DT erat party in Cambria . - Your right It will. He's the a that ithe, no It skid by many , I claimed by the ring ean- — ro, to learn that Brother Kaylor is such an ardant ‘supporter of Engle- Hug candidate of the, Johns- +: Hb ving « word i an! Si in ey moat. | & few things that may transpire once a r, have a Le large \ “hick kiln of which oar to be able té obheerve week, at any rate, until we am eligible ¥ to Sembsrehip in Brother Kaylor's i ————————— NOTEWORTHY results may in time be } produced ander the system lately put in operation in ‘some statos of the Union whereby primary elections are | held under public authority says Brad. street's. A striking indication of this has just been furnished by the out- | ‘McGuire, a brave soldier of the Revolo- | tionary war, settled near loretto on i land adjoining the present town, now ; owned and occupied by Henry Everly. : { MeCluire and his fruily as well as those ‘that subsequently were Catholics, and to uttend to their spiritnal wanta they occasionally se. a wn and desiring to lmmune himeelf from | the world in this then almost Insccessi- | ble wilderness, sought and obtained | of his ecclesiastical superior | to bieate there. Having obtained the desired permission, be soon began the "tereqtion of it small log chunk, and in this | day, 1798, the. “Gloria in Faxoelsis” of {the war-hoop of the Indian. |of Loretto ‘was comparatively ot has for the past sixty-five years opers- f journalism, which is “roul pretty things." come of the pst pring; o election held | : Store near railroad station. You esnnot do better than to call on | Gould & Beeser for first-class plumbing, | lene. Patimates freely given. Ate Boarding House. Ty The cheapest place for wall pape iplotare frames and plastico at Fisher's | od afrsce wou be made by mak: primary slections Rion It of a nature to encour- ame fe sil applied to the church and ~ About the year 1797 Captain Michael the colony, or Georgetown. Om one of these ccctalons, In 179%, Father fchmat, : _ | Smith, as he was then known, bat now. | ptious edifice on Christmas ihe forest. where but a few years pre- vionsly the echoes reverbersted with | From that time forward for more then 8 quarter of a century, the growth rapid, in effoct public : | Provisions. | Call and see us and learn our Terms $1.00 per day. Fa 707 Vine Street, PHILADELPHIA. Opposite Franklin Square. Cambria and Clearfield. county people visiting Phila-| delphia will find this a con ‘venient and central location. } ALSO ESSEX SOAP. Fast side of Iron: Patton. Pa. J 18-41 MRS. S. B. KING. arc iris bing : In Homer of the Sobtinrs. Welcome the brave Tenth Penney yania heroes. Next Sanday’s “Phila. delphia Press’ {August 20; will be al in their honor. It will be | Alled with half-tone reproductions of the takent in San Fran photographs cimo by the “Sunday Fress’’ pbotogra- | z | jhaita of many soenes will be shown in this magnificent scovenir editoo.. Colonel George Nox McCain, the only | Philadelphia staff correspondent who went out to meet ‘‘the hoys in blue,” has written for this editon all about their work in the Philippines, the trag- | | edies and comedies of war, incidents ‘which make herpes, stories that will mike you laagh and tales that will bring the tear. Artists and photo- graphers will unite to illustrate the ‘deeds of the sons of the Keystone State, in this great souvenir editon. Ba sure to get next Sunday's “Prog! ‘ Ebeusburg Firm Baskrupt. Frailey Bros., who conduct the Econ- | x bioR & fos Homes st Ebens- | | burg, filed a petition in bankruptey in| the. United 4 States District Court at last Tuesday. labilities | In view of the fact that we Sacrafice our entire stock of ly LOW PRICES and this Extremely coods at the Lowest Prices you ever he poand can for 50 ceria nit nn bites, Lo fesl. Beware of counterfeits. C. W : Hodgkins, Patton Pharnoacy. Say, you want to try the celebrated | Apollo brand Of can peaches at the | Patton Bapply Co. They are tha finest | nt 18 Patton, Three They ard head aver beng something extraordinary | wounds sind cuts soothed and test or can give iby DeWitt's witch hanel sulve,-.a sure for the lnast money ? | eure and safe application for tortared A $4000 Bicycle Given Away Daily The publishers of Tr New York 8ran, the handsomely illustrated Sun. day newspaper, are giving a Hon | Grap BcYoLK each day for the larg: ‘owt Hist of words made by haing the let- The City Restaurant keeps the finest | vars contained in and freshest line of green groceries in| 1 Patton. 4x Wii In be quickly & cheaply mended at our store. Does your tire cree nn? It may cause a had fall. We can fasten it with first-class hard cement by the latest and best process for 25 cents. We sell Excelsior Needle Cos Diamond E. Spokes, the finest made with nipples, 3c each. your bicycle GOING will be an ard tell of ERE NEW TORK Cy no more tines in any one word than it i found in The New York Star. Web- ster's Dictionary to be considered ss authenity. Two Gold Watches (first- ans tinjekeepers| will be given dally or te] and third best lists, and | many other valuable rewards, includ. ing Dirvser Seta, Tea Sets, China, Ster- ling Silverseare, ete., etc, in order of ‘merit. | This'edneational contest is be- ing given to advertise and to introduce this sucessful weekly into new homes, ‘and all jirinew will be swarded promptly without partiality. Twelve Jcent stamps most be enclosed for Thirteen | weeks Trial Subsoription with full par tieulars And a list of over 300 valuable rewards Contest opens and awards eommence Monday, June 26th, and closes Monday, August let, 1808. Your list can reach os any day be- tween thes: dates, and will receive the awa tb which it may be entitled for that day, and your name will be printed in the following issue of The New York Star. bis one list can be offices Parsons sorb idee have choos of Ladies’, Gentlemen's em wor That this 1s a Genuine opportunity * Sa le at Genuine and of your lite to get