The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 24, 1899, Image 1

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i NG.
Le Held For
Fatay Ang. 4
A Spmeerdat lies
Purpose Th
draring the p
by the Burgess and Tows Conaeil of
Patton Rarough for Uw purpose of ob
taining the consent of the electors of
said bevotgh to an increase of debt to
Yhe pmount of seven thotsand dollars
By this sction of Conndle, the volers 11
this place will be given an opportunity
to manifest Yh
proval to the apirh
enterprise started in
for & few years to call har home.
tis to this spirit of enterprises
Progr rag we one thin fat %
our town in shee Baecond in
and secording ti popalition ravi 0
among the Hive progrissive towns of
Western Pennsylvania.
Owing to the policy of a Hive anu
selfish school board, the public s0l
has ont oir Custom absolute] of Patton are |ssdond to none (8
-» we ve thewe checks with county, and Ul w town Coumcil hie
p of 5 cents or more given us a system of fire protection,
and | them for 5 per. Seat. Of sewage and electric Hight that cuuew
thelr ace value in merchandise : many tow ns older In groWwib and larger
in popolation to open their eyes and
gaze in wonder, .
The latist snterprise in wity of
municipal Improvements bs the paving
and curbing of our principal busines
streets under a sistem by which the
property owners adinonnt to the strat
5 pay two thirds of the cent of the suine,
Is, & pretty large sam on. balance being paid i from the ge
1s an avarage borough fund This pobiey a
tedly a wise ona
cent. of © ithe GRAND TOTAL, Th® 2POroTai of all voter of the bop
is the amount which we ‘ough, eRpecialiy Dropelty fosders, wio
to.our customers, and that have the permanancy and Gap bility
in evidenced bid the of the town at heart,
our business daring | The proposed increise of debt will
‘be secured by interest warring bonds at
a rate of interest not exeocding foer
: and one-half per cent
« payable twenty years from date of
iw This gives the borough as op
| portanity to lift certain culstandiog
t Habilities which are now bearing inter
Prom June 1st 1hg7 to June
1st 1899 we redeemed.
‘worth of Cash Register,
Checks in merchandise.
. Hardly a family in North-
: ern Cambria County but has
the benefit of this distribu-
approval £7 fipkngs
of progress and
the town we Boge
to-day that
and should adel
oe > 3 ou
yoters Of hw
of this Distribution?
If not, Get in the Swim and bay your
hy : : act; To nom and will cane the futire res
the privileges which are now provided
and which they then enjoy.
| Its the policy of the COURIER to
{encourage any ~aterprise Lhat will 100K
to the futare we, we of the town aba
partionlarly a policy that will cause
futare generations to pay Dor the
vantages which they then enjoy,
By all rasuns attend the election
; the Firemen's hall on Thorsday, "Aug
pat 24, and vote that the borough debit
“may be increased in (he manner
for the parposes therein designated.
Arphatpd for Freaking Sabbath,
Monday morning Constable Jackson
and Policeman Gill arrested several
foreigners who reside in the vicinity of
north Fourth avenue, near the Flannl
gan Bun branch railroad, for breaking
‘the Sabbath day by getting drunk and
raising a disturbance which the whole
peighborhiood for several blocks were
annoyed. It is about time this kind of
{or carry ing on by those people was
Lehecked and the officers deserve mdch
eredit and thanks by
‘gitizens for the good work they atl lsat
wecomplished. It is a0 outrage in any
Fencing Cheap!
| poultry wire
of 2 Il sizes. |
Plain Galvamzed Wi ire at practice to go on and we trust tha
75 per hundred which you | this will be a lesson to others in
3 can not be bought } Gifforent pacts of town who indulge tn
he a { o. oy E ine the laws of the Sabbath Say.
eivilized community to allow such
Mew » Day
The picnic and dance held by Kili.
Also jor 4 toilet setsata buck Tribe of the Improved Order of
Tea : Red Men in Patton Thumday of last
| week waa a success in every particular. :
{ The day was perfect and everything
Th oh line of rockers on
market—Golden oak, art
y finish.
Children express
50¢, $1 and 81.60.
Glass jars at the lowest fig-
Ru , remnants of carpet
t half price.
Window shades, all prices,
“also cottgge rods. :
o'clock nm.
ducted and headed by Jumes Pope, Sr,
who acted as the great chief The
costumes worn hyp those who partici-
pated resembled very mach those worn
by North American hodiaps years ago.
parade was enjoyed by all who saw it
To mee the Youth Reghment
For the accomodation of persons
‘who desire to participate in the wel
‘come to be given to the returning
Tenth Pennsylvania Regiment at
Pittsburg Monday, August 38
| Pennsylvania railroad company will,
- on that day, sell excursion tickets at a
\_ ‘single fare for the round trip from
Johnstown and all stations west thereof
Cc C. GRENINGE ER, Mgr. | Day.
the largest fine in town.
Very Respectfully,
good to return until Aagust 29, n-
Help a good cause by patronising
: Clive weeks, there has
appeared in the colmng of the (ours
[ER a notice of Rpevisl Flection calied
the :
from D
per annum,
owt od the rate of six pir cent. per an-
Aine hy Moth
dents of the Borough to heip pay for
off in an enjovable manner. ,
| One of the special fuaiares of the day's |
amusement was the attractive parade po...
5 ¥ Bl
of Indians which took place about 10
It was personally con.
It was a good representation and the
chased the livery
the Patton Fire company picnic snd
‘dance at the Firemen's park on Labor
hia pew venture.
wiley :
A Bowne on Board the (oe
lantic, Which Appears bn Vind
Track Team ear
wer vile,
in the tA pACty of pefiiree
Apparently }
“a. Fa Was
£i% Ey
Fojoving His Trip
. SU
rostite to England haying
dine An LEAS \ salewel
bots, While Crossing the At
iy of F Anguet ithe The Fabe Huryars
on Dek Me AE
cael ow ~ posi acted
fafY Bile of the Boxers,
Fox trim
Troimameterd at w Wegner Mowing dled
Sondgy Night, Auger 03
Car Borbugh
peguiar session Monday night with the
following members present us pel rod
ge Habtdant,
ard Approved,
Hida four
brides goross (Chest
¢ Lad
fw mnkerd
Flair, Winslow Me
August 14, ware
am Ev Wi
inate Jat ree ng
Monday, Hei
ihe paintiog of jhe
woke head
L Masher,
The matter of jetting contract Wan left
ihe hands of the SEITE Ele
who Were given power to act.
The petition saking that
nance be repealed in regard to signs
hanging over the sidewsiks wax aan
brooght np and on msetion of Anderson
and weronded by MeCormiok, it was
earried (hat same he on table ine
deot 16 call
F Winslow and seeciidedd
wre, 1 was carried tha the
bil af BE © of BRI IG for bors
THRRh Sn Ter Services
fork iw Fucted | te
and ti gre v
Warren and A
at reat
tr hots
apes] and
ai Lig
wenyid make RE fohar al fiext HE
far pasting ¥. Angad Ine
On motion of Hise sod seconded
Winslow, i
of & oust iron Lig
the Marks rob ¢ @
eras with pls Fe 8 subshitte]
Borodgh Engineer H. (¢ Ayers
in molting
mY ene
of Blair ane sev
Anderson it
the Paltan bearchiizht
publishing Ord {
wekks and the potice of speeial eles ition
one time be passed aa read and thi an
order be granted for the amount
Ong msotiowrot Campbell and sedis
by Anderson, it Was thal
Wis tarred that Shs Bp of
for 7 #
sane Na,
eh £1 i
® Fa
(erk of Council and the Bargess be
anthorisd oadyise FO P, Abwrersabie,
Saperinteddent of C. & C. division of
P.R R in reply to his letier of Aag-
inst. that the Council
an agreement
net 1 th,
enter into sik
*| tee a contracts ander same con
kitions u
an receipt of same.
Council then adjourned to me at
next regular meeting night. Algo
sth. ;
Yas Quits § soft]
Republicans will bave po reas to
SOs Imie
vote for H. A. Englehart for
even if he was osetul So
Hep publican party Ha
sign, wi was chairsbsn of
th Demos a orgsnisabon
Wan pariy pays is gbligaions
as it goes, and Harry Englebiart, thers
fore, has no claims to is gratitode at
present. - Mountaineer.
Tiber Rs
Consrndy Seay Dead
several members of Lieut
Kavior Post, + A RR. attended
funeral of Frank Swan, ai St. Law.
rence, Saturday. Mr Swmn, who was
aged about TO years, and who wis an
od soldier, dled al his hoane pear St
Lawrence Thursday. The faperal
services were conduoeted in the be
Lawrence Catholic church whan nter.
ment was made nes cby
mavevasor to AM Hewes.
John Phalen, of Loretto, has pur:
business foriperiy
conducted by Alf Baum, pear the iron
bridge og Magee avenue. Sinee tak:
ing possession of the stablis bi has
mide some needed improvements and
expects to be able to furnish up-to-date
“turn outs’ for the trade. We predict
for Mr. Phalen abundant soccess in
raquired fu
¢iwdi- fe
3 charge SUE min servinion, ® ROBIE #4
Ee al
Ceurveddt tor the ocvasion.
: invited.
Thr Fane Sais Soe © Bilt € an Tee
Vosdwns Nabe inmtes
Adan tent
seta of
the prev since ef
if many
hve « tise
HY wiiiveal Beurds
from am AF Uomabrln ponnty
Fein iain th wT
wulien te the wr hosing
withont fred having be
There really mm po proessity
Board to pass such ressdutione a
Wan set of assembly relating
cane. The following is ab extra
the school nw?
jing :
AUY © tiv the sclaais gisdler their
teertitioate sige by 5 phy wician, WEE «
Hing forth thas sch ebdild Ras tween
‘pnoessinily vaavinated or that i has
previousiy had smslipox.
This mw should be strietly snforeed
And i the sehiol heard does pet Sak in
the matter the members are certadnd
Bok & thar day.
Werks x = Maat £ thse
Primer Pre Gallien,
nw ihe fat Yond
Edi | pectiul veer the tomb of Father
Salita. ab Loretto k
in Hime
Lay Bestomber th, 1 thi
the centennial of the fou nding ©
retin has heen pospaned to Tt EN
x $33 Hit $ Toe
which will doubles, indgieg
Father Kittell's adaption for historical
work and the resonroes from wb
ta draw, be
Ten excenclingly interest.
& Coad Wasiv, -
Hastings cornet basd, but re-
organized, which is ccmpoted
of twelve members,
Patton Wednewiay evening
¢ and treated oar own with some
very pice mase. I ie peactioaily
3 new grpanimation but the manner in
wich if executes the pleces of music
plaved one wonld judge they had hatt
years of practical experience. AL play
exceptioonily well and the late alesnd
: B the efficient leader selected
were greated with applatse all over
town. We will be glad to see (his
in an the pear future
drove over
ol last
b- oe
splendid visit oar Lov
faba Women Cosbag 20 Crosman:
The management and faculty of |
Aloysins academy, for give amd ¥
women at Cresson, Pa, has comple
arrangementa for edeeation of a puny
ter of girls of the higher social class of
Cabs, who have recently sulfered finan-
cially and other loses by rv go the
war in that hdand he fired Postal
ment of the Cubans is expected to ar
; geademy within the next
few days in charge of Mme, Zanetti -
Ebhensbory Mountaineer Heralil,
rive al toe
WW hears Ryan
(Leary, Jr. apd Miss Tile
two highly respected anid popu-
ar young peapie
ship wens anited
SE August chureh, by
Patber Luodden, Tuaesday morning
The Counter, along with their many
Extends hearty
marriage af the
i athoie
fpant 5d As
Dany Phugsenes
Patton Fire Ca Noo 1 will bold an-
other of their popular dances at their
park east of Patton on Labor Day,
Monday, September ith, A good time
will be assured all who attend. The
La Bos
tron, of Care
Cadneators 1
the mancoent
wd Clearfield town
TO rescuens INSTITES
Jolt a Mews ictal) Met the
County Prapes Noomnher 3h
Phe Teachers Inytitate of Johnstown
pity amd Cambria county, shiv have
bene Bald Jointly the pas) 1wo Teams
in Johnstown in DBT and at Hix naburg
Cn TAOS are to bee field separately this
your again, thet of Jo to take
place in Otober, Whi galbering
of the eointy nae be held at
Ebensbarg, io fiw Cont Hous, frome
November 200 to December 1st.
For the shunts mslitnte a corps of
adie fnsirucdn
lw Th
fors wiE
mensions Dias been sscanil
shgade Dr. Nathin
br. M Beambangl,
wupity of Pesnsyivaning
Common, of Coshimbos, 1
WL King, Mrs Kise, and
M Wiseman, of Ring's Sehonl of Oras
tory, Pittatsarg, Two other strong
vill bee pdded tn the jist bee
amd the opening of the
They in.
fast mb tion
of the Unb
Han 30 T
Dr. Byron
end James
Sehae Mery,
af Padi
taser now
For the evening snteriainments the
attractions are egosily jpood. Monday
svening Dr. Brnmbangh will lecture on
“Pannsyivania Edocationaily;” Tae
day evening Uovernor Bob” Taylor,
of Tennessee, will deliver his famous
eturs on “Love, Laughter and Song,”
and on Wednesday evening the insti-
tate will be entertained with a concert’
the Smith sisters, who
and readings by
we delighted their audinnee inst year.
Toanrsday evening will witness a slight |
departiire from the stertoly pe charase-
tar of entertainnients usally provided
fir Seachers’ Inetitate. It will be the
pivsentation of Shakeeplieare’ s fumons
tragedy, “Hamlet,” by Dir. Byros King |
fur {he day
fom aed Town E
Patton, that a
fused in the Firensen's hall, the
holding municipal elections in ¢
wigh of Patton, on Thumday, the Mth
dew of August, 1894, for the purpose of
taining the consent of the electors of
the Borengh of Patton, to an increase
of the b. cugh debt, whieh notive sete
feipth a= fost lows:
Firat. The amount of the last as
smn] valsation of the property in the
Rorongl was $350, 220.
Secsarid. The amount of the existing ©
heb we
Bonded debt . 7.800 00
CUmtstasnding orders a1 n
mi an
Rewonross applicable thereto within
the your as per statement of Borough
Auditors te So BIm MN
Third. The SESE or perm
af the proposed incense of
$i. 200.00 or one and nine a
alghity six one per cent.
of the amount of the last preceeding
auseved valuation of the taxable prop. -
and lows than two per cenl. over
snd above the present bonded debt.
Fourth. The purpose of the pro
pomed increase of debt is ode
md extending of streeta,
bridges, improving streets and other
raanicipal Huprovements.
Et nd ordained the 17th
of July, iy
W. €. Hussnanrn, =
President of Council.
x AMES ios
Apnro Anni of Patton
Boron Si a r af uy: 1.
Sonos b 5
Buy your baled ‘Sam at Geo. 5
toads fue thi; pletion,
and Mire King, with the sistance of 8
Soin pany speciaily selected,
a own soepery wad stig squipments.
W bile the appearance of Dr. King
3 5 34 b 21%
groctod by the teachers, and will thus
have, enany of them for the first time,
Dir King P
will take to Ebsnsburg from Pitsburg
wpany will no donbt be heartily |
& chance to sew & presentation of what |
is doubtices the yreatest work of the
Hard of Avon, perhaps the strongest
attraction on the list is Governor Tay
lor, who has a pational repotation ass
The manner in which
Wit and Jectarer.
he Bddled and mag and joked himmeif
Unto the Gubersstorial dhair when be
wa a camstidate agaiost' his brother
Al the ane a Democralb
Wo Taees lew 7 Eanes,
{an Peonsvboanis the apes spason for |
wid turkey, ant, grouse, qual,
partridges and squirrels» from Ope
Roher 14 ta December 15: wosdooek
ng the sane pasta, rail nnd reed
xirde Septe mbt | : Precember 1: elk
Ana J ao dog He need,
ber | to Sains 1: Hares and rabbits,
November | 10 Decemtier
July 15 to Jasnaey 1: web-footed wi
fowl, Septamber i to May 1
Lasge Tunneey Harve
The large tpsery wt CO srwensville,
owned and operited hy Alley Bros &
was destroyed by fire Friday night
together with 3.600 pars pf bark,
i About the only thing maved was the
tide house. The bark alone was worth
about $50 000 aad with the valuable
machinery and the large buildings and |
other property destroyed, the loss will
probably reach $00, G00, and perhaps
Mera had hor Pear,
The members of the Hbeasbarg band
last Wednesday evening were the
the other a
i tail frend in the public |
{ i Novem. ;
our an-
space} of
You will see
‘pouncement {im this
‘the ngw and elegant line of
(FALL SUI TINGS— S—the in-
est ever brought to this sec-
tion of Cambria—at the Low-
Lest Prices.
plover, |
The Merchant Tailors,
| jraests of the steward of the poor farm. |
The band disparsed sweet mayic for the
benefit of the pauper and insane ine
mates of the farm who wemel greatly
There are now 1269
~Juhnstown |
to enjoy the tread
inmates of thy poor 8
Fable Sai of | swe.
Four good cows—will be fresh in
December will be solid at public sale |
Wt the home of Abe Hutchison, Sixt
wvenoe extension, Patton, Pa,
Friday, September 1st. Cows exn be |
ween at any time be calling wt above
named place.
Wigon for Side.
(Irove spring wagon, jroodd as new, will |
he sold at a bargain, 'Wagun can be |
ween at John Phalen's livery stable
pear iron bridge, Mage: avenne, Pat.
ton. Pa,
Lat §
Between 9. Lawrence ami Patton
vo Srealollar notes ard
Any person
on August 17, #
ane $10 note
"the money.
best musie in the county will be pro-
i ommercial Hotel,
A ope or two-hoowe, Two sedted Pine |
same and reluraing to Isaa Wagner
1's 5 mame which we have won
hooorably—a name that we have
garaed by prompt service te our
Mail Order customers.
By this prompt service, together
_ with the low prices at whch we
sell worthy dry of ail kinds,
we have built up an extensive
Mail Onder Department. We am
to give car out-of-rown patrons
the same careful treatment that
ix accorded our friends who come
to the store. To ths end we
deliver prepaid, when the money”
secompanies the order, all dry
goods to points within 100 miles
of Altboua.
These easy terms make it just
ascasy for vou to shop by mal
ns though you were here in person,
Our new Mail Order Catalogue
makes it even easier © iL gives you
an ulen of the thousand amd ne
‘things which we sell in this Dig
Davlight “tore.
rite tor a copy if you haren 1
received one vet—it will only cost
vou the price of a postal.
E & CO.