The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 27, 1899, Image 6
on pension papers. CL Petitics -ridepen Sarr $e Ath ind Mo PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors. EW Geeese, Ediar ESTABLISHED - - 1803. slit EEE Mopts t { Sistioe to | Fos Yas ard Note. time the President : >i y | “Joseph E. Thropp, the new repre. FOLEY'S BANNER SALVE is a Healing Wonder. You may have heard ¢ about SCOTT'S EMULSION nd have a vague notien t it is cod-liver oil with its bad taste and smell and all its other lsive fea. s. It is cod-liver oil, the and the best in the but made so. palate Tl , NEG BIDD sees roam the baby, child or evit : ® better than cream or ary other food in existenc. bears about the same : tion to other emolsion: uv cream does to mitk. @ have had any eppori. o with other so-called '*. 2 good’ preparation: will find that this is The hypophosphites (os combined with the cod-ii fe additional value to it hee: ghey tone up the nervous sysicin | ' oo ali drugists, scot B WOWNE, Chemists, New York, me Tae number of immigrants from Southern Italy during the last fiscal year was 65,839, of whom 20,052 were females. A ———————————— Revenue stamps are not pocessary | Many pensioners have heretofore afiixed stamps to their | papers, but Commissioner Evans rules that this is not Hecosshsy. AR exchange . says that Democratic papers that lately clamored for Alger's | removal are now picturing the pathos of his retirement and offering to hold | the bat of Pingren iu assailing the President. Nowopy in “Washington believes that 3 Admiral Dewey used the language ~ attributed to him in an interview, cab- led to this country and widely publish- ed. Even if he thought our next war ~ would be with Germany, he bas too | much uinse 10 publicly say so. ; rate SENATOR J. O. Stineman, of South Fork, stopped in Altoona last week between trains says the Altoona | Gazette. The Senator was in his usual | jovial frame of mind, as befits a candi- date for re-election who has no op- a avalos of an up-to- date and hustling town of which we all feel inclined to boast of when we speak of Patton. We think that inasmuch as we have an ordinance prohibiting: same that it would be a good act for _ our business men to get together and harmoniously remove them, therefore ting our borough officials in living ‘up to our borough ordinances. If our ‘own citizens insist on disregarding our es what oan we expect of out- whe go from town to town and y ? ‘Sener, Ta evel in Wash- ngton Monday and was sworn in as Secretary of War. Everybody is try- ing to find out how mueh, if any, foundation there in for the story about "his intending to inaugurate a general . shake-up of the much criticised bureau. _ eratic methods of the War Department Sail to Introduce » more modern sys- tem. Mr. Root has the art of saying ‘nothing down to perfection, and he is Courier. Interest - Patton and | known need for changes in the business | X | vania district, is apt to make a distinct | | positive convictions which, impart strength to. the whole A es it is readily recognized by | orbeticing it Most of these stories] doubtless have their origin in the well. nership bere and E. Litt | methods of this department. Secretary pm i Root has the reputation, in his profes. sion, of being able to get at the bottom Lof things as quick as the next man, ‘and it will not be surprising if he | recognizes many weak spots in his ex. | | periences with the departmental busi | ness in the next two weeks, and has ‘some changes to recommend by the returns from his vac sation. Gen. Miles can give him a { number of pointers and he is credited | | with the intention to do so. Litt idney I Fi ARE THE y Ii FATAL CF ALL Dis- aN EASES. FOLEY’S KIDNEY CURE is ® guaranteed remedy for all KIDNEY and BLADDER of th pipet sleds on nos eollent all CONGRESSMAN COMPLIMENTED. The Washington correspondent ithe Pittaburg ‘‘Dispatch’ writes { that paper as follows: of | to BAD Lgentative from the Twentieth Pennsyl- €. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Dissociation Notice, Notice is hereby given that the part. | goods tefl res existing a F. Yuze Co. oan give you the best nd doing basiness under Little, has tisnieed by mataal eon ihe busi 8 the firm 1 his diay Pesan (31801 Can 13 t5itaLe ¥ Ta ~monno rig duy wen ducted) be wal : ries Herogflor will be oondng ted ander oh ¥ the name of Li af # iy ob pr ; Artie, Fr oir and Ww. A Lit- iif ¥ & E. retiring, * Be Fos & 5" 3 wr Hel pany « fate fHrm and anding B fier tim Bre: Fe (yrs & EVE E. Litre, Frans Lrrrie, W. A. Lire iv 15, 1859 BREAK Frisia ing will BOOnUnte dae He ia a man of e—— happily, | The cheapest place for wall paper, Yon cannot do better than to call on broad in A very : A | : Bh his on ups and rps travel picture frames and plastico at Fisher's | Gonld & Beezer for first-class plumbing, i Estimates freely given, 44tf | have made his conversation not only | store near railroad station, | fluent but entertaining. Biogra pica) t aketches are scarce, for he iy re | applications from even alumni Fofned i Erin He was born at historic Valley RAdolize D & For i nally he became their owner and | now he employs 500 men, He will re-| | mind many, no doubt, of the late Rep- | | resentative Michael Harter of Ohio. There is the same incessant desire to be | at work, the same readiness to discuss | A #0 Hot and to state frankly his own at convictions. He married a daughter of Colonel Thomas A. Scott, the Pennsyl- !mark in Con virnr 1 311K i wl 9 HE noe ( 1 Does Boarding House. iw PHILADELPHIA. and Dry Goods, | : 23 vania railroad king. ‘Groceries, N otions, “He was graduated at the old school | of Technology in Philadelphia in ita Flour, Feed and haup § Gaya. As n mere boy he ere to nesota ag one of an en ¥er Provisions. Dealers in Opposite Franklin Square ” $ Yes the fin ueiy mopies, Cambria and Clearfield’ county people visiting Phila- delphia will find this a con- venient and central location. Terms &1.00 per day. MRS. S. B. KING. L124 ¥ E ‘4 r bor Kr i} Yor ly & cheaply YOAIT Li. We cai Forsberg,! .o; vine sire ith ir best Cents, Excelsior Needle Cos Dhamond 4 SR mace bicycle will at our store tire creep? Cause had 1 fasten rst-class hard v the pre HES We latest for 11 Si I. Spokes, with 1¢ each. TOZER, The Patton Jeweler. New York Oty. $5: LF $ rida. ted 14s # f How is it Kirk Hardware and Fuarni- for the least money ? A $40.00 Bicycle Given Away Daily The poablishers of Tg NEW YORK Sra, the handsomely illustrated San. day newspaper, are giving a Hon Goeapr BioYorr each day for the larg- est List of words made by nsing the lat. ters contained in “TT. HE NEW YORK STAR" no more times in any one word than it ia found in The New York Star. Web ster's Dictionary to be’ considered as authority. Two Gold Watches (first. class timekeepers ; will be given daily for second and third best lists, and many other valuable rewards, includ. ing Dinner Sets, Tea Sets. China, Ster- ling Silverware, etc, ete, in order of merit. This educational contest is be- ing given to advertise and to introdoce this successful weekly into new homes, and all prizes will be awarded promptly without partiality, Twelve 2.cent staraps rast be enclosed for Thirteen weeks’ Trial Subscription with fall par- ticnlars and a list of over 300 valoable rewards, Contest opens and awards commence Monday, Jane 26th, and closes Monday, August 21st, 1599. Your list can reach us any day be- twoen these dates, and will receive the award to which it may be entitled for that day, aod your name will be printed in the following issue of The New York Star. Only one list can be entered by the same person. Prices are om exhibition at The Star's business offices. Persons secarjng bicycles may have choice of Ladies’, Gentlemen's or Juveniles' 1808 model, color or size de sired. Call or address Dept. “E,”’ The New York Star, 236 W. 30th Street, oor working on he lige of - RAEN n known Lake Superior an ; IV COADP sippi railroad, and which ia now part ALSO ESSEX SOAP. of the Northwestern Pacific system. ; He worked his way ap to be a division Call and see us and iearn our: engineer. He returned to the east. prices. East side of Iron upon his mother's death and became phe e y JU f Iron superintendent of the iron works at Bridge, Patton, Pa. Pa. | B5-tf “He ia natty in his dress, not above | the medium in hei i, with florid com- pletion and gray What bees are ng in his at not known, but | in Congress he is liable to make an im- pression if some question arises upon which he holds views." Quickly cure constipation and re build and invigorate the entire system -never gripe or naoseate- DeWitt's little early risers. . W. Hodgkins | Patton Pharmacy. Ve have used Chamberlain's cough | rr in our home for many years and bear cheerful testimony to its | value as a medicine which should be in | | every family. In coughs and colds we {have found it to be efficions and in Leroup and whooping cough in children i we deem it indispensable H. FP. Rit. { ter, 4127 Fairfax avenne, St Louis, Mo. | For male by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy Irritating ‘stings, bites, scratches, | wounds and cuts soothed and healed | by DeWitt's witch hazel salve, a sure i cure and safe application for tortured flesh. Beware of counterfeits. CC, W. { Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. The Rev. W. B. Costly, of Stock. bridge, Ga., while attending to his | pastoral duties at Ellenwood, that | state, was attacked by cholera morbus. | He says: “By chance I happened to! get hold of a bottle of Chamberlain's | colic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy, and I think it was the means of saving | my life. It relieved me at once.” For saleby C. W. Hodgkins, Patton, Phar. Millers Shoe Siore Has for sale the Wonderful Waverly School Shoe | For Boys, Youths, Misses and | Children. Every pair guar-| anteed. Also a line of Can't Rip shoes, seamless, for Men, Youths and boys. Have you seen the famous Geen Quality Shoe for omen? Romember this shoe has the largest sale of any one shoe in the U. S. face Quality finds favor] with women who have paid $4 and #5 for their shoes because | forded - will make this T he rem ark: thie SPporamy cut in the prices of Oils, Oil Cloth, Is occasion of great interest to evervone. them as a thoroughly high! grade shoe of unusual merit! at a sensible price, To pay more is throwing money away | when such value can be ob- tained for $3. We have a great many bar- gains in shoes to offer at this season of the year sufficient to say that WE WILL NOT be undersold, quality con- sidered. bargains we offer: Best Grade Oil Cloth, 22cts per yard. Miners’ SQuibs, 10cts per box. Lamps, former price $2.65, now $1.60. Best Mixed Paint 65¢ to $1.08 per gallon. A Car Load of Phosphate at Cost. me-CALL Remember | have exclusive sale of the “QUEEN QUALITY” Shoes (which 38 made in 32 different styles) in Northern | Cambria County. E. L. MILLER. | 0 buy New One long to be remembered by every man and woman in the country. Hardware alone 1s worth coming to take advantage Note a Of the entire stock of the (Clean Goods at from one- The sale of of, while the trimming down Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Woodenware, House Furnishings, Paints, Etc.. Etc. Remember we are determined to convert this stock Into Cs ash with as httle de I: ly as possible and In order to ac complish this purpose we have slashed and cut prices without mercy. few of the many One Quart Mason Glass Fruit Jars, one doz. in box, 39cts. Stoves and Ranges at Cost, and all other goods in proportion. SOON as goods will not last long at prices we are offering. Patton Hardware Co., P. J. DIETRICK, Manager.