AL, THURSD. AY, OCTOBER 3, The majority year Expect to have a Most people look forward to ong to be re- ead ; Carry the largest and most select this day as one membered. We year done our best has VE to ‘stock of Holiday Goods Ia this section. of people eac h | Wor ihe Five Mouth Ean Happto saber 39, h Wao have presents suitable for all classes, old and young, ri rich and poor. | In our stock you will find many acoept- 1 able gifts such as * ALBUMS. BIBLES. TOILET CASES, DOLLS NOVELTIES, TOYS, WOTIONS, BOOKS # MANICURE SETS #PHOTO CASES, BANKS, GAMES DoLL Cc ARRL AG ES, wa T hese FH ls ; at the : Tow est pH waible Call and see for Our The Annex . To Our i pri self Opposite School Pid Sse Plain Galvanized Wire at you i not be Ent for Jess than 82.20 f o.b. Pitts $1.75 per hundred which | know can burg. bar in. Matting from 1oc¢ a yard up to 18 cents. The finest line of rockers on x the market—Golden oak, art or mahogony finish. Children express 50¢, $1 and &1.60. Glass jars at the lowest fig- Rugs, at half price. also Soteage rods. BLOCKS, © wn ¥ ak Also 3 or 4 toilet sets at a wagons ‘remnants of carpet “the Marect 1 fine | in town. Very Respectfully, 8. i Predomier, Adeyval Sling, Gay C Withee Gyno, Ernest Cramer, James Long, Joseph Fedora, Belle Atkinson, Yeckley, La key, . Earl Cramer, Thomas Chapman, Willie: Foresberg, ‘Cruire, Peter Soumitchs, Shoss, Badie Summerville, Lie W . ‘ Pannie Wilkins; Mary Woomer, Window shades, all prices, | attendance, 195. Attended every day: | Abbott, Clemens Biller, Edward Con- ley, Thurman Jackson, F Warren, Harold Hanpah Chapman, (Eva { Emma Emigh, Rachel Haden, Mary | Mellon, Mary Pope, Mury Somerville, ‘1 Myrtle Waters, Gertrude Williams, w C.C.GRENINGER, Mgr. PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT 1 First Primary. 88: averige of attendances, attendance! thorby, An. Jown p Fy Number in attendanoe, attendance, Pupils fm { har 575 per cent perfect in and, John by, Hay John bed tony Petatiey, Wattet irvine, Feary. Juhin, Harry Jenkins James Lowrie, Divi Nelson, William Ross James Whiteford, Ber! Willinmis, John Rogers Y ivy Campbell Lonns (al, i Fdward Ji seat DE Blak, M ATEATdY Fisther Johnson, Elizabeth Lavinia Williarns Tia IVECRERT, i Primary. Velma Montponwry, Romervilie, Ina, Teacher. oe Namber in attendance, 65; attendance, 61; per cent ance, 97. Paps perfecti n attendance Richard Williams, Grenninger, Hapbael Brady. Jobn Boyer, Rober: Hiuir, Saie Jolly, FEaoma Farris Short, Flossie Wills, Minnie Gory, Marguerite Morey, Allow Hartabor, Maggie Kerr, Premsia kwilor, Evi Mary {ron Cummings, Maggie Sallagiver, Livros, Fetes Monteith, Huth ‘ Rena (haseane, Hilda Wiashbiin Magirie A 3 VETARY of attend Perry Waiters, Edw. Jahn, Donald Willis, Thomas Manuel, Eddie Lrarmer, Shar Riodridgs, Helen Bedi, ipl EY, ig born. ANNIE EARLEY, Vhied vy . RCI Primary, attend FAY i mh attendance, $5; per cent Numntuie AVOTRE of atlendanoe 83: pupils perfect ir i Andrew Nuika, John Ld Pave fang RPMI, Poavedt John Shay, tops, Hotei John Some Quinn, fear immer Anne Shankwiler, Filds Hoe Lily Wiliams, Rosella Milena, hapinan bens MeCormick, MoT ER SAT iy OF ae SONER Ivory, x {yrace Willinme, ga « {pertin Agnes MoMabon, » Noonan, Gorse Katies Diss 5 eh iy Hewlett, Mupry Foor Amana Quinn, MoT rie, Monteith. H Presa WW Hintpoas, 71 Feapeth Leen 4 as aN SHAT ELI \ 8%, J bmrin CHrmne ao her TERRY attendance, 53; mlwer | average attendance, 48; per cent if attendanoe, oy Atte Hanahan Deckert, i ¥ - ted SEBTY any Allee Blair, Bessie ALRinsch, | Rath London, Agnes Andrews, Gladys Morey, Mary Els, Lillian Kirk. Pear! Blancha | Johinwan, Yocum, Hota, Fthal Ying ling, John Goods, Daniel Willie Powell, Frank Bhar Agnes Florence Anthony Korn Reapkr, Teacher. # Fifth Primary Number in attendanon, Average aitendance, 52; per cent of attendance, Attended every da win Bur aay Howard ow addy Exits Brady, Clark towher, David Gwinn, Thomas | Glam, Albert Jenkins, Frank Jones Wilfred Karlheim, Charies Mont ‘ gomery, Willie Meehan, James Meo Claire Smale, Chariey John George Wilson, Mary Andrews Anna Anderson, Anna Jones, Elva Johnson, Anna MeCormick, Elizabeth Nelson, Annie Bheka, Clara Short, Margaret Thomas, Maggie Whiteford, { Ellen Washburg, Olean Yingling. Lorrrio BE Prive, Teacher. Sixth Primary Number in attendance, 55; average | attendance, 50; pur cent of attendance, 93. Pupils present every day: Bruce Bell. Vincent Bortman, Dennis Barke$ Ned Crompton, Harry Dunegan, Bert Delogier, Homer Hill, Harry. May, Eddie McCormick, Alexander Nelson, Walter Willlams, Minnie Beckwith, Maud Corn selius, Tdi Forsberg, Hope Irwin, Mildred Lewis, Mary leonard, Myrtle Mulligan, » Xomenia Peightal, Dora Prescott, Ray ‘Shankwiler, Romaine Smale, Umi iis, JrANSETTE Srovig, Teacher. Rewwnih Primary. Nnmber in attendance, 4, average 40: per cent of altéendantce, Charles Isaa: Jenking Shaka, Harr ¥ Yel khey, Nellie Ast bury, Jennet Brunesu, Lalu Uramer, Venettin Crowell, Francis Campbell, Thomazine Huoiter, Hewlett, Lucy Charles Mulligan, John Cornelius, | Zella Woomer, Arthur Jenkins. ELIZABETH SHOEMAKER, Teacher, & {inre and Phys Lorello, on next has been decided to meas tickets of al Morgan, | Jomeph 3 Campbell, James Hodgkins, John Cor | Faoid station al 5:30 p.m for the north pelias, George Delogier, Willis Liesch, | Robert Blair, John Marsan, Poehiatili. Hhuss, Gravrear and High =dbhool. Assembly Room. I. Myers, teacher of Latin, Mande H. Rodgers, of Mathematics, Sara Cum: mings teaoher Of History, 1 aad Plo ey prinlopy B. Liter foi tegcher Cepopraphy ara Baltar, teachor of Grammar, Reading and Spelling I Grade Nomiber in attendance, 2 average sitendunioe, Ju, per cent, tendanoe, Present every James Brady, Jumes Covpehios, Thomas James RKerps, Haobert Ross, Hautman, Aungein Burkey, Cirace Gantz, Mary Lyons Number in atiendanen, 15; pet of $EOTY day Furia Holter, Mary of al day: Harper, Gertrade irae peerage at tendanoe, attendance, THE {XE oie AXES i; Prowent L, Wallace Boyer, Carrie FAR, y Vater Kerr, denis, JOBOR, Anna Mhelos, B fara in attendance, 06 average attendance, 16; per cent RE Proaeit fora Browse, Edith i Jones, 1oo MoTigoe. A Girade, Rtondarioe, every Margaret fi oiter, Niymbeer in attenidanos, 19; AYerage af tendanog Anastasia Biller, b wneily Sqndford. Eleanor YWilinan Juniors Number Average 3a snl of al taorik FEO a Predswnt Jenin { Por every day rail. Anta ho HN Pies a 3d ¥y § via ARTEN EAM EAY IBN S i allendanoe, attendees 5 tegudanoe, 85 Alene Rady Mellon, Jones. Seniors BY SER ten danen tendancy, Prinean Nand Loy red 535. a W ALY hele number In attendane TREY Alle tniarye Bien Parenti cards and see that pedigreed, I Myers, Principal THE LORETID CENTENNIAL Baedag Made 10 He of Vinitits Fatonsin: 1 gwd Lo Taking Care Spm tio fry order 0 prevent overcrowding Cand to afford to all an equal chance to panier at the coremonios of the Solemn vPontifieal mass in BL Michael's hazel, Tomday, the 10th, it mittanoe at the uniform rte of one dollar sacl. Those who desires lo have welts remenvad shonid apply XW Litzinger, Esq... Loretto. As Regular trains will Jeave Loretlo of the county, and at £158 and 745 p. me. for Cresson to connect with the dant ad west, Ciraat preparations are being made by the people of crowd that iw expected be served by the ladies in the Paro chial Hall from eleven o'clock a m., and the members of Loretto Connedl, Y. M. I, will have charge of the lunch, iffee and refreshment booths on the church grounds. Arrangements have alae been muule furnish feed for horses in the fedd fronting the chareh, All the vehicles within a large cireail will be on hand to convey vistors Wo 1 from Loretto Bod station, a and a balf from the ¢hareh. Hal, Read This Lieut. Peter Kaylor Post, No 833, G. A. R., will hold a grand campfire in the Firemen's hall Tharsday evening, tober Sth soicliers tus miles with their wives, sons amd ‘daughters, citizens and all, are invited to come and join in 8 good social time. tie i i ro < All are welcome supper will Neerved by the ladies from 4 antil close of the campfire. Keystone Drum Corps will farhish martisd music. The famous Rbody Bros Orchestra will farnish music dancing. A good caller Lage. » Comenrd Reed and Cornet Grange band, under the leadersiip of Pool John FF. Thoanas, has been en- ged Lo rendér some of their cholce selections. Everyone attending this Campfire will receive the very best attention by the wives. The Patton Fire bes an hand Lo assist in order. By order of Gen, Boone, Esq, Chaldean of Cons H, H Beis Commander of Post, faie the has been ein eg i Tie YE Ak 0A comrades and their Laddies will Preserving gi od Hithee, 1A Yor Tamale and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough ‘all advertisers in the 1 parish to feed the Dinner will Se oto gn wl 4 La . The comrades, all oid aut weed to ca festival or MUST BE ENFORCED Pri Begsrds to Gume Taw | gv Jacks sot is Simply Performing HisPaty fackenn deserses taken Constable Wilbur J ope h credit for the steps he has i pears to the ep foreing af the law pelative 0 vislation of game lage in the State of Pennsylvania, and the fh v hi shoaid be aplwld and encouraged in | tle gan wi} nw abiding ti ghbarhoad, worl bw every this she wii are vx-ofloio fire ealapety All con aE Bal wan iti stabil Zane OG SEATED tO no tens, empowers | SREY HEriar and ta fruit rntars aid convenienee iy the discharge od gt % who ave aceon in of a fow Mr J pursuing we publish the For the benefit gist iy based Lhe Sree He IR Lis following wsued by Pannsyivania Sater Spartamen’ % Association, owiling sitantion of i The F amd Fish Lows are made bo be as strictly enforced BYR nstabie: arpstry, Gane her ws pour sworn duty to enforde svt (hgh famagos if SAK A netaie Y ou Yili 2 are weil paid for every cot § 57 sraeeial rel PIR to COBIre OY Thee sifbiects Bn Nagios iw Ane Ba gn rom Calter 1 Ar ba etc ee 0 will senstabibos do tl ree pe a1 the aR Te foreatry, There fie EN enor them and A {iroal eavtare wae EBT Ivan Leven night, Link iH. New PLAN Gn Vo renl ha great orator Rpos ® great FO GYer DWH Ey 35 5 % witb bang af Ltd day oi wing fir than Lhat Migopad 93S aevoeded 5 ath, when Bishop Char 1. farons Fowler, of Batdalia, York, del ep has ¢ | ancoin ak FEY Ab aba Woks ak} oharactar, amd { hours the large audience, sewn House, sat speil-bound as the magni) cent charactor of savior of the republic was unfolded in ita true and i is : Bishop's masterpioce, and it can be teathfully said to be the masterpiece of the greatest scholars among great scholars At M. E chorch, Pat Thursday, Oct. 28 lewd al the Uipers the wonderful Light term the ane of Wo, Noted to Adeoirtiseiw Beginning with December lat, 1588, Cor rignr will ba charged for subscription 10 this paper, The price for advertining will be made on its own basis after that date and the subscription to the COURIER will be made a separate account. charged for al the rate of §1.00 per year. This rule shall be applied to foreign as well as foal advertising, Casts for Back wheat and Rye J. B. Wilbur, proprietors! the Pat. ton Buckwheat and Feed Mill, will pay , cash for buckwheat and rye. Peal, of New Patton, of Car Mra Rembrandt York, and Ms AE weraviiae, {Hit of Fifth avenue, Friday. fureman of the Patton his position positing Mitchell Coal & Coxe Company at Gailitzin, Pa. He and family departed fur that place Tuesday morn ng. Hon AE j¢ WIRE interests who colliery rosie Was L2 f Tes Fa Ni Bednon. the Coal Uo Colpmbin IPR Y, ACCP A SHBLAY Hes Lol fort and ware James Kerr, of Clvarfleid, Patton, of CUarwensviile, aller their in Patton Mr. Kerr from New Mexico where be varied Arst of the returned large and & Trg a Xo 4 1 a Week his just nd the radiroad Territ ary 2 Pat ape past m ennliractine 10 mth woking adler that fis fareals 10 of the church by arranging W “Feast of Five Tables, next month November. announoed The [aciies ton ME. An] Booey acie lame 1G Date will will be something new and with the high standard anid character this Der ater in Keeping enjoyable of entertainments given by argRsization, The secret service has discovered a ix new counterfeit §i silver certificate. im of the series of 1888, check otter “C0 Bruce register, Roberts treasurer. {Lis printed on two pieces of soft thin pa per. pasted together, vo attempt bav- ing been made to imitate the milk fiber, It is apparently a zinc etehing, the lathe work and portraits are especially bad and the counterfeit should be read- ily detected. Lio Dis meniory Pe | perous and happy life. ware guests of Mm. ER : uf the Normal won ed hod RESOLUTIONS OF BESPECT Vata Pose Company No boon freath of Win, Clark of Patton ire syening, | pinned by Lhe At a regular toseling (oapany Nao we bid Taesd wy September Jiith, the following wnimonaly adopted: It the paler of the anivine, fo flo ware an Waenras, hak pleased {iad from ofr midst, our beloved Witham Clark. and that an a firibole wp tender the olinwing resolutions: the death of our Patron PF Hanored thal in itm © ikl Ww LEE 1 enn] iret h or, Hark, jr ard reap tend rari dew ay mpathy suey of (tw host thease fore De if wud that with with the bereaved Hewnly the deceased, we expriss our hope that PVT BG Teal a loss to all, may for Foul bry Pie, Wha doatl and he it farther fees Ler rile ali things well: Remolved, tha ander to the widaw of fhe deisel Gir masts cere condolencs in bere viinent that ithe ney and these rencintions be sgiread ott our miautes and published in the Pa farit TT and BW oany pissattant tiny the widow ane the churter of the Company be draped moanrying for 3 days Fo. Witla GREENE, Jt MOE, Hany af the degsagsed iri oanmities. af Will 3 Re ad she follwing ated COtEiY i Ws end Ely herbed an ctobey rosiesl nt bore weave piroati inonnsly sdniystedd: Wa {ie anal hes $ . 4 i & Va 205 94 one FS Peas £ un Hs antinits wind arid good. PRGA yeni yy Resolved That we axbond Lo jw Warenvesd Tamil dive heart fd #Yy pipatiny sy wad Baste of Gereaveipent, asd coprmend then 1o Kin i Mantas, Ady LH pt, 1 who shoet ly Fava xy if them peso. Frei vend ¥ oq sukat TTY PI Hemolyvad, That a cop intions be presided lo the 4 4 Fe 1 they he entered Opn the fiahedd in and Willlmssport SHEFP ORD, Por, BSH. J “SPRRRY, fo ommn ites ra trial of ATTON LOUEINIE E 3% Xx. faryidy ¥ i reso ris the Tribe and pabl the I farit 3 i A Fahne Wail John Walle moet popular young men, and Mas Nioa B. | Walker, a highly respected and popu- of near OC} Pa. the hride's home Maw the SOHO Ll WW ali bank ¥ one of Patian'y lar young lady intondals, ennnty, marrige a dap, September Ur. tame inl Patton Public sch stay in tat Wed now ‘Walle {iintan Wars und ae aie wad rth the COURIER wish Mr and Mea. Wolfs a long, pros: They retorned vonk to this place where they at once 1p the dati on Fifth avenue, Eriimegai- Or rimesnil Frank Dunegan, ofPatton, and Mim Tiilie Deiscall, of Loretto, were united in marriage at Loretto Tuesday ing, Oct. 3d, Rev. the ceremony. The COURIER extends congratulations. ; UU phidbiering, Upholstering, W is ams biol, Mages Ryene, Sola, ouches and chairs made over to a od Ww. 3 nd ¢ pholste rer. oek Haven Principal Hesignwn his Dentrai Dre. James Eldon has tended resignation as principal of the State Narmal school in Lock Haven, to take effet January 1, 1000, Dir. Eldon will petire from school work, He has Deen very sucoessthul in bis Maa genusit vears he has been prindpal, Telegraph-Uperator Lowman, of i (larway, on the Sana & (Clearfield This | Altoona on Tharsday iy the di wexlin ¥ Tribune, captirsd liv Division, last. a rattlesnake measuring three and one-half fel in eng in perfectly willing to dispose of his captive to anyone who has a hooker ing after such pots. has figured out how far farmer has to wi dk to plant and attend to forty acres of corn. To plow the Sonwonse ground with a sixteen inch plow he walks 350 miles, oughly before planting, harrow It thor Afty more, and to cultivate i allerwards, to 350 miles, making a total of 750 miles,’ i in addition to gnroering. C Pattan haw Ps | nim, Almighty | Cul wife and viatives of | a INNer- pw LorRiER apd he Willinrauport | ie thas Beit af Lervangdi tg wits al teachers of the of housekeeping in the rooms over the Miners Store company | marn- ! Kittel performing fw Afteen Mr Lowman miles Heal Failte Fo Sale The following properties wated in gh will be sold at a bar gain: Claes vacant TY ¢ of Fifth Mixlod feet Fifth ave COTTE and Palmer avennes, spe One vacant int on North aime GOK {ine rons sitantaat on the Pe anpRyivania sipediad oon {pe pW} ut} fever AN BLOG TOON daeiing #4 atest on Sadie Se 135%, just weat of Has $n outbaild. Pifth goyvenige, of 1150 font 8 5 . pysoesnitiy Leen shrenieisd mid is excellent dandition Good igs on ind One hows and lor situated Foriter of Foomrth Palmer avenpes. lot BO 150 fier, the beat con. dition and modern im. provements L& GTOVeInenis 8.2 and Ey tisyes 15% Ya in 2iriee Hiniliuitin § ytaicle 1p Care of the heat, Two god dwelling honses for ante Sitnated an Lang avenue, near Splendid weil water at Uieal Fifth avenue the door For particnlar inquire of or address BE. Wii) GREENE, Pa, the Ajtoona, Was Patton and vidos Mr. Bparr is si the susfortune during a TUR Patton abont Pation, Joweph I. Spire, representing Lasch Bottling hrstiing up Ww aria oof take in the week the grentienan Win Broken {3 bay have Dis 0g ss pred At aresent he travels walking stiek bul says 11d able sr iY Bie TARATRE away whirh faves man bis ais. By tle ser of a wil nol be kb he owl De iow Tags Le tnarast-Zor enughs and far writen Henry branching: tpoathies: iE as Ur edling, GB, tH RH. (Abe Eannan Ww SUE TE Wi Hirde Hodg- manne Fall and Winter Suitings and Ove Patterns vy hat was North Cambr 3 x . : Fa cig ever Drought mto 3 ns T he are ower x ¥ ~ voll Baye aca of in; Perfect guaranteed. duriag ber | Patton gained many warm. friends who along Merchant Tailors, PATTON, PA. ready Is nowrh. Tt will be a pamphlet containing nearly 100 pages filled to overflow- ing with news of what this stores will offer its during the coming Fall and Winter months. With a complete catalogue, such as ne will be, at your ser- patrons this © rice, you will be able to order with as much satsfaction as though you came to the SLOTE 11 pUrson. 11 you aoe wot received sither of our former catalogues, drop us a postal and we will see that 2 copy of the mew ome reaches you prompiiy. GABLE & CO. Peansvivimia's Quickest Mal {irder House, £320-22-24-1404 13th AVENUE, ALTOONA, PA.