THE PATTON COURIER, AUGUST 3, 1899. 7 W ABSOLUTELY PURE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROCRL BAKING POWDER CO, SEW YORS, BAKING POWDER Patton Courier. C11, Propristors. PATTON PUBLISHING ¥ OW fGIuRENE, Fadilor, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, Oe copy, one year, in advances, na Know plication, S No papers diseontinged until all arrear ages are pei, thes iencs the option of the publishers Entered at the PostofMes nt Patton ss second class mall maiter, Advert ng rates made wi rH pean al Roasting ears come next. at Goldstein's. Tinning of ail description done at Kirk Hardware, Co. Celery Thursday, Friday and Satur. day at Cash Grocery. : M. L. Leary, Esq. Chest Springs Tuesday. A full line of stylish hats and caps for fall wrar at Goldstein's. A 18x20-inch picture, frame for 65 cents at Fisher's wall paper store. Nice cool soda water at Patton Pharmacy, (7. W. Hodgkins, proprietor. County Superintendent (ibson held township examination in Patton Mon. day. B. I. Myeps, principal-elect of Patton Public schools, spent Tuesday in Patton. The City Restaurant keeps the finest and freshest line of green groceries in Patton. Nearly 175 congregational have adopted the individual commun. jon cup. : J. GG. Evans, among the many Saturday. A.M Kirk, and J. Curvwensviile, were town Friday. Two hundred pounds of regular 750 tog at Goldstein's at 38c per pound Just think of it. Thos. J. Burke, oeratic politican of Altoona, is vikiting in Patton for a few days. The toll of an ordinary ship passing through the Suez Canal averages abont $4,000, The distance is 92 miles. If you are hungry drop in to the City Restaurant where you can get everything you wish in the eatible line Ice delivered to all parts of town by A. G. Stonn at §} cent per pure spring ice and dont your forget it churches oF visitors to Johnstown ation Wie We {3 wi of ir Ve ry visitors a prominent Demo Erte There are 1000 vessels which cross the Atlantic Ocean regularly every month, some of them twice a month Cash Grocery it headquarters for oranges, bananas, lemons, water: melons, in fact everything in the green grocery line. Miss Carrie Crowell, of Patton, who has been visiting her aunt, Miss Laura Woomer, returned home last week. ~ Owoeola Leader Courier. Elsewhere in the CoURIER this week appears the notice of advertising for bids for the paving of Fifth avenue, to close Monday, August 14th. Geo. 8. Good, the enterprising mer- chant, has placed a very excellent ‘green produce’ case in his store. It was made by Messrs. Isaac Uhler and Ed. 8. Moore. ! Bee Kirk Hardware and Furniture Co. for the finest line of stoves nod ranges in the county--all guaranteed to give perfoct satisfaction Cinderella, | Capello and Sunshine. Leonard Levis, representing Levi Smith, refiner of petroleum and ita pro- ducts, of North Clarendon, Pa., was hustling up trade in Patton and vicin- ity a few days last week. Cordelia, wife of John Hockenberry, | died at her home in Chest township, Clearfield county, on Monday, July! 24th, 1899, after a short illness, aged 35 years, 10 months and 20 days. Francis Murphy, the celebrated tem- perance man, is the guest of his son ‘tour will be in charge of one of the company’s experience tourist agents, and daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 8. Murphy of the Seventeenth ward. — Johnstown Democrat. The Glen Campbell bank opened its doors for business Monday morning. The room has been fixed up very taste- fally and is the finest business place in the town, Glen Campbell Graphic. - To those who drink whiskey for: pleasure; Harpers whiskey adds zest to | existance. To those who drink whis- key for health's sake; Harpers whiskey makes life worth living. Sold at Pal- mer House. $100 came down from cellent acter, who were ‘run out’ the same fate here ‘and conventions, apply to New { Central agents or write W. ‘rop, general agent, ‘more and Washington Land boat fure {or the entire trip, ‘railroad New York; Ticket ‘Newark, N. J., or Geo. sistant General passenger agent, Broad advertisements appear in FR this week: Lin 8 fiool, (on, Wm F Gable, Patton Sapply Uo, LW. Cook, Patton Hardware Co, Mill The following new the {¢ WRI Miners Store fiers Mhoe Miares Geo, Greenaway, shifter af the Reilly mine, received slight bodily injuries by being canght between two cars while ‘at work at that colliery Monday, bat fortunately were not of a serions natare, Say, yon want to try relebrated the Apollo brand of can peaches at the Patton Supply Co. Ask to see gents dress shoes at $1.00 hrand ever broagh! They are the finest to Patton. Three pound can for 30 cents They are something extraordinary. Paul (3. Nowag, of Berlin, Pa. is spending a few days in Patton in ihe interest of organizing a Hive of Knights of the Maccabees, a most ex- life and accident iosurance ‘order. He is meeting with splendid | success. Two women of disreputable char. of Clear. eld, are making their head quarters in Patton at present. From what can be learned they will possibly meet with they should be at any rate, An: advice: paper. than a paper borrower. pennrious to subscribe your own paper, read the ought to. 1. Gialdetein has nid a pavement in front of bw Magee avenne, The by John Gaglairdi, Mr pects to lay the same ki on Filth avenun as soo wet for the paving of that [ida MM. Hull of Cresson dsl home of her grandmother, Haff, 219 lehigh aven Thursday of last only daughter of J exchange gives the following There is no greater nuisance If you arm too and pay fib for A's ger, Pittabarg, week th AL Hufl of Nhe is survived by ber father a brother, Wm. Hoff of Glen wins George Markietan, was brought here Wednesday evening the H4h anid taken the Memorial hispits ery badly woenlidend Monday by weft songs, recover, although his condition present is serious Johnstown of Baroeshoro, oi train ty si Hewasvy bul wil al remo Lerat, A frightini al West Brag sxpdosion took pace th cris : ing in bag ein ei kinson, Samos! Kell miners, amd Las motorman, The first three were ously burned about the face and hands, er ‘although the first named is probably the most seriously injured. Chas ‘ Hobart, while not so seriously injured ‘as thie other, had the right side of his face and wrist badly burned. — Barnes. | boro Sentinel. Of tatorest tao Wheelmen To Montreal and return: On count World's Bicyele Meet, one for the round trip. Tickets on sale August 6th, 6th and 7th, good return: ing to August Lith, inclusive. To Boston and return: On we fare account ‘of National Meet of the League of American Wheelrnen, one fare for the round trip. 12th, 13th and 14th, good until August 20th. Extension of time limit until ' August 31st on deposit of ticket at ' Boston and payment of fee of 50 cents. For detailed information concerning | yoney we J 3 the above, and rates for other meetings York H. Williamsport, Pa. Delightful Vacation Trip, Visiting Niagara Falis, Thousand Islands, Quebec, Montreal, Au Sable Chasm, Lake Champlain and Lake George, Saratogo, and the high. lands of the Hudson. leave Pliladel phia by special train August 12. The and a chaperon, having especial charge ‘of unescorted ladies, will also accom- pany the party. The rate of $100 from New York, Brooklyn, Newark, Tren- ton, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Balti covers railway par- meals en route, hotel entertainment, transfer charges, and ‘carriage hire. For detailed itineary, {tickets or any additional information, address Tourist Agent, Pennsylvania company, 1196 Broadway, Agent, Fulton 788 Broad street, W, Boyd, As lor car seats, S60 street, Brooklyn; Street station, Philadelphia, CABTOII. Tha Kied You Haw Aways cought | Never borrow your neighbor's | Tickets on sale August North- | habit Conglomeration of Tongaes, Rov, 1. © Hays, who some time ago | frrnished na with the th repens fen information that different nationalities Tin Windber, hihe wf Irian Wore now cores for. ward wit forirtésin in wn ¥ of i RIILIAY To vere another, making i tof a faraii Hever HOE AX MaRing rg 15 wy Hier «1 from piles for twenty- tive and after all so-called cures ¢ Send by years, fad failed was permanently of Pra Wy A Hall, of Lamber City vou “DeWitt dishonest one box 4 it's witch hazel saive, r. Pa. Be There Arse conterfeits. save i sire get injurious and CW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy Heplasophs nt Carrolliown Cir Wednesday evening of inst week John WW. Croett, of Baltimors, preme Organizer of the Improved Order Heptasaphs, assisted hy Supreme Pre. inte, Chas A. Greer, of Altoona, Organ- irersy Hobert Johnson and tieorge A Patton instituted a conclave of Hepta sophis in Carrolltown. Sue All wesk places in your ef. fectnally closed against disease by De Witi's little early risers. They cleanso the bowels, promptly cure chronic constipation, regulate the liver, and fili yott with new life and vigor Small, pleasant, sore; never gripe. (0 W Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy CABTORNRIA. Baars the Rigoature of Economical Buyers. L.ook HERE. Cents on d k ¢ (vera soc article, do at, system wont ye Y ou Call CdD MON) caster! WW giarantee Overall to buy Lind Mi i else. If vou can buy pair of Shoes for gc d as good as others sell you for $1.25 you should take advant; Wwe of 1t—These Shocs for and Curls only. Bovs We aim to sell goods cheap- er than anvone else consider- ing quality. ‘Trash we do not sel 1f are out to save ask vou cordially to call and us. We actu- all carry the most complete line line of you HOC Boy's Suits, Toronto, | Men's Suits, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear, ‘Hats, add Shoes in NORTH of COUNTY, And if you are not in the of trading here, some of your neighbors. ‘REMEMBER our Motto— "PENNY PROFITS — BIG SALES" Location-— Directly the Bank. Opposite The Keystone Clothing and Shoe (o. aterment that be has dis.’ ask’ Prunes, 6¢ Raisins, 8c. Dried Apples, 6. ( ans Sardines, 2 5¢ Appricots, 18c¢. { ans Peas. 3 3 PRIDE OF PATTON FLOUR, Cri BEST FILOUR Hriil greet ins’ soda water and rool beer if: fre Wine of which ware vears before trying an By OR him Be § hated saive, erp] compl worthless and CW Hodgkins Patton Pharmacy vilasiy dan Frain : ; pe month 3 3 BEX 43! fi, 4 of diarrhos | gave Hy given in such cases, bint as 3 Lave pilaf, we nen? fir a phy 3 ard 1b wi gander bis care for a vt that time the child bad been shou! ten dave and wae having af the and we SOG Oh Cham Rick or about twenty-five aperalions howeln every twelve hours, were cotivinesd that unless it ained relief it would not live bertain's colic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy was recommended, and 1 de cided to try it I soon noticed a | change for the better; but by ita contin. ned use a complete cure was brought about and it is now perfectly healthy. (LL. Boggs, Stumptown, Giimer Co, W. Va. For sale by CW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. “PeWitts little early risers did me more good than all blood medicines and other pills,’ writes Geo. H. Jacobw, of Thompson, Conn. Prompt, pleas ant, never gripe they cure constipal- ion, arouse the torpid and give you clean blood, steady nerves, a clear brain and a healthy appetite. CC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. to liver action The New York Sun has taken the trouble to collect, and compile, the los, in killed and wounded, in all the great battles of modern times, and finds the Joss was greatest, for the number of men engaged, at Gravelot and Gettys- burg. The former batile was fought in the Franco-Prussian war, and the latter, as all our readers know, was the decisive battle of our civil war. The battles that were fought in the Spanish- American war, and in the so-called Philippine war, were but skirmishes in comparison. “Our baby was sick for a month with severe cough and catarrhal fever Although we tried many kept getting worse until we used minute cough cure if relieved at ones and cured her in a few days” -B. | Nance, Prin. High school, Texas. COC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Phar macy. Ofer The Host Remedy fiir Flay Mr John Mathias, a well known stock dealer of Pulaski, Ky. says: “After suffering over a veek with flax, and my physician failed to me, | was advised try colic, cholera and i relieve te Chamberiain's tand have the pleasure of stating that | For | W. Hodgkins, Patton Phar- | the half of one bottle cured me,” sale by macy. romnterfeity t aneh remedies an’ 166, remedies she Blaffdals, 3 diarrhoea remedy, Ww Wow Hodpking, eased Kirk rele for & With ioent per poutid OUR THIRD SEMI-ANNTAL ILL EXD SALE.” TUR SDAY, August Annual “MILL Ek ND 5 leity we have § over whic AS one of gr This “MILL EN nated a1 ned Copy 1 Ade * who has had wide This * MH. L than either A LE H ¢ yore pV INIT 3 D SABE fo 8 ND 5 two, to make it far r superior t to then that will be offered, as well a as Mr. price and | vou of better and bi offered. Not only Ends” here to he sole superb stocks 1] tune. % ty we s5ildii qu ite t maxing, if full yard wide © maxi in the usiaal Se and 5 “mill ad” sale price 2500 yards of full vard wide mnalin in the sie kind sale price 4. 1300 yards of outing cloths fall patterns regular : en 4" oN 3 ia 5 00 vards of flannel in Regular 5c quality price 1300 vards of heavy ticking Sian stripes, the regular mill end’ sale price Se. 1 HHO i Cail efs lengths of 3 a 13 “mil end ae soup vards of bleac hed twil leq {otton saie price 3. linen crash wal fa I'" sale price 4sc. ®rash, “mii end” 1000 yards of gray aality, “mm ti} “1 3 11 1 Lay aside all thoughts o this great "Mill En ay, Avanst + 4 & t £5 TG ® how “mlll Canon 1 at next you of nn bleme hed kind. b i RC had ed % ards, § in 15¢ kind £ i ] A 3 wale Rey 1 PHY Cait &F My . i bhargam {30} HH tiem and widths a . 3% half the SoH varias of stand NH y ard 3 3 mine nced On the wi dil “Mill End Sales.” the sls yi } FR” r Ti hird Sem 3 om of de pub- period and wide 0d iar apr srtunities. “* s we have determined in the qu nality goods he lowness of prices which | have entire control of the Can safely you were ever before large quantities of “Mill Ng prices, but our own happy h Lik 4 ¢ WE 1a assnre * % * tite IY gry Late HAL Kal ' * > Lie rare bargains that a dozen ens 1 hii Foor i h alt are f dark blue shirtings in terns of stripes and checks wide. Its the asaal 10e quality ‘mill end’ sale price Sic pairs mottled gray and tan blankets in good heavy Weight and full sige regular 98: values “mill end?” sie price {9 There will yards staple pat 30 inches [43 He thousands of yards of unbleached pillow cas in different qual at about one. wl sheetings an sale regular selling prices ard Se gnality, “mill end’ Wii yards of dress lawns in the quality that regularly sells for Te, “mill end® side price dao, apron nl mE natal 2. prints in price 2: ginghan 18 st andard brand, Hii i Ores ittend ~aie rue *% 1 thai Wm. F. Gable & Co. 1320-22-24 11th Ave, ALTOONA, PA.