Here we are again ber (Goods the prices prove it. Think of 1t, DEPARTMENT Iho yoo see the point 7 A good style, 3 post] Bt, & plemmes? customer, an in- tended Indy friend Each telis ether af the advantages she has to bay. ing at the Patton Sepplty. Uo's. flores, snd if you ask their advice both will tell vou of the rare viloes we sre offer. ing in shoes that fit Ars satisfiotory. The fail sesson has we are prepared Lo mee wats of OUT (ste nd trade generaily with the largest and best line of dhoes that wax ever brought to Patton We hanght car ahows Heflire the regen t ad thie Fan coll t the wear nnd sormenosd and Fg Pers A will gat vanes ard you of it. Ladies, before yon buy vour 8ne Dress Sho, see the Drew Sothy ine. They will if you want the down to date shoes and shoes that wear. : - Do not forget the Julia Mariow Shoes, ask anyone tht has worn this shoe and they will tell you it is the most somioriable shoe they ever wars, Our Ladies’ $2.00 shoe is 8 winner. We already have dap sated orders in at the factory for them. We sre solling so many more than anticipated, but it is no wonder when von sonsider the valine and large line of styles yon can pet, and all for only $2.00. please vou Children’s Shoes. You know that we have the largest and best fine to select from in Drews Heavy School Shows, prices (lke to $2.35. J if Joa WANT Lhe Chat Se hy Mio on record try the pennine If Can't Kip Em.™ Price $1.25 t0 81.7 Men's Heavy Bhoss a op ally. We sell nothing but good hones work Buy yomr shoss from us ones und vou will buy again Underwear, Blankets, Queensware, Pears Powel for Horses arid CUallin i the greater? siator Tor Hires Cattle, Sheep and Hogs none hatter Feed Pratt's Pomitry : ake yore hens ny saithy beeps wsdl Bowie tare There owls Ht prodives sr fon oy bani oF Dhanyy shar el RAP High x fresh sappiy It will pay you to come wiles te buy your shows from us When you want to buy Give us a chance to serve you once Dry (Goods and Notions. & tire when you'll begin Tey La what vou must hia #5 Fak i FORT AR FUE “ey amp PIA hy Br en Proves Flanaats. Po tov dle the ward and prettiest Hae in Patton to selont from spee line of Lancaster (dnghat at 80 the yard 6G, the very latest stylex. Lumberman’s Heavy Flannel the i ed {hi and keeps yon warm, 280 tor de the yard Hombary for oti and ahiidren, spoeialties goes service and jow can’t fallv apg prociate actualy tried tie wear the stock! HE out, Underwear Wao are abovs aad Omting Plannelse one at Be By 1% the vard Ladies Wrappers, #50 10 WETS op card BE akg womr, wowd Tien Hy thiely poaad ress U3 {aidren Se a everything new Women sid Pipe sor wd For Men ard underwear antl ad i migide. TRE on thin line winter arwl Four sew Gore Wea are money savers Farmers, Attention! pmbein of FP dr sntearsl ye WANTED You wii faa TRITON | BN TR ¥ 2 ily AU's pa hae HB reaches piel si the lowest prices Crome iB and sed Us afd a ons eal praws Igghieal 1h pr vr {, saci ries. Dry Goods. Shoes, Rub- yls show it——the jue antitie s tell 1t— in Flour. Well wer shonld say so. So far shead dir Pride of Patton Flour has be- sespne the standard brand There sre pleeda of Flanrs to choose from, bat onr Pride of Ahead shat the hanes wife knows that Palton Flour is the best. We o Pride of Patton Flour Hua an the market. There » 90 betler, (ies tried always osed. The price x the most reasonable quoted on any Areitinss four, oniy $1.20 per sack. Wa als handle “Onur Best.” “Pills hear 's’ and Winter Wheat Floars at ywest market prioss, cn scher Tay i os eon is iri os aia mp 5 hr a Td 4 All Wool Blankets. gaeturer and sell at bss price than the average Wea Pay widths and weights. are, at vliew ii o£ wtnlf for onl retalior can buy They ars he averails ard jaeketa The Carhartt Brand, they Al that wanr them, wear them again. made 1 working clothes made, procera vou always give os the best, pest prices but the best on the raarket, and y arid ua makes the quality of our food We nesd not teil barry beosnse 4 % Wane the anion ants, po ithe Best We wand fc phew, we will give you the lowest MONEY Savers. CO. Wr world ke to again call the at- ~ latton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors. own ta practice of BOWL Grex, 04 throwing tin cans, gla, ele, into the ARLISHED pubic thoroughfares. It is a danger ses ways tham one, LO erases santion of cerisin citizens in portions of La (GER practice in niare more particularly danjperous passing to and fro on the streets. II should be stopped by 411 means. —— ereate 8 dis to the worst en When HINE COmmon NOW (Rn turbance almost equal demonstration of $0 riotous ne shit starts ot a rampage.’ says the Pittatairg Dispatch, “Fortunately few pow sre ware of their power. Rome, of ponme, disposition streets, but thers RLY sus enough if they ony raid that know have no ts ly BI Cre vied what comsternation they could create The aversge city dweller wil Hee foun & fvwe 2S barge wilh mare 2 pplies - of fat required for : i ba is not abandon than off the forge sy ERI 2 wonld from locomotive and tearing upt : rails aN mnooenl tow With ne tet.” Yew and we addition to the above, Land do destroy, the pone working mun is cud King his mined needed meet, move dollar's worth (of property i ough Hike Patton | than can be aocnma lated in a whole sear, hut Lions skint Saat iA singe I ii an Gmprolerted bor THE suggestion has Deen meade in Sone Guarters, thal the United Sates : | ext iA Kiron? (floes Lo pres 0d dru ‘ tilities between Gioeat Britain aod ¢ Transvaal Republic, the Adminis. tration officials do not deem i Expat) ent, ander all the ciretimstances of the ‘cane, 10 do so. IT ie nd ataared al “all probable, that either of LW Jl OVersy, be taken in summer as hut cK loge of Supra the countries involved i Lhe 5 ms likely to ask the assistance of the United States, or that it would be THE Patton Public Schools, should given if it wer asked, by #1 means, observe the Fall Arbor Roveriment would bike to Day, Friday, October %th. present troahie wedtie ed weithu MeKinley does pot ; Patron Borotan bas 037 registered ‘volunteer to meditate between voters which is a larger num! LOf course, should the government of any other town in Cambria counts Eorope, join in an appeal for a peace side of the city of Johnstown. ful settlement of the question at issue, kely that the United States oh a case. lend ts best of Airsction. Ther pendent of the Mexico sold the U nited ‘States $2.- 000,000 worth of hides last year, FP ey wa IlL, than ae Bg it is not und would, in so forts In the same 2.8 waihility $ 4 on being taken on the AMONG the many distinguished visit- ors to the Loretto Centennial Toesda) that of Hon. Wm. A. Stone, Governor of the State of Pennsylvania. He was the guest of (. M. Schawb of Cnited Sates the Carnegle Steel Company : “- Tax The Monntain Boho, af the Admiral Dewey, ‘brightest and most ably edited ex West, resulted in orders being sued changes which comes to our sanctum, | at anon for incregwing the naval force has heen removed from Osterburg, now eceaged in maintaining what Bedford county, to Bedford, the county | practicai blockade of ibe Philippines, sent. We predict for the genlel editor, [by several more vipsse ls Inding the Mi. Hendrickson, abundant success in | Brooklyn, It has been stated hig new field. 'in Washington for some time past, that ANY lm part ne otic Paesinexr's One bas fiormp is 3 npsenly different a thriving trade was being carried with the imsorpent porta and i bas even been hinted that wome of the of. over there were deriving oon prods fromm comBiving A feinin spcleralie Yeu a8 4% 3 a ag ® EH COMBI An i iar LR ie Pr Ber ERE CORR Take WRT rhe OF BOS, stand why est mest moat © newddedl. The atveioas the Admin Long Bow identify iteelfl bs the papules Adeiral Dewiy's to thee PRED fin Baye al predic Admirals joigoen? sn the market for carrying ont with regard Toe jE shoe py ha ¥ i oH oF ai FEret con Cie ty Bi 1 BE Arrest Ag mim “on pes riend PERE as naling ere * warsants wer basad fa rho v of Lhe 3s Siig ac Sadi ¥y ANY | Theos rewis PETRI pam Le repose whose wl lenianon Bob oi Deir rises Toy SebCTITE Pre Witts ittie beasith Ty tmiweels peop Lar LAKE, Neyer gripe hers, oki i ond keering regunied Bent ok wet Will gee no of RANE» plegat. J. PP. of Carkshwmeg, W. Hodgins, Fai bars Coed Warks al FREE EE The CAH DR pa rehased tae and Troan COTY wii, and NOITU thie Er none ft Wi fiaheed Boa a dd Min nia CE a EN $i Adolfzen & Forsberg, Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc, Etc, LAF Cm EE RHO IR JO HERNNES fit kine amir 8% SOR, Our Fall Opening Of New Style Goods noe dnily Flegnint hres Geowndn 23y Bla in great profusion an display, bia ive SOE I Handmonge in (aol and pisin Serv Dern Apes Byles dpe in great 3 Noitie make 5 yer Ea hand. 10 the axtreme ir Made Are apr frat showing Rasduome line in if Bewmagtiie. wl samnies Snare From Station eler. Anocona, Penna.