sewocnano exer powmares : At Cowpontion Hai at Evenshiirg Mendy «Hwlley for Tremsunie. {0 clock. en oon a0 the Gilegatens wore seated Mr. Harry Englebart withdrew y and Mr. Herman Banmer, was selected in his rine 0. A. McGuire and B. H. Biter | were appointed tellers. Edward IH. Bailey, of ohnstows, : in nomination Harry B. Haffley, ures. ation to Yolo by each delegate | Barking ae choles Va ent and Jasses , a. pein abu ables; Mr. sod or ¥ p. Donselly sad Mr. James committe i | Bracken. The commities on credent 7 . isi of rockers on C. GRENINGER, Mgr. fale was made op of Thomas T. Sheri- idan, Caron Leahy, and BR. H. Biter. RE. Cresswell was reelected county has commenced residence on bis {ert of Se tens on {svenom. Tt will be a cased brick on the ocelonial h. sitested » Jitthe over 3 mile west of ¢ Patton, on the road leading to Hast ings. ce, about the place aboot forty-five relat- Kilbuck Tribe No. 388, Tmproved | of at at Hastings Mr. Ambrose abe eave the wigwam at 10 o/clock pring an AL. Strittmatter. rusts of SIF inde on the rusia ses} lof the firm of Strittmatter Brox, ck race in which Hrothers Jase * Hastings: and several others. 1. | sniecting their especial and various en- tend, as the Indians will ty to make it a a ts loliing under pool Yery pleasant for yoo : : a leg ee actor t Mrs Yahner on ry 7. Fasbmagh, of Carol consisting of Edward H. Bailey, RB L Bower and William snd all we expected to repeat the A PLEASANT SUNDAY Matter Segre. _ iINat rs - The following may he of vital inter. a w ow Spent #1 the Flome of Squire Yahoer, - : = of Pattce, On Sunday, Augost mot, eit. young. wen as. well as # good} ¥ ub, 4 une JOUE men at Rel a: 2 el a School board. It ja & good scheme jn. | Bold! ssmuch as it would, tn all probability, | 3€" dd to the Patton borsugh school find | Gos and thers ia so doubts that She Anes | the On retorn of the "Squire's family | from high mass the visitors began fo arrive by buggies, satre¥s, spring | wagons and even baby carriages, snd Joung men who spprar to be some! what chagrined over the manner ia which the selection of teachers were | mde by our hemorabis schook hued: soon the spacious home was crowded | in Schuykill county, scoording! from cellar to attic, but the well knows rim iro, “sing (genial hospitality of Mr. and Mrs benim pe) prt “tot ae . Yahner found a hearty welcome for all, | Sistourages of muir. has poti- and after partaking of a bounteous find the teachers Th ha dinger, such ans only the skill of the pedi Ls i at of the hous, smite by ber ac. | mri, 1 one Sorin | (complished daughters, the Misses Ida month wages. | and Emma can prepare Seattered Third Anwust Pleats sod Danes ives comprised the company, among Order Red Men of Patton, Pu, will| fF whom were the following: Peter C. bold their third annpsl picnic and Yahoer, wife and five children, of dance in Firemen's park, Patton, Pu, Summerhill; Mr. A. D. and Mra. Jose Tharday, Aug. 17, 1599 when big er Sperry and James Pope, Sv., will par- LIBCE, 0M and young found plessure in ticipate. Everybody is invited to st- ® C f ut Th day Sedaly 1899. Speci Tras 0 Wgir Camp esi. : bimbo : i. fave been a chm . To Ningars Palle Ang. 15 aud Sept. 5 30th and 7th, the New Niagara Falls excursions, rin Clear. | ol | teins direct to the Cimp Ground and teketa, good six day, permitting stop- | | retarn, on the former date from Pat over st Baffalo will be sold 14 85 from > : field and inter. | Patton, $440 from Mahafley, $4.50 | mediite pointe, and on August 97th from Philipsburg and proportionate '¢ from ail points on tibe Beech Oreek rates from other points. No portion district, ins Jursey Store and of the globe has so many aliractions’ Williumeport. The nites are very low a Niagara and vicisity.. Prominent and afford an opp iy for 3 day's points of interest are the Ameriown - | outing and s most delightful trip. in. Falls, Horseshoes Falls Cave of the formation ue to time of special trains, Winds Inclined railway, Whirlpool ratem, ete, may be oblained npon ap Rapids, Suspension Bridge, New Aah {plication to any New York Central Bridge, ste. Observition train on Ube | New York Central rus fro Niagara Palle to Lewiston in foil view of the Whirlpool Rapids; furs 35 cents for the | Miss Emma Yahoer, certainly deserves. joyed thetmeives to thelr onan, lark in the near furtae. 1 toe retirees whe were absent a4 BARN rus colliery on Friday neg, | this occasion had joined with those Wm. Hewlett bad the misfortune to present, the number would have mustain painful injuries by a heavy fall in the three of coud. Hiw left log was broken in Mr. and Mrs. Yabner will be gad to 1% places below the knee snd an in| | welcome them ail. Jory to the spine receired. The attend. . PARTICIPATOR. ing physican, Dr. Worrell, bas made Han an Eye ou Patton. It is ramored that a large manufac turing concern is looking favorably 4 on Patton as a business location and additional particulars. | Of Patton Oyster hay Fume, The cane in which Mra lease R. Suy- ¢ and hopes are entertained by resided in Patton was aecused of as kill wan settled amicably half an bogr before the time set fur the airing, which ch ini the na any 1 to! The above are the remaining dates ral will rus special excursion Seid and the B. R & P, Ry. [Excarsion | rate of 1. Conmilt theket- ‘agents for the young man as Gomfortable as der, of Ehengbury. (but who formerly He semerons fod (at bie comvaie: salt mud battery wad threatening to ® | eeamiiment of the Grand Avy of ite | Hs Rejbtie, to be hed at Philudel af pan ie September §, 5. 6,7 8 and 8, on Pinneyivania railroad company MB it wel} excision tickets frome points on ite |ine to Philadeiphis, at rate of | single thee for the round trip, except { that foe from New York and Balti ‘more will be $3; from Newark, w. + gti irgee bist | 10 retum instil September 13, inclusive; bat by. depositing ticket with joint {amt by Gpoaing sets vith jlo S| pr fi, and the payment of fifty ; conta, 1etarn limit may be extended 10 Children. Every | anteed. “Also 2 Hie of Can't | Youths and boys. Have you seen the famous neen Quay Shoe for Vomien ? Romember this shoe has the largest sale of ‘any one shoe inthe U. S Queen "Quality finds faver with women who have paid $4 ‘and #5 for their shoes because. it is. readily recognized by them as a the rong hly highe grade shoe of unusual nient at a sensible price,” To pay more 1s throwing maney away ‘when! such valine can be ob 3 tained for $3 We have a great many ; bar- gains, in shoes to offer at this season of the year sufficient ito say that WE WILL NOT ‘be dmdersold, quality con- i sidenid. Remember | have exclusive sale of he For Boys, Youths, Misses and Rip shoes, seamless. for Men, : { Grove, Patton, : | Monday, September 4th, for the benefit of St. Mary's Catholic church of Pat- ithe spacious platform. The best of ; + 11:30 & m.; supper ab 5 p. m. Every- 5 tod any time. Po For catalogue address Ged. M. H. Good has resigned the HL B. Moyer, 35 figures heretofore printed on the order { will no longer be used. A receipt will {of the purchase of the urder. ‘new form will be much more conve. tyle, 3031 foot with » spacious porch are inclined to move their plant, which | fronting on the two svenses. When employs from 40 to 50 skilled mechan. | icompleted it will sdd to the many ics, providing that they can secure of land and a grant beautiful residences of which Patlon about seven aére can now boast of. ‘The work is being of “the build done under the direction of Contractor snderstood W. C. Hobbard. fi 3 necesssry. It is the Chest Creek Land and : Grand Law Day Plenbe. impr ve A grand picnic will be held in Sbort’s oi Pa, on Labor Day, ton. A grand dance will be held on music will be in sttendance. Refresh. iments of all kinds will be served on "| the grounds. Dinner will be served at afterncon, the barn of David Hollis who resides in White township, was struck by lightning and totally de- stroyed. All the farming implements, + hay, | ete, was consumed by the Samen and the Hve stock was with. dif fealty remcaed from the burning build | Mr. 1hody Is invited to come and havés Masienl Collage. The Musical College at Freeburg, Pa, is now in session witha larg and } weeks’ board and tuition. Kext term Hollis at $2,000 with no insurance. | begins September 2. Students admit- ok Me. Good Resigns | superintendency of the A. & PF. < Tre Cream Festival, railroad, and is succeeded by U. An joe cream festival will be held in Houck. , Mr. Good retires after ras the Goldstein hall Wednesdiy evening, 108 the road up to an excellent stand. | August 18th, for the benefit of the ard, and Lis many friends regret to * | First Baptist church of Patton. cream, cake, sandwiches and coffee best wishes are tendered to ingoing and | will be served. All are invited to at- outgoing superintendents. - -Osceols | fendi. { ce have him sep down and out. Our : Leader Cogrier. Oxford ties at 50 cents ou % the'doilar| Harmess Shop Removed. at Goldstein's. . George Langbien has removed his | harness shop from the room opposite The postoffice domanmint is con. P PPE William's barber shop on Magee ave om E £ the introduction of a sul noe, to the room next to Weakland's of postal money order, It wil Dlivery stable on Fifth avenue, where | be made to conform the size of an OF | be invites all his trade to call and see dinary bank check, and the marginal ,. a5t2. Toesd Miliivery, : time “The The millinery in Patton can be found at the ‘ Bor Ton store, near railroad on Fifth nient for handling by the people and ‘avenue. The prices are the lowest. also be giver the remiiter at the [September 15, 1899. ip ! banks, and will be introduced about It will pay you to call before making a | purchase elvewhere. ngs BE. C. Brown, super. During the thunder storm which | passed over this section Wednesday a very finest and most up-to-date should have takes place at the office of « “QUEEN QUALITY" “ Shoes (which are made in 32 diffezent styles! in Northern Cambria County, E LiL LER. Seema ms members will make their first appear. Sr SET St ee Tr i eT ‘der, who has been domicile at the i Metropolitan hotel since the informat- | ion was made against her, hay returned to live with her husband. The cguple | 3 , Three sons of B. A Glass, of Cresson, went berry picking Tuesday of list . wenk Wildwood, The 1 : %0al of the Patton Coal company and |, nan Mague & Lingle, two of the largest, ruled track to watch the buckets | 3 (coal concerns in this section, is increas o porriag they bad picked. After an ing which will necessitate the increase ‘absence of an hour they rutarned tov of capacity in the very near future. |g, yeir brother dead He had fallen Io the event of this, whinh we are ne asleep sn the track and a Cresson and lably informed will take place, It (pinot train mangled him iimost be- means a larger tonnage dod a greater yond recognition. His bead was cot! P Eovonnt of labor. This news will cor on and his body crushed. tainly he y dyisg fo aft ES be Given » Reeeptive. . New Fla Maric. _ Upon his return to Patton from the Ted Elis is fitting ap u room north Philippines a ronsing miceptinn whould | a Of Little's meat market in the Yaboer pb, pendered to John Jenkins, son of building for the purpose of conducting naaiel Jenkins, of thin plice, who is a fish mud oyster market. He will also of the brave members of the 10th ‘handle all kinds of sasonable §reet poiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, groverion. He has scared a splondid | Jogo the ate Col Hawking The location and should enjoy his share of pune should get together and o com. { business in that Hne. | mitten be appointed to make arrange Shouting in Kbecsburg. : ments He will be accompanied ta 4 Richamd Rurr, a resident of Ebens- this place by his companion who wah ‘burg for the past couple of years, on alse in the san reginumt. ‘Mouday evening of last week, while Yioger Sweet. 4 malies it even easier ; t-gives you ‘in an intexieated cor Ution, pulled oat while playing with » hatchet, Etta, an idea of the thousand ahd one ‘a revolver in the Mountain hose pout | the 1dyear-old daaghter of Jacob | thivgs which we'sell in this Big room and fired a shot thus come DOW woo covered the indix Anger on her Daylight store. s Irate flor a oo if vou haven't Lending the earthly existing of John right hand on Friday the Jth, inet. supy only cost. Love, a tnlored o of that place. received one yet—it will Le ny F Tae injured member wis sewed on with |) you the price of a postal. hopes that it may anite * SAA ATO Sa yi er Rev. Edwin, of Patton, was in town | GABLE E& co. Wednesday. He infbrmed as that the brick work of bis new residence is | LINZ AND 1404 1th Ave, ALTOONA, PA. at ry ar Indications ave that the demand for “ue s % name which we have wea . hogerabliy—a same that we have ‘eared By prompt serve to our Mad ro de ny Bytes '§ with the lok prices at which we sell worthy dry goods of ail kinds, we bave built up an csfenmve Mail Order Department. We aim to give our outof town patrons the same careful treatment that is atcorded cur frends who come to the store To the end we deliver prepaid, when the money scoympagies the order, all dry goods to points within 100 wiles of Mitoona, These easy terms make it jut asensy for vou to shop by i{ ns though you were bere in person. v ) Om sew Mal Order Cataicare Wismbing Bug at Carvel Haw. Dan Kline capght a Kissing bag on Saturday evening. It had frightened | several young ladies by trying to at tack theo, sod when they called for | assistance, Mr. Kline mwponded and isaceeechad in captaring the insect. — | Carrolitown News. ; completed, and that the house will be § ready for ocecupation soon. --C “armyll- { town News. : mpt service, together § # Zz
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