The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 10, 1899, Image 3

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    GA A
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Patton Courier,
FW tinpexe Bai
ne cope, Ane vemr ina vance $00;
sy At yoo baleig vaio riynet x FEE Ear
No papers diseantintes anti sll arrears
agus are paid ut xt pion of
Entered al the PostofMee at Pation as sseond-
riage roa’ matter
Angst 25th at M. KE. church.
Labor Day Monday, September 4th
A $3 Newman hat for $1.50 at Gold.
See new ad of IL. W Cook in COUR-
IER this week.
Go to Kirk's for the finest line of
stoves in the county. |
Celery Thursday, Friday and Satar. |
day at Cash Ciroverd.
E. A. McConville, of Flstie, Pa.
spent Monday in Patton :
Featival in Goldstein's hall Wednes- |
day night, August 16th. Come. |
A 18x20.inch picture frame for 65
vents at Fisher's wall paper store,
Constable Thad Delozier, of Haat
ings, had business in town Friday
E J. 8haw, of Owego, N.Y, was a
visitor to Patton one day last week,
Drop in and get a cool drink of
Hodgking' sada water and root beer
Andy Glasser, of Hastings was a
pleasant visitor to cur town Monday
The bids for the paving of Fifth ave
pe will he ipwinred Moandns eyening,
Lrgrust 14th
Ragriats r and Heoorder
of BEhensbuarg, transac!
Patton Friday
Two hundred ponnds of regalia
ten at Cinddatein’s at 3
Just think of iL
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
tarpeshoro, visited among friends in
Patton Toesday
{vane and hear the ban] po arial ry
diet in the MIE church Friday
ing, Angust 35th,
HoE. Williams, editor of thy
Campbeil Comet, was a pleasant callin
at this office Friday.
Will Yahner, of near Patton, was in.
{resson Monday morning onc hin way
to Latrobe Record
Ella, the little five year-old daughter
of Mr and Mre Alex. Fox, is seriously
i of malignant diptheria
In view of the scarcity. of pen work
hate not been fommenced on the sewer
to he erected on Fifth avenge,
0. W. Kendig, a commercial sales
man of Lancister, Pa, was a guest at
the Commercial hotel Tuesday,
On the iret page of the Cot IER can
be found the advertisement of Miller's
shoe store. Vou should read iL
F. A. Seitz, a prominent merchant of
Freeport, Pa, spent the past week the
guest of his son, Dr. H. A. Seitz,
Wednesday last. Ebensburg Moun
E. B Fox, of DuBols, was in ¢
Priday. .
Ask tov aee gents dress shoos at $100
| at (ioldetein’sa
Tinning of all description
Kirk Hardware Co
Vernon Roohk, of Philipsburg, is the
guest of his mother, Mrs. A. H. Roobk,
Leave vonr order at the news stand
for magazines, priodicals and story
Don't fail to attend the Epworth
League entertainment Friday night,
{ August 25th,
Herman TT. Jones, principal of the
Ebenshurg Public schools, was a visitor Sn
to Patton Tuesday.
Kirk's hardware department is the
cheapest place for shelf hardware,
paints, ofl and glass
E. H. Hendrickson, a traveling sales
man of Philadelphia, registered at the
Palmer house Tuesday. :
WaNTED One hundred people to
leave thelr orders for Philadelphia
‘Bnnday papas at thalnews stand
Thomas Donnelly, of Boston, Mass,
is viaiting his brother Ex Burgess W.
| Donnelly, of west Magee avenue
The Cambris Tribune save that the
brick for the pavements on Centre|
street will soon be shipped from Pat
Mr. WE Probert, a prominent bar.
ber from Patton, visited this pia
A daughter, the first that has blessed
thelr home, was born to Mr and Mrs
F. OC. S8harbaugh on Sunday, Cambria
Hon: James Kerr, of UlearBaid,
looking after hia barge and vuriod based
> ¥ 1
frees Jd vi
outing ® silk mld
dandy if we get it
For want of a quorum Patton Bor
ough Council did not meet Monday
evening, Next regular meting Mon
day night, August 14th
You are invited to
cream festival in Goldstar
i nesday evening, August
2 fr of ¥
benefit of Baptist ohigrd
Misw Mae Cowher of
District telephone exchang
ing her vacation with rolaiives
friends at Clearfield and Lamar
J. H. Huber, who resides
hurg, Pa, but who is the pro
the Corner drop store, is
after business itorests in Paiton
W. € Hubbard, Geo. Prindible and
J. J. Donnelly were chosen as delegates
from Patton to the Democratic county
Borough Engineer Ayers returned to
Patton Monday from a few days’ visit
to his former home at Philipsburg
. Bpecial attention is directed thia
week to the new ad of the Keystone!
Clothing Co. | elsewhere in the COURIER.
Don’t fail to attend the Reid Men's
picnic at Firemen's park, Thur
August 17th. A good time. is assured
Mm. J. Willis Hall will singe oa solo at
the Epworth League entertainment in
M. E. church Friday evening, August
Jamea Metann, editor of the Lilly
Signal, accompanied by his wife, were
the guests of Landlord Fryekiand
Chas. Commons, formerly of Patton,
but who now resides at Smoke Hun
spent Tuesday among old acquaint
ances in Patton.
Fred D. Barker, Eaq., a son of Judge
Barker, of Fbensborg is in Indiona
looking up the titles of some coal land
Indiana Gazette,
Rev. M. OC. Alexander, of Harlands-
burg, and G. L. Davis, a prominent
farmer of Glasgow, Cambria county,
were visitors to Patton over Sunday
Rev. Alexander preached two excellent
” 3 i vid 1 \ iW )
sermons in the Baptist church Sunday.
For Infants and Children.
“ind You Have Always Bought
of ZH edie,
canvention held at Ebensburg Monday
that Mm. T. N
Nagle, who was recently injured in a
runaway accident ts agnin able to be’
We are glad to state
about and look after her boasehold
Hey i} A i 3
Fhiomas’ Ep
toy hin bed tins week
will spesdils
jy will In 1p eamnil shi $s pehimN ;
the big new ad of Wolf & Thompson
in this paper this week, They are hay
ing a closing out sale avd goods will ba
sold at extremely low prices
Chas. BE Patton an
sell, of Curwensville
a few hours Saturday
to Ebenshurg where they will spend |
EW ays il y Mii
4 vy bik y Y ITAL gad edt?
ryir Fy yids
kK bE LN
i A
Many North Cambna peopl
looking forward to
Sa plemt rowhion th
of lLaretto w hee cofjabiratesd
be a day long to be remembered
We have hi iid
escapes trom by ing captured alive
the notorious Jersey mos
when 8 mian who resid
distant than «af Cresson pets
we begin to tl
wilh tis
~ 2
Mrs. CW Hodgkins and son James
i departed Saturday morning for a three
Is and relat
Wer Ke visit gmoeny friend
mire and Geneva, \ | | | :
z 4
1ze¢ the importance
as vou want if and when
staple and Fancy Stock
Raisins, 8«¢
sed made tha printer ried Apples, I
annther year's si
seription to the leading paper Of N
6 Cans Sardines, 25
{ ‘amibiria, :
A movement ig on font ta organize a .
large brewing company al CUnrrolitown A | ' ¥F JL A 1} w. } Si
prominent men of that
other parts of
ans Tomatoes, SC
£14 hes 20
are at the head
of * Fae gohan ma
There Is withoot 8 donbt twioe as I’R | | ) | ( ) |
Pmany dogs which are sunning at large
in Patton without being repistirnd
than thers are otherwise. Is this fare A IVP .
for those who have already implied | I A | | ( ) N
with the ordinance ?
[raring Postmaster Fd A. Melion’'s I< | ( 1 ! IR go t
. ; 2 i>
political fight for the nomination of r -~ It
County Treasurer, the able services of
Mise Fannie, Christ, of Gallitsin, were
sie vr rind th donk after the duties of the
via riffle at this place
i I
JC Melirepgor, of Indiana, Pa the
appointed Deguty Revenoe Col
loctar of thia dluteiot made his Aret
trip to Patton Saturday. He was ac
companied by Lawis Schonk, of Tront-
Per Sa K.
ly held that position
BH. J Anderson returned Monday
night from Beluino, this county, where
hia danghter Mics Hachao!l Anderson,
was chomon as a téacher in the philic
achoel at that place Her many frinnds
will he pleased to hear of her sticyeoss
Patton Supply Co.
We are now ready
vou with
A rpgryiut
£4 pag FH 4%
ATR Fa 4
I yon watt to perform a deed that
will bis appreciates] from the heart just
wri that couple or three or Har or
promimibiy five dollar rity Bre irddeditexd
tor the printer if you would let the
ther fellow’ wait as long as we have
Aairniat 17th
Tal Ling
went to Patton some
hina hewn there ever since
Lodger, Mr. Keaslor ia at
employed mt Bis Ehenabiarg
Ebensburg, Pa
i Pe MoNamnara
Fhenabarge My. Chas F Patton,
Curwensyville Mian Patterson, if Ha} i Fo s i I
‘ ‘3 ¥ if: J
a ¥
£1, 833 Baltimore, .
{ Rrwensyiie . i = i
wat Mon:
New Neckwear,
Shirts and Gloves, ¥
Clothing Shortly.
¥ 3a
i IR Aiy
\ {) {
1 i -
«= The Keystone
“ (lothing and
rn (RTE Shoe Co.
CO. 5850] X.A.
De 1 Lh ha CANDIES
(Canned California Fruit!
(eo. S. Good,