¥i : Pa per Store. + olu” at the M. isa Healing Wonder. odighins. Patton Pharmacy. Patton Eourier. PATTON PURLISHING on, Proprietors. FE. WiLL timer NE Fedllan TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION hein copy, oe year, 1h advan, Ln Fr Adverusiug mates made RRawa pen ape plietetion No pepe re Aton tinged pail sil arrear REes wre paid. uibene al thie option of the pabibelers, bs Entered st thie PosicifMion at Pailon ge seebnd : clan all oe lter At the M. E church Thursday, Oct. 26 Windber, Pa, is to have =a First National Bak, J. A. Hillstrom, of DuBois, spent Monday in Patton. Celery Thursday, Friday and Sator- day at Cash Grocery. Fresh fish every Thursday and Fri day at the Cash Grocery. Liveryman Thos. Peach drove down from Ebensbury Saturday, Patton was well represented at the Cnptennial at Loretto Tuesday. Mrs. Sophia Hasson, of Clearfield, is visiting among friends in town. Zohn H. Pulford. W. PP. Bmith {H. A. Kratger, all of Clearfield, Conitee i font town a visit the Week Mrs BF Hooth Esther, of Philipsbarg, home of Mr, and Mrs last wen k iatter part ard Hts Constable Wilber Jac ey { latter part of last wes Apint Lhe Clonrfiald and SI OtE friends and relatives in Cia jos, Joseph (C. Rowand, the popular rep. | resentative of the Seltwer-Klahr Hard: ware company of Philadelphia, spent Sunday in Patton. Alex. MeConnedl, the 14 year-old son iof Mr. and Mrs. Frank McConnell Beech avenue, ix confined to bls home | with typhoid fever. headquarters for Wrnons, water Cash firoeery it oranges, bananas, melons, in fact green grocery line. in the sverything The marriage of Mr. HH of enrfield, and Miss Ids : rRenroade af Carralitown, will, 3 = wv] fired, cour in November, {hustary 8 Bir dd If vou want tn buy conking heating stoves cheap road the few ad BEE of the Patton Hardware Company in A 16x{0-inch picture frame for 66 this paper this week. ‘cents at Fisher's wall paper store. Beach avenue, Is ill of pneumonia. Samuel M. Swab and Wm. H. Pratt latter pitt of inst week oame down from Cresson Monday. { F. W. Lewis, of Glen C sampbell, | made » business trip to this place Sat. Dr. he City Restanrant kiips the Bnest ‘and freubest line of gresm grooe D. W. Jackson and wile, of Washing. ton, D. C., visited in Patton the first of the week. A sare sign of approaching cold | BY er groverios in gounty, Pa, spent a few days in H. J. VanDusen, of Hastings, and P. after business interests in Patidn Mrs. Elizabeth Mnrray, of Punzsu- tawnsy, who has beans isiting her son, V A. | week, returned home Toesday. James Ingles, of Anita Fat ton the first of last week with his | parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ingles Gold medals to Harper whiskey st ow Orleans & Worlds Pair Chicagy, ; it. you will endorse the Judge's Said Palmer Houwe, Patlon, weather wild geese making their trip, 3 southward. A number of Improvements arc con. For Bale Good flue brick at #6 pet temp lated in the Crrrolitown Uslindi Inquire at Fisher’ wall chnreh that will greatly improve the appearance of that edifice, th BOYS _ James Mellon, Esq, is having an ad- News, dition built to the rear of his office on i Tears WANTED Several teams are that a large silk mill will be wanted in Patton to work for the Key- stone Paving Co. Call and sev the Evans Sisters for elsewhere to bay, ‘RC. Osburn, a lumber merchant of Falls Creek, Pa, transacted business : in Patton Monday. One of the Buffalo newspapers rans its entire plant by electricity furnished from Niagara Falls. | Bishop Fowler on “Abraham Lin- FE. church Thursday evening, October 26. s N. R. Seeley, of Corning, N fleld’s popular + Y., was united iY $3. i 1 $43 Lee OR MaCullough, of Trade, bs Bacrelary toons Board con dent wpetedd in that enterprising city in the Tier of ute, ary 2 Rev, Sigmund, pastor of the Haptist : Ane millinery and potions beflure going Cehnrel at Westover had reosiyved a vail (to the pastorate Bap af Barnesboro will geoed Johnston, Fomvike, stabdiadiy owners of the Carrolitown contemplating the hank in Barpesbaro in Alarrolitown News, Wn 1 Elizabeth 3M a tear Welw jade Swope, Hartswick, youug ILArTIALY Fwy, an tw wit pile, Liat in ut the guest of bis friend, Harv. Lingle, | Wednesday, October ith the first of the week. : adios have you been to see the fine McConnell of this place, ine of millinery at the Evans KRisters | granted n legal permit to wed ; store on Fifth avenue, J. Kin Hastings, of Punxsutawney, Lis amdsting Dinsmore Bros. in their X “alloring establishment. of the Cambris ‘Editor Kaylor, Lined transacted business in town ‘Wednesday of last week. The cheapest place for wall paper, [pletare frames and plastico at Fisher's store near railroad station. | “Con” Driscoll, of Lindley, N. Y., catradting James W. Lannon and Miss Lenora Yn is They received their Hoense from the clerk of "Orphan Court one diy last week Lumberman Webster Griffith of Eb. ‘enshurg has started the work of con: a two-mile tramrosd from the Evan MM. Davis timber tract down the Blacklick to his mill at Benlah P. 8 Fisher, senior the Firm of Fisher & Uo, liquor dealers of Johnstown, Liv the miber of wholesale noon ‘pany with his representative, James Young, tarsied a few hours in our was the guest of his brother, Dennis town Thursday of last week Driscoll, a few days last week. C E. Brinkerhoff and family and Mr. a Mrs. Boggs, ail of Altoons, were : visitors to our town Saturiay. : Chas. Rhody, who recently erected ‘a substantial business block on Fifth ‘avenge, informed the COURIER re "porter a few days ago thal he intended LH you are hungry drop in to the to open np a first-class shoe store in the "City Restaurant where you can gel vacant room in the very near future everything you wish in the eatible line. Constables now have powers identi Don’t fail to attend the lecture on na) with policemen and can arrest “Ahraham Lincoln” at the M. KE. : whurch Thursday evening, October 26. Smale returned ‘the peace or violatipn of barough or Mr. and Mma. E. M. home Tuesday from Lock Haven where dinances. visiting among be paid to the boroug why EpoRgRtireT Sor “they spent Sanday : frisuds and relutives. casTOoRIA. p The Kink Yo ow Jw P without a warrant i amd take before a ooal magistrate any offender agains The jnstice may impose fine | the nse of the borongh cCABTOII Boats the The kd Yau x i a2 gh! Bignatare i i of - Baptist church next Sanday 4 o ‘Laagnch Out Into the Deep” ing, | The sacrament of the Lord's Bupper of 3 fromm rhe columns of the Un GER ¢ wonid Murray, during the past a, Jeflerson eae tet boy maintained a public posal of wate water atid oiler sewage An associdtion wns formed at Bhens. hrirg one dap inst week for the purpose Sq ‘diate Monday, fat and game in that & ( im of 3 : b sadquartess a at this place, party of railroad officials who are making a tour of inspection of the rose this week, Alexander at the at 130 8 Morning subject, Preaching by Rev. mand 730 pom “The Devil's Rocking Chair.” Twill he wlmnistersd in the All are invited WHOTHINE the Fire Seranton, Jack Soheid aha attended redmrnsd] home Friday, vim un whole tronk gre onriomition therm $s Ru forges sak 1h ir loreda thers” who sen the “MayBower re Wha HN great of the Workers of that place Spangler members Mine tivge flag pole recently and on day, amid chesrs from the large erowd they raleed a bran new hemor of the preted: Ratner assorted, arriva: An elogoent ad. President Aller Lhe flig in of Admiral Dewey dross was mde bry W. B Wisan, of Tora, Fa. Rag raising Mrs address In the hall American Pristrict Ehve an ft: fiwing rn paailiar EITC Line # i PE 3 Resa Eyal BE Was Sp pToRS which in all probability have besmirihedd the supposes] gpotions characters +f tun oF Patlog'a patigetils AWD YOURE pel mn, om hose # Seated ES promt ar ane well X arrawt be larceny quite & sepaation, not saying a word shont the fright of ane of the guilty parties. Thix procoweding may not be the end of the trons ifferiders allege that i ws ali unintentional and declare that they will spare po lime or tuoney in seeking revenge thi a bd 1 informant. An infant son of Daniel Peters of gy Cosgrove, of Gallitzin, wire looking the | (Ab HRDINANCE NO 82 srdinasice authoring los stenotion of & sewer on Primer aves nue snd providing that af vrai tha anes De fussed HEE the row HW He 4 1 the property owners adjacent to said sewer ry Lhe 7 enacted acd Town Be it Flair gens Council of Patton Borough, rity of the sane, Gadneai #sniy that & majority gla in prance to a petition of the properly ownets on Falmer ave therw ahall fie bigs, sewer for the ide: beqrinning ab the weslern she tt of EW. 4G sie Palmer avenue to Flanni- South aller besyruiary of wher gan Tai Lrabaiows in 8 direiidon Baowsod: avetine sewer shisl the Borough of Pattor rate of $20 shall be ¢ Or (OnheCLIEA ale yo Pripearis sewer between Palmer Bosch avenne r i ors along said avenge and stro fay Paimwr lot drained is and x not the subject of an Hament RR aforvsssad, That the depth ted by the B Assesment Le Section 4 of the ser anni be jae Worouagh Engineer nda pl fl td and be nirenared ! I by him ned chambers, Eracted and ordained the Odotiohaor {SSG WoO Honsann President ; Aliewt Janes Ci ipce, {herk i hy the Har Saray $n day of October, 1898 PRINIHE CASTORIA : For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Boughi Bagee {iri E the Ty TI . he Sanaa Ripans Tabules core flatulencs Ripans Tabules cure nausea. is among ween. and Crenshaw in the morning 10 soins Jones, of Uhleago, : tafe a E138 & Land mao and i is 1899. Mining Trouble af Brockwayvilie A dizpateh from Brockwavville, Pa, October $h says that as a rose the coal strike of Erie is iia rs ranean ting Brook. edd of works Distriet President Wilson, the United Mine Workers, and abe | leaders are at Brockwayville trying to ha ont A mis ners indooe the minors sympathy with Tioga strikers jority of Daguas and Crenshaw favor suspension, but West Clarion mine employes rifase to go oot Six hondrad men will march from agos to Done pel the Brockway ville men (0 stay out Rpari® Bors and 25 deputies are ¥ guarding the company's property The deputies are armed x Th Ee cl 5 Le Sy x Pas IF i x + Fp a Fig 4 fF gc r%, Patton Pharmaoy : Biiraerts Never Eighty New Uilisdna fee Barker } : rl on Wednesday of i far nals Bp seat fou abhasit 8 were ited Judge Barker sn applieants, or some of them, gested ¢ = rs} rigid examination, | questions that wroald etageer a pox About Sod be Bla native born voters Plime pablicans and ther bhaiance Dato rata many rhe new will evident Cambria Tribune CRTLY exrikly Pat I3 FOR wud wesrn aon Vir « gimme nd reg FRR feeding sialon the entioy BYR fea Thee pe sheken Howtos = LE, Snail priest, gripe Santis ithe pile” © Porton or Ww Ere Tule rT y % A Plosas wend Saget actde wom cf thes ra on k five cenie ib lage and we wing new ¥: full will send you parm alt ase arsassevdt Bor JARS GF Organ op Yue pr Hwy my Heart, now wing sang bo in country. the intest pogmiliar wails Manila, Dewey's March Two Sep’ as played by the Bimous U8 Marioe hand of Washington, DD OC, and five aller popniar mone. Ad that won Tet ROW Mamie (OF PRourge”’ HOR TR the “March pages of dress, Popular Mosc Co, Indianapolis, i300 to Evans Meters for fine mike Ty J Filewisie Light Fed i arne own thal Uarroiitaowy ol AWRY Ss groan es Fu The News xays Pe i darkness Prepuratsons sre 0 nade by 8 prominens Mud ness man plant, Hahting and commercial Already » sirswotend for 18g to pal in oR large ehetro ght best ls Tor stress PHL en Large number of Yi be svi Bo oh ; phils Gave owen seed LE $x whi visdy Lhe The News Vii mw salt how mer HIT, Fa. CONE, United He gave ball for his ap- Postoffive-Inspectior HB. T weak the chief Rtates toned PAIRS Liregurs wit Miller rE ARALDNL The defimpdant Jediion = gull I plicisiering Uptinstering, Witla Bloek, Mugee avenue. Sofas, made over to bok as g CHES pod ss Dew Ww D Hass, Upholsterers The Delineator Woman's Favorite Tlagazine, arid Bs basaed publishers, T Ca tdmated ow 7 thy Nirvel, New sly ATES Hida x SIRE BR by or A 3 ion, or 15 cents rir cap, fami magasines i Is the greial oalerer Wo Domestic Needs, and can be recommended for its cheap Lens, user liness, beauty, sad, freshness and utility. VERT 3 ¥ Ld Ba WOR the w 4 fits we have studied the Clothing Patton and vicinity and nd it 1s rt makes us more famil even Years we have bees trying Cl loth ing \V for the amount of money expended. For seven years have been looking faces 5 wh lots with us whes to give ain FALL CLOTHING, HATS FURNISHINGS, BOOTS & SHOES brea x AT TIE 2" 4 iy Shag 4 vg nF oe pak ba ps WEL EL gait ; Laas Hoses * MIRKIN & KUSNER. “RTISED LOW PRICES Without the supporting cratehes of style and quailty are mean Large type argtes aotiting for worth, ‘wear or faabiion We prefer to attract by th gga ence of cur assortments, thew siperiority in selection and adaptability to the varied and stocdiod wants of an gp to-date pateonagn. Our satistying of avery low price desire is what makes Jus Lhe known and the hosleat tent alread inet re Liar hoes het oi Xa 36a xg an me (hes Wo hyve beamed spleetion of iar Tiel oo And mw DONT FORGET * that oar oti g 3 a% VERED FREE. ¥ © ari yy frig 5 Ph: hakk iL TiN: ® GOODS DEL] Av SLICK. Miners Store Co, Opposite « J: ition i i orel I. Patton. Pa The “Golden Rod Fruit Farm” . Leierv A f WES ee a a EL is 2 hy rank b a PATTON, PA.