THE PATTON COURIER, Trip new Secretary of War ix as? Pcojp ne S Cri ‘i: $40.00 Bicycle Give i hal fro I A | {4 Cy ; : i : Awav Daily 49% ct bl cin fob btn AE rie $1 e re * . i : on CS, | f¢ cl a i ! . b ASK YOUR ay oo cagiand 0CTOR! : ys ev shotild ose no time in trying Foley's Kidney Ask vour physician this ques- . . tion, iba is the ore 2 at Cure, a Guaranteed Pre paration. remedy for consumption 7 He will answer, Cod liver oil" Nine out of ten will “answer the came way. Yet when persons have consumption they loathe ali fatty fonds, yet fat is neces- sary for their recovery and they cannot: take plain cod. liver oil. The plain oil dis- turbs the stomach and takes away the appetite. The dis is a agreeable fishy odor and Fens Becret Vid Fmd vais Aes : taste, make. 1 Wmost une | om wok Bont ign PHILADELPHIN. i | 3 | | FOLEY'S BANNER SALVE is a Healing Wonder. 3 \ Ay 3 | 3 | : | durable. What isto be done ? j} rams : i ch rushing tart Dry Goods, : TE pieklin Goan he A oi | 3 3 $ 3 $ | $ | § | i § $ Pio ey at? Phage Adolfzen & Boarding Holse. Forsberg, POP ona ff nm 44 mm pe & §§ — i c— 5 § ann A n— Ah Bo GE — i) — This question was ans ; wered when we first made Groceries, Notions SCOTT'S , - 4 ive : mr fue Drea atl : Flour, Feed and EMULSION Fo messin ree : : Ss Provisions. of Cod-Liver Oif with Hypo. phosphites Although th at was nearly twenty: five years ago, yet it stands alone to day the one great Jemedy 3 3 for all affect ONS of tt € thro: it | and lungs. § The had taste and odor have been | taken away, the oil itself has been 3 partly digested, and the most sen- | ative stomach objects to it rarely.’ Not one in ten can take and digest | the plain oil. Nine out of ten can § take SCOTT'S EMULSION and d+ | gest it. That's why it cures so § many cases of early consumption, | Popn in advanced cases it Bait : comfort and greatly prolor fe | : od Yo aie Sis. Ben. $4 os SA on 4 —— 4S Gent's Furnishings, Shoes, Hats And Everything keot in Our Store. Rermermber tL 1 ~~ CHOMP SON, PATTON, PA:
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