give tas groumes ante So Interest. Patton ant ean be gentlemen.” unry, Monto Fontion te pr : ee a] A interesting case has jst been set tied in Pittsburg showing the advant- ages of L. A. W. membership. Dr. Lx 5 A. Bpicer was run down by a tah apd bis wheel badly damaged. The matter being placed in Chief Consul Boyer's hands a vigoroos investigation was | made by C. G. Keenan, with the resait | that the cab company has paid for = new wheel and other damages inci ero nding : wad Maller week, when it is considered that Mr. | Croker holds in the hotlow of his hand the New York delegation, and can ] Yeritatiog an ites, wo : wounds snd cute sopthed and healed | : by DeWitt's witch hamid sive, a sore jodi Erm Me GC i Tameicy . ra EET & CURE = ee WIE Win wonder fol sue. BR CUred sore Canty Bere! pu PR feiss x promicunces incorshic | « mywell am avis tu testify {merits My face to 4 » picture of Segiek Mig a Cure has made is such ve yours with the fin 0 1 feel ton (Younger than 14i4 ane year — i tan obtain some wonderfyi Fates of iis medical guafities™” Tea rR foals Beware of connterfeita 0. W, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmicy. See Kirk Hardware and Fuarpitare [cea ranges in the county - all guarioteed Caperlit and Sonshine. The City Restaurant keeps the fread and freshest line of green groceries in : throw its vote to Bryan when the next Democratic convention meets. Be The hempent place fore leaving sionists in the conntry. His change of front and his advice to Democrats that Bryan should bn nominated, in a great | surprise even to his own friends. ‘Rdolfzen & The City Preparing Elaborais Decorstions for Exposition Thee. Philadelphia, Angust 2, 1899 Be ginning early in September with the Grand Army encampment to be fol Jowed by the National Fxport Expo- sition continuing until November 3th, | in the course of which the International Commercial Congress will be in session, Phaladel phia will be for three months in gala attire. It will be an eventful period in the Preniers in Dry Goods, Provisions. A1.SO ESSEX IDE ty's. history and the stranger within Call and see us and : ta gates will have come not anly from | every state in the Union but from ail parts of ihe world. Many distinguished | | visitors will be present and the city of prices. Fas Bridge, Pat Lt 35.of for wall paper. for Europe, Mr. Croker picture frames and piastico at Fisher's was one of the most rampant expan- store near railroad station. Forsberg, Groceries, Notions, Flour, Feed and berfer th8n Yim cannot Go fs PRL OT (init & Beeser for Srstorhos plumbing, Farimates freely given 44tf Soaning House. Ik We £ Can why HL ADPIPHIA. Crpprwite Franklin Square Brotherly Love, throngh the National . Export Exposition, will open the way “and set the pace for the advance of Americi's foreign trade to the goal of In anticipation of these eventa of in- * terest to the whole community the city ‘of Philadelphia is making extensive | preparations for the artistic decoration and patriotic display on a most elabo- rate scale. Tt will eclipse all previbus measure for all fotare stiempta To all visitors it will be a thing of besaty and joy during their entire stay. othing will be left undone that will © add interest and attractiveness to the and Puneton hats are on. occasion by doing. The private biti d can be purchased by ny en, the busine interests. and the listed n the work and equally interes & United Statet tarn ont annually ted with the Exposition magagement 000 pounds of plug tobacco, 12,- 17 converting the city by decoration 0 pounds of fine cut, 14,000,000 and illumination into x soene of bewild- aoa, 4,000, 000,000 cigars ering beauty for a period of three | Tomi. Tie Yiiapinn Yitlage. Philadelphia, August 22, He. The | management of the National Export | | Exposition, in itd desire to have an aggregation’ of “American” villages, have run across an nnexpected obstacle : inten # with reference to the Pralippine village. | ENGLEHART, the ring candidate for An agent of the exposition has cabled | county commissioner, fi considerably from Manila that while all the accesso : the. outlook for his ries in the way of bamboo, pais, Timothy Mois ont frais, moss, etc, have been sbipped ‘ ug to be a strong candidate, much from the im in st the calculations of the "bosses, ™ possible to secure the native families to Tare th Fork Rooord ays: iy ii the village complete. The intel % Record igent Filipinos, be writes, are loo an though Engiebart is not golg ¢ 4,nendent to accept the terms he ba rience of Mr. Bryan, that in ol cane the vole is a shade better than aie Fu Wiki x island, be bas found B Ta out 8 very big swath in the race Sor proposed, while the ignorant natives, MY SOM mise oh De 4% who would do just ax well for the ex eratic i iin ro pean i position purposes, refane 10 br taken B1ondes in his party woard the ships, fearing that awaits them in America the death TE question which appears to ag fate the minds of a large namber of, War Secret Service. citigens of Patton Borough is, what act- Chief Jobs BE. Wilkie, of the Secret if any, is going 16 be taken in re Service, operative during the recent ds to the “cow petition’ now before War, reports that the emergebcy forve the Council. This honorable body of thedivision was continoed up 0 = should test samt consider. | time gust after the wigning of the ation and either act for or against at protocol ¢ mount charged sgatiut the appropriation for national defense their hex regular meeting. from Joly 1. 1896 to the close of the present fiscal year wis $11,- 110.56, a total of $1800.28 for the by the War period. The number «f arrests of made by the agents during the year was 879. Of these 218 were convicted, 203 are awaiting ant vourt, 2 HET of red of Mr GENTLEMEX, Jum plenty fire"! were the emphatic words cKinley when appr Citizens committee of the Distr Columbia, baving in charge the oel- ebration connected with the reception a 4 to Dewey in October. That this in- *™ fugitives, 4% were nord by the Junction willbe carried out nest grand jury and 117 were acquitted be doubted by anyoue, and the fre- New York led with 88 cisds and Pean- 3 » 5 Avani EN ssh 43 works display promises to be a memor- SYIVaniaA Was sexe : The ble one. amount spent for suppressing counter felting was $03 ICAL Grand Labor LAR shag om (toe ne eh < a va ty ; Witss da, | PrrovoH § ive courtesy of © oliter's Puy Fron. eekly, one of the best known and | ar illustrated weekiy journals, Grove, P alton. Pu . on Labor Day, ars on first pagé of the COURIER Monday, September 4th, for the besmpe fir | week £ half-tone cot of & scetie 0B of St. Mary's Cstbolic church of Pat bosrd the great American liner, SL gon. A grand dance will ma held on Louis, taken while crossing the Atian- the spacious platform. The best of tic, on board which was Mr. and Mra music will be in attendance. Refresh. A. E. Patton, of Curwensville. A very ments of all kinds will be pervest on striking likeness of Mr. Patton stand. the grounds. Disher will be served an ne in his uvsual characteristic way 11:30 a my; ap or at 3 p. wi, Every- . ‘body is invi to come and have i is plainly observed in the pistare. good time. in Mbhaort's Ed * [TRE petirning volunteers from the Philippines are receiving a royal wel pome from their friends which they richly deserve. They have not only | upheld the honor of their country, but have won golden opinions from others. The Japan Herald, ‘in commenting on Hers the she recent ¥ visit. of some of the volun. gignature of { “They have | ;OING OUT OF od cpt in Our And Everythin he LOW 5 Fou SRN wr % a & eure and mfe application for tortured | to Predutiek Smeltesr ot al, Co for the Brest line of stoves snd to give perfect satisfaction —Cinderelia, wexeas m one | Peedn Rexordiod at Ebensbarg wp 8 Tae Friday, Aspe IR Harriet, M. Jones ef vir to John A Caardian Faber, Frederick Kennan tarongh, $6 Frederick Smeitser ot al, %o Petin- syivania raiirosd company, Gallitein bewrongh, $0. Mattkiasn Keller #2 ux. 1c Hannah E Rickard, White, $68 Wiltiaon B. Williams to Vinton lom- her compmny, Ltd, Cambria, Henry W. Pox ot ax to Papon, (ardl, $38 Philip Mellon of 5x to Thad Conrad, {learfeld, §R0A _ Thad Coded et ux to W. W. Ams bry, Clearfield, 871 H Somerville, M. DD, to Amanda ©. Conrad’ Chest Springs, $175 William Asheroft et ax Mower, Susquehanna, $175 Jen Drosman to David F. ‘Senith, Sosquen anna, $1 Webnter Griffith of ox. ot-sl, to W. A. Latkann, Cambria, $8488, Bear Bidpe Coad & Uoke company to Pernsyivania & Northwestern railroad compan, Beade $1. Ehifip J. rene of ax tell, Hastings, $300 Thomas Barnes st ax. of al to James Camapbell, Rarnesbors, $806. E20 E. R to Anasstatis Kilhag age and Cats 0 Alioens, The hard of bealth of ARRcons has tuken miditional stepa toward stamping out smallpox. All the dogs and cals funnd ig hoses where the exinta gre shot for fear they will spread the Hines nme, : How is it Kirk Hardware and Forni. are Uno can give you the best goods for the (east money * Tt is mitinuated that one crow’ will de- stroy THLO00 insects every year.