L companied by other baggage. Special | arrangements for clubs traveling a» a UNDERTAKER ANT ENBALMER AR oils wilt te Patton, wi attend to the or night by "Pho. H A SEITZ, fre m: to p.m. oF PATTON. CAPITAL PAID 1D UP, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, $50,000.00. Aveossiste of { Firms, Dndivido- i bbe terre Summatip Sicha fur mule dor 43} the 4 ading 2 A : HoT T1004 mand Hep m | ~ | tts of the 0 Wor Al will have our promptand | | perwonal thom, Interest paid on tae deponiia {A.B Patrox, Wu H. SaxDrosn, President. Cashier. or Family Use ; As well as for General Use get Amer- 1iew's Finest Product, . BARTHOLOMY Patro, PA. r Beer, XY. and bottled by the . oF oy and Counselor at Law, | Gallitzin Pa.) Bottling Co. Esxxscna, Pa. | | All Orders Are Prompily Attended to. Alling hanes prompuly siended 10 Oen 18 Barker Bufiding ess ea Rs C. EDDLEBLUTE, Manager. i) ASE rrr a 10, fae ay ahs Tal j August 12t0 14, good to return August {agent of initial line from Boston. & Hodson River BR RK It is » reprint _ In fact eviryibing Ce vt ake Tapa stick to 3, | walls that have been mide smooth by | road company will sell excursion tick- finish may be scraped ta. from all points cm ite line, to face may be changed Boston at rate of single. fare for the bpaste. If you decide to ume the paste, | | nalen it in the following manner: Put one pint of Sour in a sanoepan and beat into it one guart of cold water. | When smooth wid two quarts of boil ing water, stirring all the time fat skis boil ap at once, then strain and cool. Brash this paste over the walls and allow it to dry. When yon are ready to paper, wet the wails, spread paste on the paper, ard hang it in the osasl manner. Ang Ladies’ Howe Journal. : The most Dorthern newspaper in the world is published at Hammerstein, Rossia = The editorial work is done in asmall wooden hoase roofed with tarf The paper is called the Nordkap, and is published weekly. The news ix oe quently - a fortnight old before | 14 to 20 when properly executed before Upon depositing ticket with city ticket | agent of initial line from Bosion, not ister than Angust 19, and the payment of fifty cents, tickets may be extended to Jeave Boston not jater than August i381. Bicycles carried free when not ac- | “A Message $0 Garis,” Is the title of No. 35 of the “Pour Track Series” insted by the passenger t of the New York Central TO ORIA. ; bafppcontocic Bree | I" you 3 will visit every store Tiler « ours in this town {or county) and compare their goods with ours and their prices. with our grieess , you whould quickly see how you might actually start a snug little bank frequent whitewashing. The smooth | disease is Bot Af or'the sur- They have been imi to believe that with » coat of womb troubleor fvmale wesknem of | | rent discovery of the eminent ¥idney | t. ony have: a suenple. bole awd book a wer frontage, so. account with the money you can save——by buyi ing kept i in an c nptodate and welt regu ated, store. If we CAN'T GET THE BEST will be delivered FREE at your door. be wants of | oeiiiinne in Patton and ty aie WE WANT NONE. That's our principle in buying. We ‘deal only with firms. ho produce the best and we order only the Shefpest of the i best. Please bear in mind that all goods purchased at our store: - ain Cambria - Pa. | ule und Banks retest ayo he taint favors crmmintent with mate and conmeryelive. this section. | made to sell Our aim is to save you moriey and by judicious merchandising we are in a position) ito give value for value receiv ed. We carry a most complete line of Fancy and Staple Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes, Flour, Feed and Green Pro duce. Also a splendid line of Pickles— bottled or loose, Pim Olas, Caper Sauce, Chow Chow, and best Queen Olives at. 25 vents. Fancy (anned California Fruit! —Peaches Pears, Appricots, CANDIES to select lates, Figolets, Pralines, Nougats; Almonds, . and French Mixtures. § & and a most tempting line of from such as Delicious Choco- Pistachos and manafucturet at Bocbes- © just mnside of Canteloupes, “produce case” Water Melons, Ic: Have a few Prime In first-class style. See our | entrance, which in it are kept Sey; Tomatoes, Cabbage, Lettuce, E Apples, Berries, Jumbo Bananas, Etc. 0 Potatoes at socts per bashel. Men's Working Shirts, Ovenlls, | Gloves, Etc.—we believe the best values far the money in Men's SILK FRONT SHIRTS—these were at $1 and are well worth it; the fronts are of the best Habutai Silk, fast colors—they are yours for 5c cts. rs | vaffered from sick head eleven months. 1 Lhe rim ommngllg Joka Dh Van euren, Saugerties, N.Y. as Stomach, Liver is said in 50 snd Wc. Pasiages | by druggists and denlers. Pa OW. Hodgkins. eo 1 began uatng Celery King. We have four sizes of those CHIP BASKETS, very cheap, and so nice to take along for your outing. | WINDOW SCREENS and DOORS—no better values. Have a few Extra Large Sized Doors. FE KE Give our “Golden Sheaf™ Flour a trial and be con-. | vinced of its good quality. All goods delivered free and promptly See our line of ba “wouss morte KNOW FY. =F Many women sniffer uatold agony and misers becanws the satare of thelr | T™ corntly mpderstood. some sort in responsible for the tnany. ils that beset wotsankind ail : Neuralgia, pervoustms,. beadsche thority of the im puffy or dary circles ander the eves. That in porsoanoe too peton © ofa rheumatism, 8 dagiag pan or duil majority of mrt ache is the hark, eeakoem or bearing: | Fiflh avenue, | ge ding down sensation. profiose or soRBLy sap | ply of nrine with strong odor, frequent | o desire to pass it with scalding or barn. ing sensation, sediment in it after standing in bettie of common glass for | twenty four hours are wigns of Kidney : sued Bladder trouble. The shove symploms are often at triboted by the patient berselfl or by her physician fo female weakness 57 womb trouble Hence, so many fill to obtain relief, heciase they sre treating, | pot the disease itself, but a refiection TU re ’ Fr of the primary ehums, which i» Nimoy | aviane EE me remedy. onl Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Root is the } WE hidder spacial, and Ye 9437 2 | To mil wonderful merits yoo 4 Hof ae Bor Town Coanctl of hoof ton, and it is here) a ity of the same: ‘(hat the Barges A Poywn Coanell of the Boroagh of Pat- ton, Penna, with the nonsent of its sdectors $0 be obtained at an election andl ee rt pra a taining i ol the suid Borough to “the said increase | hy of debt. oh . That the debt bir secured by coupon oo interest bearing bonds, at a fate of interest pot exceeding Tour ang half per cent. per annem, De twenty years from date, but redeem. able fen years from dates at the option of the Borough. That potios of waid elotion be given | aly by bileation of the fullowing notice | , ed Paros CoUrnimk and the Patton | oo Searchlight twin of general | de in and publishes fn the Bar T" ough of Patton, and uy not lees than | tsi d 1 the moat ho side of Lang av | thirty 4 on oe | of Patton, that s special election | held in. the Firemen's hill | hill, he See h | Section 3 ce | | ough of Pe ioads tho 308 | Ln a Aagust, 1488, for the p of ap obtaining the consent of the electors of 1 j the. Borough-af Patten, 0 an increase Boroagh debt, of the which notice wels | forth an follows: . First. The amount of the lat as of mused valuation of the property in the | The amouns: of the existing : done : % Bonded debt 7.900 00 Outstanding orders - G8 3 ———— 10 $s 31 a ore applicable thereto within 3, e Year as per statement of Borough 4 ries bo i - ne Third Fhe amosnt or Deseniag 3 Sm, hg Hin the poops increase debs is ¢ st : ¥ pHLO0 or one and nine hundred and | [the oy iy gity-six ane thousmndensh per cent. , written contract Dest of the amoant of : tiddier grading paving assessed valuation of the taxable prop- jh for She ay erty, and less than two per ent. over End » and abilve the prosent bonded debt. Joly 1898. Fourth, The pee of the pro > sd increase SO debt Ww the and extendicg of stra, ww, improving stivets and otber _ municipal improvements, Enacted nod ordained the ITth day at | uly, 1508. W. C. HUBBARD, President of Couneil. Attest: I Sc C of Connedl Approved by the Buigess of Patton Hunday —vo ion will be delivered on Borough this the JEI5 hy Hf July: 1899. Hunday. Chest Springs waler ioe GROBGE NDUBLR, ywhish is pare, cledn and healthy. Sold Burgess of Paton Borough. hy A. G. Storm av one-half cent 5 ORDINANCE NO. 47. pound. Leave orders at residence on An ordinance for the construction of a fifth avenue near bridge croming rail- sewer un avenue from Magee posd. Avenue sou ath + Rosell avenue, and | providing that the same be 4 down Little Chest Creek snd em. The plied into Chest; Creek, and providing ing Co. has an that the cost of constructing the och, ngs, same be sessed to the property |! owners abutting on Fifth avenue be- 1 , Hastings | tween il ‘avenue ‘and Magee i " Grennitge, Patton, and avenue ab the rate of twenty-eight .. Easly, Hastings, are the dollars ($281 | for each 50 fet aad pro- | lirectors. =