The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 27, 1899, Image 8
~ DR. S. W. Worrell, prysiciax axb stroeoy, Rina tN a $i '| B k ~ Office in Good Building, Room No. 3. | FirstNation an | THE PATTON COURIER AUGUST 3, 1899. The Kind You Have “Always Bought NOT NARCOTIC. a . iment AX For Over Thirty Years Pac Simile Signature of ACINEEE DINCOTA | For good goods at the right price go BUSINESS DIRECTORY, eo ene Soin Grocers GEO. BOONE, 3 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. @ Removes oil desire and iS, Bulls 05 The Office on corner of Lang and Fifth a Avenues. Collections promptly at Roctiot fron EW aaTaRy FANNAYLYANIA. tended to. Properties to sell and rent. 246F Py 2. DR. F. B. EURNS, 'D.D. Lewis Dentist, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, HARTINGS, PA. | Barnesbors, Pa. A ondls wilt he promptly | fattened $0 Jolin Badeliffe, Agent, of herr All diseases of the teeth and mouth | avenue, Patioas, will attend to the wants of a rio residing io Patton and viedanity, (ails 1 # skillfully treated. auf § tay of night tay Phime DR. C. ERNEST CHASE, IH. A. SEITZ 1 Play WE + HA y Surgeon - Dentist, Dentist! FATTON, PENN'A, Office in Good Building, second floor, | Magee Avenue. Mm, ,undlp mm todbp m Sa-General Hurgury and the Eye a Specialty All| OF PATTON, oails will eewive prompt attention, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. SURPLUS, $50,000.00, y ; 5 oieen Artiugion er al >- Pantotion | Aceodnis of Corporations, Firms, iadividae- promptly. Disease of the ear on od throat | tirand Banks reoetvisd upon the most favors given special attention. : : i ond big FEMI! With Ml nd Si YIYS OFFICE HOURS Tt fa mand 12 WE pm | simmship tiokeis for male jor nil the ieadin Hines, Farelgn Drafts payable in the ir Cf ettiek of the Cd Worid Office In Young Building, next to P.O. | Patton, Pa. Office Hours 4 a m. to 4 ‘Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. Dr. V. A. Murray, | caprras pam up, p00 L. A. W. Moet, Boston. For the annual meet of the League! It is difficult to make paper stick to of American Wheelmen at Boston, | walls that have been made smooth by | i August 14 to 19, the Pennsylvania rail- | frequent whitewashing. The smooth | | road company will sell excursion tick- | finish may be scraped off or “the sur- ets, from all points on its line, to face may be changed with a coat of | Boston at rate of single fare for the kpaste. If you decide to use the paste, round trip. Tickets will be sold on make it in the following manner: Pat , August 12 to 14, good to return August one pint of flour in a sancepan and 14 to 20 when properly executed before beat into it one quart of cold water. agent of initial line from Boston. When smooth add two quarts of hol Upon depositing ticket with city ticket ing water, atizring all the time Let | mggent of initial line from Boston, not this boil np at once, then strain and later than August 19, and the payment cool. Brush this paste over the walls of fifty cents, tickets may be extended | and allow it to dry. When yon are to leave Boston not later than August | ready to paper, wet the walls, spread (31, Bicycles carried free when not ac- | paste on the paper, and hang it in the companied by other baggage. Special | nsnal manner. - August Ladies’ Home arrangements for clubs traveling as a Journal. body. i The most northern newspaper in the ‘world is published at Hammerstein, Is the title of No. 25 of the “Four- | Russia. The editorial work is done in Track Series” issued by the passenger asmall wooden house roofed with turf, department of the New York Central | The paper is called the Nordkap, and & Hudson River R. R. It is a reprint | ia published weekly. The news is fre. of the article by Elbert Hubbard, the quently a fortnight old before it text of which was the commission reaches the subscribers. Most sub- which President McKinley gave to | scriptions are paid in fish, Lieut. Rowan to carry a message to) (General Garcia of the Cuban army, daring the war with Spain. Ticket | Bears the agents of the New York Central will | farnish free copies of this little book to | those who ask for it. “A Mesaage to Garela,” CASTOIIRIA. The Kind You Ham die 30 Ripaas Tabules cure nausea. Start a Bank Account. If you will visit every store like ours in this | town (or county) and compare their goods with ours and their prices with our prices, you would quickly see how you might actually start a snug little bank account with the money vou can save—by buying your Dry Goods. Groceries. Canned Goods, Etc.. Flour and Feed. In fact everything kept in an up-to-date and well regulated store. If we CAN'T GET THE BEST i KEELEY CURE. $ WE WANT NONE. {That's our principle in buying. We deal only with firms ‘who produce the best and we order only the cheapest of the | best. Please bear in mind that all goods purchased at our store ‘will be delivered FREE at vour door. Miners Store Co, Opposite Patton Hotel, Patton, Pa. Everything Our aim is to save you money and by i Judicious merchandising we are in a position to give value for value receved. We carry a most complete line of Fancy and Staple Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes, Flour, Feed and Green Pro i How to Paper Whitewashed Walls, i Many women suffer untold agony rah AAR A WOMEN SHOULD KNOW FT. portionately for greater or lesser frontage and the balance of cost of and misery because the natare of their | construction be borne by the Bo disease is not correctly understood They have been led to believe that womb trouble*or female weakness of | some sort is responsible for the many ills that beset womank ind Nagralgin, nervousness, headache, puffy or dary circles ander the eyes, rheumatism, a dragging pain or dui ache in the back, waenknesy or bearing. down sensation, profuse or stanty sup ply of nrine with strong ptor, frequent desire to pass it with sealding or barn. ing sensation, sediment in it after standing in bottle or common glass for twenty-four hours, are signs of kidney and bladder trouble The above symptomé are often at- tributed by the patient herself or by her physician to female weakness or womb trouble. Hence, so many fail to obtain relief, because they are treating, not the disease itself, but a reflection of the primary cause, which is kidney In fact, women as well as men are made miserable with kidney and blad- der trouble and both need the same {remedy Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Root is the great discovery of the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and is easy to get at any drug store at fifty centa or one dollar. : To prove ite wonderfal merits you may have a sample bottle and book telling all about it, both sent absolate- ly free by mail. Kindly mention the ParroNn COURIER and send yoor ad- dress to Dr. Kilmer & Co, Binghamp- ton, N. Y 3 BURDUSH ORDINANCE NUMBERS 46, 47 and 48. Relating io Issning 97.000 Worth of Honda Frociing a Sewer on Lower Fifth Avedie Paving Filth Aven ORDINANCE NO. 46. An ordinance prov ding for an increase of the Borough debt, bwuing bonds to secure the same, and calling a special election of the electors of the Borough of Patton to obtain their sonsent to said increase of debt. Be it enacted by the Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Pat- ton, and it is hereby enacted by author. ity of the same: That the Burgess and Pown Council of the Borough of Pat- ton, Penna, with the consent of its plectors to be obtained at an election to be held for that purposs, increass ite indebtedness over and above ita present indebtedness to the amount of seven thousand dollars, the same being lees than two per cent. of the last preced- ing assesses] valaation of the taxable property of the Borough, for the par. pose of opening and extending streets, building of bridges, improving streets and other municipal improvementa. That a public election be beld in the Firemen's hall, the place of holding municipal elections in the said Borough of Patton, on Thursday the 24th day of August, 1508 for the purpose of ob- taining the consent of the electors of the maid Borough to the said increase of debt, That the debt be wecured by SON POT interest bearing bonds, at a rate of interest not exceeding four and one- half per cent. per annam, payable twenly years from date, but redeem. able ten years from date at the option of the Borough. That notice of said election be given by publication of the following notice in the Parton Cot risk and the Patton Searchlight, two ROWSE re of general cireniation and published in the Bor- ough of Patton, and by not less than twenty band bills posted in the most public parts of the Borough for at leaat thirty Fos prior to said election: Notices of Special Election. Notice is hereby given by the Bur. at large and future taps or be charged for by rate to be fixed by resolution of Council. Section 1. Be it enacted and or- dained by the Burgess and Town Coun. cil of the Borough of Patton, sod it is hereby enacted and ordained by an- thority of the same. : That in pursuance to a petition of a majority of the property owners on Fifth avenue, residing between Magee avenue and Rossell avenue in the Bor- ough of Patton, there shall be con- structed and maintained a public sewer for the disposal of waste water and other sewage matter, beginning at Magee avenue, thence south to Little Chest Creek, and from Little Chest Creek south to Rossel avenue, wwer to extend down Little Chest Creek and empty into Chest Creek near the railroad bridge over Little Chest ‘reek : Section 22 And it is farther enacted that said sewer, from Magee avenoe to, and down Little Chest Creek, shall be constructed of 20-inch terra cotta y ‘and be connected with the : ‘avenue sewer already laid at Ma gee avenne, and to serve as a (trunk line to carry off the waste water from the Beech and Fifth ave nue sewers, said sewer, from Rossell avenue to Little Chest Creek shall be constructed of 12 inch terra cotta and all shall be iaid at stich a shall sufficiently drain‘waste pipes an ‘all cellars. / Section 3. That the cost o structing said sewer shall be the property owners abutting : avenue at the rate of for feet and propo y for | lemser frontage, and the bala . of said construction be borne Borough at large and future tape benefits be char, for at a rate to fixed by resolation A Section 4. That the depth of said sewer shall be located by the Engineer and a plan be preps : him and submitted (0 the neil. . Bection 3, And itis further enacted and ordained that the Borough En- neer be and hereby empowered to advertise for and to receive bids for the to the on to : pared or to be reared ; him: bida to close and be bmitted J Burgess | and Town Council on July 31st, = Enacted and ordained the 17th day of July, 1599, . Po W. C. HUBBARD, President of Counell. § 2 ES 3 gs is 72% JAMES (GILLIFECE, : Clerk of Council. | Approved by the Burgess the 17th day of July, 1599. + VEORGY. BE. PRINDIRLE, A ~~ Rargess of Patton Borough. ORDINANCE NO. 48, An ordinance for the gradin ving and curbing of Fifth pow gg oe Lang Senge north to the northern side of Beech avenue, and providing for the collection of the costs of rd same. . Bection 1. Be it enacted and or- dained by the Burgess and Town Coun- (cil of the Borough of Patton, and it is hereby enacted and ordained by au- thority of the same: That whereas a majority in interest and number of the property owners on Fifth avenue be- tween Heech and Lang avenaes, in Pat- ton Borough, have petitioned Couneil that said street be graded, paved and curbed; setting forth in said petition that the street is in such a co that some permanent improvement is necessary, and respectfully asking that the same be paved with brick or other ‘suitable material. Therefore be it enacted and ordained that said street, beginning at the south side of Lang avenue, and extending north to the north side of Beach ave. ! nue, be properiy graded, curbed and paved with vitrified paving brick or | other suitable material to the width of forty feet. : Section 2. That grading, paving and curbing be done according to a and specifications of the Borough Engineer, . which plans are hereby approved and made part hereof, and t the same be done ander his supervision as well as that of the Street Commitiee. ddim | All correspondence will have our prompt and | . Also a s 1did line Die §~—ho od or loose. Pim goss and Town Council of the Borough Section 3. That the ng. v- Reuel Somerville, i pera] Rtn, YEOU! Pn duce. Also 3 splendi J hee, of I elie bes Hed 0 loose ye hy Patton, that a special election will be ing and curbing shall A, i . pav- | Interest paid on tie deposits. ‘Olas, Caper Sauce, Chow Chow, and best Queen Olives at peid in the Firemen's hall, the place of tract. Contract to be advertised and Attorney-at-Law, A. BE. Patron, Wu. H. BaNDFORD, | 25 cents, holding municipal elections in the Bor. jet to the contractor who submits the i President Cashier ough of Patton, on Thursday, the 24th jowest or beat bid, offers the best terms Parton, PA. ian . ih . . : day of August, 1896, for the purpose of and who submits a sufficient bond for ro : } Fan Canned Cali OrDId Fruit obtaining the consent of the electors of the faithful performance of his duty Office in the Good Building. | s ’ the Borough of Patton, Lo an increase ander the contract, boone emi 5 : ; i 3 ‘ we Boroagh {ebit, hich 1 sti a : > For Family Use re Aporiscte and 2 most temoting Line uf Er Co which seis wte} fein, Tout shecetol gain JAMES NOLAN | | —-Peaches Pears, Appricots, and a most tempting line of forth as foo . . paving and curbing the same to be ae- J Ew » : : s ] . fr : h a I oli or Ct SL First. The amount of the lant ascertained and assessed to the owners of iL CAN DIES to select from such as De IC ous 10CO- senmed valuation of the property in the adjacent property and the : Attorney-at-Law, oy well aa for Leiner) Use got Amer- 15005 Figolets, : Pralines, Nougats, Almonds, Pistachos and Borough was $332,320. according to law, by viewers ra ica’s Finest Product, ; ‘= . 2 ; Second, The amount of the existing by the court for that purpose, and that Patton. Pa. Cream and French Mixtures. debt in: Te snibe Dy tollectad By, the Borough who, BARTHOLOMY We are now prepared to hand] Bonded debt #7800 00 Solicitor and tarned into the street fand Office Fifth Ave., near Central hotel. - JAAN ‘e are now prepared to handie Outstanding orders 881 31 in the hands of the Borough Treasurer 10tf. to pay for the same. Lager Beer, manufactured at Roches. | Mm fo qd : $5,381 31 Section 5. The Borough Engineer is [ron N.Y. and bottled by the ! G ree ro & Ce Hesources applicable thereto within hereby directed to advertise for bids : > Lia _ the year as per statement of Borough for the grading, paving and curbing of In first-class style. See our “produce case” just inside of Auditors . «0-H the same, according to plans and speei- i ds : Vly ee feations Prep or to be prepared b ‘entrance, which in it are kept Water Melons, Canteloupes, $4,502 07 him. and to Purest the bet prepud by re) . . x , : # TH ; ¢ oA x} oy “it Celery. Tomatoes, Cabbage, Lettuce, Etc; See our line of Third. The amount or percentage him to the Burgess and Town Coune AH Orders Are Promptly Aletded to, a I mat TY be iE . i. F } Have a few Prime of the proposed increase of debt is on the Slat day of July, 1399, at the . Apples, Berries, Ju mbo Bananas, Itc. ave a ew TIME § 0.00 or one and nine hundred and | Council chambers, who will enter into R.C. EDDLEBLI TE. Old Potatoes at SOcts per bushel. eighty-six one thousandenth per cent. 5 written contract with lowest and best WH. DAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, EBENSBURG, PA. | All legal business promptly attended to. Office tu Barker Bullding. TOBACCO and CIGARS The finest line in Patton at G. J. FITZPATRICK'S Restaurant on Magee avenue, near P. R. R. depot. | MEALS AT ALL HOURS, MAHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. Accommodations first-class. Best of Liquors | and Wines at the bar. Stabling attached. i GEORGE FERGUSON | ! : . . ! Prop’ XR nd ‘Have a few Extra Large Sized Doors. : en | " Ow | Give our “Golden Sheaf” Flour a trial and be con. Borough this the 17th day of July, 1509. Sunday. Chest Springs water ice Parnell & Cowher, Line rood quality GRORGE EB. PRINDIBLE, which is pure, clean and healthy. Sold —~Agenis for— . « -¥ : T— | Burgess of Patton Borough, bv A. GG St FIRE, LIFE AND INSURANCE Headache for Forty Years. ; ya rm at one-half eent a JUTIA 2 8 For fort I suffered f tek head: | ORDIXNAXCE XO. 47. pound. Leave orders at residence on ACCIDENT or ¥ years | suffered from sie . Gallitzin Pa.) Bottling Co. of the amount of the last preceeding bidder for the grading, paving and » : i ry en 1 assessed valuation of the taxable prop- carbing of the same. a Men S Wo rking Sh t rts, Ove ralis, erty, and less than two per cent. over Jorko and ordained the 17th day of Gloves, Etc.—we believe the best values for the money in and ab#ve the present bonded debt. July. 1999. lethie a nts. © » PRDONT QHIRTS. the nea Fourth, The purpose of the pro- y this section. Men's SILK FRON I SHIR [S—these Were ol increase of dett ia the opening! ‘made to sell at $1 and are well w orth 1t; the fronts are of the und extending of streets, building of | Arent Yenc rT. Lloghtey pel i thar ave © ro tb “i bridges, improving streets and other JAMES GILLIBCE, ‘best Habutai Silk, fast colors—they are yours tor sc cts. TE > Ok, i . , Nr PMC Enacted and ordained the 1Tth day (ipoRGE EP ; r XB : . bs i 2h "vy. > AS . < a : i J UEORGE PF. PRINDIBLE, We have four sizes of those CHIP BASKETS, very aly, tee Bu Ra RH, lo! 1 <6 nice to take alo oy ting W. OC. HUBBARD, | cheap, and so nice to take along for your outing. EA Bae ee WINDOW SCREENS and DOORS—1no better values, Attest: J CGHILLIBCE Pure spring water ice delivered to Fass GILLIEXCE, ora Sea * Clerk of Coane} any part ff town every day except | neti, | Approved by the Burgess of Patton Sanday — oo ice will be delivered on Manager. W.. HussarD, President of Council. | sche. A year ago I began using Uelery King. | All 7( MH ds ( lehivered free and | } WOIT] 1 i y. An ordinance Sor the construction of a Fifth avenue near bridge crossing rail- REAL ESTATE AGENTS. The result was gratifying and surprising, my | : Sewer oh Fits ne Hom Mages road. Good Building. Patton, Pa.—'Phone No.9, | headaches leaving at once. The headuches | avenue soulh to dusseli avenue, an . Fo0n paid ang, n, a, *NO-U. | used to return every seventh day, but thanks providing that the same be carried | Undurtnking. Uy is waa I ie. Foy i. headache down Little Chest Creek and em- The Hastings and Patton Undertak- p Astle oven INONLIA. Jproowm bias wha Ew : : ptied into Chest Creek, and providing ing Co. has an office in the 8 cured me will heipoth Mrs. John I. Van : : wid " . : ’ Keuren, Haugerties, N. Y “ ita : . ® : 9 that the cost of constructing the block, Hastings, and in the Kirk Hard- ; i Celer ng for the Nerves, Stomach, Liver | 2 : same be assessed to the property ware store in Patton. Telephone con- UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER, was In: 2a. nod Se packages owners abatting on Fifth avenue be- nections, Hastings No. 77; No. : | tween Russell avenue and Magee 3. C. C. Grenninger, Patton, and H. AR a Howl > nt RS venus: : attor 1, = avenue at the rate of twenty-eight J. Easly, Hastings, are the funeral 1 'y tended to. White or Biack Hearse. | | Patton Pharmacy, | dollars ($28 1 for each 3) feet and pro- directors. CC. W. Hodgkins. ER RC Hl 9 SR HN 4 AE PR