Yar is punrsntead to give fprompt relief En sll cases! of Asthma. Depot clas Eke witb other smedici nm that hos failed fo giv you relist, : LA CRIFPE, xf vou Toawe Bad the Or lyon pest lly vwed $ tog the rocking imridentaltethiy 4 The Heptasophs banquet will be b { thin (Thursday | evening. RLISHING " or fotos. | PATTON ” co ropr » : The work of the paving BW Gmeexe, raitor, ; ; aAvenne is progressing rapidly nf Fifth TEAMS, OF SUBSCRIPTION Oye copy, Dee Yee, in advaned. $1.00 Sar Advertising rates meade KWH Gpot Bp plication. No papers Miserntinned Sutil abi aren ages are paid, mndess al the option of the Joseph Anderson, of Kittanning, Pa, pahbis brs Eatercd at the Prato me ak Pition as seoond: visited his uncle, W. lL. Nicholson, the chm miadl matter, {frat of the week. . COW. Wolfenden, of Barnesboro and J. A. MeClain, of Spangler, drove over to this place Sunday. M. E. charch i N The brick work has been Somat Thorday, Oct. 26 ‘on the new residence of Lr. 8. W. Go to Evans Sisters for fine milli. Worrell on Fifth avenoe. nery. ; ; | Mra W. C. Moore, of Flemington, is Lacture tickets on sale at the Cou. visiting her dsughter, Mr. W. BIRR office. | Hobbard, and son, Ed. 8. Moore. Celery Thursday, Friday and Satur Putnam Fadeless Dye produces the day at Cash Grocery. i fastest and brightest colors of any dye staff. Sold by C. H. Perry, ¢ "hest Notice change of advertisement IGeo. 8. Good elsewhere in COURIER i this week. At the 8 Miss Emma Harsh in visiting her Cash = = pes a i ] anderstond, P Pat, that you have a ale dependent upon you?’ “Yis, sor—tin children, siven pigs, and | | the anid oman." | squirrel! snd pheasant bunting season. | Quite a number of Pattonites took ad- | vantage of the day. J give his fassons Joctuve, church. You shouid not {Hive pill for constipation and all Ho | factory building at Bellefonte. buildings are to be pressed brick with slate roof. of New York. has been entered on the east wind mill, which be his placed in stands about three feet high and the ‘wtant motion. wed by Lieat. Peter Kaylor Post 633 G. Mouday was the Beginning of: the country and loyal friends, and while {we hombly bow to the will of the from us we see in our loss a Jeson that " ‘we are finite, death will claim osall and | to fire at bens with » | ern. and be it farther spread on oor ‘minutes, and that our! . charter snd flag be draped in mourn- a : ing for 80 days, that a copy of these , don’t forget that all resolutions be polished he Passos r ing family: the Methodist adopted at & la ‘menting of Pat- | ton Lodge No 41, EL 0. GT, on | Saturday, October 14, 189%: ; Nite wiad)m removed from Sumani a “They 1 are , simp | Rob’t Mocire, of La Fayette, Ind, of | - Mummes wna Axsersnt a of Moy PDougled to! DeWitt's [fitle early risers the “famous " ss ney si Hulp the Foss Along. Following are the names of persans | arid the amount they gave io Pulton | » Fire Co. Noo 1 to gotowsrds paying off debt of park, All those who have sub- | scribed and not paid in thelr money are requested to do so at snes: John Hosve i. Goldstein. Ww. K. Wrigley. Mi ityers Miao Harnar HH, E jwmvanr A, 1h Mlatmn F.oA, Mellon W.oA Metlon Wool. Nishuleon AR Preokiand {0% Retaniin Apnte Party i Mirkin & Kusneq! ¥, Wil fireens Paraell & iver Tuer iver i A ¢ & 3% Fx v giirvia ay? Lay 210% yl = bpm ins, Pation Phan The il awarded LF Bi 008 paved bk 2 wig FREY Mill Hel brid #8 Ties twwn aris t for furnishing for the new mateh All the £6 InR Ih ay It is expected that by Jan- aary the factory will be in operation. The Raftemans Joarnal of last week makes note that a mortgage of $10. 000 000 given the American Hide & {eather Co. to the Colonial Trust Co, The stamis on the records at (Clearfield the docoments aqusied in vaite best farm in Clearfield county. Mathew B. Miller, who formerly im Patton, but who pow 8 pesident of Hastings, spent Satarday Patton, Mr. Miller informed the 70H Rig reporter that be bas been Martin Cspot made general manager of the Hastings > n Sale Electrie Light company and would de Rs Bn vee his prtive time to that business in romain! 1 a 3X Tener Hod Fisting Hp i the tare ®oman hornet if in the emst window of the store. Jt attengion : Hesodntitng of Respect. An exchange says When forms some charitable scte, he is just © Teighman, Ho Winslow, ish neighbor does right or wrong from B, Hunter Jahn Heasl Thennpmss 8 Good’s stare, for the able and correct 4 : WE Pehert KF 1H. Kinkead > L ¥enger wae Wenkiand HM Fock The following resolutions were pas _. Can dows wrong be ix as mad as a 4 it appears in the papers; when he per. 2 LE itn, as mad if it does not appear in the 4% fd newspapers. Om the other hand when 3 0 © Bb HC Warren bin point of view, the circumstances 4 W Huber are reversible, 1. ¥. Banghnmn,, Much credit is due Mr. Ed. Moore, 500 the efficient und obliging clerk at Geo. IL 3 LAR. n . % 3 # & Pofekin £ontvil {mxmitation of an oid fashioned down. hg (Srl Woo langle Riv Handese On hs Anna : : . Hutelilson. miniture wind paddies are kept in con. Lo 200 Tt attracts considerable ¥ : Miller LEA Lables Wi Vorkley, C Mike Rhine han Latins : John Simp a L Mop AR: WHEREAS, Death has entered our post and taken from us our comrade | Prancis Swan, be it | Water is found everywhere, especi- Resolved, As the sense of Peter ny when it mina ss it did the other Kaylor Post 633, G. A. R., In the death 4.0 when our osllar was half fil of Comracle Swan we have lost & #004 | jane had to woar her father's rabber mien him 1 ur post meetings and oar, make your pres: water aud eo does wallts of life; he was a Brave jee radish when : soldier during the time he served his when you eat too much. Hon Mine Linghe Mine A Jay's Compraition on Water, ix the world: rain. water, soda water, Almighty in His calling our comrade to go to sea of. Water is & good thing quire and to | we should so live that when oUF SUR catch fishes in. M . : 1p come we shall die as brave I cath Sat MY le co on ready wo serve God through pulled it ont: B wis an eel. ‘Nobody Resolved, That these resolutions be waan't any water to pall them oat of with. Ilovetognto tbe fire and soe the men work the engines. This is all James WHARTON, Iso. Lawes, i 8. Homarr, Jno. N. Naor, serform- _ Committee. a er ort ane : “The. Sllowing | ol re ET el holy water and brine. Water is used’ for a good many things. Sailors nee it if there | | Water is fire rate to pub fires out or i reese Wasnias, The great and Supreme ; Ruler of the Universe hus io his infl- AT VERY LITTL E PRICES eordial invitsdion fn visit opr Bearing a met stock of FALL and sore to ww the IN WINTER CLOTHING "whick, must necessarily sod to be comfortable. You cae go poorly po in summer, bat abont this time of the year you want to be thinking of the best, there & in Comiortable Clothin OM {, Both cheap and good. Rome clothing Lo sell-ance 2% wear some eolnthing i= made for Both. That's our kind. Dur Now Fall and Winter Staak is exceptions] in quality and guanitity, It inclades all kinds the iatest in style. the newest fabrics, the best fit, and the lies is complete from Men's to Chtildren’s We want you lo see onr assortpent The Nuits themselves will tell yoo mers in five miinules han we ran in one hoor, We await tour com- iw made Na Good Building, SED LOW PRICES . Without the supporting crutch of style and quality sre mean : ingiens Largi type argues nothing for worth, wear or fashion. We prefer to attract by the exvellenot of our swortments, their superiority in selection and adiptability to the varied and studied wants of an nj-to-dste pateoniige. Dur satisfying of every low = price ijesire is what makes our the test known and the busiest place of buses on Patton's busimet street. We lve fuze. ceived the very largest and best sejegtion of aver laid an the shelves in Patton. And mee. DON'T F ORGET that our Grocery Des . partment always contains a fresh stock. GOODS DEL [VERED FREE. All we ask of you is to call
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