The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 23, 1899, Image 1
Keep on Coming to Patton, because they know it is a place to grow up 1; their parents come to store to buy all the little ne- cessities to make baby com- fortable — toilet = powder, rushes, puffs, nipples, nurs. in “bottles, toys; dolls, rattles, , et, because ley know h: ve just what they want. is stock of infants foods include all the leading kinds. + IN THE ‘encing Cheap! for! istance poultry wire all SIZES. | Plain Galvanized Wire at, $1 75 per hundred which you now can not be boug ht for less than $2.20 f. 0. b. Pitts, sets ata Also jor 4 toilet 3 eo Ee line of rockers on the market-Golder oak, art mahogony finish. “hildren express wagons ir and $1.60. Glass j jars at the lowest fig- remnants of carpet, rice. the largest line in town. | Very Respectfully, cc GRENINGER, Mgr. our | i ¢ shades, all prices, {and says he feels much invigorated and | PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PUBLIC SCHOOL PARAGRAPHS “They are Never Alone Wie are Accom: 1 panied With Noble Thoughts.” School opened September 5th with | 891 pupils enrolled. The nomber has increased to 474 We hope these young people shall be 50 led along the . paths of wisdom that they may acquire | & never ceasing desire to drink deeper | from ber all sufficient fountain. During the first two weeks of school 114 excuses for tardiness ard ‘ahsence were received by the teachers. By =a ittle care on the part of the parents ‘and pupils, our work need not he interrupted so often. A large measure of the spirit of interest is with us in our work, Many . pupils study hard not only in school ‘but take books home with them. ‘ us remember that without work noth ing is achieved, This world owes no man a living until be earns it Directors MePhersor, Sandford inspected our work this week, (A glad ‘hand always awaita you. Par ete too, will be cordially welcomed at any time. How. nice it would be to huve a piano ‘in the assembly room ! bend the batk of the user. It stunis the growth and dalls the mind. Par centa, do you permit yodr boys to ‘amoke ? If you do, do you expect the : best results from them The new teachers have bene ace climated and say they like Patton “They shall be glad 10 shake hands ‘with their patrons at sny time or place. We recomend a motoal so quaintance. When parents Jearn how | the teachers are interested in the wel. i fare of their children, greater is sure 10 be manifested in school work. We carnestly pray for a most atic 4, 1897. cessful year in school “He that does good for goods sake, socks neither praise nor reward, j though sure of both at last.” B. I Myens, Principal. Morting of Bonrd of Treads, A very large and enthoslastic meet [ing of the Patton Board of Trade was “held in the Goldstein Tuesday night. The meeting was called for the | purpose of taking up and considering ! the probable location and removal of ‘ the large mine car works, foundry and . machine shop, operated by 8. B. Stine | at Osceola Mi Patten, Two communications received by J. E Par. nell in reference to the matter, were raid plik, ¥ Buy BE | read before the meeting and after be- ing favorably discossd by several 'enthasiastic members, the President waa empowdred Lo appoint a commities of three members of the organization to take a trip to Osceoty Mills for the purpose of approximating the probable : | cost of the removal wf the plant | Patton and obtaining stick other infor. | mation nevERaary the An in 3 falter. Lwas stated in the UOVRIER in & recent issue, the Chest Creek Land and Im. ement company has already i § i 3 gratuitously offered a site upon which to place the plant, and from what can very convenient from a shipping stand. : be learned at present writing the only ‘barrier in the way is that of making ‘to the removal of buildings, eto. industry already bas an established business and in view of the fact that it will employ no less thas 50 or 75 skilled men, is sufficient evidence to justify i our Board of Trade In making every | effort possible to secure the same for our town and to gain that end, not the slightest che: ny sl senid Ye mide in to matter. AE A. E Patton, of Carwensyi | Wednesday night in Patton. Mr Pat ton, accompanied by his estimalde ‘wife, returned to their home Monday from an extended trip lo Europe, and ‘upon his grrival in Patton Wednesday night, he was greeted ist the train by ‘his many fHends, wha were glad to welcome him safely back to his native oountry, which he says is by far “away ‘ahead of all Europe.’ | presents the perfect pictore of health Patten Relates He, spent ready to take up his vast labors with {apparently a ‘new leas on Life.’ It is very interesting to listen to him re | | late some of the queer experiences he ‘met with while on the ither side of the ! old ocean. Verdict tar Defy ndant. In the case of Cralam vs. W. i J. Donnelly, et al, | the plaintiff claimed pay for one hun- i 1 { 1 over the country securing options on jonni lands for the defendants. The Jury returned a verdict for the defend- A 7 junta in this state. tober 1 * Tet Murray and grouse, ‘oock or fiftesn quail must be killed by ODE PeErsGl Jn The other day we saw a small boy t with a large pipe in his mouth.’ To bacco is a heavy load and will in time the to ; e probability a large mill He certainly which came up for | trial at Ebetisburg last week, wherein | dred and sixty-six dayy spent in riding PA. EC GAME LAWS. Wit Game 0 in Yiar Hat For the benefit of sportsmen and others interested, we publish the tite in which game may be legaliy killed Whin Yan May Taste close at hand and this digest shouid be. cat out and carefully consulted Quail and partridge, October 15 to December 16. Pheasant, ruff grouse and prairis chicken, October 15 to December 15 Wild turkey, October 15 Pruvem. ber 15 3 deni month of July and Oo- z 14 to December 15. Bail od rend bird, te November 35. Plover, daly 3 Choise and do Eik and deer, ber 30 Bgairred, Sai placryi tn yr to Jangary 1. ik, September | to May | Nov ember | to Novem. Critobwer 15 to December 15 Hare and rabbis, November | to De pwmber 16 No more than ten two pheasants or aff wild tarkeys, ten wood. one day, and no han two deer in one TORY Market punting, buying, sling and the shipment of game Hirde and mam The of Bubre main are parohibited kiting # birds other (han game birds i profab Hed, Runday gunnisg is prohibited Decoys muy be need Or geese Ghily. All garnie must be shot rg The penalty for bunting deer with dogs ar in the waters of any stream or pond is $100 for each offense and im prisonnient of ane day for each dollar withi & gun of penaity imposed. interest : prohibited The nse of ferrets in hanting game in English and Mongolian pheasants are protected for five yeark from June 4 Killing wounding or taking game birds or animals with trap, snare, bird Hime, poison or drags is tibited, Engine sparrow. kmgfah, hawk, torned owl, biured owl, green heron and night heron are not protected, Fifteen expiration game tis always unlawful to ‘ake or pt lo lake any game exoeple ly use of guns held at arms’ lenge $0 To have trapped game in possession, fine $20 HE Free wad aher We wm Bile Have UL of season to dinpose of ai Fadi {wlorier Timber Trae: sobd, James Fling, manager of the Moun. City Lamber Company, toomg, has fhat a deal for the purchase of the Delagier timber tracy Lok, sated abont west of P ator. in Lhe lannigan Ran colliery. The tract enntaine 160,000 feet, and it i said that the consideration for the same was in the peighiorhond of R280. A mill fain domed ef ‘mend wit one mie wih FE RAS 8 SATURDAY. SEPTE BER 23, Or and The hinting season is RUFUS C. HADERMAN, (AF Bedford, Ya, Ax a8 Beanit of the Cam paign oF the Fail of 1808 Bedford Pa, the Haderman-Thropp libel suit, which has been on trial in this court week, after atk on ix vopdiet t last SRLUrGey Ly his morning in favor of the defendant, Joseph KE Thropp. in hanting deck | HEY Haderman's sate of Air will soon be placed on the tract and the timber manufactured into umber. In all probability the location of the mill will be at a point near the Flaaai- gan Run reservoir, which piace will be of the pain & iL is at the terminous satisfactory arrangements in regards Flannigan Rao branch of the P. R R This "Ander Lambwr Deal It is reported that the timber tracts af both Jacob Thomas and Mr. Boek, comprising over 4,000,000 feet, located near Eckenrode Mill, has been sold to Osborn & Shaffer, large lumber man. ufscturers of DuBois, Pa, who are now operating a iil at Cherrytree will be placed slong the OC. & C. branch of the PR. R. near Fckenrode Mill for the purpose of manafactaring same. Easley Rivetiod JTadgsment, Io the case of Henry J Easley, of Hastings, ve Andrew Eekeuncode, as signee of (CA. Buck, a former farni- ture merchant of Hastings, which came up for trial ot the courts of th at Ebensburg last week, resulled na verdict of $0.08 for the piaianf, who bad claimed $2838 for clerking in Mr Buck's store. Ciongressmas Throapg Ls Speak ia Ohio Joseph E. Thropp, member of Con. gree from the Twentieth Pennayl vania District, has been invited s CORBY Filowing day he wont to Philipsburg wand In ail Cuffer rew make a number of speeches in the Thropp is a speaker, Ohi campaign. Mr foreibie and convincing Philadelphia Press. Reys Found, A bunch of keys has been found and jeft at this office. Owner can have sacs by calli notice. ng and paying for this’ It pays to bay underwear at the Bon Ton. Celery Tharsday, Friday and Satur. [day at Cash Grocery. 3 Fine Wssertions IEOOTIA Haderman, the plantiff in hargad ror! fon O° this ani? po damages The suit resuited from acensations which were published inci dental to the Congressional canipaigns af 1888 Mr Hadermarn, who has just oon shatter] Ewe farms an Prothonotary and Clerk of Courts, had annoonoed hime! IgTeRsINAN saeipdate Gar Con nap wary siections OINGREMSE AN Lose EREL yw TILER BL fax offios appointments bad ised 17 dimricia coud be ATH WRT Ce rs wd pri Pe riRin red for Mr Haderman In a eivenltr ised | affidavit tending to confirm ryitig the sale of post. and mentioning connection wi wy Ar Thropyp tert Wis XD ee ETE mastershipn, ine the transaction The aMdav inthe cirenlar was the principal basis fur the libel sail. Fx-District Attorgey Georg (ienham, of Philadeiphia, John Reynolds and Frank bo sev ted the defernlant speared fur the plantiff. The was on trial sinoe Toesday. M. Har: in the Wines Juba Brupess, & young man who ‘an employe of Pardee colliery, with a painful but pot serious accident | at that mine ast Friday by accidently falling off of 3 moving train of mide cars in which his right baad was badly crushed by being caught under the wheels, besides mesiving severs injury w body and Hmbe He was quickly removed Wo the office of Dr. Murray whe dressed bis injuries when on the to BE He the hospital for fenrml that he where entered treatrdent. If was ose his Band bag we are plemsed to state such will be the ise, not So piv eg bony W editing George W. Mithet and Mis Mary Boele, two well Knows and muh re. apected yi united in marriage Ar 3 the bride Tuesday, September 19 The ceremony was performed by Rev. M. OC. Alex. pastor of the Firat Baptist of Patton, after which the couple and several invited fatie io HAT ander, ehiimeh Bappy less Ware : norms soresd with good Mr and wishes of a weg edd & WED Wh Ware Mrs Ma Bomt Gf Tot have the Des friends. Ti the Cleaitad Fal The New York Central railroad will greed rates to Clearfield on aa gount t Connty Fair to be held there Beplamber 28 0 XN Liokets godd going on Sepraisies 28, IT, oar =, aml So retun ey iefiire p Rit ~ Mahathey wiz vit af the ory PE%h and return, §1 Man Typhaiil ¥ Mr ow Py sak "Ney wi Mrs Wo the Buk in reported NG / Jehu A. Evans, who an Fifth Yovans, son of rosidles baiiding BRIE, to be confined 10 his home by an attack of typhoid fever. We trast that be will soon Mecover If you want good stockings cheap 36-tf { vall at the Bon Ton. Rept. 18 The jury in. all of a i obRy by § 1 heing out since 0 HB #5 40 morsing, rendered ‘ongressman Joseph ‘BE Throgs with iibel snd claimed $20. - Baeriad avening, September 2th, wh of that order in Patton, Soret ‘by Rev. © the affect that heen Wer raining ha Mr. th who resides a short distance east | Patton, shipred 230 choice limba to Colvin repre- John H. Jordan | SR fed head peasions’’ sexes, Ling, Excursion DRAWN FROM THE MY ware Chim Men sod Trae Selentad for thd De rember Torm of Court, The following is a list of Grand and | Travers Jurors drawn from extreme North Combria to serve at the regular’ of Cambria County Uriminal firs! week in term Court, comméncing that Cirned Fards, Behe, Joseph, farmer, Clearfield. ny Peter, miner, Hastingm, Litwinger. James, iabarer, Clearfield. Thomas, John OC, laborer, Carroll Traverse Jurare, First Wink Boucher, [ A, merchant, Spanigier. Most complete and cheapest line of ‘andervresr will be found at the Bon : Ton, The Kind You Hams Ay Dot Cramer, William, yardmastsr, Patton. Hertzog. Philip, farmer, Carmi Spangler Lomadoe Jobin, farmer, Cleared Monteith, Wim foreman, Patton Myers, B F., farmer, East Roade Schroth, William C., Jostice of the Pease, {arrolltown Van Ormer, Joseph Reade, Willlaonse Thomas, mele thant, 8 pangler. Tenvnrse Jurors, Remand Wiek, Albright, Adam, carpenter, (heat. Comerford, Arthur, gentlemen, ratio. Farbaagh, Henry, farmer, Bary. Good, Samnel, farmer, Barr Leslie, David, farmer, Carroll Pronabow. FJ, clerk, Carrollbosn ) farmer, Want Lave EP ninlenonails Owerloaoiieail, {at of ¢ Live Baily eceve lose load] In last weelt's sue We 1 portance of reporting the Owid in the {dood thee ery. ¥ i Llsyws Bail Friday seh marked the fonrth anniversary of the d xia it wan armed waanteantuh Bedd 4 “Uonversstiona Sosiad, £ ow in the tainment, of gontietnsy Tree spoke enjoyment if ine avisr 135 ladies and articipated. in and sveey: LHe hig heii aller wien wineh hich a achive, was very mach appreciated, was delivered ee, WWamsar, of Saxion, Pa furnished by the Mandddin Club 4 rendered by Mrs SATE « aN ardad . VETY Appropriate Mud, and tw selection RIER w Justice of the Peace, | We with to announce to the public that we have opened a New Millin- ary tore in the Solomon Building. opposite the Palmer House on 5th avenne whore will be pleased to wait upon all who wish to examine our ine, Wea hate secvired the services of Miss Alice A Ashcroft wha recently returned from the Pastors (ilies where she purchased our Fall and Winter Stock. Miss Anh iraf sharps of our nming department Evans Sisters. will have Fo jest which was of enters Fihe Alien BE Kirke were wise enjoyed by An thug $4% By iarge assemblage slegant then served by ant” of edibles and refrisbhomoents the poptiar Fall apd Winter suterer, H. T. Peters, wien all Joparted for their homes say ing that it best. evening's snteriigniment Bator they badd ever spent ip Gro baew bern Patton A Cae Laowed of Lambs, Monday T. M. Sheehan, PEAY ior Hire was Lhe of that Suitings and Overcoat Patterns ; ” BE PY x on gs i i rat Was iD [. NOTT sia AT Messer Templeton & Smith, of Indiana sonny ton ins stock car which was Mr RBbheshan ix, without ambria He makes a speviaily and his wide axperience for him abundant suoiess past fow years during Invronse of Fraosien. They wer wil ped fren Tyr. : witli flled. a doubt, the most extensive sheep raiser and ship per of any furmer in ihn th: sonnty, | of the bosiness has achieved the | : We notice among the list under the of ‘“Yoacrease and renewal of published in th papers, that of John I. Lines, a veteran of the war of ibe rebeilion, siden in Patton, from $8 to $12 daily who re A RARE CHANCE { pve For Those Who Have Heretofore Been Pro- nounced Incurable, Dr. Elec # hy Rerb wy 1a Lad gl Pos pec tals TCs A. kes Smid . A 9” 5 * 5 Homep athic t, Byes i tf » S1ICCE 485 ii iy LAseases yp Wiis Wali: LO hea ~ 8b Be EE Ser adie Pal: % Rs gt 4% MEFR FN LS Mi Tia: # - RAdolizen & Fo rsberg, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Flour, Feed and Provisions. ALSO ESSEX SOAR Call and See us and learn cur prices. East side of Bridge, Patton, Pa. Ta treats no or ow Canaiogm for te coming Fall and Winter will de ready ie twill he a parnphiet con®ining nearly 104) pages filled to overfiow- th news of what this will offer its patrons daring the ¢ and Winter m With a complete cagalogue, such as be, at your ser- ng wit store ing’ Fall 3 > & alin this one wil ¢ to order on vice, you will be abl with much satistact as though you came tot store in person. Tf you have not received either of our Tormer catalogues, drops a postal and we will see that a copy of the mew ome reaches you GABLE & CO. 3 Preanseivina's Quickest Mail Order House, 1310.22.24 1404 11th AVENUE, ALTOONA, PA. as ie