Cour LL Rak Hardware Co, shepherds barometer. The curtier the i to 40 : ’ weontst the % weather, patron PUBLISHING 00. Proyrictors BK; Suda a1 the right price go = Sige Nil be Be | re finn, piston tthe Cash Girocery. [The property owners of Palmer ave eh | Buy your boiled bam af Geo. R [79 €xpect la present a petition to TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Good's for the pichios, . [Council asking that a sewer be con structed slong that street to conDect Omi copy, ome yenr, in ad vanes Sa ge o 8a Advertsing Fates made Kon BPOT Ap | Did you see those fine jardi: neers and wich the Beerh AVENUE MEWET DEST toilet sete at J. EF. Kirk's? Fourth avetine. -o papers discontinued until sli Arrens | Rl , amie at the nptien of the. Don’t vom ® forget | the Epworth A lnrge crowd of Pattonites took ad- 1 league eotertainment Friday evening. vgnigon of the cheap iis da Entered ai the Poston a1 Patton as seeond. ‘ K- vantage of the cheap excursion 16 ee ff hat yr: ; Attend the Firemen's danog in their r Bigler campmesting Sanday. Rix you want it. In GROCER] ES S we handle the choicest ine in taple and] Fancy RAFAT FERRARI i LE ¥ 7 “Eng {park on Labor Day, Monday, Septem- cosches were weil filled when the train Awe ays the Hest. : | ber 4th. jeft this piace. A lsrge numdergfrom i Patton is expected to attend Sunday. Je Tnving of all | description dome 4 at The wool ot the hack of & sheap is 3 : i We recognize the | importance of giving von what you want. as you want it: {Are you going to Bigler campmeet- Attention is called this week to the mg ext Sanday pew ad of Gea. 8 Good elsewhere in A smokeless coal in promised very Pp i : the CorriEn. shortly. It = made of ninety three Tuncs, be. { ans C orn. 23 Go to Kirk’s for the finest line of ot oot. af nail dow’ and sev staves in the county. Traiomaster Wm, Cramer, of Jersey ¥ < OF fut GEE ARG MYER =n Shore. made A business trip to this cent. © £ tar and castle Howe, The lat R ea hy. Se oy Celery Thursday, Friday snd Suture ; Monday. Hr forme a bright bursing ges and Al151NsS, oC ¥ Bil : (an S I< + at es, 25C oll prevents the generation of smoke. MR io SE ety ~~ day at Cash Grocery. 5 t m HF. Barton and son Rossel om : . Huy yout bofled ham at Geo, 8. eft Mavday for a visit Atoony | relatives The Ebenstiurg fair this your will be I dried Apples Good for the phonies, | at Benenetie. Fa. beid from the 29h of this month to the Fr iat of next, snd that of the Cambris : 5 The mew Catholic parsonage will Mr. J. BR Cornelius and two children connty Seas ral weiation at Car Creve om 1. pr WY AEP - ; : HOON be ready for COCHpAnCY far 5 Agri Bina; Assrrraation 2: {ar 5 ( ins Sard nes ~ . a x al : w tf 3 £ ‘are visiting among friends and relal- politown from September Sth to Sth, in etl ID til MIMD. «3 th, Fy fA 1 can | ablel exches 26 A 16x%inch pictare frame for 65 ives at Hontzdale, clusive. Poth promise to be ap to the - - ; : oente at Fisher's wall paper store. | J.B Hahn, thé wellknown travel asnal high standard. Appr cots 1 Re : ————— > Cami Cl al s Jos. 1amas, of Patton, called on ing salesman of Philadelphia, spent The many friends of WH Den : : hs i eT 2 ans LU REITICS, 28. friénds Sanday. Newn. | Sanday in Patton. Hager of the firm of Denlinger Bros, Peutival ak apron sale in the Giold- Mm RH. Hursh, of Flemington, wholesale dealers in oils of Pittebarg, th her sister Dut who Bow resides at Philipsbarg, stein hall Fridsy night, September ist. Pa, spent the past week wi es ; Mra PA 8 Moore will be glad to learn that be will, io : ~ gp : Mm. E P. McCormick is visting . the near futare, take up his Sian of p R I D E () I * 3 : () { : R friende at Osceola Mills, Pa, this week. GG. F. Dankie snd Robt. Caster, of oi Patton ; | Philipsburg, were visitors to cur town dined es ; Lawyer Davis came over from Boal | the py of the week. Anethar chaines will be given to mee D a a A % i ; Lo ; 3 Bort for a day's: ‘outing on Red Men's i grand entertainment for the benefit I A I | ON 2 B EST i Elsewhere in the COURIER (his wes on : ¥ a : ci msaines _appenrs a cat of Alex. BE. Patton while of the Epworth league uader the mL Miss Ray Goldstein is visiting reiat- I the A bs Gan direction of WW. Seratif and oom. = ~~ A hn 3 : : ; ves st Altoona and South Fork this Joti Hant ‘mitted In M. EB chureh Priday sven. : ret | 1A a : Fl OUR Mim Prancis Freeman, of Grampian, ing, August 25th. Come ont and “Al . j Poel uel Pa, is visiting at the home of Mr. and encourage the good work. “tn Joseph Bloom, on Falmer avente. pn Gresnwaid, representing the HM you are busgry drop in io the Somerville Woolen Mills, of Somer City Restaurant where you can get vile N. J. was looking after trade in Will Greene dangh Mr E wm and ter everything you wish in the eatibie line. Pation Thursiay, Mr Greenwaid rep P r S ack £ Lillian sre visiting relatives at Kittan- A. Fy W. 8. Stewart, of the Patton Sapply "Ste one of the largest Seok Co’ . i 5 oon: Waciories of the Unie Slates G. D. Hasson and wife, of Bixsin ia a Jett Sasaré i BO It has 53 sxdemmen on the road and em. Oity, Pa, were visitors to our town TU ploys over 2,100 people. All itn cloth ¢ 3 Cans Peas, 235c. or z 3 i i Dr. Maorray, of Patton: and Mr. ing is made from the raw material of Next regular meeting of Patton Nowag, deputy organizer of the Macea. ita own manufactory Natura! en rough with the wind up of Summ a 3 Borough Council sext Monday night, bees, were in town Supday.--Carroil {/ ‘Men's W ig mmr race, we have some broken sizes in town Newn “Far Sam lee Clvwnd Ane belek at $s per £3 cy Gon nen 8 and Children’ 8 She wn AW WARY Pw Sasi ; VARA for SAC h K ons. Also | mn An Raw * ¥ a ry wh 5 Ak a i Ty Phe HH pos a A FR Re i | a fe: The Ninth Ansoal Fair will be hdd the dq. ingnire at Fisber's a. L rOnn we h AVE S0me une 0 $a le iz v5 2X 0 BHBOTL ENENESs, Or Ree 1% 5 believe. See ; wife, of Blain City, ; Treen ny TERI SD Re ay of Thursday and Friday, Aogust 29, 3, Wasted {ine hundred people to A bright hew little son arrived at Bist find Seplemiur at leave Heir Sedans fr Phusdcipria home of Mr, and Mrs FC. Brown TH: Barnssboro school board has de Sanday papers at the news stan ! Yi : 4 cided to lay eighteen mills tax this PRECIAN Mk : : pe 44 — year thirteen for school pe rooses and al Ri : fainnte cong cure quickly cures Fresh fal severe TH kid conghs Bd ecidn day 8% the Tash Grocery Mr. sod Mm Wm. H. Sandtord re- five for hailding and special tax. OF Ealertainment 15 fe Hod nm WB turned home Tuenday from a fe® da . ; Chureh Friday Evening Aogust 38th. SY mean iba Cy : y wear piesmed to state that the ! A. : 11 : : consider it a most wonderful mad. 1 cog shouRl peed Bo ae Baan RGR TR le iA - A < a i gid aed fa PR tx J } : is y i safe, Ww. WwW. Mer up call mm J E Kirk visit to Ocean Grove, N. J. : children of Mr. Alex and Jobo Fox, of Payer ; Rev Witman : : 4. i ; hom, } ye v, Win, W. Hodgkion, Lease visnr srder Sir Wve with Lk Miss Josephine Lake, of South Fork, | near town, who were iying seriously oii AR rawr | o Ld ! Sunday at the home of Mr. and il of diphtheria, ary very mie nh ie 5 Kent bE seis Famers VL ig 4 s 2 ? 3 2 v 4 Aken EY Mrs. J. E. Parnell, on Palmer avenue. provad. Mio W. H. Moore came op from Harris: The Coalport band fornished burg Friday and spent Saturday with main for the Red Men on Thutdsy ia two danghters who are visiting in It fs ular hand aod in composed af Motion Sos £ wy . perfect orn who koow how to Muse Bas) ee s * : Hewtinl may ; Foes Ms %. Harry Kibler, Jr. and wife, of Coal. make music. Bai Mamie Jone » are now read Mow Lian 2 a he A port, paid our town a visit one day Dan’t forge: the Carrolitown fair on Heeltatice * VE NW BE a Fou last week, Gind to see you, come Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and betthiand ote... Aaviae Mus ; Friday, September 5 £ 7 and 8th, [yr lection : Wit Holter Sy » a ah a i “Ri vals ; i Hee Sate wy 3 rrisdale will he & dandy this year and you can't Tats an # SHOES Wo Salabieh. of Mo Mines, wan the guest of Mr. and Mr M. Abbott, of Palmer avenue over Mothers if yon wish a nos apr : ; your dapghters who will a ome MR Ta Xb: 4 dy ] - ibn don't fail to attend the apres 1 wader and a v wrt ara atest tour festivalin Goldstein's hall Fridey night, Twd Elis, of the fom Fruit and Pn Shades of Soft hats, September 1st. hs 3 es : : =i John Farmer and wife, of Gden i Sa : 3.3 i Campbed in od wife and pst place for shelf hardware, pbeil, J. T. Cline aud wife ane a oll and glae James Barnes and wife, of Barnes he ; wer poests of ats. sell Bre A fr > T HefBley, the Democratic Can Peyokiand Sanda : Ang 14 stating A for Coun ty Treasurer came up Boh ven Ton Ban added pum fie apes fa . - ; Thisnks to the Bed Men aie Yapdine Tay babi a the ae Rn a Hin volt a church erpnalzation foe be after his political fence. 4) SEgAmiant od ~ fo. seen . times before that anil xs ¢ Banaras Bra ott < { na ga N 2 - ackett & Cos. hne Shoes. Notions ba aE Li iia sR a tends last weel Ties Bel SEA i 3 Ke ; 10 and 18 cents per doen and peanils Wm. Witherow and two daughters how to show their appreciation of the , = > ) Carrie, : of New Millport, Pa. veo if pri tutors ink. 3 > PEE i 2 ish wil arrive on willow, : am 10 : v at the home of Mr. nnd Pharsiay, Gall and ge ¥ eS une ; ov wy 4 - . Witherow, ‘of Boat Magee fad tb 1N¢ $1 Our Pric CES. afford to mies it James A. Wharton, as prominent of near St. Augustive, spent atadde sale Thee great Ebensburg fair will take don't forget you will ‘place Et 2, A, 3st and Septem Yahner building, “ber Ist. $3,000 worth of premiums wi re and Mrs. John Miller, of Mar- : offerind: Elegant Horse and Heys erg Pa, are the guests of their rye and other special attractions. A large black bear is sail to he at , Mra. Geo. H Curfman, on oy Ta a oy large in the woods near Barnesboro, avenue. A Joma ANG Gande Wil be held in tide cnnnty and a band of nimrods of the Short grove, Patton, Pa, on Labor wa. of . alastad to Bi him one W. L. Nicholson, aceom- day, Monday, September 4th, ier tar lont week. be ‘toh the = a . : chown In by his daughter Edna, departed the gusgioes of St. Mary's Catholic pga fereed - h ls Ce ss ” ard i y morning for a week's visit chapeh All are invited lo attend ee ad Ryo Ba msection. friends and relatives at Kittan- : . : = 3 4 t SEE SRL ¥ Laas Gasorel ' ; iis ay We acknowledge receipt | uf 2 CER pk ROTE BR an ORE PURER . valor and beal 4 grade Ang LL pry ICES raentary tickets to the Eben g fair BBV vied Ht syilm, and ; : - V.. Perry, a prominent business and Carrolitown fair, the former to b reason nabl CCOons de Ting Coalport, accompanied by bis pig August 29, 30, 31 and September ] : : of D 0 aver Lo tails Place Sanday 1st, and the latter September 5 8& 7 ; eh the quantyv., Ss Pleo & en r Near Barsssbhars ns ito $s. giremiaiingn Stover y - ; The Altoona Tribaoe sds taal La a have Ur St the Yar saw mill owned gable MeFeele v arrested BK. SV. Jones din ceshined circulation Fs Chas. Kramer, near Fiinton, .: prensburg Sato dnd om thus charge practicslic the same. A single shell New Neckwear. p was destroyed by fire TUSsIAY |r fois pretense, profurmsd by Armonr will cures farther and do gr : : : : week was estimated wt $30,000 Xl Janes ave , &500 Fadil Cour fied re pn 5s thai a * . # ’ rife Shi : : Hina Shirts and ATs by an insurance of $15,000. pearanoe at court. We wish to acknowledge receipt of he Lock Haven baper mill sion wi ] - Buaiation To ata the. Great. be supsising the Paper fo fhe Foctag® Of the Autivaland 25 on aie to Clothing Shortly ran Interstate Picnic Exhibition siampe of all countries bit he we be held at Williams Grove, Comber The sbipment of paper to be used es es : w feed a) we 1 ounty, Aogust 28th to September Cahan stamps was made last week ala hoe. .. will} ic als “11 , a. Jersey Shore Hearld. 4 Rise Rn 2 Sutin anitgitle We Wii os Cid hi 1d Vi Wir Menars Addleman & Bloom, of this (On Tuesday, Angust 15th, Saperin- for Cress, schon and Kitchen, from 35 e, have secured the contract for tendent Gibson closed the examinat- denis p42 ox eptinnal © woodwork on the new Lutheran jons of the teachers for county school tor I ed lo secur: aj : to be built. here this summer. this year. Of the MT applicants whe coming schon days. Will be bald un. ns for the new chureh call for gppesred before him for examination der the auspices of the Ladle” Aid "a : | costing $5,000, and we learn go were reflsed certificates, NK having Society of the M. E church The : Ke sfone pilding committee have made poached the required standard and Mis, Wa HL SaNDeoRn, : y within the price named. roeeiving professional certificates, — i. HB. Srorpmwoah, Pres, : x Al i Sire Ser Uoting a: and CAB TORE A