: ward with the statement that Be bins covered shother, making fourteen in 8 This last discovery is that of a . Bretons, whose language is similar to | that of the Welsh, To-day the Bever. end reports ong more, a family speak- ing fhe Cromtian longne, making 1 TT fifteen languages spoken in Winder, YOU want it. In The following pew adverliservents Era Always Best. in the COURIER this week: Geo. = — Ee We recognize t (ROCERI th ie importance of giving you w et fons ast ES handle awe want, as ine in Staple and Faney © you want if ang 8 Good, Miners Store Co, Wm. F. “] suffered from piles for twealy- Gable, Patton Supply Co., LW Cook, | | five yaars, and after all so-called cures patton Hardware Co, Millers Shoe aed fafled wan tiy cured by ; one boy of DeWitt's witch nase] salve,’ | Pru nes, bc. store. i thd A Si says Fl of Jes City, Pa. Be Geo. Greenaway , shifter at the Reilly 70 DeWHt's” The } . pm imine, received sight bodily injnries by : | being caught between two cars while injurious and aioe conmtertelis. at work at that colliery Monday, but odgkins, Patton Pharmacy. | Heptusnpha at Carmsitiows. * | fortanately were not of a wserions: ; ms moons: | natare . On Wednesday evening of inst week John W. Croett, of Baltimore, So Say, Fou want to try the celebrated brand of can peaches at the premme Organizer of the Improved Order sisted by Supreme Pre : : | Patton Sapply Co. They are the finest Heptasophs, ; dre shonm 34 $100 10 agit to Patton. Thiwe late, Chas A Greer, of Altoona, Co | pound for 30 They are fwers Robert Johnson and Gr oan Sunita. ¥ Patton instituted a conclave of 4 dcripion done at Cmething exescrdinery soph in Carrolitown. Raisins, 8c. Dried Apples, 6 Cans Sardines, & CA Borin. Appricots, 18c. 3 Cans Com, 3 Cas Peas. A - 25¢c. 3 Cans 25¢ s Te ymatoes. 2 5C. tcanl able Peaches I Ca ns C herrie £s, # 23. . Paul G. Nowsg, of Berlin: P x, is All weak places in your system of. Pridey and Saar | a tow days 1p a ~ foctaslly closed agaivet disease by De- meres ~ a dnt . | Witt's little early risers. They cleanss | ign of oe Maceabewe: most eX" the bowels, promptly cure chromic | cellent A xicadd constipation, regulate the liver, and Ail order. He in meeting spiéndi Toh ai new He and vigor. Small, : : a LT oasant, sure; Dever grips oe Ww. Two women of disreputable Sher [iodgkine, Pasion Pharmacy P RIDE OF PATTON ARR the same fate bere—they ood be at, Economic dip BEST FLOUR SH | ought to. ; churobes Cocidutetis haw Laid & ine fing stone | eommtin- pavement in front of bis property on © Magee svenne. The wors was Gone of Johnstown was by Jobn Gaglairdi. Mr. Goldstein ex | visitors to Patton | pects to lay I of pavement ‘ i | on Fifth savenpe ss soot: 8s the curb =» of: sot for the paving of that street. # Lids M_ ‘Haff of Cremon died at the cons ON a home of ber grandmotler, Me P.M. Haff, 719 Lehigh avenue, Pittalaarg, Thursday of lust week Shp was the aah: Seger of J. M. Hall of Cresson, | She i survived by her father and one | a Dera Renwood. ia brother, Wm. Haff of Glenuog Natura: © Men's Women's Dry Goods: we hove some 1 5 before buying. x a nd Children's i rh Be Ye 12 Jac- Hf vou can save Shirt, ket, Overalls or 300 Artic le. you do 1 it, wont vou? X= can earn mony | ond 3 Perey Wood, a Tithons to oar Drop in and ot a ane drink of i {| Hedging soda water und rout ewer. wy $1 oo wil Hamilton Clark, of Chaunes., fh, anywho suffered with heb ing piles for twenty years before trying DeWitt's witch hase! salve, two boxes of which Ceompletely cured Bim Beware of worthless and dangerous coantufelsy. | CW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. About. one caonth BQO my and, | which ix about fifteen nfonthe oid, had | an attack of diarrhoea poeompanied BY S; AINE vometing. 1 gave i sich remedies aa are euaily given in sath cases, bat as mothing gave relief, we meat fir a phy | mien snd it was andor his care for a welt. AL that times the ohild had been | wick fier aboot ten days and was having | about Twenty - Ave operations of the 3! bowels © every twelve hoors and we were convineed that anions it soon ob (tained relief it would not re. Cham- berinin's colic, cholern and diarrhea Pusueay was recommended, snd 1 de | Weatages ML emorial hospital. He wan very i scalded Monday by soft soap, bas will ous y drop in fo the | recover, although hin ecwdition at tie you can get (present is serions.- Johnatown Deno A frightful explosion wok piace At the Want Branch a milae Tharsday Bory. yer hadley Wi AGE in ow e gi arante e our ¢ Overs Il to be the buy RRA a Fo Vou AN Bp Ocean regularly every art Ketle Airhas \ of them twice & motith. miners, and Chae fobart. a it hesdguaryers for motorman. The find three were ser- water- iousiy burned aboot the face and hands, els rhe the although the first named ls probaly | the most seriously injured. ans whe mk an errnly jor "an the other, had the right side of hie | face and wrist badly boroed. Barnes. © are i. srt Yr. 3 Ti you can buy pair of Shoes for ¢8 as good as others sell Cons . — : «| Oo otras 2 Wieisen vou for 81 25 you ote tor the bese bs by 0 cos oc avenne, lo count World's Bicycle Mors, one oe tare) it These — eb a re irar co for the round trip. Tickets on aki he me > iw va. Fue wale by W. Hodgkios, | mer- | Angus sth, 6th and 7th, good reser for Boys and Carls | at Pith, inclusive. | of y. w | “hos return: On account | On ine Witte little , early risers did me pot of the League of more good than ail blood medicines obe fare for the | We aim to sell oods chea oe ollie" writes Geo. H. Juoobe, o round trip Tikes on sale Aogust|.. (an anyone ne ar. of Toomer, Cons Proust, pleas | T-_ ant, never gripe they cure constipat- ‘yok, 13th and 1 good until’ August | ‘30th. 3h aig Leh, § tise Hmit until ing quality. Trash we e do not jon, rons the torpid Hver to setion and give you clean blood, steady | August Slat on deposit of ticket st S€ll | Boston and payment of fer of So cents. If you are out to save Nerves a Slew ewe and a haajihy | Por detailed information concerning ORES. we ask you cordially 1 jhbe > Lodgkins, on the above, snd rates for other meetings 1 to call and see us. We actn- The New York Sus has takes the tions, app! New York i sd arto, 2 HE. North! all carry the most complete \routie to collect, and compile, theo {FOP general ages, Williamsport, Pa, line line of ia killed and wounded, in all the great Delighttal i battles of modern times, and finds the ¥ Tap ‘Boy's Suits, joss was greatest, fur the number of ‘Men’ “ Suits, nen engaged, at Gravelot and Gettys- Shirts, Collars, % 0 » = 7 Upposite The Hest Bemiody Bur Flay Mir John Mathias, a well 2 knows stock dealer of Pulaski, Ky, says. WX Ber suffering over & wel with Sax, and my physician failed to relieve me i wis advised try Chamberiain's cole, cholera and Liarrhows remedy, ant have the pleasure of stating t that | | the half of me bottle cared me,” sale by ©, W. Hodypkins, Patton Phar : | ICY. “Monday, July | | Sung age pain Towle on ontreal, a short lliness, aged $5 Au Sable Chasm, Lake Champlain and | inh THe foro: ihe va 12d Ag Lake George, Saratogo, and the ugh e > of Ma son | phia by special train August 12 The ' Cuffs, Neckwear, ¢ decisive battie of our civil war. The | iw, Mr. and Mrs tour will be in cha o- — SN battles that were foaght in the Spanish. i a uv'a SE art - Hats, add Shoes in American war, and in the so-called : Paty agen | Philippine war, were bat skirmishes in wn Democrat. and « ehiapuron having opssial aze. NORTH of COUNTY, ccuparier ha open of anesc K, Wi RCO Thoms pany the party. The rats Hf $100 from And if you are not in the “Our baby was sick for s month New York, Brooklyn, Newark, Tren habit of trading here. ask! with severe eough and catarrbal fover. | ‘ton, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Balti- come of your neighbors. Althongh we tried masy remedies sow | more and Washington covers railway v Jeept: getting worse until we used one : be: drink whiskey for | 1 and boat fare for the entire trip, par REMEM RER our Motto—~ mimnate Seugs cure fobs i at ane | ons Whe hish 34 Jor car sests, meals en route, hotel upp S and cored her in a few days “i noe. To tho L who yadda pet wi entertainment, transfer charges, and ENNY PROFITS BIG Nanoe, Prin High school, Binfliale, enti’ sake Harpers whiskey | carriage hire. For detailed itineary, ALES. Texas CW. Hodgkins, Paths Phar. an’ li Sold at Pal HOE Or any additional information, Location— Dh cect] v may. 8 | address Tourist Agent, Pennsylvania ~ inthis railroad company, 119 Broadway, the Bank. | New York; Ticket Agent, S80 Fultén t street, Brooklyn; 5% Broad streef, Th K J Newark, N. J, or Gea. W. Boyd, As e e > one omg and sistant Gevieral passeiger agent, Broad Street station, Philadelph 1a, casTORI.. i . Ths hau Yuu Bay LSE Tin BR with the w jobatinase EE Ends” For | 3 re WA Fk ww ind up of Samsner Shoes away below anon nai led y x ne Ra aw teed {re iROle COMED cI ie ¥ onde F domeliber ta med Won ein, onto and sale WW, Mer tom, Maghew. Wa UW, Hodgkin | Patton Pharmacy. - bby Gree at sept t we hyee some bro lees ue Jor such FOU ‘Patton Supp go Preah til every Thirsdur spn Pr Lie at She Cash Groeery. I po sbounld peed 5 : oe ealion JE Kirk Lesitie your order for ioe with A. fe Atorm - 4unly i oent par post sey 8% faith 5 TUESDAY, Aggust 1st, we Annual “MILL Ey SALES icity we have piven Be f« over which thas nngu Tua S18 This “MILL END SALE": pated and copy righted d by Mr who has had wide snecess moe This “MILL ENDS SABE! than either of to make it far superior that will be offered, as veh; as ‘we shall quote. Mr. Lock price making, and he has pees you of better and bi offered. Not only will bere to be sold at next t ks will-contribute Hin th a superb st time. We can't begin to tell ‘will be offernd dunug t from which you can judge of t you ss 5 yirts of fall yard wide pnbissched syaxi cia the ssual Se mgd Sec kioul mill v ad” sale prioe de 2500 yards of moslin in he ale prive A. 100 yards of outing add CS reguiar snd” sae price be 000 vards of trmnait Sanne = Jeng? bs S¢ yuality gle kind “mill sod” choy Li TE GBA, oa pew aed 12 ends’ of maten af 8 15 vards sms it ped’ male price ve : 1300 vards of heavy seine a leary sagen stripes, he reglir 15e kid ott] waved? sade price Ba % ¥ wards of bleached twilled odin Eraan, il) pal’ sade price Tic, 100 yards © y linen crash asial Se aaalt 2 a a 7 sade price So £5 5 Ww is 1320-22-24 ith Ave. prmeT Mili End Sal ale extend is known far and wide cided to try it. | won notieed 3 45 ome of great and rire SarEi opportunities. the other two, nasmn to them both in the quality of x i .- ss] x Lakik Rely fall vard wide blegrhed § commenced our Third Sem On account of the wide pub- es.” the period * 2% a term taat has been ¢ origi C. L Lectin t, a gentleman, xecuting bis novel idea’ bik, vg =x +i]] mean more to our patrons as ve have determined ch in a the | lowress of prices ‘which will have entire control of the us that we can safely assure RET values than you were ever hefore ere be large quantities of “ME 0 > nothing prices, bat our own tw the happy bargam of all the rare bargains that 11S sale, hut here are '& dozen tenis he halance: 130% yards of dark blue shirtings ia stipe pritesua s of stripes and © 3 ine wide Tie the nsual 1de quality “mill end” sale price Sie 200 pairs of motiled gray and tan blankets in good heavy we and Tar 95 valoes “mill end” sabe price 49. There will bw thousikads of vards of blesehed and nnblesched pillow ne ings: and sheetings ma rant qual ithe! and widths on ale at about one Flnil the regains selling prices SSN cards of standard prints = asoad | 51 quality, “mill end” price 2 0) yards of dress lawns in the iat reguinciy soils for 7 sie price dsc 300) yards apron pr standard EY price we o ga wii 2 enad™ brags, ne mil BE $1 be? © ye and an rend wnmenced 1 nes i blast BE rEg i Hohe & eo TW * fu ™ hai >