The Kind Yon Have Always in use for over 30 years, has | and has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its infancy. ’ = Allow An Counterfeits, Imitations * periments that trifle with no one to deceive you in this. and Substitutes are but Ex- and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. is a subititute for Castor oil, Castoria and Soothing Syrups. It is Paregoric, Drops Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nurcotie substance. Its age is sand allays Feverishness. It its guarantee. It destroys Worms enures Diarrhoea and Wind Collie. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother" 8 e own and ocrapy the tallest rare patie Sizteen Hundred © DERE RK 0 Customers, engaged Siting ant OUR GEMERAL CATALOGUE Wholesale Prices to Everybody. has over 1000 paged, 36 owe © 86 000 dew riptine of artic hes with prices each copy. We want you 1 Rive ose your grad faith. and we'll wil you % pany FRE Friend. ALWAY S We receive Spoopy PLIERS 1 < ws OW riers BYeTY Gay faim in the worl A» crEA are constantly STR re wt Taw the bao ape wit GROTER Lipmerat ans, 3nd simt and ail ESTE to shaw CEaTEes prepaid at He po it conts TH coats to ND PIiPTEEN Ja? WEEE al i NES ERY WARD & 00." Are. 20 Mash ro ps frigerators will drive away ante Lit will do mone ORDINANCE NO 49 the Foroolio of Pa fatiag lo Cotati Partinis Hiteliing Posts, Thess 3 i An ordinance bo reg gulate side w alls ¢ 3 pavements, and directing the mo ater of ponsiroct and kinds of mal WE TPE Lu speed in iter be PLETE re Ls FEY ne WR pre « td Bear. ery sractad and ordained by wey { onneil Hf Ihe Furgess and Toy mgh of P tran Sq int 1 Bua That, giong streets Fh wine, werealter wr here far wile Dred er wadable ma. Pin the Borough of Patton, set d Gf wei xo dX “rials Soyer porierete or fag-stong i Phat, tas Bild whenever if HhaoOneR DRCRRRATTY ar repair sides ar relay, replace wal n along wipeeta whieh are now ray be hereafter paved witis well Burned brick, whch brick, crete or Bags wretue Brit £58 me shall be need, 10 he lad on well tamped wn nd der, and thal the sam the grades stabi iskeed engineer And # kitohing posis for LH ing horses f dacesd ix shail be 3 > x street within said Borough iw farther provided, CIE Ree And i Nereet § whey Tes ard 1x hereliy OWwEY +1 Hymna e a Poste anne Smid atoin the wf the nimigeriy regres fir refrimal to G0 8G. All ordinances or parts of ordinances are herelly CR TIRT by eopfict herewith 1. pe bned, Eoarcted wid Angus, EL President ordained 1a Hinmann, of tL. J soi £311 wrk of { gnc] Grosar Bo PRINIBLE Bargoss of Pation Borough An that ~pheese linid away in BH YH imberger enphoards and re- exchangy Yen it drive a spike hog mit tramp it will hsrbwed wien weil owl wh IE Wiis 7 147 } drive a drive a through a brick, i a tan yard, away front drive a mie iE i% of SIR ert nis th rosa x ik fenee: it will drive a herd of catthe ror precipioe; it will drive a RWEY from x ¢hioken roost, Hite insanity who stays five minales witlsin ton foot of ite ansavory presence, and yet some nen the staf 3s Teg ¥ ar 8 Mad will eat giraed profess to jike it Hipanx Tal Ripans Ta DeWitt’ s Witch Haro! bowres Piles, Swsids, Yarns 2. If vou will visit every : store town (or county} and compare their and their prices with our prices, see how yon might actual or {31} y start a account with the money yon can your ; Goods. Groceries. Canned Goods. Etc.. Flour and Feed. {In fact everything kept in an 1 store. 1p-to-date and well Ry we CAN'T GET THE BEST WE WANT NONE. ig: That's ur princi who produce the best. Please bear in mind that al will be delivered FRE E at you le in buying. We deal only »st and we order only the cheapest 11 wrt yey wes hye 3 i ONS paid HASCH al r door © OF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. a CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, $50,000.00. Aveoants of © rporations. Firtns Helividos nls and Banky repeived npon the most avon. ble ter wrisislent w than fond voBserystive panking A ship tiokets tines, Farelgn Drafts cities of Lise (1d Work All sorrespondence will ave our prompt and personal attention. : Interest paid on A. E. PATTON, President. for wale or all the besalivg orn in the prigeipat the deposits, Wa. H. SANDFORD, Cashier, "Quickly cure constipation and re- | build and invigorate the entire system | never gripe or nanseate—DeWitt's | early risers. (. W. Hodgkins, Lager Beer, ter, N.Y. ank For Fam J Use As well as tor Cherveral se pot ica’s Finest Prodact BARTHOLO OMY Amar mgnifactiored at + ard bottled by by $4 Gallitzin (Pa.: Bottling Co. All Orders Are Promptly Attended to 'R. C. EDDLEE & foe delivered to all parts of town by A. G. Storm at } ospt per pound. 8 pure spring ice and dont you forget it. THE NORTH A ME ii AN PIfii a i 3 AR 12 ITS | Di DIFFERENT, 4ii The mew harxuge teraaty by 4a: eer A wr a xf ITS, DIFF FrLs RENT. 3 Ei OL an By wapniear A pt ITS DIFFERENT IT'S DIF FERENT, bas Siimrant Yates TH Clin ANG ‘sar Bogrow. ari Amery af Sideasils bn opi Pooshibiting same gtr, you abmolgtely free whi = road THF KIDNEY CO PLEXION, ello, sonken-choelted, WRAY pred OH 8G often af Ring wih Rodney sr A Ea coffer op from nen Tiga, Bay pnd aon HORS 3 EH 2 RET and HEE Boney dn Far Leonid Tate wy tin Fae Hew sie mild nat think they fended the Brat sy mE Ee HOR Tes © peat A red sed € heme Latey np and trang thor weak Th XK: CIrseoyr a, Ey gudney poisoned blow! plein and soon They weld a better thie ropainr dees BY Lhe and for Fontrme: tf Y on en drag store, at 8fty cent lar, or you HY fest the wonders vi ; ONEYY, Swany : din £3 hint address to Tir ¥ itn Fit the Ring ghum- tans. NY for a hettle and a hook that tells gil i hdl wert thiail writing kin tian That yi) thas literal Oo For ivy Thee BA PTON e OU RIKE CRE vine 30 SEES ORE 4 A wel har ie fy. for HMumibten ark of Chanaey, win be so fermd with ePing plies Fish Pe SW nt a of 5% Faw bina x CITY Pweanty years wile Bn Ba 2a} nw hich pam piety fan Are of toarfoiin Pharmary Sei ERLE Hoslirkins, Parton 2 Tw west “iN Lethe A . 2 Which le aival Brgy ¥y SER eo wes sitack of disrrboea sooo vametangr. panied iy ora yay 1X suet reton 4s are gsoally given bn Stel cases, hal as nothing av 6 relie? we went for a phy te wan uruder Mae care fra ioe thas ohild had been sican and week Al that! sick for abont ten dave and was of Avery and wiprewsd that anions 11 S000 00 oa ahont twenty five aperations thw bowels tare ive Hours, wa Were: oO few (ham. diarrhen and | de nokia hat hy He contin hroaght healthy wee 1a Hodgkiom, EE tained relief i won eestain'« folie. cholers and peenedly wan reo merided, saddest fo aE i Hang fir tray eel mie a od hr CPs Was about and it bs now perfectly Hogs, Siang For sade by © Fharmay. ow wy Patton % W Fe Witte tthe saris Rae Town ane! other of Thompson, { _OT, rivers did me aii peewad medicines weites wry, Ho Jacobs, Pie Cnabinet- action ETE Prompl, ¥ ar pd po Ee y ERT ETRY Tis URE a a # 5 LEY RT 4) wih ana gan Bary ee, Bid, steady sid a healthy Bp lite Fation Pharsiaey A he 12 Fob Matiaas, of Pu wll, saflering over a XR sas ston k “Aer Ry +3 i Rn Mr Gerry he Kw we ool wR Y = ¥ EY tailed ¥ PRY siesan Bamberiain po pee prnely i AS : % catarrhad fever ri en Joes Kier Lise de Ta af Stowk- Tr Dis thal era morhua ht Ap pen ed to amberiain » diarrhoea remedy ans of saving For AL anee.”” Parton. Pr of ep famed from amd after all so Speen Tor Dwenty five years, wklied cures had failed was perpiansn box of De Witt's steh hase Hail, gut Frais Hae ¥ 5 1.40 fw Ee te id sve BI oss ard dhishomest Howdekite tr We Barve i reread yy In our $i $s gai wk LESTER prado iin Mo AA Patton synteny ef fo Thee SERIES Fire spring FIAT Ww day wxvept dati vera LB Wier LS Sold ape halt cent a residence on crossing rail ANY pel Sunday npday VErY 1 Bie i , #i and ave ory Miers ad th avenue near bridge BAvIng ASSIGNEE SALE OF. Valuable Real Estate. Tete 0 siisiin © rir © £ tsar. bere vf 41 the righ? title dnd Inlirest Moves amid wife, Do that der «Ff and dtaated in Sy aro! sniria cosinty, i flask Iota madd of i thie akt Jordan, dee jeri : a prsnaed t he BR a oy 3 Ferre, WEILL ed 4% Irwin anrang HBfty half mater. Jan sito. Cambria Lande of Viaiiitein lad px, Penis, beaded iy Sysianki, Moti, 8 {aostdeny and Hepnard Fariey amd Jishn we sine contain. At Tos. The andivited one that nines) right in a oertain pleve OF pares situated (ny Dean fowsbin © in Aubevilie borough. Pa, bounded by lands of 1 M dereasest, and Dry Gap road on the south and John Tretier on $e se containing one wnnly Lwin eres, he fallowing: lots known «3 of the general pian of sgh a numbers 380 £3, ar 34, 6% ®L 49, TR TH, sh, 41. WK 97 1a 16, Lig, 1 12d HIS THEE 141, M4 121. Wu, «Half arder ou $83 or rent on and es and hela connty, Penn's, and {Poster cant Tia Sosdrad and 2 Fin bere ay i683 5 oF -- 3 x3 apporiensnion and on ae le petilaon of the soul Mywrs and port made thereon Er Lie ith hiner Of Lhe following fide hard nn terms, Lawl cine third of Ihe puree nwiney Ho is knocked somfiemation of wx PERE Shae The Denpeaty pet bind sare third | down, ald Sok fe REG in maori Fr Angst st & Sega sf PNIIA #, A Diamond for £3 NE Poa ¥ag AC Fobaniiod spvertad Twn tw i 12 : 3 mr RE gS NOW tne Outing Flannel, striped and good color and patlerns, ward, for 30 fics Dla eds, A Der “us chucked in Worth wa fine Sam TRY A METER TG ad hers vy sr grwte A SEEN Ro Sash tnsbeilas SE inte Les rari Ain * es ie. Frise LA Ne Bw AAT jar Oe Square From Station. : : Altoona, Penna. TAR pes, 5 hsnange lemons, Water melobs, in fact everything in the green prvcery line FO thee who drink whiskey for oi: Higrpers whiskey adds pest to To those who drink wis = mnie Harpers whiskey ving, Sold at Ps Ld Forse BUSINESS DI GEO. BOONE, ¥ THE PEACE (thew ou ourner of Lang and Fink Avepnss aslo ions promptly . tended Frote rines to wil and FTE 3 FC ret . DR. FB. EUANS, Dentist, HASTINGS =A a Pt the toatl and math whol nile Treated / or ERNEST CHASE Su rgeon Dentist, PATTON, PENNA wed Bal thling. scl Boor, Mugee Avenoe DR S. W. Worrell, AND RU Reads LE Oftlew in Giood Building, Room No. 3 | Bap Carer) Rerpors and Te Een @ Specialte 80 £13 mresetyer peal alisntion Spite Dr. V. A. Murray, PHY ie 1AX & SURGEON. sgt te Postale, ca Tie prnpeitedied os. coer, ome Rad Thiet rib *yeeh CHE 2K and 12 1a Reuel Somerville. : ak. Y chy Airtarnev-at-Law, Patton, Pa, Bes in The Goosd Building. % JAMES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. Oi ffos near Jenteal hotel, Her 4 WH PA VIR, Attarm Began Ave . i § Post F fannisisr 4 88; Eauxsnt ge, vised Tia Pa. Aid brand Das © AT THES IE Piiy PIRES TIVE Ne nn il. Pgs avyenis, Hear HA FREY Moana Dangers Finalsns Props Parneil & Cowher, Putian, Pa Phone Noo INDE RTAKER % EMBALMER, Next ros Hore! Patton, Fifth avenues day or aight, Prompddy at White or Black Hearse ii Unilin wes aad Tay SHE rye Nk A sx Dentist! | HB ee in Patton, pe a Eh a. Abs H. A rounng Baidding, next Poa 10 Hours 5A Wm In ss mtedp m whooping Cough. Asthma, Bronchitis and Incipient Patton > C. W,, Hodgkina