The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 19, 1899, Image 2
HR Ab HOA 5 ny i Here we are again! - ber Goods the prices prove it. Think of it. "SHOE DEPARTMENT Do yon see the point ¥ A ood st yie, a good fit, a pleased costomer, an in. tended lady friend. Hach tells the other of the advantages she has in bay. ing at the Patton Supply Co's store, and if you ask thelr advice both will well you of the rare values we are offer. ing in shoes that Af wear and are watsfnctory. The fall season has commenced and we are prepared to msct the wants of nar customers and trade generally with the largest and best line of shoes that was ever brought to Patton, We Botght onr shoes before the recent ad- vances and you will get the benefit Bound to convince VO that the proper storc in which Underwear, Blankets, Queensware, I lour and Feed. is here and nowhere else—th Pratt's Food for Horses and (attle, {x the greatest regulator for Horses Cattle. Sheep and Hogs. There in none better, Feed Pratt's Poultry Food Wiil make your hens lay and will keep your fowls healthy chicken cholera and keeps full the egy Ww Ad It produces eggs, COs 33. have basket when ogee ore big # fresh supply, - Naw is the time when you'll begin to look arcond fr what you musi have in this line, 81 00 [er the largend and prettiest lines in Patton to select frores ab Soto 13e the yard, Dry Goods and Notions. £ 2 LJ to) bu your (irocetiés, Dry ( 00ds. Shoes, Rub- - goods show it—the quantities tell 1t— Ahead in Flour. : i A Weill we should say so. So far ahead that hur Pride of Patton Floor has be- come the wandard brand. There are hundreds of Flours to choose from, but the housewife knows that our Pride of Patton Flotir is the best. Wir consider Pride of Patton Flour the test on the market. There is no a hettair, Once tried always used. The i] - price is the most reasonable quoted on tee any fArst-chiss flour, only $1.20 per sack. Wo also liandle “Our Best” “Pills bury '#'! and Winter Wheat Flours at the lowest market prices. BR ci Minin HA 5 DS 0 a WE imnisionit vo Weis seis Ah ts i embraces everviRing new and nobby in Dress Goods, 8 Lo siting Flannels, one of Chur i vam {iross Flansels, 250 ta $0 the sawed i All Wool Blankets. of it. | Dress Shoes, see the Drew Selby line. Ladies, before bay your fine They will please you if you want the you down to date shoes and shoes that wear. Do not forget the Julia Marlow Shoes, ask anyone that has worn this shoe and they will tell you it is the most Our Ladies’ $2.00 shoe is a winner, the factory for them. We are selling no wonder when you consider the valoe and large line and all for only §2.00. comfortable shoe they ever wore. We already have duplicated orders in at so many more than anticipated, but it is of styles yoo can get Children’s Shoes. You know that we have the lirgest and best line to select from in Dress and | Heavy School Shoes, prices 20c to §2.25. If yon want the “best School Rhos on record try Bm.” Prive $1.25 to $175 Men's Heavy Shoes a specialty. shoes. Buy your shoes from us once and you will bay a the genuine U Can't Rip We sell nothing but good honest work in. It will pry yon to come miles to buy your shoes from ns. When you want to buy a Bill of Give us a chance to serve you once. We will make it pleasant and to vour Goods let us hgure A larg Hoe $1.00, the very Intest styles Hosiery for vou and the children, service and low price ¥ For Men, Women and Children. n WANTED guariers as neariy ail do Fo alwys pay the highest grade goods at the lowest prices. _ Come in and wee us and Wt prices T of Lanenster Gingham at 8 the yard. Lamberman’s Heavy Flannel, the kind that wears and keeps you warm, 25 to 0c the yard speciation, good wear, good Yoo can't folly appreciate thei? goodness anti you have actually leied to wear the stocking oot. We are showing an extensive line of ful apd winter underwear, everything new and swell made Don’t buy your anderweinr antil yon see onre. We gre money sxvers on this line. Farmers, Attention! 500 bushels of Potatses, Fresh Eggs, Batter and Hailed Hay, You will find it to your interest to trade with oa Makd You sre always welcome whether you buy or not. market price for country produce and sell yon high Latin Wrappers, #5 to dyes, long aur store your hast - convinond that we have the best goods at the low. 4 Wao buy direct from the manufacture and well at leas price than the average retailer can buy at, We have them in all polors, styles, widths and weights. They are hot staff for cold nights. Wenr the union made paots, overalls and jackets. The Carhartt Brand, they are the heat working cloths made. All that wear thers wear them again. GROCERIES. Hello | Patton Supply (fo. We want groteries, you always give nn the best. We don't want poor staff at the cheapest prices bot the best on the market, and your price, too, is alright. What you send os makes the quality of our food and onr people lke good things to eat. We need not tell you to burry because - you are always prompt. That's all. Cothe to wee ox when you want a bill of Groceries, we will give you prices. the lowest. | Lwith vou on 1t and we will convince you that we are money savers. « interest inancially to continue with un. w atton Courier. ATTON FUBLIMKING 00. Proprietars. Wine tines, Fditor, » be kept in w Because. If any member family sas a hard cod. I! ire it. % 3 Because, if the chil fe delicate and sickly, it will them strong and well Because, if the father or T is losing flesh and becom. “ing thin and emaciated, it will build them up and give them flesh and hi | ~ Because it is the L itd remedy in all throat and lung affections. No household should be without it fey oe Jt can be taken in summer as wel © a in winter. | wor BOWNE, Chemists New York JouxsTowN has a population of nearly 42000 inhabitants. With this population it is thought that Cambria county will reach as high as seventy odd thousand people during the com- ing sensas in 1900, Sens a es War department officials express satisfaction with the resuits of the military movements in the Philippines during the week just closed, snd are _ very confidently predicting an early collapse of the rebellion, after the reg- ular campaign gets started. ————————————— bo —————— THE great state of Michigan in east ing about for a gubernatorial candidate for 1900 has brought ont Hon. John Patton, Jr.. of Grand Rapids, says the Curwensville Review. The press of the State to & great extent urge the nomination of ex-Senator Patton. Rack here in oid Penn'a.; in bis native town, we are proud that one of “our byw’? has beert counted worthy af the | wanted in Patton to work for the Key-, highest office in the gift of his adopted State. clearly in his recent speech at Minne | apolis that expansion found as many | opponents and as moch severe critic ism when louissna territory was acquired and the Aliska purchase made ‘as it does to-day, yet everybody now | concedes that both of those purchases were extremely wise and extremely | advantageous in the results to the Union and the people affected. INDIVIDUALLY, officials of this government are at liberty to entertain any views they please concerning the war between (ireat Beitain and the Transvaal Repoblic, but officially they must be strictly neotral, that being the position which the U. 8. Government has assumed and will maintain during ‘the war. Our console will look after the interests of British citizens in South Africa, but that has no significance, being only a return of the courtesy extended to us by British Consul in Ciba, during the war with Spain. The movements of the war have been fol- lowed with great interest in all parts of the United Staten. There are open sympathies for both siden, bat. there in only one opinion as to the altimate ‘resalt. The Boers may win victories for a time, while Gireat Britain is mas- xing its troops, buat in the end their defeat and the wiping out of their government is regarded as a certainty. First IHacowety of Coal There is strong reason to believe that the firt discovery of coul on this cont: nent was made in Illinola, by the early French explorers, some time between 1673 and 1680, James MacFariand, author of the “Coal Regions of Amer. joa," says: “It is remarkable that the ‘first discovery of coal in America of which there is an account in a printed book was made by Father Hennepin, more than 200 years ago. Hennepin's map nccompanied the edition of this journal published in 1689, located a coal mine in the bluffs of the finals piver near Ottawa, where an inferior quality of bitiminous coal comes to the surface. Referring to this record left ‘by Hennepin, R. C. Taylor, another high authority in economic geology, ‘says: ‘This is the earliest notice on ‘record of the existence of coal in | America.’ E. E. Turner, Compton, Mo, was cured of piles by DeWitta witch hazel salve after suffering seventeen years ‘and trying over twenty remedies | Physicians and surgeons endorse it. . Beware of dangerous counterfeits. C W. Hodgkins, Patton Fharmacy Treads WANTED Several teams are ‘stone Paving Co. ¥ i PRExDENT MCKINLEY showsd very THE “RECORD” STILL RANTING From Johnstown Tribus The individual who writes the adito- riaix for the Cresson Record mide a feeble etitempt in the last mus to jostify that paper's recent coarse in slandering the Unitod States soldiers, championing the Chicago Anarchists, and excalpat: ing the ssassins of President Lincoln. Most of it ix more amasing than other. wise, as showing the peculiar and dis torted interpretation which may be put apon historical facts and utterance when is ja desired to twist them to the sapport of a weik position, The fol. jowing may be an attempt of the Record writer, however, at bin own justification: We think it would require fully as much bravery ard considerably more hopesty to tell the truth, especially when it is not popualar, than 0 face some regiments went to the Philippines. Possibly it would And thal may account for the course the Record man is pursuing. He winds up query: Who iw the greatest epemy of his country: The Uopperbead of "6 to "65 or the Imperialist of ‘9? Space does not perinit of a discussion of the sub. ject, bat briefly we will say that the slavery question would have setbhed itmedf, a probably by now, for to day men can be got for what it costa to keep thom while they are working, and need not be kept daring the periods they do not work. : The only Yhing proven hy this fa that the author of it should seek some secluded snot with a good history of the United States as a companion, and learn thersfrom the real cause of the Civil War, expecially how slavery proceeded toward “settling itaell for forty years previaas to that struggle. with the following the and question It will be a surprise Lo any ollie who are at all familiar with with the good gqualitien of Chamberiain’s remedy. to know that people svery. where take pleasure in relating their experience in the use of that splendid medicine and in telling of the benefit af bad Pongh they hive received from it, colds it has cured, of threatened at. tacks of preumonis it has averted and Caf the children it has saved from ab tacks of croup and whooping ough. it is a grand, good medicine. For sale by €. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. “Heut oni the market for coughs and colds for croup it bas no equal,’ writes Henry R. Whitford, South Cannan, Cdn, of W. Hodg- and all bronchial troubles one minute cough care. CU, kins, Piutton Pharmacy, The City Restaurant keeps the finest i Patton. and freshest line of green groedries in, When a cold snap comes then every. body makes a rsh for new pipe, eibows, jiante, dampem, potiarg, ole, to replace rusty and migsdngr ones Somebody has to wait and shiver We can attend to your wianls now without delay. You ought to wee ome Dockash, Jewel Gans Door and Cambria Fortune Cooking Stoves, Ranges, and Heating Stoves before buying elsewhere. In fact, before you buy anywhere you ought to learn our prices on all winter supplies PATTON HARDWARE CO. I. Detrick. Mer. We now have our Coal Bank opened and in fist olase running order and are now prepared to fll all orders for poal promptly, The coal is mined at what is known as the “Truomun’ bank and ita quality js unsurpassed, Leave orders at Uaph Grocery BOYCE & LILLY, : Proprietors . . Acrass the lron ¥. 3d y . y R: R. station yo $ Ivas 1 ne 5 : Lil FoontIrr 1s Adolfzen & Forsberg, : tre niern $ * : : was ban ds wy rd ; i Ls 8 El § Esa ¥ i132 ivedik § LAAN JANN Sida Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc, Etc, as anvihing dee ris ef Eig. As wall £4 Bet IA LL and see amine ony goods, ORE prove GL Xe Our Fall Opening ° ~ Of New Style Goods @ 1s now taking place daily. Flegant Dress (ioods ln black and eddors have come in in great profusion arid are now on display. Handsome Capes in Golf and plain , styles are in great nambers. We test vour eves Free Tailor Made Suits make a very hand. ta Mo ta ‘same showing and are in the extreme ang furnish Speclacies as style We ape also having our first showing in Fars, a choice and handsome line, in all styles and prices. Millinery goods are coming in daily . ard the latest and best styles are here. guaranteed . ZHarantee Never have we been prepared fors more elegant and prosperons sessen, and we cordially invite you to come mid seo as if possible. Goods and samples sent on applica tion, 1 [Lenses can time 5 ¥ 3 Pm ¥ SRP FLAS Eng ¥ * CHE. Od hanged SAIN wilthm a year. TOZER, The Patton Jeweler. One Square From Station. Altoona, Penna. With a Bigger and Better Lane > | han Ever. from the a very large line of Cloth- 3 fit everyvhbodyv— voung and ] ust returned as Overcoats all kinds, Ces to suit your purse. Isic the finest and most complete Farmshings (ur stock 2 » 5 it Lents ever Fuyrsrrir hi PP: , sii a1} pronrat fo aiton, i> aii can’t help but admire it, vou SJOCH. You are same old stand,