PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA., SATURDAY, Capra SEPTEMBER 30, 1896. a nN AHS hi \D Hl DAT | Were With Dewey in Luzon, Will Meet Him in New York. PEILADELPHIA TO HONOR THEM. | The “Fighting Tenth’ { preparations * Will Be the Only Troops From Manila in the Great Dem. onstration Over the Glorious cleto of Manila. (Bpecial Cogrsspondence.) Philadelphia 16.~~ Elaborate made for Rept are heing the entertainment of the Tenth Penn Leavivania {while they are bare regiment, that participated with Dewey in the campiign in Lugon, of rosile 16 the | demonstration in New York in honor Keep on Coming to Patton, juse they know it is a 1 place to grow up inj their parents come to oud, store to buy all the little ne’ cessities to make baby com- ; fortable — toilet powder,’ brushes, puffs, nipples, nurs: ng bottles, toys; dolls, rattles, etc, etc., because they know! we have just what they want. _TI% stock of infants foods include all the leading kinds. | & % { 3 § | days on the fring i they left in battles flag { of the admiral The “Fiihting Tenth | who were tecelved with such a glorious outharst of popular feeling in Pits burg, are going to have a similar re- ception fn fae Quaker City, (he home | of American patrictissn. They will find that Philadelphia cannot be ex- | cailed in payieg a tribute of regard to the brave sons of Pennsylvania who went to the far off Philippines to ide fand the flow and give their Hves If necessary for the disnily and honor of | their country. No other state east of | the Alisghenies can claim the credit of having a regiment in Luzon in the | recsnt struggles with the Spanish and | the Filipinos The “Fighting Tans’ paturned bogie with a racord excelind | hy no other command ‘or discipline | and bravery in action They wore $l jive, and the dead and the tattered thay brought home is that C bear testimony lo the valor and pa Dtplotivm of the regiment n Pharmacy. Opposite School Building. BCE. TOYS ETC. IN THE ANNEX. ; for ! instance poultry wire of all sizes. Plain Galvanized Wire at $1.75 per hundred which you know can not be bought for less than #z.20 f. 0. b. Pitts burg. | . Also jorg toilet sets at a nig | Lr M atting from 1oc a yard up, to 18 cents. - ; The finest line of rockers on. the market—Golden oak, art] or mahogo. ¢#nish. © Children express wagons soe, $1 and $1.60. hd Cares. © Rugs, remnants of carpet at half price. Wi shades, all prices, ars at the lowest fig- § ‘the largest line in town. | ensioll for the pressmtation of pay quite a: Although Lisatenant Colonel Jaoies LE Barnett wha is in poaninand of the ! pegiraent, bai bean naable take any | part in the canvass for his election #8 “the Republican | tesasurer, off acount P having bean | axpeciencs in the Phillippines nominees for stata of his health fram his ft in he. lievad that he will be strong enough mroken down i to make the trip to New York Philadeaiphia will maintain ber repa tation for hospitality when the hovs 1 of the tthin wenk {An { Raiston | coma fram the president ish American i have the members | guaats | meet then {smoot the SEM ehsinge Tenih' reach Bers The Third reglosent every. of wham, ander Colones Rihest © vilnntesrad when the pall fgg the Span will he proud to of Tanth ax They will he at the station fo hate arrival and wil Ehalr cagiipental WAT, Tha Ry We i pf the Tenth ther Lent Lowi | mterssts 1m common. together in Luzon Cpagimant I maintaluea on TTERED BATTLE FLAG OF THE \G TENTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT the muaulcipedls davation fo the salfars of the There can na ad taken Lv the peeinie in fn anticipation of the coming of the municipul Yat ¥y aa et Hf Flies i enue of Fane SRI el ght af the ite wal % pant tho have af 1 tions of the Wks artist Grand Army Sg far the ponvention of the ¥ tha Hen $3. ds x hone 3 1% of id oan ati Tia Joagus bu Bas Leen derarated perio Ban of electric Bir eagle ani salors and alate he} Faith Carla wf bay inset Io the oMesrs ¥ ait tr the Unlin Legos ths A Aint tha Marcantis #0 other i EN 3 Sian gan Bras mela tists Theus a shield nn 13 wm sf the re stat hovess The reriment will be as cistad 1a the wistion for New York hy - the & whe Rird First and Second regiments of This ty weave be every reason to helleva ihn the winit of the Tenth te Philadelphia will he made memorable io the history rorituent THE FLACE OF HONOR 11 ix proposed to give the hove of the teh of the fae af the Pean- sYivaua 4 York It ean Be ssaomed that this reg being the only command that with Dewey in the Philippines receive much attention along ithe fine of march in Manhattan After the parade there will ha an interesting reunion of the land and sea fighters, when the Pennsvivania wi vei meet the men of the Olympia vi neers sailors and marines of irk Dewey's fSagship have many Was Thay wers often The Pennayivauia | goldinrs were frequent visitors to the know the vouseis of (he fleet any! they came 0 men under Dewey almost Cad well as they did those of the regi PTT 3 LT. COLONEL JAMER E. BARN i mory ami entertain them at supper. | After that there will he a series of “smokers” at coovenient halls, sach company looking aftsr a company of the visitors for that occasion. The atrical talent have been engaged for thase events snd they promise things of marvelous Interest to the visitors. from the wast ’ : The following morning the visitors will be escorted in 8 short strest parads to the grounds of the National Export | exposition Here they will be the guests of the directors of fhe expos tien and will he rovally receivad as Ee { will also the members of the Third regiment. They will be peearded ail the conrtesies of the hig show. and will be entertained at luncheal The viatt to the exposition will be wade the oc *ha whith foronr at hronze CRAnOn, waa | trom the Philippines by the regiment i toy the sity of Philadaiph fn. Mavor Asa bridge will make an address in accept anee of this trophy in response to the presantation speech by Lieutenant nl. onel Baruett Govsrnor a Spon is to go to New York to iss the Penn. sions gylvania troops in the Dewey parr de, tx also axpected to be hers to receive the Tenth regiment and may ranks a {short addres THE CITY TO DECORATE The citizens of Philadelphia want to much attention 0 the Tenth regiment as was shown them in . the western section of the state While they are pot bousnd by as viose family Very Respectfully, Foal i they represent | the patriotism and the fighting spirit of Uthe old Kevstone comm other personal ties, thay feel that in the highest degras wealth as | though they were ail from the Quaker City. i address to the peoilie of the city { appropriaialy Mavor Ashhridge will issue an 1 decorute thelr dwelling: | and places of business upd to other | wise observe the ccrasion of the ¥ C. C. GRENINGER, Mgr. 12 of the only command east of the Alle | ghenies tha! went to the Philippines. in | a manner to maintain the reputation of | § residents | state thin asuaat tion, declgired to 8 number of compan- them in the jand. {itary operations on The question of whether the trip of the Tenth from Pittsburg will be made in the daytime or by nighg has oot yet . hean settled the men should travel through Peno Some persons think that syivania by day. In order 10 aliow ihe if the eastern part of ihe to see the soldiers. 'Mhern wish to travel hy night. THE MASCOT GOING “Hoots MeDermott. the ariginal mascot of the Tenth will go tn New Yotk w the regiment This lad, standin; - yin his boothinek's kit at Boadesvous al the Union sta §# dy & Soll ions that he would go to meet Admiral Pieway if hie ware obliged fo “ham” bis Way, as he sxpregsed it. “Hoots” visited the Olympia when the warship lay before Manila and the admiral ana his sailors took so much interest in (he boy (ual he was pre sented with a fackie's uniform and a ith fag as a token of thelr ssll the pluck of the Tenth's masind, “Pools” declares that lie will the fag in the parade. The boy mani fests great interest in the preparations that ars being made for the New York eeinhiration “Teddy awim Governor ride ai trowsps In the New York parade. 7T “Fighting Teuth” will be given th and wants amssaveil tg Know if will. be in Stone and his staff will prov ional brigade from this state w be u.der command of Brigadinr Ge eral Schall, They will he the Fir Second, Third and Ninth regiments. Lpholstering. - Upholstering, Williams block, Magee avenue ' Sofas, couches and chairs made over to look as tjosd 61 new. i YH, Upholsterer. To be Carried in the Dewey far homitgliity an i “dant learned by avery pupil enee to proper authority is another. tan of the paripde in New | oT wear hin “Dewey” uniform, and will carry “de the head of the Pennsyivar'» : well received place of honor at the right of the line and with the other re i o Nini he other regiments of t | yhoo) of oratory of Pittsburg, and left to assume her duties at that place Parade in New York, M— Tr — PUBLIC SCHON. PARAGRAPHE fais SP ery are Never Alnos Wier ars Revotn- pantod With Noho Thesights' ; Held Tarsday ‘this evening on SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCH : "oA Night, September sewer on Palmer Avenue, : Patton, Pa, Rept. 28, 1899 Patton | Boroogh Couaneil met in special seesion : call of President for | the transaction of regnlar bosinew with | poll eall: the following members present as per Pres. Hubbard, Anderson, Blair, Campbell and Winslow. Petition for constraetion of sewer on Palmer avenas, laid over from previous mesting, way taken op and Borough mation concerning same Engineer anbmitted profile and mfor On motion of Winslow and segonded | ‘by Blair, it wax ananimoosly rsolved i the petition of property owners pray. ing for a sewer on Palmer avenne be ough provesd to accented and filed and that the Bor- constnrt aime in acenrdance with petition dividing the cost of same pro rata among abatting properties within polots covered in said petition and the remainder of | sewer 1o intemection of Beach avenue sewer be bailt at ‘proper cost of Bor! pugh, and property owner adjacent be | an may hereafter be fixed by resolution | tof Cound, : corpelled by Board of Health to make taps into sald sewer and a chacge be made by Borongh Coon] for each tap and that the Horough Rolleitor be and is hereby instrgeted to prepare an ordinance covering oon- ; struction of said wweg, A petition of property owners on Pifth avenue was presented praying Council to amend their original petit- ba a width of 30 feet inatead of 40 feet, | wecanded by Binir, it As the twig ix bent the tree's in. clini that early attention be given lo the formation of right habits of thought, study, action and expression | Borie Stale’ muller rom an aver-growth of Cultivation is res woeds and Thorns oweivesd in sohool About 50 pupils are Gow an roiled, Prof J HH Cessna, ex-Superinten af Bedford recently vikiredd our schools During the third oxen Tor tardinees ard absegioe. were muwdend, Parents should not axopses exoent for Panctuality is a lesson that should be Willful obedi- panty, week of schol 54 gral reasons, Wea pall upon vou, parents, soromplish these as wall desirable ends . The three boys who played truant received a double portion of the teacher's personal attention when they retarned to school, are a few others who are gulity of the aame offeniee. Misses Cammings and Reader visited at Mahaffey and New Washington on Saturday. Homesick already ? ta heip us an other From the days of pious Job antil the | present time, patience has-been con sidered a Christian grace. Every individual nds occasion for ite exer- cise, and no one more needs its full and free operation than the teachers. True sducation requires the ments that were asyigned to duty pear | development of the better feelings of y 3 AK AAS P Poi g by 4c thie 4 oR # Have Bese) aod tee papas ‘ ulture - formed rank and the members of the these will exhibit their fraita in outwiea Improved Order of Red Man, which actions and expressions. Parents, if you have never beed in the habit of visiting vour children’s school, let me effectaaily invite you to begin to practice. school bullding, lmugine you see the following written over the door way: “Every parent amd cilizen hag an interest in the husiness transsited within, and may at ail times have a free admitlavee. RB I MYERS Principal. A Good Hateriaiament. A large audience was attracted to the Firemen's hall Friday night when the pupils of Mrs Kirke's dramatic class gave their closing entertainment. The program consisted of two parts: Rosebud,’ a fiiry drama as promented by the Juvenile cin, and “Remem- hrapes,” as given by te members of the adult class. Space does nol permit individual mention but much pleasing comment was heard upon the efficient work done by the pupils of both classes. Much patience and care of detail were necessary to render in such a charming manner the program 3a presented, and the productions wers prominent instructors ¢f Byron King's | on Saturday morning Cast of Thanks. Mr and Mrs John Radcliffe wish to axtend their sincere thanks WwW the Wa believe there no ont to Patton for burial Monday IT this in wn, how important : lon to read for paving of Fifth avenue Head, and on motion of Anderson and was carted that ardinanee Nao. 51. covering amendment to onlinanee No 45 be pdoptaed as read and the Burgess and Clerk be instricted to enter into a contract with Haars James according to aid amendment (in mation of Winslow and seconded 4 - ex ~iliy TT. E. Smith, ¢ “ GRANGE MEETING at Mi Hermon Grange Hell Mondny, October 34, Cambria county Pomona Grange, Ko. 51, will hold ite quarterly mestiog at Mt. Hermon Grange hall, Monday, October 2, 1486 opening at #:30 o'clock a.m. The following is the program: Reports of stibordinate granges; ree port of sicretary of insurance company: query bax in charge of T. W. Hughes Afternoon mwaion opeding at 1:38 aelock: Duet, Hermon and Mary Dis ] in the grange, Te: he Held hart: woman's work | Lizzie Girrett: In what way can oar agricultinral fairs be improved T James Westricle and Harvey Evans; Welsh solo, Henry Jones; How can our pablie wchools be made more efficient, Lo BE. Kaylor ind Benjamin Evans. A ARH degree session will be held at o'clock for the initistion of candidates. The erening meeting will be an open one and will be called to orded at 730 oalock: Recitation, Gussie Wissinger; Address by J.T. Allman, state secre- tary of the grange; Duet, L. A. Reese, and wife: Address, Rev. Eline Row- tand; Salo, Mis [da Evans. The exercises will be intersperssc with mide by the choirs from di , granges Eo ; a An Especial Opportunity for People Suffering with Chronic Diseases. 4 Citizens of Patton and sur- roundings who wish to see Dr. hie Electro Ho- Specialist next can meet him at the Palmer House Monday, Oct. I Tuesday, Oct. 3d from 1 4p. : 3 ry aan on Monday anti 1m. Consultation * Free meat hic week ad 3 All by Anderson it was carried (hat the Rorough Engineer bo instricted ta advertise for bide for copstraction of Palmer avenoe sewer, imate ip. 7 Cin motion of Blair and secnnded by Winslow, it was sarrisl that the Bor. ough Solicitor be instructed to petition | the Court for the appointment of view. sre to nasi the damages and benefits i conoection with the paving of Mages avenue between PRR tricks and Fifth avenue. Counsell then adjourned day, October 3d té meet Mon. Wan, Clark Dewd i Wm. Clark, who formerly resided in Patton, died suddenly at his home at | Willock, Allegheny county, Pa, Sun. day morning. Hix remains wern when funeral services were held in the | Baptist church of Patton at 3 o'clock m., conducted by Rev. Sygman, | pastor of the Baptist church of Wost- aver, who delivered & very fine and Clark. : were then followed to the last resting full; and relatives as well as the members befitting sermon in which he plainly | pictured the, model [life led by Mr. ¥ place in the Highland cemetery bY a large concourse of sorrowing friends of the Patton Fire company in uni organizations he was a member of. Besides a bereaved yonng wife, who is the daughter of Mr and Mm John As vou pass by the Radcliffe of Patton, he is survived by | five brothers and one sister, namely: John, of Smithton, Thomas, Mathew and James, of Patton, and Joseph and Mrs. Richanl Nesbit, of Willock, Pa Mrs. Kirke is one of the many friends who so kindly assisted | in making arrangements, ete, for the { funeral of their son-in-law, Wm, Clark. The decessed was aged 31 years and had been married but a little over nine months when death came. ie was an exceptionally weil thought of and: highly respected youug man and the news of his death was quite a shook to his vast number of warm friends in Patton. He was a member of the Episcopal church and his life was always an example of true manhood which was plainly marked in all his actions pif with us on this broad sphere. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the sorrow- ing wife and friends of the deceased. Hot Air Fartmee Yor Sele Having pot a hot water heating plant in my house, 1 offer for sale, at a hargain, the hot air furnace recently | ased, including the radiators and hot alr pipes. Everything is in good cons dition and is adapted for bard and soft E. (0. Brows, New Hardware War, A new firm to be known as the J. CO Harper Company has rented the room formerly occupied. by the J. E Kirk Hardware company, lomted opposite the Commercial hotel, and will embark in the hardware, plumbing and tinning business in the near future. Mr. Hare per, who will act as manager of the concern, left for Pittsburg Taesday for the purpose of purchasing goixls for the new store. * cond. The remains of the deceased & at last arrived and Choicest rey 5 pal PELE i HEY. JIS Lines of Fall and Winter Suitings and Overcoat Patterns ¥ 2 * 7% That was ever ~ as North Cambria ~ 1 rong & The prices are lower than you have any idea of Perfect fit guaranteed, Phe Merchant Tailors, PATTON, PA. coming Fall and Wiss ready this mouth, It wil ‘pimphlet containing nearly 100 pages filled to overflow. ing with news of what this store will offer its patrons during the coming Fall and Winter months. With a complete cagalogue, such as this one will be, at your ser- vice, vou will! ye able to order with as much satisfaction as though yon came to the store i person. TP you have not received either of our former catalogues, drop us a postal and we will sce that a copy Of the new ome reaches you prompriv. GABLE & CO. Pennsylvania's Quickest Mail tyedder House, 1320-22-24-1404 11th AVENUE, ALTOONA, PA.
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