The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 23, 1899, Image 2
SEE OUR NEW SHOES The famous Drew and Selby Line shoes that was ever hroaght For Ladies, for the price. It is the hest Hine of Suoh & line of shoes was never shown in Patton before have the exclosive sale and we have put the direct from the factory, down so low that i can wear Fine Dress Shoes They are the finest in the land to this town, We boupht this line price 3 at low prices, ON 4 LL NA Sn Our Other Lines 3 on Shek § vanced idea of a perfect peat, attractive, comfortable and, fast hut not beast, Batter than Gold is onr $2 Show l.adies’ A large line in Box Calf, Catfekin and Oil Grain. Prices 8c to $2.25. found for the money, When vou want to buy a Bill of Goods let us hgure wit We will nthe it pleasant and to Give us and do not +d the gnality of the leathereonnta. Heavy Shoes. a chance to serve you once. We do not belong to that class that think they know it ail, but allow any of our clerks to misrepresent anything. ( Ladies’ Fine Divas Rhoes comprise well-known pes dow Horomin Shoe. The famons Jolin Marlow Shoes and many other aptodate lines to select from. We the popular toa and shapes, in the wide, narrow and common sense toes Thin soles have nil and hesvy soles, and in all sizes and} widths, Prices from 8c to $4.00 per pair. See Our £2 00 Shoe for Ladies It is the best ¥ Shoe ever made Compare it with any $2.50 or $3.00 Shoe, It will bedr inwpes- tion. The leading §2 Shoe can be found only with os They all have the ad; They are TT EN rnbie. Tre heat that can be Children’s We ys i rE How shail we keep the great Where shall we atapd Thos Pe fp ¥ Ke FIit) ‘ar Shes have oertainy Minow patie. the tromandons wear? Bip Ea T Key Fre t Fog One pair ives The ¥ vi in Dna We have the "’ 2 ean IY Kiidrean {RE Surya BEPC Spratt er ara tay 1 Ay GE PRE GUE Sh LEP Ra gry Ed y whew ¥Pem Shoes fit ard frees pearer tasn toate aby ied mvt Bi of twa Bex ¥ 511 8 Boys’ Sch Waa famons 1 ca NT ids id Save the pecorid. Bhoww ow Omiy the heat matey ahirmes, RiP ool Shoes. TEM RHORR the b seams sat Usa Saytepgi es Jen Ta 31%. roe 3 Ce » » Men's Fine Are stylish, durable anc Wa ha in anything you want Rlack & heap Tap or Dress Shoes vo Pha dinate Gr wilata line Men's Heavy Work Shoes. You can bay these Rheem in our store with your eves shot, quality is always there. In this line w margin. work Shoes at 125 to $4.00 4 pair, We have a big line to select from bowie The the very heel ona Pow grove Borsest # wl Wa wil Rit 30 nothing bul af We carry an extra large line sway down prices. Bear in mind, we do not leather Shosn, We alm to bay the very x3 Et i We are well eq nipped for hus Shy h we do belong amon for ail and we bave marked them at handle any paper or imitation het and sell them on close margins SR Voll On it and Wo ” 5 ys g taose who dil Li 1ness will vour nerest { fnane (x D7 i Na ane WILL whore vo OR CAN REPLI YOU SHOER cheaper than we do, nn matier Why? Bieanse we carry io Big Line of Genersd Merchandise Shoes cheaper than any one else. It will pay you to Rhows fv Tat ns flgure on your Shoes Bill and we will your mail orders and MI RO fandd we sar 3rd ts sell wise 1 hoy sel that een 9 Seri HY Raney sare promot Dry Goods and Motions. grfosis are within the reach of ail Car New new Omting Flannel has arrived. in all Godads Department is too well knows to nething but the beet and when they He {ny then fosr Groceries. Always fresh and pore at the lowest market prices Sngar always at the right price. Arbuckie coffees lle per pound. Try oor loose coffees at 15¢ per Ib Ones tried always vsed. Something New. It's a map, only 5c per package. (Gakes and Crackers. A new arrival direct from the steam hikery at Philadelphia. We thave a ‘srpe assortment. Come and see them, convince vou that we arc m tinue with us. oir business and have the newest and bes: goods, J. + iTiendas. ONCY SAVCTS. E41 hE e¢ conhdence of our atton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING Co Fropristars. EB Win Caimeeng, Bitar: ‘says the South Fork Record manner in which sone company expects to pat a compressed peat fuel on the market shortly, which is in some respects supirior to coal and ‘which has almost asx much heating power. The company claims that the supply of raw material is practically inexhaastable and that the foel can be prodaced for 60 cents a ton. The present retail price of American coal n Canada is about $8 a ton. THE Democrats are trying bard to. make the voters believe that the party has no ring, no bosses, but that every member of the party in his own boss, The of the sub stantial Democrats were turned down ys if and take plain cod - liver Ee but you can’t take it. Only the strong, healthy person can. it, and they can’t take it It is 80 rich it upsets the OVER 20,000 pho phe of Dewey are now ready for , and more are being tarned out as fast as they can be Kansas populists are playing in the hardest kind of lnck. There was no nly _drouth this year, and the grasshoppers | did not appear. CoxaresaMan Josprpu E THROPE, of the Twentieth District, is ope of the guests of honor of the people of Chicago invited to he present and assist the President in the ceremonies of laying the corner stone of the United States government building in that city October 9th, 1599. IF A report just made to the depart. ment of State, at Washington, by the U. 8. Consul at Keeatfard, ‘anads, is not based npon exagperated information, it is only a question of time when the market for coal from the U, 8. will be very poor in Canada, #. ‘at the late Demdoratic shows conclasively that the Demacratic the offenders, authorities are without jurisdiction. | Were aft American cititen to be lynched local officials, and PO 4 . Boars the when it now bas practieally a monop- | g oly; The report says that a Canadian comvention ring is going to run things to suit ita roembers. $ ACCORDING to the usage of inter national law, each country i» required to afford equal protection to foreigners ax to its own citizen Bat it has usually been the case that when for eigners have been lynched by mobs, the state authorities have done practi cally nothing to discover and punish while the Federal in foreign country, it would scarcely satisfy us if that government were to reply to a request for ponish- ‘ment of the offender, that it was a, a matter wholly within the proviace of that if they ne glected to act the government conld do nothing to carry out its obligations Yet that in precisely the position oc- cupied by the Ulnited States in the cases of these Ivnchings of forsignems, and it may cause serious trouble at any time should the social rank of the vie- tim be snch that a money compensation would not be regarded as taking the place of punishment of the offenders. Army Newded Ten Yenrs Kan Faanciscn, Cal, Sept. 21. Major 8 R Jones, 1. 8 A. who has been quartermaster at Munila ever since the capture of that city by the Ameri. cans, has arrived here” He w st Washington. When Majur J {eft Manila a farveard movement in the rain and mud was being made against the insurgents. He is opinion that 50,000 men will have to be kept on the island of Lugon for ten years in order to keep the peace, but that the actual fighting will not last six weeks when that number of Americans have been Fanded ar Manila. / CASTORNT The Lond You Ham 431 * PET Hie. of the of i markets amivent COAL ANE 5 NEAR. This Woald be a Good Time to Lay in the Winter Supply. Fromm Alora Oaxetie 3 Local people who have not laid in their supply of winter bituminous coal had better do so immedistely. The predicted general rise in prices pub- lished some time ago in the Gazelle appears to be a matter of the near fature. A number of local operators this morning stated that they belleved a rise in the price of soft coal in the loead All the miner in the Cambria and Clearfield region have big sohtracta ahead and the collieries are working fll time. When the fall trade for hm fael opens strongly, the demand will be in sxoees of the supply A consequent ramen mney abile Iowal shipments Al heey Limited revently only by tt y of rars. The Lioyd mines in Cambriz and Blair have wen running short of cars daily for a month, Coal shipments, however, ars breaking price east through toma have pe supply in all records this summer. trains pass east through this cit AS kin Saw yf oReRaEY Ried arid Rates 1: Philacielphia From 20 to 30 © Wo On acount of the Naticnal Export Exposition, the New York Central is selling excursion tickets to Philadel. phia and return at fare and a third for the round trip, with Afty cents added * for coupon of admission to the expo sition. These tickets will be on sale and good going ans] November 30th, incinsive, and good for retiirn passage until December 4th, 1398 All New York Central trains make close con. nections at Williamsport. in anion station with’ Philadelphia & Reading railway, landing passenger al Readivg Terminal in the heart of the city of Philadelphia. For tickets and space in parior or sleeping cars apply to nearest ticket agent or address W. H. Nor throp, General Agent, Williamsport, Pa. Firpstamanrans Wo Tee Agnt y Juilan sand ant day Martin hieago a ago that there was oo doubt Fite. the oF SO Simon aa irs ring weer AEALD RULRIQTH fie ¥ 5s £0 17% on Le SONY ial $i That shisare Fits the ares HLT Fig} a flat Ent winner o taoen Ni alia the 33d bese A Wiese il TEUNGHS g Oetisber od Fett Fired They ed > & rR are atid Sharkey of Brady tie thowe of 1 paper ANG Grud Jet 2S Tectia tetober i lu he & two months of the We announce to the Ladies of Patton and Vicinity That we now have our frst show ing of New Tailor-Made Suits for the autumn of 18398 They are excexdingly stylish and ciressy and are in black and all popalar s hile, Tela Reve have overskirta, some have the skirts Dealdedd, while others are feotiv plain The jackets are tight fering or fy front, are «ilk lined and thoroughly ap-to-date, coming from the moet ote of costume makers and are non hi priced for style and uality gh range al $10, §15, $17.50, fog and 0s aach. We wonid itke to have.yon vist us sand take a look al theme handsome sits while at their best. No finer showing can be foand outside of the rent cilien : We know vou then. LW kak GAME ITR for BAST avnrs will be pleased with owe RE If IA Thom in iH Square From Station. v Altoona, Penna. pson. Chromic DHarthases Cored Thin thut | fave had chronic diarrhoea ever since the war 1 got so weak I conid hardly walk or do anything. One botlle of Chamber tains coll, cholera diarrhoen remunly cured me sound and weil. JR Grans, Fincaste, Va. chronte diarrhoea for Theres hotties of Cham cholera and diarrhoea mol owrl ify and hast twelve years harlain’s colic, remedy cured me, RL Suaver, Fiooastie, wi Mr Shaver are Both Mr, Gibbs and prembiley near They proenred the promivent farmers wt Mr. WE Casper, Fincastle, Va remuxdy from A druggist af that place, who quain ted with ther and » the ent i uf thelr statements Honig Patton i Ave Ya WEL BA For Nii vonen Foe sae hay {7 EH Aharina 5 AIT i } instantly refieved ais Balin It also hesin the pila: ui [L350 SA kad ARTES $id & guiekiy than herlain's injured parts mors other treatment, and any Byrn 5 RETA ary Fag sae Dy 4 Pharmay. Rent on Lhe marked Cid AYR erie ail for CORI : RW eyiiat Ring, Haws This! We offer One Handed Dollars Re ward for any conse of © CRN not he cared by Halls Catarrh Cam F J CHENEY & CO. Prom Tooled, O Wao the anders J. Cheney for the iast lieve him perfectly honorable in all biasiness” trammctions and financially carry ont any olligations muds by their frm Wiser & Truax de pista, Toledo, Uy it xrrh th Lat 1 lase known F 15 years, and be. jo IAL vour hicvele will 1ickly & cheaply our store te at abi $8: bE i mended at Whalesaie Drug. r tire creep!’ : bad We can fasten hrst-class hard ; use a KiNNas & Maanviy, Poked, iE taken #3 ASE? ¥ Fac ¥ og aR Ras Lame ner Bhi wi Ys Catarrh £183 PILE pigeons dusters af "rhe pwr bottle El TELM Flak oe¥ Ex x LDPC Y +1 E > : tie atest the sotd gystan. . ri esSs or E $s. We sell raw CE0LC Lis NOOK eS, Te Boys ml Prive uy all rrogurists. Testimornais free Hall's Faguly Pills are the heat, Diascdition Vitiee Ew ban i 4 saan Pry 4 all 3 wi Maotioe 8 Dare dy ven msl the part : la Pres gain “ry ives made with fn LACE. The Patton Jeweler. vw Woailis ith Waive on Se partial SOME do AMONRELLY 20, 1868, Evans Ma day tail fay 5 Aug RG4S