 # Pies iTHia We pay the highest market pr {pes Tor Country WANTED soi hashels of Potatoes. 100 maabedn of Beans siioil Hay. (Goods will make it pleasant and to 1 hig ure with on it and WO ™ let us 1 youl riiow tt that should not be of us, only you don't not and 1mporters—pay. Bagge Yo and Cattle your interest hinanc * t's almost like buying from a | to buy in wholesale quan- Jobbers do, and missed. the same price as ay will find it to vou interest to trade with ga. Come in and soe 08 ard be pon vinesd that ae Bata the best goods GE the owes prices. Try Pratt's Poultry food if yon want your hens to lay. Dee Pratt's Horve powders if yon wit your stock to ceep iti good condition. CO RSETS. THE GOOD KIN We pay partie. anlar attention bo iar Cormp stock. We thome hesnida sthieh, in ue apr opirion, ara tlie hewl, ODE thing is certaite ® no miserable, mhenn cosets can sso tl snstinr Bore The PN. © set in coms that this Alora warts, are ackrowiedged by those who have worn them to be the best fitting and most satis factory they Have ever had, | Ame male to fit all figures in short maxdiam or pyery pair gn spihsstessd, try them and he convipesd. THe 10 51.35 a NL. H. price considered © in the (irs ng w ald %, 1 ; yn - NN. HL This as Trin 5 nahi, worded pair. Fy * i & {mr Crack 50C 4 ose of the wT “RE witihaait basset LC orsaets Poiop only Hi, convince vou that we are money savers. tinue with un. ter CON ve their business and have the newest and best goods for the confidence of our friends. Juwr think of it; Patton but a trifie over six years oid and next to the jargest town in Cambria county and KB WiLL GREEN, Faitor. steadily growing. We might follow 1803. the example of some nearby sontem- ome — poraries— by booming a new county with Patton as the county seat, but we will wait awhile yet. As We have | always maintained, Paton iw ahd hus | been for the past ve Years, the North Star of Cambria. ton Courier. PURLISHING CO. Propristors. —— ArcE Bmaor CHAPPELLE, who was to recently n named by the Pape as aposto- o lic delegate to the Philippines, and who is now en routs to Maris, whither he han publicly said he was going ‘about peace, bad with the President and arranges § for Ces another fore leaving he This hus attracted nioel canmed mich gossip, bal if ands ratanding Delween the HH bring conference long aiten ian and Here is an $ archbishop pd the President, a8 sone think, it Fo is ordinary Vary Cares fully § anced « un Both Father MW. 12 Mohd thats the way the gin Chaplain of the frat teers, raven 1 vetlarnied amount of flesh is 1117", for health; if you have ... .idiers it you can get it by aim a 0A she the water Gems taal eharches in the Philippines is untoie and what chareh looting has been dae has been work of Chinamen, 5 3 — : ; FOR HON JUNIE I Peer Ma gapdsy 3 ei Pat dl hoy 5 FRHEOUY minch Las een wad as useful in summer Foor be ng RY GEAR you are thriving upon gressman trom this district that we fred the rumor Xr OW COME nelled to dignily gos and an, ol druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York 6 inne a 3 apie 1 x thas soe ; : a is a tront nus ¥ bs t Bee ta The “irs pie fat 3 irag ia wearer LOWAZY the back GOOF cpa the proprietar of this paper polities a be Alte { : . : #8 aye the Alioana Ganetie. his independence with any wong not share McKINLEY won't get the vote of a body and no other man on earth aos a single tramp next year, They sre tired penny’s interest in U “of finding themselves up 2g alps Bn As for Longresamian Thran ; eaiting job every time thoy farm pot suppose he would dare Lo a around says the Ludington Mich. % ready weighty Record, : } additional burtien os —————————— JS paper Tesi smi Dilines ot following Ir THE pew railroad for Alteona sal of being pes nekble far its ul sure go the business of tint alresdy | For we expect to o Mend pany perscns thriving apd: hustling city will £3 hy the this perience a great boom during the next jogenal before we sux wad i COB YVIBG two or three years. From prosunt jing thee op lo hy Setions as well as indications it looks as if the proposed words this piper is really an organ railroad was a certainty. ‘of the people. We announce, Wg WOUL b suggest that those who | ever, here and pow, blank, have side walks in the boratgh which | We have been, wo are, and we shall be, in need of repairs, attend to | for Joseph E. Thropp gains ali comers duty before t the rough | [for Congressman fram oar District. winter weather sets in. We notice that | We were for him after Mr. Jourdan there are quite & number of that kind | withdrew in "96, as he wis the only in different od snd of town. | available man with influence wide | Riotaic tor fine Lijit. | enough to win the nomination for 8 MULT godford county; and we are for Bed: x i% § + frank tet Efi ness id how joint that with its opportunities particaiarly veterans and Bedford county's Prt ryens interests, gv pther county when so clearly within oar grash. We are for Mr Thropp finally be- ix # Republican and not a onalist. He » Mr. > and for Mr As a woof Fact we Know Das 8 of Mr. (Juay’s ability as wrrel hess ail the time Otherwiss gare for Bedford county ould have gone hy ax it had ford ctonty the nomination defeat to another county done for twenty/thres Years. We were for Mr. Thropp, because ne other Bedford county man had the reROU POPE LO with the situation This wax the despair of Mr. Jondan and he cause of his retirement as pablisity printed. And ler the shoe he put on the right foot just Who is it that has made the of 4 congressional nomin oor dis. trict so great, even in eidered at rictly egitim the enrrapt system af poiien thal for Years, develap dy WOME etme Ta facts for agsinst CR Woannmaner thal be Sunn hare 4 euler. and if Aa gn ahannid FX nae bart wien Lhpe TWO De of Mr. Quays own ekg, He la not against Mr Wanamaker, aad ation in what ate ways? RE ARR rate it in are LET) xf Mr ne The 1d has a high aanson Jims Thrspp is J previaied lo oor Stale anid dest anid fo thal Be - iad 2 3 thonsand doll has poured as mach as cea into our district campaign, as i did three Mpanianid and #0 (EY 3 Fx 4 - goes wy deleal Mr pin Lirraser WT A Hy sik Been Mr EL RA Ln rR es wie fLenEve, No, geatlenen, You a wrong tres. The Afr Thropy boca Hu wirler pe rail ¥ LT 2 YT Ee HY wiasiy Wiis tapon helore Ls igh i al hy enndorned gH Pi ¥ outed {eras den TOs tLe xt the the faxl CAE Yiars eng of sented {an press nat of pocket thirk, therefore a that = x A ® WAR ive GOR. CU MAS ane talon of affairs to-day heen for Mr 4 whining chance agains base niiine $F NYE RY RUE, wi believed with dum Ihe AM, the Als 1 Ae HRgai GYganie a HeOan Ag o \ . PEagnty toes Than ever ere £ ck be irs #4 ys cn Pals svin HIGLYE @ Giaesbion in Loe Repubiiat # ‘ ¥ af Bediarg PEW Way but Lhe try od Th RR lel £ ahi f ere fs He reasoitably so. off Bedionl counmiy, as a patter of practical give him a uUDADIDOUN road se nae and county pride, Thasday, endotsement for re-¢lection. Far why dgyv gt Cash shoald this office with its added digni : ties for the founty with its special patronage for Bedford county citizens i yy Liroueiy 308 aly Darul Ya ane Goald & Beenrr for first cls ste. Estimates freely gh When a cold spap comes then every. hady makes a rash for new pipe, oi faints, dampers, collars, ofa, ta Pep ince rusty and missing Ones. Somebody Briam wall and shiver vagy wanis now g apght to see i {inuse Door and Cooking Stoves, Heatin yr Staves hedore ivy Met Befhpe £5 Gap ht ia paren wnt ef sup ssihom ad Deka sich Jew Forts 211i 1H Ta Bh sil ON HARDWARE C0. "e pow have our Coal Bank opened Ad in flesteolase running order and all orders for eoal is mined st “Traman’ bank enw prepared to Gl Fw x ¥ PE aramptly. The what i Enown Bie IMAL ws the ’ wrich ibe vba lity im fw oh exqusite aind iE guanty 8 ars passed, tha 2 : 2 AAiE Leave adders ab Cislt Larooery, ¥ : Big BOYCE & Li LLY, gi Hlyses Aix Black whalers SiiIES, pret wad 3 3 V1 AES ig XL i133 ndle ik Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc, Etc, As well as anvthing rise needed for the coraforts of home. get ALL and see our prices and ex- amine our goods, y RE Ler Eriimnnings, Just a few Chae Square From Station. Altoona, Penna.