The Kind You Have Always Bought, li use for over 30 years, has borne the signature and which has been of and has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its infancy. ’ Allow no one to deceive you in this, All Gounderfeils, hdl. Allow anid Substitutes are but Ex- periments that trifle with und endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. [hat is CA Onstoria ix a substitute for € and Soothing Syrnps. It is contains neither Opium, substance. and allays Feverishness, It Colic. It relieves Teething and Flatulency. Stomach and Bowels, Its age is its goarantee, Props It astor oil, Parezoric, Harmless and Pleasant. Morphine nor other Narcotic It destroys Worias cures Diarrhoea and Wind Troubles, cures Constipation It assimilates the Food, regitlates the giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Punacsa =The Mother's Friend. ALWAYS THE FAMOUS Nethersole $2. FOR WOMEN: ") Olga © Poems ssnk the awer it of perinet efyl J Vim wild hid Li we | Manufactured ty ibe Kick land ive La and sold exclusively ty Rack faland. i, C. A, Perry, Chest Springs Graceful, Easy and Long Wearing. 50 Shoe ORDINANCE NO. 52. ordinan atthoridng the cone traction of 4 sewer on Palmer ave sue and providing that the © of constructing the same be mean io to the property owners adjacent Lo anid sewer. © Qeetion I. Be it enacted and or ‘dained by the Burgess and Town Council of Patton Borough, and it is enacted by authority of the same, that Jin pursuanes to a petition of amajority WEL of the property Hwrers on Palmer ave- pme there shall be constructed and "maintained a public sewer for the dis- | posal of winte water and other sewage matter beginning at the western OF of the lot of E. W. Cowber thence along Palmer avenue to Flanni- San run, tha in a South Emsternly slong Plannigsn run] to with Beech avenue sewer 175 feet east of Fourth avenue. : Section And it is further saacted | gan i hve inch terra cotta pipe, that from that down to Beech avenue sewer, same shall be constructed of eighteen | inch terra cotta pipe, and shall be placed 1 such & depth under ground as to suf ficiently drain waste pipes and cellars on both sides of the street. Section 1. That the cost of con- | strocting said sewer from starting point at E. W. Cowher’s to Flannigan rom shall be paid by the property : ors joining or adjacent to the newer in to the number of | Afty foot ota 90 en the cost of * wame from point on Flannigan run to Beech avenue sewer sball be paid by the Borough of Patton and a uniform wate of $25 shall be charged for all taps Jor sonnections made by property own ers along said sewer between Palmer avenue and Beech avenue sewer, and he same price shall be paid by persons wAssiring to tap Palmer avenue sewer provided the lot drained is not pjacent to the same and is not. the subject of an assessment as aforesaid, Section 4 That the depth of the sewer shall be jogated by the Boro igh Engineer and 3. be prepared by him and placed file in Council chambers, Enacted and ordained the 4th diy of October, 1809, W. C. HUBRARD, President of Council oll Attest: JAMES GILLIECE, Clerk. Ayproved by the Barges this the 4th | October, 1599, Gro. BE. PRINIMBLE, Hurgees day of whi rk CASE OE gn cd ¥ evnerahon (6 ike telphis « The Pennsylvania “ailrond FORA 1 gresnged for special exs has gy 4 Jot ilmep TW Als pra « rates to Philadel 0, No ang 25 HOTS National Export Hous trip tiekets, goo Lo return within ten ‘days, including day « wns, willl sold on above dates fr ay all points on the Pittsburg Divison, Monongahela Division, West Pennxyivania Division, Cambria and Clearfield Division, Al toona Division, Tyrone Divison exe ‘cept Lock Haven Middle Division, Bedford Division, and Frederick Divis don (except York, Hlellazn and Wrights ville, and from all points on the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Balti more railroad, at rate of singie fare for the round trip, pivs admission to the | Exposition no rate leas than one dod lari. For specific rates apply to ticket agents. The National Export Expo- {sition haw surpassed all px pectations in ‘the extent and variety of ita exhibits we fs hae r % a i] For promi tie #13 £ . and in its general excellence and at- !tractiveness. The Implement baiiding containing 3 marvelous display of farm machinery, is particularly interesting to agricultaralists. The band conoerts and diverting midway furnished de- lightful entertainment for All DeWitt's little early risers promote | good health by keeping liver and bowels properly regulated. Pleasant to take, never gripe. “Best pills made; we will use no others,” says G. H. Ap plegate, J. P., of Clarksburg, N. 3. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy Chamberisin's Pain Balm Cures Olhers, Why Not Yeu? My wife has been lain’s pain balm, with good a lame shoulder Lb continually for nine years tried all kinds of tors without receiving any benefit from any of them. Cne day advertisement mdi thought of trying it, which we thie best of satisfaction, bottle and ber si almost well Adolph Lo Millets chester, N. H For sale ba Hodgkins, Patton Pi RnR sal has pained medicines and We SRW all of L8H ine J 5 did with tps] Low i i Hiie ry is Man- She has od ¥ooane FAT REACY ION Heward S100 $y here Gf Eat theory sire bas dest FR did fw Lhe oad « Fal slags. that IK Unter Lary Pye bond vA EAGER § Erte Dinternadly, atin Asneous 8G racy Lateoying the Rania vgiving the fo iient 31s Sight sop ath and as Wars. | {ta sumtive powers, i dead Idlers for aby tase | Ment for st Gf testi Address, FJ CHENNEY & 400, | wie Sold by Droge, Fx Hall's Family Pils wre The Dest Ripans Tabules cure headache. vist Fg That UY The propria beak Pest pd 4 ERiaeaeE UE Lpestinhe Know inside Tie Wekking Ip Stairs. A physica Who dee bros Bag is Ty 3 ¥ Why There Wns 0 Moom, Winn Hane i] Fee h Lia Rate the ( Annyr In inil, the Rin “x in ¥ pero i Ny » 3 F : Mile Fo HAE far SION = han =Ehe dmnninal kK “Fle (HPreNan wo the bay of San Juan “1. Liaw “The wretch faretinlbe ) “The 1yrand “Tihw neaurper hy Wipe ot Paris “Ponaparis in rapidity Frosh iit rata GREAT Le 3 2 Vigne odl Hw 138 arsivesi wi fy wed EB fe ht Las arrived wt d om a ¥ 2H taka UWS iw win Tar row by wiley will be 3) oy gates. CT he vowed Wwinebian 4 Nelle brperial tepel Faris His foal mile ben Rn" yp ® lw bas arrived ar Foy NE» deg PE Boa Ha fest) Foateriiay snrroumied Kansen and His Pole. When Dir Nassen visited {esis thot after Lis porth pole expesiition, & very smuxing widen? : large © urd PNET talde ioe welouine hage. Won uf in mroat andes! ; 0 Cel Se = thasayr ie was wirmeamsl 4 witless to ne TETRA And % ¥: ¥ % We Darl thie aX 8 wh L33AY ge aR sedtiiirers wh Rept wii ii pun sme tf Gis wh ns i TE fae wagon, horses, ong ECT % ee ng Peal IrRINWAY ®_i3 5 pecker ravi this A} ra % 8 Se Frost the Wiaduwns Su Far as Appearances ie SHH alo Fou : : RIGOR SAN ell she than she Frew Sree i Pehle The average nan time wasted to hunt | point out where he la . take cAtehison Globe I SO PARSN It does not Ted tect the soiferir Jire An eter 2H ha Fiashile jselay may Haag lt Migdcleir tied BIT wTH A Ler Ww gud any drug store that Any Fri of tipae for However, ’ y ite wonderfal oo Parron Cd Riks Kilmer & (0, a aam ple Balt {we and a Beth went abel ariel fiir seid wide eng Wal ob prefer 4 write Ilion and wrile Wo Hanghianiion, & Peaanl tein AbGiaL, pteiy free il ial fiw grit wher iain a sofarpl the i ut: aa wutialined a gion eli Sapama nd aint sale Lg nas ; oF » SH 3 Pant Te satutaney of i preInGhIR. Be KERE 4 DIR {aries Pocker #8 uo a Trostes, Patton, $c There's always [op CORD « ef ¥ Hp gre ‘An allack pnd inule af pasion my Jungs in bad shape and | was ser the rst stages of consarplion. Ome minute cough cure pompletely cured me’ wr Helen MoHenry, Bismark, ND stant relinf. ©. WW. Hodg hargaey, Lem Caves in ins, Patton Conel By Briitah Sehilieis tn Afri. Capt. C. G. Dennison is well known all over Nien as commander of the forces that captured the famous rebel Galishe. Under date of Nov. & 187, from NVeybary, Hechuanadand, writes: “Before starting on the last pampiign, I besugght a quastity of wan beriain's coli: cholera and diar- rhoea remedy, wb 1 odsed muyweif when troubled ard had Yer 1 SG EAHA, given 110 every case it proved For sale by U Pharmacy For Family Use 5 Quist OF Cen ieee 5 We g FREE. No Ativ's vo pastes. be £ For winds, Tarren in Aineiison avid ai frriating 4 wy rope 1 upd He aii PEE rT BUSINESS DIRECTORY GEO. BOONE, Ei UF Ti ¢ 5 Re me Oh Phan Dentist, i ew a DR. S. Ww. Worrell, rE g WEE HRN A x3 { uit we a A £3 Fo frau iotea, Eo farm] PEILHERE., FE if Ny Sasmeat Sarpery and le Eu a Roscialty fii 883 Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SE RGEON. NOLAN, FELON Ae AE Patton, Pa. RY glans 31 Tita FE wo. ru 0s di] : ol AV Pae, Dear Fahd CHAFFEY if Gronor PEROOMN, Props Parnell & Cowher, er FE adb {IDENT BEAL ESTATE Covent Biiiding. Patan, i H. S. BUCK, ONDERTAKER & EMBALMER, Fifth FIRE, Li AHENTS Truane Nov kh Niext tis floteld Patan, Al Calls, day or night tend to. White or Rinek Hearwe. FirstNation’ Bank OF PATTON. Patton. Cambria Co, Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, 836, RURPLUS, $54,100 hud in) Cid whooping! Cough. Asthma, Bronchitis and [noiplent Consumption, is The CERMAN REM EY dzases. Cures throat and Vung 25850883 A oo by al druggist = 5 v W. Hodgkins, New York HEE item em pbeelt al 4p 2 Avenue. Promptly at? Lamy iles eleven Years 5 sini 2 Wileh Sani BOY £38 4 beam of REARS ert; hives counterfeit . (eniraj > Riyer Railroad, In ofect Jone 13 15 2 3 Ewa Lhe. & j ie Toad aE Jian bane E Ba iio a a ; Passieriger At Fe winter, 53 Pittsburg & Easter n Railroad. In effect July 31, 1400 WoomCwarl. aire Nas. § } mvs shin Station ad A cabariy 4 Sn pbett y git Hooverbaot st TEs i aredv pug ad Selon £ Eo af AD a, 1". Brain Nia § Sgro t zaiah Sadun at Si Ba ey Siw Valen Unnrptell, ae, & LE pos, artiving Caters Heaps wi % oy - 1 Bio eienven L Gln Atating wi Mahaffey jen nmpbetl, se. ab kd po me arm TVing Pont wari. Poyty Mio. 2 emves tiban Campbell or Muhat fy al Ea Ri. aveivtag af Usshon Wisiioas af Maram Ar ¥ih a Train Ya + Hr Li Camp! for Mae Baffer ab 28 gan, arriving A Unley Station : ai Mubaifey AEE pn Wm : te ves Leben Camphet] for Mahat Br oat Rb og Te, arEivITg At § aiody Station af Maludfe) at Tp wm arsuse Snes 81 Union ia, Mabatthy, atic Beyeh Cosel rmaiirwd, 1. _ Evidlon $hrspiy notin iinet, and ¥ . 5 Ww. ail #imil] at Whiskey Hun with Meliees & News sanhurg rsileoest: ai Metows with © & XW Ee Cotes Tatil further nodes trains will ran frat wees | nian Satin (Malmifey: aud fiiben taihphedl. ALL Tomine daily wxowpt San. fas # HH Hike Genem Mass Pa Mabey, Hun Top Mt. itingdon & Br road Railroad. lin affect Sept. 11, 1508. sess rir up et, ¥ou3 pias Hs vm Hi sutingdon w PE thet tee wl Lrg PHILADELPHIA. Pyrspsimits Feanbis App 2 TUR 35 Sonar leart ue eld 4 Aili lan
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers