Grains iin ein i TT AR AE LE a ere is e of those Joctare i in the infereat of Iabor to the, who ol either 80 pref | mie isvores of Patton in Goklstein's udiced against all ad- “Thursday evening, Sho by vertised remedies, or | «.. have become discour- | andicnca. 3 aged at the failure of } uu. ane. of Main stront, other medicines to hel } tt punt. fast Thorsday Mr. Daniel them, and who will 7 Philips, the United States Consul at succumb to the grim Cardiff Wales, who left this morning destroyer without | oreriheSomenst & ¥ altimore fe aslingion, an knowing of the won- which places be will attend to some Oo SOR Saal BY TRAESS BS Hare atl derful value of Foley’ s CC bowiness then prose to Phlalelpiua, IAT th the Yi 2 Pl MERRY SEER PE TEARS fe heen IY ying “Honey and Tar for all | where be wil preach on Sunday. for, WV o rive the pablic | Mothing Value for re ent unt of "Throat and Lung troub- Feis a minister. ax well AR Conwai- % : % = a ya : a deni les then su to hie homes bn i a nONEy exXpenced. Or Seven years We Nave heen Joking ae ¥i hie : Bigoe: « ang YY NER SALVE is a Healing Wonder. aE ggest an | most tns, Patton Pharmaoy, Squire James Mellon Is without a ¢ ompilete ine M © s tinh the hagipaest marta in Fallon ab w we Bovs, Children’s Clo- p sracdred a Hine of hu 2 RC 8 Ha eas ; + 3 PEROT E $5 Fie ia Arie ~tt on 4 “i Gold medals to Harper whiskey at DE wr oe huh 5 . i atton Couri er * New Orleans & Weekde Vale Chicago, kim i hint oo Me hot th hi INT ever chi WI } $L FA LL C LOT! { i MN G, } { ATS PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors. try it. you will endorse the Judge's Eurape and who brought with him a : 7 _F JAN IS HN GS, BOOTS & St OES Di bag “nf Aids verde Mestad Pralnniy 5 : *atiey } % gE % } : gw og EW tienen E, Bailar Veit Ad Palnwir Hoose, Patton, genuine bog oak pips which be secured AEN y 101158 in t 118 SCC Lo t pledge your. Epa when 5 : : Pa . x i % : ws “ TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION in “Aad Ireland and ire wer tend Tuy t1e in a PW re rv be ; r Oop oper, one year, In advange, oo $1.0 8M Wilson, who now resides st Mr Mellon [3 is artistically carved : tht Y ) Set to fey nti yo see Un. Woe nt want Advertsing rates maple Know a Ian Rie GBC : } nana wit) wand bk witht wt a Panel hres ATRIA al rare Wlariie deharh we tires = ¢ ot A Cav pres PICTON. hii : yorsp DuBois, was shaking dnd with his and ia = A 2m i reds- EVOL nspection. VOur peige, wilds 1g pay Ont paekt Oo alter ona many acquaintances in Patton Tues ated gift to the 'Rguire, parlicmianiy - . a eda wl ate til than gh : * : - GIT Omi s, STA OR A PRICES WIL Liliane On other houses, No paw wi. base sstinued mri RTT Area i 3 Ages are perish, inbews wt the vigils od the day hat it came from the land « # Bois birth, 10 a if FIN St te ir paabeix hors, ; re £ oubisib } : “5 i : i at ak ext dower to Bani { C0 Pdmiston. who i an Employes of wineh he ike ther true natives 1. - : EEX Ax 4 ik MIRKI N & K 'SN ER. Ervtased at th Postaffice at Paitan a eon {msi : . ; ns Lf that will fest neond of oe Chua ta Bak an the Beech Ureek railrond with head. f that soil, feel proud of ra quarters it Visduet, Pa, spent Sunday Onite an exeitis ronaway took : are PCIE Sy : ; Wait Tor Octaer 2d and 81 es : J 6 LOY nee wde ver has ; J in Patton. be on Migs avonun. Wetnesdny |. Do You need Underwear in, Lyf nYPRTISED LOW PRICES The sewer on Fifth avenue is nearing | « 0 onion ja directed this week aPArnOn when a sili of fine horses. re fall wetohts +H A : completion. to the new sd of Mirkin & Kosner, the attached to an pnply Wagon belonging | Pe (X35: {35 ys itil bring vg 3) we o . os ; : = ) ; : ¢ Ten fries © w oe op Wy irs 8 ; J L435 Low apport frastit eg of gtels and analy are ey Ed. Glass was an attendant at court oclothiers, farpishers snd dry goods 10 OW of our neighbor farmers, whiie 4 g ; ag ny 3 amity an Tas srock a8 a juror. merchant. standing on Magee avenue took fright : and dashed down the street and across | Chas. Rhody's new residence in now: Remember that an oyster mapper and ol saieoad and fren bridge: after lined ready for aocupancy. | fontival will be held in Patton October 0 offirts 10 stop the tat Pari. ey wants of an op tondate paleonags Ong satinfying of every ow- ‘2d and 3d for the benefit of the Paltan poor whe was painting on the t bridge WE are Show ing c oh coion desire (6 what sakes ore the test known and the busbest Cernet band. a at "there for this money | place of business on Patton's hudest street We have just re. urresade] in oateling the bride of ane . : 5 . 3 | BARE EE 3 oh gash Tp peg . 4 oi nlf The stone is being hauled for the 4d. A Bowersox, one of the prime of the horses ws it dralied ny, i 3 LER CONTIeS al} oeryed the very largest and tert aslenlion of 4 #a > % 1 * ASAE HEA curbing of Fifth avenue movers in the Disbrow | Liquor: Core heroically beought them to company, of DuBois, Pa, spent Mon. HL possibly saving some one's life An : mY TT AL IREP : Presb fish every. Thursday and Frie guy in Patton. {and preventing considerable damage | ‘0 other concern can show UY HI RHUL iL 3 day at the Cash Grocery. Loa a th the owner, who is certainly under’ 3 € (8 1 : Pr § Mises Lizzie and Sadie Cothery lefl : i VOI 80 piany KInGs or quail 1 8 11. IRI D1 ' “ : : kis $55 tis the YOUN Ri. The largest locomotive works in the po aay morging for Pittsburg and eat ha ue young tas t world are in Philadelphia. | Allegheny to visit relatives and attend For good guids at the might price go 5 255 4 i : Fp # The public library at Lock Haven the exposition. to the Cash Grocery. ! Fea aml n Overcoat. ever lid on the shelves in Fallon. All we ask of you is to call now contains 6,000 volumes. : A suit of solid oak, good WEW ROUNDHOUSES FOR CRESSOR ne ii, we are preg pared tri show and wee. ” Mary Gregg, of near 8t. Augustine, ‘aa new, only in nse a short time, will 1 Tews win Frohabiy be Made the End | $08 2 Top fal cor Heavy dress was & visitor in town Monday. ‘mold cheap for cash. Inquire at the of the € & OC. Driviatos, coat, or later = Storn COHAL— DON I FORGET that our (rocery De- Demsa Parks, of Westover, visited Counten office. It 4s very likely that before long Crew 31] weaves, st vies and prices. nartiment alw ays contams a fresh stow among Patton friends Monday, | ./ Another cow was killed by the P. R. [200 Will be made the lerminus of the : hn | R passenger train at six pm. Wednes- Unrubria & Clearfield Division of the P. Sh NCC | . “YC . qe . . . yg We buy our underwear direct from | day evening near the bridge across the KR for all trains, which will necessi- oes » GOODS DELI \ i R F.1D I R 33 E. the manufacture. The Bon Ton. track north of town. tate the erection of a large roundhouse | A 18x20-inch picture frame for 65 The anterprist i La " there and be the means of increasing § oy cents at Fisher's wall ore. |. The enterprising newspapers Of Cremon's popnlation conuiderably. Su. ® ext 4) M it ! S ( paper Windber, Pa., are urging the organi perintendent Abercrombie, of the C. & | AE J it er S wt to re i = " 7 E, i 1 : Mr. Hovesur is having an addition zation of a board of trade in that new (js working hard for the change, it is { bailt to his barn near Donnelly’s mill. | and prosperoos town, anid, and the general manager at Als — inglens, Large type argues tiothing for worth, wear or fashion. We prafer to sit act by the excellence of onr aeecrimenta, thedr superiority ln mioetion and adaptability to the § aried asd stodied Good, warm and serviceable under wear at the Bon Ton. % oF Over 60 different languages are MM Crain has been busy this week {toons favors the scheme, bot the matter — ] re settee Pare Jt e 3. spoken in the Philippifie- archipelago. grading his front yard which adds will have to go before the board of : : Ey pp site | atton Hotel, Patton, Pa. Mrs. O'Brien attended the funeral of much to the appearinoe Of his property directors of the P. BR for final de. ; 3 mt ; on e——— Annie Nixon at Philipsbarg last Thurs on West Beech avetine. CIOL 2 ORE a Ll I ma > : Whether Cresson is made the end of day. Will 1. Thompson of the firm of | the division or not a8 new ronadhbonme The “Real Widow Brown at Hastings | Wolf. & Thompmoo, was in Philadel. |, tytn em mer = ; i i 14d tal there eR sUNITDeTr, KA s House Monday night, September Phia this week purchasing a new BL ., poesint one ie ton soiall, says the Drea y night, Sep of goods for their store ihe prem: a ton SEAN, ways Um i roasts Record, ; The City Restaurant keeps the finest. J. C. Tritt, representing the Cleve- Now Altoona is practically the end of : * and freshest line of green groceries in| land Labatory of Cleveland, Ohio, was the C. & Division and coal train ” A A d Patton. looking sfler business interests in Pat- crews run throogh to that plsce. Mf i a 2 ; | ) Fo os Sales flue brick at $6 per iam the fmt of week. Creston i» msde the terminus all trains r ric ; . r as rior in Inquire at Fisher's wall Mr Lanbloom has had 8 well drilled would be given over to the care of the > 3 ge FET i Se Ps Shotand. re Lon his property on Beech avenuse to the ¥ Htabury Division and the men wonid | oe y i i i “ By “ { 4 § Ties FE een 4 depth of 65 feet when s supply of be al home. Trainmen lose mopch time mien, Gown i J ; has Rhod ; 7 : % ud § + § y ¥ a #4 gm “ey a ool osetia R Sends good water was obtained between Cresson and Altoona on ac le Ladies or Gent 3 0 je Riner al Sb comitst of the crowded condition of the We coll a aid Sehowy Lawrence Tuesday. | Mrs 8 E Spotta, of Glen Campbell, ogi tine, and it fs sald the change oe Sadi x hoo Sh : : 8 Bol returned om md after a couple would not only be an sd eantage Ce Mrs. Pelton, of niface, was L's visit with 0 : i a Hage lo 1 : ' week's visit with her sister, Mme DH. gen. but also one th the company in | jng in Patton and calling on ow ! ave shopping E C. Warren, of Magee avenue, that It woald save moeh time Miss Lizzie Dowler returned to her A First.i lass Atfimetion, , Ogtober 2d and 3d are the dates fOr pome at Bornside Saturday after a Puget * nrodooed in the Hastingh 3 festival to be held for the benefit of pleasant visit with her sister. Mrs E F 2 my AL ; on Cornet a BT, MM 5 Opers Hons Moras night, was pro- P atton Cornet band. ©. Hartshorn, and brother, Dr. WL nana 8 bret-clas in every particniar, Programme advertising is an excel Dowler. 411 wha attended with the exception 2, CALC TALE antalioons dn shannon . ; ® 4 A . 3 i 4 pg i I LC ” PLE ge oy ew ge ormilio TE REP : or Jon thing for the man who gets out Fanny Barckley. of Clearfield, for. of a few hoodinms, who never before LIVETS i115 at arkine Kk had CHANITLE, Pasdiddab Rai 1% accessory to 2% * : % = aE 3 3 4 gi XY . bt + Ta ! Ww $x PR Bs py a ih he - a La hd Li BREE neat i SCH. the programme. Ex. merly of Patton, stopped a couple itnessend a jdsy of high chamcter and The Tyrone Shoe Co's. Works | he breakfast try ra ow wn Mr. Wm Lowe i visiting her days in town on her way to Puna. who rmosde themselivs abinoxioos too... Qh ALISO CATTY 3 INC . daoghter, Mm. Jack Haywood, in tawney where she expects to remain those who Ruow how Wi appreciate a § Ponxsutawney this week. for some time. good entertalument | speak in the high. | est termes of the manner in whawh it ~The cheapest place for wall paper, James Nolen, Esq, received thesad ral. a. line Nlohe Shirt and many o“ : “we - ; picture frames and plastico at Fisher's intelligence Thursday of the death of was espoutad i Lansiiivioy oth distiner lines of 3 64 Pur The Golden Rod Fruit Farm 3 ‘the on rear-old sot of : a ¥ : f v Ay 1 JW i Tp oy Mr ; % tars neat railroad station. i: 1 of bis Wife's ore ine and Manager Kibler deserves 10 Refaticr QOUSES Celery has no equal—3 bunches for oe. = & bh > 8 . I Bditor Watt, of the Clearfield Moni. | Ee a tration, which fect eredit in opening that popular play Lise _ tor, spent Wednesday night in Patton | I 8 ‘house with a coampsny of sceon of SHE Mb, a ALLET 15 ; while en route to Ebensburg. 1. 8 Bell, manager of the Keystone so high =t anding in ‘the theatrical 1018] WWE Ci 0 ATA Imps red Siwrss Cheese. Edom Elsewhere in the COURIER this work | i0tbIng Co. and who is an ardent wor! id ; ; * un Faull Cream. a ‘believer in the use of printer's ink Lizzie Rimer Desd. - will Natio found Jue Stal ement of the udiciodaly distributed, has a new ad That ceaseless reaper, death, has DE a loom wes. wlipey vos te mE wre ous CIOMHING: ShOSS, and solo Elgin Creamery. week from Philadelphia and Atlantic | taken sway their beloved daoghter, Furnishings City where he spent the past ten = P. Barvdsilar, he Popaia | Miss Linge, aged 22 years, after only a y Lo. - ae ; ; veling salesman, representing " short illness of typhoid fever. Be And we think we Know our Also tresh country Hutier auc KS a. wars You should form the acquaintance of : oy in, Green & Co., wholesale dealers in si nnce a a : — arie the “Real Widow Brown'' at the Hast- DE of Philadelphia, win oa! in | sicdim Ber © parents she is survives by a ~~ MN & Gon opary at the west ; Ee oh 0) : : three & sters, Mary, Bosie and A rv {rowxds. (yroceries Yerele, ings Opera House next Monday night. ,, his many customers in Patton and |, 5 % Mar): Bo e a8 Agsen, Dry "Ha LrTocenes, Crock T Davie, AY four ler, RIV, oy ee re oa Wu st If you are hungry drop in tothe Vicinity this week. Miahaal Oeorpe and Max, Miss Lizsie : (y Hardwood, etc, etc, as : Ae nEel, Leerge Anes 308, Be 4 dt} Xi gun ' : ti are others houses tor City Restaurant Where You — While little Ella Forsyth, of Wind. Was a member of the Parmer's Alliance > tal Se he _ everything you wish in the eatible line ber, who is visitiag at the home of Mr, and bers was the first death sine ila © James Dunn, a prominent business and Mrs Robert Monteith, was playing Organization, abant Bee vears ago man of Glengiade, this county, was a about the lumber yards of Rbody's After a mass of requim at St Lawrence (11 welcome visitor to Patton Wednesday. mill a few days age, she sustained a ber remains were interred in the ceme- tf von will joak Ber we : ; ey on oo "A meeting of the school hoard was slight fracture of Mer left ankle, tery at that piace. Eat amp ean make vem ra russes. Ingrain, Rag, and the SEA GRANS, Vsome- i a wg ; = ES LE 2d om INA % 5 A 5 " wa pL . . a i . 4 AO g i 3 y ~ Matinee : x Sh any aw, pti ruera Tr MIGNON 21 ti “atl geagtriag gant _ beld Tuesday evening when consider. [pyitations bave buen issued an ean iste rave pe at 3 TT Pas : & Gils ang “able 3 ARE 3 e ¥ 1 . de v3 ¥ SEN PE. px 4 rd “able business of importance was trans- pouncing that a select hall will be held io awe store in the Salomon b qoted. : in the Goldstein hall by the Young apposite the Palmer Bo i » TEE POs ite The new iron bridge near the rail i Men's Social Clab of Patton, Thursdiny / hat have ssoipresd the mers Lac ated GIrecly I road station is being treated to a coat night, September ih. Maitland's or Min “Ales A Asheroft. whe l Bani of paint by D. H.C. Warren and his {orchestra will furnish the music hax lant setmrned frofn the eastern crew of men. i James Tyler Saunders, the hasth & Ee s he wo ah hasid the fall und The Keystone Readers, you cannot afford to miss shoe salesman of Baltimore, Md, Anter Blix k after lhe lnm reading the big advertisement of Pat- Sanday in Patton. Mr Saanders fs un Ding di parts nt. dew SRBORICERIR YT a ton Supply Co., on editorial page of beautif. tenor singer and az usual be ad elsewhore in this paper (lothin and © COURIER this week. They are offering | was called upon by his many friends in : CASTO xn 2 > some elegant bargains in shoes and can | | Patton to assist in driving away the go § ssve you money. They are head: “hinges,” which be can do to a “queen's i 7 f quarters for dry goods too. | taste.” a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers