sonal supervision since its inf _ Allow no one to deceive you in this. ita are but Ex- ger the health of Experiment. Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless guarantee. It destroys Worms relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ney. It assimilates the Food, regulites the O11, Paregoric » fein LOO 15 CON ON iettery every dwy waved. We Ravn « ain end BCCRpY oY tal £8 \ NAS COSI Y DRRT B00 S00 SBT ERaTS emgage Bil OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE is the bose of tha pespie it guotes WW hatennin Prices to Flr rotund NRK GVET 1000 IER, 8 see Sigstraticos, and Boon deacriptions of aot (ua with prices. If coats 1% (ents ta prime and mail wach copy. We want yi to have ans GEND PIVTREEN CENTS to show your good faith sod we'll gerd yin & enpy FREE, with ai chargun perpaid, CHICAGO y Dissolved. and ihe growth fever doiroved with wb ality acid, ARGH J ATR a8 + ¥ rERimERi 10 Hier, ime Hear Res 4 for yeats dave Porn Brow SAN Fr the 3h a yoga 3 Suaailiating growth tubity SEB, Lap gelagdliveny fa dy be x i alin sbi can be apie pe shoalbg B i bes applying = i oing happanen to awd gaining the thanks of iw Ii Cannot Fad, 1; dieedves snd de weave the hfe principle of hab, iherehy rendcting oor ubtimadely Siw oversd the ue wired for permancat removal of hao ae PRiGE, $1 00 PER BOTTA Sent by Mal Securely Saied sod a Plain Woes New York. br de sbsdenedy Morales end positing is revit Apply for 3 few minutes and the hale drapes I oaswert. avd will peove that my Hawd dep Hair on the Face, Nesk or Aros Instactl i eshesad Ov years with a of Ndr wn wy face, and toad many eamedies with sar ihe shah isiury tS the moat delice den by using hiz sarvelowm igosd foture growth am otter Seep sands of ealloring wionen ln Eoameoat 3 snyihong ever fered * Hair Destroyer. i by magn i which | geaiantee 10 3 % i L4ty w vay yeas of eaperie nde of he delliacy t aceiilionghy Mme. LOURINE. af sikh 3 meh 1 of years of nwily, wikis Of ¥ have po the Unived Saates Heaiih ans aid chem ceived the endorsement Q tin It Is amily at i co then within increased sales fa & Bave neem Lewn fo furaher suhematios anil the earnest swllouaton of tranage through the 1 now i AY that a reduction ia pee 2 Hie ab ger © an, and my ong ve andy bees sald wo the clas 4 ai bonne Vee yun Pras persona and si wenan 1 ko oy with snpes Hisas an extensive pa 3 Hues, Eaiiors kh these an My preparations are the resnl of my pe vareful vesemtch wad ex , Feadin ploy Agk, willie 4 us A cheerfully § iunfdeniial advice Being a w en ans = 11 you sre tadded with anv unperfection of kin the seath of all believis will compensate me for ge of New Yirk ad vertised. } my best cuktouwers that #he 3 3 t 3 giving ingle welinih's any other preparation ever bela hair charming compdes ion wud mmalihisss basily © the wie of But wy Face Pemniber does it Yeregs back Be voli of youth | takes Essen srivalied. and sll Facial odds a fall, aocomplnh- a4 results in the wily of seit 4 giving that bloam of yeuih, Defers wf the 3 Harmless, Peemanent and U No lady should nega her shin and complexion way more then hey pesth or nae § wink ies athmiclating power wid in hls manne produces the fosmciation fur a fre tissues and makes tie fT Rote wx BeNiT, gradocing frm healthful fled in Poss Wearrey 23 Duane St. ih, 1) presents the vu sa mah desired by women, healthy foal By fis sama sate LH Rh ta hanes Eb Ga ave fleanand, sdesed aos rey the ne ALE: of wu in owith pabits, powders and cos better results In a 2 the whi. 10. Lourine's Face Beautifier, PRICE, $1 00 PER BOTTLE, cheeks, it rest Rosh Tren and phan HECURNLY fife bu with the Rexibilivy Takes sway Wrinkies, Ballowness, Freckles, Tan, Blackheads, Liverspots Heautful women evecywhers owe § Gpsriies the fares Wik Ratier Boies if ¥ skin are even mare comspioucus sed displeasiag fetics doa not jresdrve Beauty feo sinking ade nee and sighitly watakles as Covering ihe 32 Blemishes when sl] other means ing simply marvels ing the features. an snd fresh appesrance the public. treatpent than and producing ime few E lember, pod BP © Gaesisie dive © POR WOMEN. Possassss the merit of perfect st¥ie, 81, comfort and durability. Ro breaking in necessary —made to conform to the Loss of tue fod, § Sale vary faxitle; Chrome Kid stock thal Is sift as 3 glove, yet wears Vike iron Excols suy $3.50 shoe (ot wear and ecm fort. Neu 10-Chrome Kid with ti of Whe sams Tae welt sole, ERR EL LER ei by C. H. Perry, Chest Springs Pa. SI ain An Ordinances Authoring the Issue sid | Rete of Rorotgh Bons te the Awount of | Roven Thousand Dilars in Fareasnes to © Borough Eieciion Held Angust 24th, THD, | and Leavving an Annual Tax for the Pay | ment of the Same Section 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Buorgess and Town, (Council of the Borongh of Patton, Pa, ‘and it is bereby enacted by wtthority cof the ae That Wheress, by Ordinance No. 48, bearing date July 17th, 1899, it was re solved by the Burgess and Town Coun ¢il of the Borough of Patton, Penna, to increase the debt of the Borough for the purpose of opening snd extending | et of streets, buildin ridges, improv. ing streets and other municipal im- provements, to the amount off seven thonsand dollars, or one and nine hondred and eighty-six one thous andth per cent. of the inst precesding assessed valnation of the taxable property of the Borough, and less than | two per cent. over and abovi its pres- ant bonded debt, and to call aspecial election on August 3th, 18968, for the pur the alsctom of said Boroogh of Patton | to sald increase of debt. And wherdas snid slection was daily held an August 24th, 1899, at which a majority of said votes cast were for said increass of debt, Section 2. It is therefore resolved that in pursuance to said Ordinance Noo 48, and election held on August 24th, 1800 for the porpose of opening and extending streets, building of bridges, improving stresta and other muanwipal improvements, GW incur a new bonded indebtedness of seven thousand dollars, it being less than (wo per cent. «of the last preceeding assed valuation of the taxable propurty of the Borough. RBection + And it is further resolved that to seeure said indebtedness of seven thousand dollars hereby author ized to be incurred, the Prmsident of Cooneil, the Bargess and the (lerk of Council of tie Borongh of Pati, are herehy suthorized to cagse to be pre wared. and 8 execute and sell at oot Fe than par, coupon inferst bearing Bonds, meas in the name of the said Borough of Patton, numbered from ane to fonrtesn inclusive, for the sum of Sve hundred dollars each, at four ad one half per cent. interest pay abide v, dated 15th day nf Sep 1998, maturing 16th day of Reptember A.D, 1918, bat redeemable “ten years from date of sue at te option of the Borough. Raid bonds, except as tH number, the ame being numbered from one 1o four teens inclusive, shall be of thet Tuliowing form: Farm of Boo BIH, PIPL REA TEN OF AMITH eA, CAEN Y OF CAMERA, STATE OF PEN Sa) ANIA gp ¥ 0% Poa dpa {vad ¥ ARNE TR sian witead Mtg ew pe 4RdY Age 3 «PSE, Yates ii 8a Cand opie taiY LMS ER RRA YT Ux af Marnh srl My wise af tH Tail Ee Pome, spn SADIE TR SR DR Aw EHRs {pm yabie, Pate owed Te oases Of a Wow Re fl aing a al Bae] Ly The Boss Sra TORR. Lhe aed Sar wis 3 fe agai Bary agi, si ane fas Bar lhe pipes ¥ wl ag ame, Sood iaing ol Fels Bind alae Pin Withows WW ached Lhe Haves 1% wel EL Des acl iEseles, E } wad Moret { £ alt TEE iy 3 Ehrman vigil 33 {ae fa emer’ elegion ard Pwd the Fim Malone lank store thee ftamest for lx saniiy on Band fr BNL INE Desstand Mepletnhier Lath IN £5 KE. Parsi ¥ Halrgemw 3 x dw ie af Patan, Pent XTRA BE, £erk, Seotinn 4 And it is farther resolved “and directed that the ollowisg notice bes sworn to by the principal officers of the Borough of Patton, and filed in the Court of Quarter Sessions of Cambria County, slong with a copy of this ordinance: In the Conrt of Quarter Sessions of Cambria ecunty. In re-issue of §7,000.00 four amd one half per ceat. bounds of the Borough iat Patton, dated September 15 1888 Statement made by the principal of- flowers of said Boroogh, under provis ions of act of Assembly dpproved April Mith, 1974 entitled “An as to reguinle the epanner of Increasing the iebied- ness of municipalities, to provide for the redemption of the sane, and Lo Hp pose penaltiss for the Hlegml increase thereof” : First. The actual indebtedness of the Borsagh of Patton asrertained in the manner provided by section Ave of said act of April 30th, 1374 is as foiiods. 3 ; $7 RG Had Ad £ seks appaivaine Tietets witiun $5600 Becond. The amount of the last pre. cocding assessed valuation of the ax. able property of the Borough Wns 4352 30. Third. The amount of debt fo be in entrred is $7,000.00. Fourth. The form, number and dite of maturity of the obligation to be is sued therefore 8 fourteen interest bearing bonds of five hundied dollars each, with interest at four anc one-half per cent. per annum, payabie semi-annually. Each bond dated Sep SEARLE tks tember 15, 1898, numbered {rom ohe Ww fourteen inclusive, sald bond to be in form as set forth in copy of ordinance hereto annexed and marked exhibit hy 0 Fifth. The amount of annual tax levied and assessed 3 pay said indebt. | edness is six hun and sixty-five pose of obtaining the consent of Caxciusivaly | dollars per year, to bands are paid, being eqnal to at least eight per cent of said indebtedness, and which is to be applied exclusively | to the payment of the intersst and the Hquidation of thi principal of said indebtedness as provided by law. Rixth. The above statement is fled and made in purspance of an ordinance of said Borough, a copy of which in hereto attached and marked exhibit “A and made a part hereof, and in compliance with the said act of As sembly of April J0th, 1874 : Wa George B Prindible, Burgess of the Borough of Patton, and James Critliove, Clerk of Council, being sever: ally sworn, do cach of us depose and any that the facts st forth in the fore. going statement are correct and troe. Sworn and sibseribed before me this i day of 1888, Reaction 5. Be it furthér enacted and ordained that for the purpise of com. plying with the cnnditinna nf the act of Assembly of April 20th, Ie, and (te several amendments, there is levied and assessed, upon all the properly, real and personal, in sald Boroagh of Patton, subject to taxation for borough purposes, an unngal tax of siz Buon dred and sixty-five dollars, $085.00 hethig at least sight JI pont of the amonnt of the said inewiase of dobt hereby authorised, which levy and as semment, in oor judgment. will be suf ficient for, an shall be applied ter the payment of lhe interest and principal as fast as the same becomes Sade and is applicable theretn which tax shail ood se anti said bonds are fully paid with interest Section Six. That the Clery of the Cooneil be, and is hereby suthiriesd to advertise for amd receive bide for ihe sale of the above mented bonds, and to well the sun 10 the person jar sons offering the highest and best hid, Enacted and ordained this the ith day of September, (N98. > W. HUBBARD, : President of Council I¥ Atom: Jan Guuiasce, Clerk of Council Approved by the Burgess of Pation Borongh. Pa, this the Kieventh day of September, 1599 ORG BE PRINIaLE, Burgess of Patton Boroogh, EE Turner, Compton, Ma, was cured of piles by De Witte witeh haawl salve after soaring sevisileen years and (rving twenty remedios Phvaicians and surgeons endorsy iL Beware of datgerous cotniterfeiln. 0 WW aver 3 * Hodgkins Patton Pharos You cannot de better than to call on Gould & Boezer for first clive plumbing, al Eatitnates freaiy given, 44tf Canby Uiroeery {1 besdgunriem for aranges, bananas, 4 § melanin, i Te SMe, Wiser + ad 152 y Fe Serv IINoR 36 SEER ¥ 47 i green Frise de "hey are simply perfect.” writes Moore, of La Fayetle, of DeWine Little surly rams the larnous fit, pile’ tar Hite constipation arch all liver siiments. "Never gripe. © W Ix Heolgkins, Patton Pharmaey Cent Enongh © Yake, Thwe seed in The flaemt afl sigur 1s TEES Vasey fain’s congh rey iis prepared Rives far to that of very pleksant Ekg AVL to take. As a medicine af sougrhs 5 gg ANT WDE COU far the the our olde, in Kripee, OPGUP is nnegoaled by any ota 3 aliwavs Fyn sayeem, and edres quickly Par ani CW. Hodgkins, Pullon Pharmacy, DeWitt's little early risers perio pentiy cure chronio novi pation, Lon utes, srvaTess Al Wart oul feeling; cleanse dad rein bates the entire woe nr aivken Hilae pasa WW. Hodgkin Patton Phannaecy slesy small, pleads, never gr FT Se 3 % PATI RLS I Nat (he Wikent Way fo aa in needed before buyisg a bottle of Chamberdain’s colic cholers and diar shoes remedy Quite frequently the remedy is required in the very busiest seaacn or in the night avd much incon. burrne it conte hut always best to walt unfpil it venience and suffering ust be Before iE pan Be ohtained a trifle as compare and every family can well afford to kéep it in thelr home it is avery. where acknowledged to be the WNL ae UY Lae For sale Hand worid for by 7 W Brcressiial bowel complaint Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy of sufferesl with piles sleven vears before asbg witeh i Ea VEIL ; ee Witla fvaed anys: now my benddl a GLY roslared, I feed ike a ract Stange, Merz, Minn. A pealing preparation of standird merit BAPE SBOE BRA soap HER, heware of worthiess counlerieila, 1 W_ Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy, Naovthew The undersigned has applied to the Secretary of Internal affairs at Barns burg, Pa, for a warrant on thirty (R acres, more or less of animproved and In Cambria county, Pa. bounded na follows: On the east by Joseph Miller; on the ‘West Read township, by Israel Lowder; on the north by J Brown: on the south hy Thos Huallen. J. M Dx Reade Township, Sept 4, 1389 Ay td There's always hope while there's one minute cough eure. “An attack preamonia eft Tangs inn bad shape and I was near the frst stages of consumption. One minute cough cure completely cumsl me’! writes Hulen McHenry, Bismark, N, ID. Gives in- stant relief. CW. Hudgkins, Patton Pharmacy. of me # They have been bad 0 Belin: that ' womb tronble or female weakness of WOMEN SHOULD KNOW I'r. Many women suffer iintold dgony and misery because the patore of their disease is pot correctly understood. | saree sort reaponsible {or the many ; ith that beset womankind Negralpia, poly or dary chrcies ander Lie eyon, rheumatism, a dragging pain or dud ache ir the back, weakness nr inring. down sensation, profuse or scanly sup ply of urine with strong odor, {rivynent BEF VOnRTR, FACT, desire to pass it with scalding of Barn. inp sensation, sediment int 4 after daoding in bottle or common lass for oui Boars, are signs of Kidney snd bladder trouble, The stove symptoms are bergen | sfen ab. tribnted hy the patient ner physician to female weakiness or womb trouble Hence, so many fail to ahitaln relief, bacanwe they are Lreatitiil, aot the disease itself, bat a reflection Sf the primary cause, which in kidney Lraoutde In fact, women 3s wall as Dien are made miserable with kidney and blad. der trouble and both peed ‘lie same remedy Dr Kilmer's Bwamp-Root is great discovery of the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and i easy tO get at any drug store an fifty cents or one dollar, To prove its wonderful mints yon way have a sample Bottle ated book reliinig all about it, both sent alps ites iy fre by mail Kindly mention the Parron Corner and send your ad. dress to Dr Kilmer & Uo, Biugbamp- too, N.Y the DICKERS iN DINT Pieeds Boncedodd at Ebsnsoniy Irate Friday, September 10, gr Tuan Michaels to Hanry Geildberg, Blacklick, $500 Joweph O Thomas af ux of ai to Rethany Congregation church, Cam- brig $60 Robert 1. Jobuston, iy the Treasurer of Cambria connty to Umnbria county, Wankinglaon, 85 : Commissioner of Cambria sounty to John BE Scanlon Washington, $6 : Jubn EB Scanlon ef ux. 0 Robert 1. Johpstan, Washington, $108 fabert T. Johnstan of ax. ta Janes Hamilton, Washington, $100 Joel H Dixon, Jr. st ox {roake, Patton, $i Annie Scanlon of vir 8 al to Jolin Wo Mentser, Washington, $3), GJ Lioyd ot al. 10 Webstur Griffith, Cambria and Blacklick, $2400 Joseph Kennelia ob Gx. to Jolin Sat sick, Susquehanna, $100, iit dons wl G are], 25 fa Wom. Jines Mal ary , Charles © Wostaon to Jacob Marte Carroll, Ba Jarnt Ma Bary. Larrsi, 3000 Mary Hearer to Mary Ann Bhiarbaugh Drown, Ri as We Wesley Laub Lars el ix. ts SOIANY, Pennsyi- feaitttain Ballots Fior Baollette Plorant of i) aid Primer Hammik, Sssguehaona, $0 John A, Nagle ot ux tA. BH EE . Ata Eos Lnnirow otek ans Ler Sad {3 wage doa Wa WAR LAR lL Jann Patton, Hahn of John to A.B Patton, trustee, Eder, FON Mary A. Saltgiver ef al to Chest Creek Land & buprov wil orn paiy, ilearfeld $1 1% Thomas BF. Liteingée of al to Chest Orenk Land 8 Impeoviagneat dompany, to ieartieid, Bl Yahner x Cwm Land i het, Pais 4 “ios faa CHEERY Overborger to Chist Creek Land & lmprovement comphny, Car peril, Bd And : William ‘ ax. to Hareb ary & Walker sompray, Reade, $60. 3 1 Gib erg Pray Celebration ¥irk oiky grandest reception ever wilhessed in Dewey New his prepares the American city, in bopor of the re. turn of the Hern of Manila Bay arder that those desiring to participate An in in this celebration may have the bene. At of the general redaction om rates, The New York Central will 4x sursion tiokets to New York aad metas from stations on the Pepiasyivania Division, September 28th and 29th goand for the return Wp WAVING New York on For sitios, pontes, time of trains and geoersd apply New York sell ar before Uetobwr th. torniatant, Lax Centra oektel agpnts, A tempera IH “The tannery ssmhpany on Friday whose Buk tannery re pani Mrs. Nelson Walther, PE thw filler thi faght to sie ives 2g ¥] her husbamt atal gave her email in the house 3 which as jong as she nay dere, osides other Kintnesses showing heir sympathy in Bay Tames, Raftanuan's Journal. Patton's Ineresss of og atintion. Bonn To Mr amd Mrs. Jaw Bpicher, Ratuinday, September 18, a danghter: a Mr and Mrs Chas EF Nelson, Sanday, September 17, 4 san; Wo Mr. and Ms sunday, September 17, a ro to Mr Mrs. WW. M Tumday Seplember 14, a son. Ler, Nagle, dais and Potors, DeWitt's [itlie 4 4 SEE Yaris Lhd . THEEELEEY 3% sary keeping : resi intexd misng proms 142 good Hyer and wil propurly Pleasant # 350 WE Laan, “Best pulls made; Ap plegate, J. P., of Clarksturg, N. JL 8 W, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy ever EFripe wie will ase ao others,’ says (3 H. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Plies, Scalids, Burns. Ad PARA BAS eis Rt ‘12m, and | SX DIT oes 0% SL RN A SO HL. For wounds, buros scalds, sores, ; alein diseases and all irritating erupt sins. uotising si soothing and healing as DeWitt’a witch hawel salve. Mm Fmna Bolles, SMatron Englewood Numsery, Chicago, says of it: ‘When all wise thils in heating oor babies, will sure? ©. W. Hodgkins, Patton Phnrmacy, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. (Mee on corner of Lang and Fifth Avenues. Collections promptly ab tended to Properties to sell and rent 'H. A. SEITZ. pr by | Dentist! Office in Young Boilding, next to P.O. Patton, Pa. Oflee Hours 8 a wm. fo Lm. to 5 pom. DR. FB. EUANS, Dentist, HANTINGS, Pa All diseanes of the teeth and mouth skilifmily treated © me DRC. ERNEST CHASE, Surgeon - Dentist, : PATTON, PENN'A Ofles in finod Building, second floor, Magee Avenue DR. S. W. Worrell, PHUYRIWIAN AND SURI EGR, Office ia Good Bailding, Room No. & HrGessad Suegury and the Eve a Specialy All ile Wil feed Go prov altenlion, Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURG FON. Cif La Ae pext tir Postoffier, x sorb snide tae srt tEieoet inl Blow ® gil ; i % priwspaw f Thw POE spel atieathon g GEFs T loa mand Sip m Reuel Somerville, ps dta Attorney-at-Law, PATTON, PA. Cffion in the tiood Ballding, JAMES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. COffos Fifth Ave. oes WH DAVIS At sear Central hotel - Sp 3 Eth 5 4 SIE RRRLLT 3% Liisi Lin ¥ - rg ang i Ensen. Pa sik 145 TORBACLO and CIGARS Ph Mee Thee in Palio od § Wy vin ¥ TEEN ry ry PEN Fu ¥ f+ i. PILLAI RILA OD Restanrant an Magee avenue, near * RR depot. MEALS AT ALL HOURS AHAFFEY HOURE Avan tradi aryl Wo Tidak ad (GEonGE FERauUsaxn, Pep’. Parnell & Cowher, Lents re ACCIDENT HEAL FATA TE AGENTS Thea xo, O° rend Butiding, Pats, Pa rer H. S. BUCK, UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER, Neat to Hotel Patton, Fifth avenue All Cudls, day or night, Promptly at- ended to. Wihnte or Black Hearse, FirstNation'| Bank OF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00, RURPLUS, $50,000.00. tu oof Usrperaiions, ¥ anf Gps the FP eB fet \ Phy sande adrd o HEATER, Tai esl ELBIT the huni Ing ard ise typed A KE Parpan, Waa MH. Saxpronn, Prewiident, Cashier Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis and incipient 3 Con sumption, is Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers