The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 09, 1899, Image 3
thon Courier. TERMS OF svasCRIPTION One copy, ome Year, in i Adprrtiving rte plication, advance, sate No papers discontinued until ath area i wnipes at the opting of thn Ages are paid, Phbishers, Pitsterad ad this Powtotios at Paths § ches mati mahi, AER Fie YR Mrs. Lawrence (3 A casas of smallpox is reported at Gallitain. Dr J B Age on hsiness Saturday Dr. Ernest C1 at Closriiel} over Sunday. A.C. Parker, of Johnstown visitor to our town Wodnoadiy Noonan wa yu Viniie Miss Minn Spotiswood bowing hoy Yoot her wt article Lig R ¢. Bddleblute, of Galli tain, trans. acted business in Patton T narwday Mis Cedin Me Hon tv elerking inthe Patton Supply Co's rare this week. School begun Tuoeday with a good attendance of bright boys and girls, John Gagiairdi conducted a first class fruit stand at the Carrolitown fair, A bright Httle son arrived at the home of John Jenkins one day last week. visited at the home of Mrs. Gilliece the first of the week. Bes our §2 dress shoe for ladies, it can't be beat no matter where yon at Patton Supply Co. Major W. H..H. Boll and wife at tended the G. A. R encampment at Philadelphia this week. The C.C. IL &1L Co, have had a ‘souple hundred feet of new board uid on West Magee avenue, The well drillers sre putting derwn « well in the Jot next to Wald Spencer's : property on Beech avenoe. Mra. O'Brien has porchased a hand some new piano for her little grand _ daughter, Mary Somerville. Girler Plynn, of Smith's Mills, Pa, way to the Carrolltown fair. Geo. Brady Is in the eantarn cition this week laying in & now stock of fall ying ifruit store, retorned from Altoona and and winter goods for his store. We sre glad to welcome Miss Ida Deckert back to town this year again as one of the primary teachers Miss Eva Crain attended the Carroil- town fair Thareday and will visit with friends returning bome Saturday. RW Moorhead, of Kittanning, is the guest of his uncle, EB. Will Greene oo’ family, of Sixth and Palmer ave noer. When you want good honest work. Angaben try the Patton Supply Co's; they have an extra large line to select. he advance agent of a “Merry go iad was in town this week arrang- ing te bring the allair here for 0 few Ha Mr and Mm W. BE Probert and twin daoghters, Mra. Al. Abbett sud Bernie Matilde attepdod the Carrolitown fair ; - Thumday. Rumor says wedding bells will soon ring out in a certain bouse in town when a a double wedding w il be Meu 8. E. Spots, of Glen Campbell, ia spending a couple of weeks with her sister, Mra. D. H. C. Warren, on Wes Magee pvenue, Mrs Gillbsce and family. Lave maviedd ! . from the Cordelt property to the house recently vacated by Alex. Monteith on Palover avenue, J. C. McGregor, deputy revenue col | leetor of Indiana, Pa, was uttending to his official duty in this section the first of the week. 23 : HC Warren i in Philade phis this week visiting his mother who seriously ill and also attending the G A. R. encampment. Mr. and Mre. Asron Wealiland and little daughter Bertha, of Irvaga, drove to Patton Thursday and also attended the Carrolitown fair. Father Edwin was called to Carroll town Thursday owing to the death of ‘a priest of which further purticnlars will be given next week. Mr. James McTague has opened a _ barber shop in the Oldroyd building wtreres he wil be glad to see his old friends and new ones too. ‘Squire Mellon is having the stone hauled and the foundation prepared for his new office on the corner of Magee and Pennsylvania avenues. Misses Sars and Minnie Holter left Satarday afternoon for a four weeks yisit with friends and relatives in ~ Clearfield and Centre counties. $1.0 RVR EE Sr Cty AD PWindber Toesdiy, i is perionedy HE Heading attraction was They mst have formed the "acquaint | th Tremmrer's office Inst week. Harry Waten aid Misses Hattie and : ters and ; Johnstown, Strait, all of Annie Brown and Edith Jory Shore, wee guests ol muster Harry Straw Wednesday. MB "Parnell and Cowler, Insurance agents of Pa Yard. iawher, of the fire of gmong friends in Windbar Era 1 DOE Wis oIreuERbing Eitan broth E221 811 evening and while on) received the reputid oy VEER TR O18 VW Baviiny ih Bear ie rE NCH an april for un oper Bye wale Carrolitows that the faikers Those who attended the fai from this vicinity report the * ofl & few of them. istrict President of United Mine Workers W, B. Wilson, of Tioga, Pa, woe’ 5 ui weed Ton THEE § Fah & ers A Miss Eliza Gehrig. of Milton, Pa. | stopped in Patton a few bours Toesday while en route ta Elastic, Pa, to look after the cond miners interest, 8. E. Barr bas recently repainted h home on west Lang avenue and besides other improvements he added peat fghtning rods to the building which greatly adds to HR appearance. Mary w Hkins and thn ren, of Altoona, who hese of Mr and Mr Hiram Magee gvenupe for several have boon visiby ing at the Wilkins om weeks, returned hore Ratarday, of Mr. Tare ry 10 year old won Iddings who Millie, the and Mra Phil suffering from a severe preumonia, is stall very litle hopes of bie recovery Baa attack of ¥ seriously i wilh See the U can’t rip "em school shoes, the best school shoe ever put on the spent part of Thursday in town on his | TAFket that have worn them Don't buy them Al want them again. ‘ontil U see them at Patton Supply Co Teddy Ellis, proprietor of the team Iobasstown Wednasday hie hg purchased a fine awortment of o fraita for hin store in the Yahner bulid. ing. Wer Hon. W. C. Lingle has had the tap of the stone wall in front of his property on Beech avenne covered with a fine dressed stone coping and the whole thing topped off with a very handsome iron, fence. Mis Bard Hurd, of Patton, pawied by her father and step mother Mr. aod Mra Bard, of Laos, Philadelphia this week whe re Mr. Hurd Cwent for treatosent for his eyes which are nearly blind, BEI wre It Myrtihe Hoover, one of the RECHT modsting “hello gible” nlf thet P.T. Ch. offige at home F vy Pe spent al aut other paiats west. this place, returned A weelk'n share. N HE Barton } day at wil seromee 16 vee Bes On bia return be panied by ia wile ind ed $line that pi Hie weber Poa vw Vey for sone time, mecromd son of Me fr Faawin, ths Mra Samuel Weanklond, whom TA. Mure hag lwen asltending in Cerrolltown, for pneumonia, we are glad to tate, is almost out of dang and will soon be abies to come home, Curt Richards, of Curry Ban, wie . badly hurt on the Curry Ran railroad | rid. He was and it jnesped arm and last Saturday morning. ing one of the trucks ‘the track. breaking his right his right leg » % Litem Camphel] oom. Frank McDermott, of Altoona, is the guest of Martin Thoms of pear town. Mr Melwomot! is a borseman of considerable repute amd was larg: ly interested along that line al the Elwnsburg and Cacrolltown 5s : oven eounty, CEMETS 1 Tee Mr. Lyneh pt a similar posit] hy s + reatgened to Ciatlitein. HE} Barough Engineer Avers and of workmen have been busy all week establishing grades and placing stakes for curbing op Fifth ave. As soon us he is done and the sewer on the lower part of the avenue is done, work paving between Lang and Beech ave pues will be commenced at once. The gontractors expect to set the curbing next week. & OOrps , of The County Commissioners have of fered a reward of 8300 for the arrest Land conviction of the men who robbed : ston] practicully THE E PATTON cov RIER, § Toni ht at Goldsteins hall, Tamnge Blass, of Vintondale, Thuresdny and Friday in Patton, Me. and Mia T. Young, spent Friday in Patton Jerse Mri Kirk's dv der a dean Frida od. Patton La t 3 WR rs wi jer ¥ Re and i Gia ha $4 cha 5 warning ray amd the inte, Several papers state that the rewired foe hn $ tohn, of Karth has been increosad to 81 006, bunch y Clearfield 3 » flading of the LEA; oot, ive of the missing man says the story reward lve the IR RYO Bo ou iol Hp ofr gues] his pst been ine the amily of Dreasrist OW, Hodgking, of Patton, formerly of Philipsbarg, by an exchange, hus been obliged by reason of his rapidly Increasing business io build an annex to his present building This ia vhoeering news to hear of Phil. brubord penple wherever they may be Philipabary Ledger. Whit Rr E. O. Hartshorn and M. B. Cowher were drawn pounty fo serve this week at Ebene burg and aesovdingly left for that place Monday morning to give one week's time to the public service spent | ; speaking to Loe af John A relat : aw Cirand Jurors for thin Mr. Harts. He Sent the Pork. Profesncr Comloek of 31 the irinie of dontista told this anthe sik te nf the 1 am of a peat £2 eaten which hin Bntnan TEND igtin Opnve Wan Enoagh. me of (egeral Miles stories In the Cenfaderate army, Longstreat’s corns was aking a night march. Abend 4 chew in morning. shea avery was wan ont a Gelrgiy reg A Divorgla soldier pnt hw rifle 9p ARainet | terits on the other side of whete [opgetroet was SAW RIIL he sald, “ihe de pretty hard ti Sght ail day amd aren nirht Ts {can do it for | of my He sontinned. “can wo if need be 1 ean rT thie war iso Pigm ds the mien wont wid « Spe raw cath Hight, ver i 1} ve gnnther conn s fh Jn AE Bes pris. a Pi Bila $e CABTORMNIA. Bears the Toe Rind You Heep Miwa; 2 Batt horn recarned home the same evening, § having heey exeosed from doty. The manon work on the af im 8 W. Worrell’ s> new the sorner of Fifth roes is conipleted and carpenters gre pow 3b wark on the frame of the bailde ing. The Rhody avenoe is almost completed and will be ready for occupancy in a few days hanse on and bathding The sower pn Fifth avenae, helwoen Lang and Kerr is rapidly nearing completion and will be ready his ples of AVETIIER, five ose in A dava work rishi threogh vary rapidiv, 2 autiveable ahant eonteadts badd hy GX fa Ww haa bwwy fealiire {sent ben employed of OW aviange or aame Vi ba pitas Pa . Garee LHe paned ners Ww We LEE sR Die Ltda Rexl § Ju BH 2 faagringee NM) Yar FAS iran i ns chess 4 Asviant Balldiag. REBOWR as 3 Who trallaras was history Bey. i . Bs Loe qamatory has untnjared {or wore than 1.090 years. he was probably one | of the converts of St Patrick ia 4 i $124 does mot foondation Pidmer ave. an Fifth. } ah Resoectiulh We ar vou with ot Now rod {oo greet $ + ill Nt il shown Hn All highest and the prices Ver se Clion. $ rade ~ nable Ld nsiler 1 Sy A En (1 mo hed — r New Neckwear, Shirts and Clothing Shortly. bp hirst £3] ast, : ‘1 f Wo Wii sell Yaiil oVingr n LIA Wav. Y ours The Keystone Clothing and Shog (Co. Vi 1 1 Pie Ht — Carnell In ‘any part of town every Sunday : Tool To Tui : Pure spring water joe delivered to day xcept | no oe Sunday, Chest pring water ice which fs pure, clean and healthy, Sold” hy A 6G Btorm at omnichall cent: a nied Leave orders at pesidons on Filth svenne near brides erasing rule wy vind Ciald musdala to FirstNation'|Bank PATTON, Cambria Co, OF Patton, Pa CAPITAL fh 1p an 6 SURPLUS, 860 in in, 5 Final biens, try ie 1% ‘Wu J ei aEslis Rainnpinn, President i laahier, wid be delivered on | Te i 30 La le ly & cl our 1 Ed Guic 8 i mended at P Weg Fie witl i Cap iy ple re sur tire creep’ 1 find Eds The Patton Jeweler. foes my Start : a If il 5, OT ay Cogn ry! and prices with our mi ight act: ti ih and the SHON Yo with S000 HHCesS, vy ; vets thie money van * the > viol} start x 83 = td . : Wo i] A £10 a 1 ag iti : : can save—~—hy buying Uni bank Dry Goods. Groceries. Canned Goods. Etc In fact store. Pon J» * if If swe OC. he best am Please bear that al delivered ss; : nie in buying. : Qa We on de £31358 2% 1 EL Flour and Feed. 4% a well deal We £3 Fo door. x only v the cheapest af the regulated with rms aods purchased at our store ore Co., ( ) posite Patton Hotel Patt i, Pa. Our New Ad Will OCCUPY » this space ex.® Watch for it.