THE PATTON COU ‘What the Bishop Thousht. wo Mueh H ; ; PARSNIF COMPLEXION. for ae ered So al a owe a gg ; spoT analy srnfuy 5: hig Feo Wate STIR : : oy : | Somned ines py fun ity is profane, and | a telling en] stories in ft does not res » am expertitnde | A Gi. Storm at | cont per then there are Solio ou of that wor Torn Lowen cas the other day, and | tect the sufferer fre sa Kidney troobie | pure spring ive and 1 you fo it that fo ot gongd © fane ot Honor inh [ prire SDIIFQE 30 get it. a oud Jen] wpm weheator and Pittsburg Ry. jive tenis Held, duily wi rrewttiias, k ani i aa x i peel F te vw Fomneiing «2 bor Ith av. dolinsonbure, Heads The Kind You Have Always Bought, 1 : : te eh ae g | Tans Hd Re A he a Alike. A in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature “of 1 Eis Et IE. pul cH £ only : irr hell PET Sh es poo pip : os 75 ov bet A at BE and has been made under his per- will and oe £38} Ee bons the eit Nor "a whet You SROBARR ee orton, mi 2 i SE anit sonal supervision since its infancy. GA Ji het wpe it Now, eb hesupinse CHEE Fulig 2on nine arifve, ®8 a , and SER and AGN Allow no one to deceive you in this, All Counterfeits, 1 Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex- he conchisan in hiv customary Jari Ear a fas trial Yen hike BOE cn ; : a : ¢ gages : periments that trifle with and endanger the health of ety} fro be bad sind the atmiom | o well that 3 Wess pity nether TORE DE i iw Luar to gravel atosFH Bl Agrad, n't Pamenger AgL, 7 Infants and hildren—Experience Against Experiment. bsrhood of . dan 8 y may = Bt Sahel, I ford 2 Fri themes BY 1Y (mfammation Sis : Ro x : Sel itis ne Pittsburg & Fasten Time rine with stra menta, ol Tal ie. Deh a skis al minis! id —_— DE ia 1uwn at DF thay run into Jig) cy Diseste, the 10 Tax EFFECT MONDAY, 19.1899 x is n anbatitate “for Castor oil, Pa £44 y Drops bd ea en : : Rr 4 4f ho Bish i . § hear: ta i : iy ¢ 2 La nid a 4 mines dlangerans AREY 1 si gidney tuviihie : Ww SABAY. Nout Lo and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It Sie : jai limenen JERE Bc themildiel Dr es Suamp. Hot, thi great eon So contains neither Opiam, Morphine nor other Narcotic } know ant Tian he sanlain. of the crow] interynplen Gun dincosmry of the eminent kidney and Union Su tis Mahaih : 2 substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms of ti the Malop “but yon know 1b Yo TIN the voise haw ix 13 binder spaelalist, is ins | Io ryre dignation and allays F Feverishness, It eures Diarrhoea and Wind arn ? B hi ail a spade 8 when the hired man gv co Ein asn DO far sth (diseased fra Fepniation in Me os tt Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation par . aii ; owns the Bil durtiend af Fo git is wo easy to get at Nie and Flatilency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the I yon uni] aw t took the Wind ail pub of HEFT Fay eter pat f Stomach # and Bawels, Sint healthy and natural sleep. bere . Ch ie i i ' ge of i a . : : #4 oh : HM mae x 03 i y of time for want of it : s Moth 's Friend. 3: Ww % : tens | > fa 2s Se ; However, if you prafier to Awd duel merits mental f A Modern Mrs. Malaprop. riofly desertion utes DOB STR Bult Vorran Cornier anil ante fo dapie. With 8 Pal as fohows Ba beg wa rotierd ita tise & Co, Binghamton, NY. FoM ¥i HY shiva oe tren ot pI RaE Aad ik sampie wtf ans A Ewe any about three ; Pastward ~ : ahasnt. both sent abmointely are Beis i mall preity arninhide a owed fey Pig Sefegacy t anthor for Der pers theps 1807 ate DEAR BP tied Ta the kn Hates to Phlladeln potisail Whe tog ane RYE, fhe py Phintenm aml pre onl DW The Neaionsl Export Exposition, ivitiar Bes 5 hia’ A y x Co Se i Aon ao aS ity ri hat be : saan 3h) BudieR dlr 2 ars wi apens at Philadelphia on Sep a st se ; ; ah pe : 14 and contingek until Novein. he di ERE will he the mest interssling a aed Peowts oC ed ; Pe 3 ¥ i 3 3 TEs tans Jd event oconring in Philadel. wrtannin exhibition in foe oate Ar inion a tod 3 A : with § +. division In addition ton its waloalile come oN £2 NW ruth x1 oy Fy £ soit sewpngsatit IGINY ¥ ¥ 3 Meipan & News cubism A Prd ¢ rwitekil xt Melis pRB PE. EN. W atures of popull nates and mila » slg of > 1 3 hE ant ™ a cxtans f Rapitae sister trains wilh rus amie ment, The United States Marine only b pgs b Ma a phi sines the d .h FIRE PSY then apsatn hand, the anal Roses, hand Damroach’s orchestes, ther edisheated bands will fu fraviah FEL tale th 2 00 ierters or AL suns Lim vine of Ble hope waa Yerba nthe d Faris oF PRs Sid Pieanges, GR COM : 3.4 ie Main Line. every day 5 : . J a iy bin 3 > had 4 ax. Fo fu setae " 3 } resis oo Fant waned v3 HE woe dhs vw spn bird and Cl Yen 1X well eNcursen | We own and accupy the tallest mercantile huilfivg ia the Wor: 14, We have Jf : SE COTY pee BE fahwroy Ww AE Eom in BEAR ae SEAL Shih pe ‘x = 53 iki cre F000 000 enone Sixtienn hundred aris are constastly 1.88 gs ao L45 Nee by wire DART boven 8 xi sy weer RE vv. awer alia AA elErn a fate ob a hae ard a engaged Ailing on rt rad} Taw Goldens : fe 5) La ; o phigh price of ou GENER AL CAT ALOGH 18 fa the baa ad the people —it guntes Wholesale Prices to Everybody, has svar § aon pages, poe Lllustraticns, sod 0 mio dea riphicus of articles with piraies, IY casts TF Lents ta print snd mad each copy. Weisant you to Rive 608 REND FIFTEEN ¢ CENTS to Blyw your good faith, sind we il send you a soapy FREE, with wit phmrgen prepa 3 W ARD % 0" Avs, hu and Hakiyun $ret Pass AL * New York Central & Hudson : tn aanenal ulbmon wat premouted hat. puis shanti err dn LL ae wisn Cnn ne River Railroad, NORI DELY VIIA J r 3 ink die pny i he ok : pele Bueiit Bugsy pe cops Ey sr Ep peh # Tih 13 Syn wich ok ems Cou his hey nee ; : eg Pro iaay Tea trie Fv babi DIFFERENT. because # prin | "00" Ge rdw fr Ulirk 8 SE borme of a Av ul Bounwomsn was AUER leet BEE arta Conderfhed Tine Table. a from Baw. wya 2 ali thm mee i pris ot Y : % wih 4d 3 os ; . y na adr bts (Fo Lod jo pete sg Bawa hag Jie AEN ts wlio op wanes Thiel A F¥ig { hi Sond BAWH is true. Duk Pils, Gait adi eA, HR a SE bob Ear BN ; Pr rf pl Sret RT Te BEER mires Wks BERTH PEE Beer se egy Madb ¥o3E fel Fay Mail rE EN : ee Se . sma i ark pad head Badr maid to Bb Beary 1h pall fo tis GERORHDE Th a 51 Bais No # Now DIFFERENT, berause ity bright The chai pesd pia $1 Are ll [rapes REBEL dias Waita we shh : i o dri” Bi iw beets we Rmow that alety per edinl i Am pm Fnd brisk. up-in-dats and vigorius Bt . SEL pe Fgh sven of Hy ci woh oud hs elder Wierm oan wed 2 aril, dT . nT Ls adh Gas : Patria ve 60 IN ak a, i Pas, DUE iebere frites ana Poiaoa BLE antes i BNE A Li INA Leatihath . ; Yar the will hediune pea i art Beri, 45 A tie a not yellow, jose } up rrr i and thie the Sewhbuth da J ; ; Weston Sw aH £4 Manisitey REO PH ear FRirGl is DIFFEREN XY. bmicatine HH ; er : EA ny : Y ed Rata 4%: BATES Teta wid h A BT Tg LE : Fagin. ugh : : Th ie x HestRuwn 8 10 tell the truth, iW it's Littie Barty Risers, || Mr Cure mw kis spprtsei¥. 5% gigely uftorwand bee jus bint canpanind fi the coh, Ae dollars, o WTUE TH HAF si ME covert or personal | interests to promupe. This famous 1ithe pills, after tarning Hyer the leaves Jor a My : po is Labi y TI TE EI Nee Ge : 5a 24 =% Tania it serves Bo pa tirical ambition, nig creed, is iy is vis fie ti YBN © i % #1 $ $4 : i SLAY W #4 Hise CAF Egat ETE wl r ¢ AH Sarg Tia wy Api - AX iEirtis no olass prejudice. no mers parisan J . purpeae. The Del ¢ Delineator ] RENT, because it advocates 5 equal taxation and bitten aguing the tL Fax i TH : ie sae Roel, : sot mec UE RRE Yona Wes Aims gE Maariv Tine system. which favors the rich 48 THE bad the o Liar w 18 el op ami Mull a te th oy Deklaw etd hie Fie a Miran g ‘ ; ha . frimin al ni an ’ ny Ha : : AL 3 hitting corporation a the expense © he % «aly ol : A ond eats Pra are MANY Young paves a Lo farmer. the merchant, the manulactorer ? Le : - et WEE a i B hii : Li pet mn on padre Took bik axed yo sie boy be COIR EY Cobh HY bes & Buin 3 and the wage-sarner yy Oman s Favorite mos Sins Sov tonm fe coms froma Lasse REE ancient CCT teese BS tn Ki thie w wil ; 131 tra grag erie AIRE i § § H2 3 iis Tray ev} oi : Sh ea x = : “ver # A stunds 8a x : ge Republican: principles, and makes Tiagazine, war upon all who, under ihe stolen name of Republicanism. are disizyal 10. those principles. . DIFFERENT, because it believes wip tame pt bern voais wihl 5 is 0} Ww 5 op rosant F aE a SE Wy Nar Maa Tarhood and oot money should rule. Therefore It upholds fhe rights of alk as against thé aggressive power gl the priviieged few, DIFFERENT, because no bass, na corporation, can corirol one line ol is : SE Sh sam 5 vy : ena Er a «id i 3h i ki pane. ‘ EX = wh oH pd yh { i SEA : w imine 1 : ; 53 NT ; 2 : : : i 3 phe gw WAC Pea 23% iF ENTE « ABH Brier Ix : $¥ as : “143 “ vos SESE EY EER sectarian and Bo : y part , tive tanh, every class, and the workingm equally with the millionaire, ges; f hearing = fa cldumns The Trowiiie hiamanity, ani the ps CENT : ERIENGE Rit, ma hs second 1 ruer, gs 5 GE LHS Sta Bigher fdaals, ls Lo 4 h m hopes and betier living. where Is DIFFERENT, foviil continue be different, Watch The North Amer {Ra An sea grow. : Goewntion Lp roa ® ia *® 4 g wid v A ; : ? go a PT bo wore] In every wt rigs br onnitbansl Flazuihookdsn Pate ta x rat He Soipl The oh eq : MERE \ ; $iip sev rithg) pak erin i Munn 8 L roveive ni th Fant er - : : soils 3 AE Vo eantinned stories. iefliieh avs 4 BITTER Miia a UR : Gere religion abjreitonable to most rasan berm, F BERS A worship is held ! tr smal he In : ne rm aS : 1 to ; Ras a : Mo Gr. B00 per id Dewi £ 1’ bt Witch tox . : - Bi 2 en Li Teal, FR, 8 { § Pe # . is v ; it A Gri : AE ERE wh 215 i pr fnwen, Yo whem Carns Paves Scalds nt ia . I : In Persia a bonfire plays an impo git ia 1B co the Bride? the most Jilersl EQuoemenls Wilk be ail ek ] ‘ "MIUNR X | . | tant pert ia the marriage corvmony. the Two 1 eupcnips BINT A RINpINY oh 8. LIPPINCOTT COMPAITY, Publishers, Ripans Tabules cure flatulencs. C7 Breseh O ¢ | service tviung read over in front of met 4 levine ie ; PHILADELPHIA. bind pac biisd 5 Peg ha 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers