The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 31, 1899, Image 3

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    Coming soon, Elton Bros.
Wait for Elton Broa. 20 cent show.
y eaTrON PUBLISHING CO, Proprietors. i Tinning of all sription done
hE Wiss, GREENE, Failor : Kirk Hardware Co.
One copy, one year, tn advance, © - - si0) {to the Cash Grovery.
JS Advertsing rates made Know twas np Mr. Jou. Patton, of ( frwensville,
3. LO the gueat of it. th, bail
aro papers disemtinued ont) nil Rerear
he paid, Gnless at the pts of the | Miam rs Snydear, of § aw J Haves AR
go 1 “dag x
Eater ab the Posofips: at Patton as second: visiting Mrs. El. si. Moore.
chase sani} msi, : Matt kbs
i Buy your
bustles © BAL
Good's for the ploniis.
be | Attend the apron axle. Rumell's Comadiine at
Don’t fail to visit Elton Bros. show. opera hone Tuesduy evening of
: coming SOOLL. werk.
Dannie! Sullivan: of DuBois, spent The Cify Restaurant koe Lhe
ik Saturday in Patton. and freshest line of green groceries in
Goto Kirk's for the finest line of Fatton.
stoves in the county. Kirk's hasliware department is ihe
: cheapest place for shell hardware,
Celery Thursday, Friday and Sator- ;
| day st Oaah G ry paints, oil and gluse
; M. 8. Binder, of Hastings and H J.
Work of paving Fifth avenue will be
Bearer, of Harnsabiore. were Visitors 16
commenced this week.
Bay your boiled bam at Geo.
haan n f : jet .
A . for the Jrcnion pearance at the home of Mr. and Mm
Did you see those fine jardineers and | Bq. Nicholson Wednesday morning.
toilet sete al J. E Kirk's? | |
Sita at; J. E ren If you are hungry drop in ta dhe
1s M8 Loong, of Portage, Pa, was 3 (ity Restaurant where you can
visitor to Patton Friday.
A 18x¥inch pictare: frame for 85 Irvin Crenninger. who has been
i, be wt Fuahsr's wall paper store. visiting friends at Pittsburg and
Festival and apron sale in the Gold- | | vicinity for the past manth, returned
stein hall Friday night, September 1st. | home Monday,
Henry Plouse, of Barnesboro, trans The Hastings opera house will be
soted business in Patton one day last {opened for the season Tuesday even
3 week. ing, September 5th, when Russell's
At the Firemen's dance in their | comedians will hold the boards.
park ob Labor Day, Monday, Septem, Mrs. OC. W. Hodgkins and son James,
our town Tuesday.
‘ber 4th. who have been visiting friends in.
South Central New York state for the
| Leave your order at the pews stand
for magazines, priodicals and story
papers. PF EK. Mullen, of Reynoldsville, Pa,
A bright little dacghter arrived’ spent the first part of the week in Pat
; ton and vicinity. He was bore in the
the home . and \ x :
Tuesday a: Mrs, Walter Dale | interest of coal companies secunng
valualile conl lands,
3] ia Mpa us this work for See the 1 can’t rip lem school show,
nes Bon expects Lo MAKE | he best school shoe ever pat on the
raarket. All that have worn them
How is it Kirk Hardware and Furni- want them again. Don’t buy them
tare Co. can give you the best goods until U see them at Patton Supply Co.
for the least money ! G. 1. Byrne, one of the efficient
The cheapest place for wall paper, clerks of Pennsylvania railroad com-
a wv frames and plastico at Fisher's pany at Broad street station, Phila-
al store near railroad station. delphia, is spending his vacation in
oh Bee our 12 dress shoe for Indies, it. | Patton, visiting his parents, Mr. and
can’t be beat no matter where you go, Mrs. Silas Byrne.
. Patton Supply Co. | The free distribution in San Fran:
: cisco of astitoxine to sufferers from
cannot do better than to call on
You do diptheeta who could not affordslo pay
i (30uld & Beeser for first-class plumbing,
te. Estimates freely given. -44tf r it has resulted, as elsewhere, in
; or the death rate from that discase,
wv ew ads of Wes F. fais, ©. ‘reducing it to 11,11 per cent.
. Hodg dg kine Dinsmore Bros. ; : Haan
he Cg : The COURIER is indebted to Mm T.
In She Counizn this week. F. Bailey for a basket full of the finest
W. G. Dawson and Miss Fannie red and yellow tomatoes we have
past oronth, returned home Saturday.
_ ! Rhoades, of Altoona, were guests of gazed opon this year. They were
Miss Cordie Cowher, over Sunday. beauties and hard to beat, asd were
: Help a good cause by patronizing raiment in the garden of which Mus.
the Patton Fire company plenic and Bailey takes great pride in ooking
dance at the Firemen's park on Labor jafter.
Duy. The Harbison-Waiker fire brick
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Ivory are happy ‘company broke ground last Wesines
i over the arrival of & sweet little girl at day for the erection of a large fire bhriek
their home Tuesday morning. :
: & capacity of J,000 per day and will
Henry MecAnuity and Max Fried: give employment to a large number
; wan, two of Barpesboro's prominent of hands
gitizens, transacted business in Patton
ways ho ai Wemsd wi
1 r
Mrs. Mary Wilkins and tw o sons sod puenty years before trying
Hamilton lark,
: ghter, are visiting at the home of wiih hase salve, two hoaxes of
: Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Wilkiny on West porn pletely cxtred hime | Bawa
Magee avenue. Cworthives apd dangerous counterh
Ex-Governor Daniel H. Hastings CC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy
TH spent the first of the week looking Ths : ah
: after his large coal mining interests at nr
Spangler and Hastings, Pa. bonds of R100 sch
Miss Blanche Minnick, who bas been! L805, 100d and 1907,
visiting her sister, Mrs. 8. W. Worrell, bonds must be le the
for the past two months, returned to Kaylor, president of council, on
ber hiyme in Clearfield Tuesday. fore Saturday, September 3, 1p
Squire James Mellon expects to If you don't like your baeding
‘move his office building from ils pres- house food don’t eat it. If you don't
: ent location to alot onthe corner of like the hat YOU Wear, don’t wear iL
Magee and Pennsylvania avenoes. If you dont like your neighbor, let him |
‘alone. If vou don't like the town you |
Gold medals 10 Harper whiskey al live in, get out of it. If you don’ g
New Orie & Worlds Fair Chicago, | like this Daper
try it. you will endorse the Judge UE pap
werdiet. Sold Palmer House, Paton The safes in the postoffice and the ¥
Pa R RB ticket office al sessou Wels
ilown open by Sarai at anu early
hour Batarday morning, bot the cracks
i men secured only about § for el
trouble. They suceeded in damaging
dant read iL Ex
“A pienie and dance will be held in
the Short grove, Patton, Pa, on Labor
day, Monday, September 4th, under
the suspives of St. Mary's Catholic
church, All are invited to attend. ip
extent of a couple hapdred dols
con Me and Mra Ww. LL. Daggett and however. !
little daughter, who have been visiting
Mr. and Mrs 5. 0. Daggett, of the
Palmer house, returned to their home :
at Bellefonte Tuesday. very handsome
’ on cigar cabinets which
Giarfleld Wilkins returned Bome pookingham Brow, the
Friday from Wilkes-Barre, Pa, where wangfacturers Of
he attended the State couvention of They are richly constincte?
the P.O. 8 of A. He attended in the obigied cherry and are 1
capacity of a delegate representing heavy beveled glass. They
Washington Camp of Patton, twy distinct Ap rises for « iar
Miss Maude Gibb, a former teacher which are plainly visible to the pur
in the public schools of this place, Chaser as the fronis are construc ted of
I spent Bunday in Patton, the guest of finest quality of glass These basi
Me Taser Smale, - while én route to some pieces of firnitire Frestly add
» to accept a position in the to the appearance of Mr. Hodgkios
— aelioals of that h plas. : fine store room.
{.W, Hodgkins,
gist, recently places
| Beare the
A bran new little girl made ber ap-
(everything you wish in the catible hie. |
works in East Clearfield, It will have
the sade and the offioe urpsture to the |
Buy your boiled ham at Geo
| Good's for the pienics.
For Bale. Good flue brick at 6 per
thonsand. Inquire at Fisher's wall
| Paper Btore, ;
For good goods at the night price RO |
There are 88 silk plants in Pennsyl
Cvania, and the output of silk ribbon in
the Hato has been doubled in three!
deliversd to
day exw J
Waler ice
Suan and he althy. Bald
ends! cent A
resides On
BAL GpcsminE Tiki
road, :
{irfead Eades Pay Plotie
A grand plenic will be held in Rhort's
Cirove, Patton, Pa, on Labor Day,
Monday, September 4th, for the benefit
of Rt. Mary's Catholic church of Pat-
ton. A grand dance will be beld on
the spacious platform. The best of
minsie will be in attendance Refresh
ments of all kinds will be served on
the grounds. Dinner wil il be served 2
11:30 4. m.; supper at 5 p.m. - Bvery-
body is invited to’ cote and liave a
good time,
Hossa! 's Comedinus,
Romsell's ( somedians made a hit at
the Lyceum last nigtit. If a house
crowded and frequent outbursts of
isnghter be any indication, certainly
the big aodience went home wuil
pleased. Richard Valentine's dashing
aniformed band played new and lively
‘music and the parade yesterday noon
was goanl. Globe Democrat, st: Lonis
Feb, 6, 1806 At Hastings Spera homes
Tueaduy evening, Seplember 5
$5060 Beward
Tedd Filig of the Gem Fruit and Fish
store. offers the above reward to the
purty or parties giving information
that will lead to the conviction of the
person who anlawfully posted a con
stable sale notice on his fruit stand
Aug. 14, stating that his peanuts rd
fish wers to be sold on the 34th. He
expecta to get rid of the stock several Me:
times before that and bs selling bananas Dr :
10 and 15 conta per dozen and peanuts
5 pear quart Fish will arrive on
Thursday. Call and get prices and
don’t forget you will find him in the
Yahner baliding.
How Postal Cards are Often Wasted
“Women often send messages to :
their drossmaker or to dry -goods shops
on postal cards, says the September
Ladies Home Journal, “sttaching a bit
of cloth, ribbon or lace as samples
Thix makes the card unmailable,’ so it
is always sent to the dead-detter office
and invariably destroyed Men
presamishily men not infrequentiy
paste a clever juke or a telling polithal
fragmesit upon a postal and se nd itl a
friend nt least start it: bot i sever
arrives, Nothing may be attached Loa
postal sad, Bor may ope word be
written upon the address side ¢ xoepd
the address itaell :
Wa hisve ned Chamberlain's cough
rene So oir bode for many years
and ber ofweriyl lesliguony fro ite
value a a medicine which shou be in
every fami in onughe sud coids we
fe of)
+ - Ny 4 " &
far. 4127 Fairfax avenae,
Formas by 1 Ww
deat at Ebensbiioyg
s Frida, August
3175 ¥ ANEW Ld
Irwin, fe sie. 14
Thomas Boulley ott
grose at ai. Usaliliton
Elisa larder 1o Annie.
Barr, $1
Bridget Mellon to Mary
Patton, $1
Joba J Hauk toa
to Niagara bali
of New York entra
A VOry pOopuniar one
davs apd peril stops
oy anal of side trip to Toronto fos
$n sidditionnl, Consail Central
Sema trad ion pariioes TNE Keystone
Uothipg 2 and
Bears the op 1h Kind Yeu Haw Lass Bait
Ripmns Tabules cure disziness
and when
EF BE os
FLovk. Sif || Nee FLOUR
ans Corn, 2354
Raisins, 8c. {7 4] Le 3 ( ans | omatoes,
ted Apples, 1 3C
6 Cans Sardines, 25¢.
Appricots, 1 5C.
> E> -
er Dack
the wind up of Wammer rade, we ve same broken sizes in
dren's Shoes AWAY : $1 goods. Also in
51% y : ny
uneqi el VA & 18 0 believe, Nee
Patton Supply Co.
New Neckwear,
Shirts and
Clothing Shortly.
One minote congh curs quickly cures. Freah fab every Thursday anid Fri-
obstinate summer coughs and colds. | day at the Caab Grocery.
PF ponsider it a most wonderful medi- |r you should need a bath room At
cine, quick and safe” WW, Mer. api call on J. E Kirk
Lo, Mavhew, Wis. CW. Hodgkine
Leave your order or ice with A. G,
| Patton Pharmacy.
Storey only i cent per pound.
honest price
amine our
ine Shoes. Notions and Groceries and
(iet Our Prices
rom wi iM tay nh KE
Several grades of Quting and
pas ow ; “ Ni
iy £3 r
1 Od Laaon Duares
Tn and Tinware
3 y Lo } €
A fo SE
. Queenswarel
; x==All goods delivered free and promptly.