THE PATTON COURIEK JULY 27, 1h. i od § | When a youngster of 10 years, I was | ov m. F i 1 visited bY 4 pingue 4 To : Tibi *! ‘day. When he reached the anizine room, middle Bnger an old daddy wart, but at | The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been : in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex- periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Ubiidren--Riperienee Again Experiment. Onstoria = a substitute for Onstor oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. [It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. [It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother's Friend. CENUINE GEO. BOONE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Office on camer of Lang and Fifth Avenues. Collections promptly at tended to. Properties to sell and rent. iy : 'D.D. Lewis i UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, P Rarnssbhoro, Pa. ALL enlls will be promis attended tor. Joshi Radelifte, Agent, of Kerr {gvenoe, Patton, will alten 0 the | parties residing tu Putin meosnd vidinity day er night he Phaon Lalls A. SEITZ, Dentist! H. DR. F. B. EUANS, Dentist, : HASTINGS, *A All diseases of the teeth and mouth skillfully treated. 23tf Patton, Pa. Oflee Hours 8 a 12m, andi pm todbp m A A FRNEST CHASE, J OF PATTON, Surgeon Dentist Patton. Cambria Co, PATTON, PENN'A. Office in Good Building, second floor, Magee Avenue. DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Good Building, Room No. 3. -r-General Surgury and the Eye a Specialty, All ealls will receive prompt attention, Dr. V. A. Murray, | PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Offer in Arlington block, next to Postoifice Patton. Pa. All night ealls eespondsd DR. C. CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00, SURPLY § jie 5. } ely val tipmiry 1h =, R50 000,00, dividu- He Liat favors. inmcryulive ACO la if mimated Lael Bele feranam daany butent wt ifo nrvdd oi banking Mbemptrimbilge (ows aes, Forelgn wot \ cities of the 00] 0 Aller wpmaiisde 1s sermon ntiention Interest paid on A. E the lensing stiie Jo the prineljml Dbisve Cr¥y GLE po tine Wat, President. As framing, Patrox, H. BaANupORD, Cashier, ‘promptly. Disease of the ear, nose and throat given special attention, OFFICE HOUR -T toa mand 1202 pn Reuel Somerville, | Attorney-at-Law, PATTON, Office in the Good Building. JAMES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. ~ OMce Fifth Ave., near Central hotel. 10t1. we DAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, { SHENEBURG, PA. | All leg busiposs promptly attended to, OfMiece In Barker Buliding. Whooping Cough. Asthma, Bronchitis and Inciptont Consumption, Is TOBACCO and CIGARS Li finest Jine in Patton at G. J. FITZPATRICK Hestanrant on Magys avenue, P. R. R. depot. MEALS AT ALL HOURS, | MAHAFFEY HOUSE | Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. Accommodations first-class. Best of Liguaors | and Wines at the bar. Stabling attached, GroraE FERGUSON, Prop'r. _ Parnell & Cowher, --Agents for ee cero (NGURNGE. K'S near | Patton Pharmacy, . WW, Hodgkins. 80 YEARS’ PERIENCE ACCIDENT REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Good Building, Patton, Pa. Phone No, 9, H. S. BUCK, | ONDERTAKER % EMBRLMER, Next to Hotel Patton, Fifth avenue. All Calls, bi or night, Promptly at- tended to. White or Black Hearse. | A end 8 sketch and description may ht Senin a is prosably Shinion le. Conamuica nv tions strict velar. Handbook Re eS 1 ents nts, h Munn E84 ro receive puss week! Largest oir. : Terms, $3 a by all newasdealers. TE ew York ¥ St. Washington, warts of Office in Young Bailding, next to P.O. m. to FirstNation'| Bank: Pa. god reel iar ™e sisters of Warts. St IA a AL Sine A the age stated this had multiplied to 40 | or more, one being on my lip and one | on ny chin I was considerably worried over ny growing family of excrescences, Cand one day a woodchopper in my fa thers employ. whe “wearing a hat, for instance sad that he could take the warts away with him I was quite willing to have him try, and he took me off to 8 quiet spot ander a willow tree, from which he ent a Cpnmber of sas)! branches nnd theese he ent mean into Hitle bits un inch in length making a note in each one, and this patch he st down aver each "wart, having at ast so on of 40 or more of thes little ootehd wtioks These he pnt into his pocket, saying that the varte wonld gg away. I comic never say jnst when pryphecy was falfilled, but within six weeks thers wasn't a wart on my face or hands, and there has not been one since that time. What I want to know "now, as | did then and the conjnrer Ff wonld not tell me—is what did it 1 have spoken to many doctors abomt it, but they merely langh, as thongh I was giving them a ‘pipe talk,’ and yet the warts went away, and all the medicine 1 had ever tried on them had no effect ! whatever. — New York Sun Theot Mie opinion. The woman who spesks her mind | freely on sll occasions had been telling | the sad eyed stranger to whom sbe had | been introdnced what she thought of ' Mormonism. Her remarks were alo: | quent and acrimonions She bad a flow of langnage which never failed and was | fortified with facts which conld not be | refnted. He listened patiently till she ' bad finished and then said meekly, “Yes, madam; I'm a Mormon wyself ’ “I don't care,’ she exclaitned, | though ber face reddenad a little “A | man ought to be satisfied with marry Ling tme woman to walt on him and be browbeaten by him.’ | “1 don’t browbeat anyhody. sponded reproachfally {It doesn’t make any difference | whether you do or not. No man has i any business to marry two wives “I agres with yan perfectly, wadam ’ “Ha! Yon admit it." “Yea'm, no moan onght to have two ‘ wives. If he takes more than one. he t onght to stick to odd pnmbers and have { three, five or seven It obviates the ne. | comity of a wan's mixing in. In case Cof a family dispute it provides for a | deciding ¥ote and prevents a deadlnk Washington Star "he re Fresh Lata. A lady who did not appear to be inn very good temper bounced into a cer tain grocers shop the other afternoon “Tw your father at home? eho asked of the sinall boy behind the ooo i “No'm,” was the reply “Anything fl ean do for yon? The lady hesitated before remarking “I've called to ai egas | obtained from sont father this Fmnarning. He told moe they were fresh | laid, and” ““IHd he get ‘em from the window 7 | asked the yonthfnl salestian “You . “Then it's all | fresh laid.’ “But [ say they are not.’ i “You'll ; me, ‘m,” said the youngster, endeavoring fo be polite oBat onght to know They ene in a crate yesterday. 1 unpacked every one Lon ‘exn an laid ‘em there in the window | only this morning. So [| knows they're { fresh Inid, and that settles it’ Lon: | don Anrwe ™ initer compinin nt the right. ‘mm -——they'rs EX Queer rio of a Hotel. They say that the best hotel in Taxas is to be found at Belton, a town on the Banta Fo road and is kept by ‘seven | sanctified sinters’ as i are popularly called. Several years ago ‘a woman in the place and her hnatand | quarreled over the best way of ex { pounding the Scriptnres to a Sonday school class and were so they meparated and were vorced. This family controversy was taken finally di tinctly divided between the adherents | of the hastand and the adherents of the wife. The result was a large crop of Ai vorces, and seven hushandless women, Cipelnding the «ciginal canse of the com: C motion, Joined together and rented the ‘town botel One of them did the cook- ing, suother was parlor maid, a third made up the beds, and =o they divided the work among them and ran the es | tablishment on the co-operative plan. | Chicago Record. Other Dangers, “What are yon reading abont? asked the man with the wise manner “The stock market.” replied the Lyouth. “Don't do it ~ “But | never put np any money * Therefore I can't lose “It makes no difference. You re like- ly to become one of these people who tell how much money they would have made if they had only done what they cama pretty near doing, becanse they didn't see how things could go other wire. And then even your best friends will wish sometimes that yoo would bet yonr money and lose it and keep still about it." Washington Star A Tiny Bale of Hay. Alfred C. Webber of Lisbon Center, Me., has in his possession a small bale i of hay, about 8 inches long and 4 inches ‘ deep and wide, and one of the reasons ! why Mr. Webber keeps this hay in his beat room ds becanse it is nicely wired and put between thin pieces of boards | so that no chaff can escape, but chiefly | because the hay was cnt as far back as 1749, on the John Rogers farm in Kit: tery. It was baled up by Mr. T. Traf- { ton, who was a native of Kittery, and | who is now a dealer in Massachusetts {covering a black hole abont acted gneerly, never -gerly barbed] wire tence and ran the proprivtors stubborn that 4 duty | Boars the - np by the town, which was soon dis. | which is pure, clean and healthy, ‘by His Dealt. | A Methodist minister visited the | Queen lane pumping station the other | the engineer said: “What I'm prood- est of here ix my draft Here she is Look at ber.’ He raised a trapdoor in the floor, dis a foot square, and the minister loked in ea Nothing whatever was to be seen, but & tremendons draft sucked in his silk hat “Ha, ha, ha’ shonted the engineer Then he continued excitedly “Now you are performing an interesting ¢x periment! Nothing conid demonstrate better the excellence of this draft Jas watch that skvseraper of a stack there’ He pointed to the lofty stack. and even as he spoke the silk bat shot straight np ont of it for 50 feet or so, and then, like a large black bird, sailed the slowly away down the wind “Goodby, my friend, ister. “This has been, iudesd, an grand experiment, and I thank yon for it My property, let ns hope. will prove nondamaged = He then scaled a high lightly over the fields in the direction which his hat had taken. — Philalelphia Record Ome Thing They Didn't Have, E. H Sothern tells un good story of his father, the fminons Dundreary. When ever the elder Bothern arrived at a town, one of his firet means of diver- gion was to stroll abont the streets and have fun with the natives He was in Chicago during its earliest days and one day he saw a sign over an ander taker's establishment which read “Everything Fornished For First Class Fanerala ’ Going Inside, ha inquired, "Do yon furnish everything fur funerals?” “Yeu, sir.’ replied the clerk “Then | want a coffin.’ “Do you want carriages too’ “Yen; have five carriages ready.’ “Certainly, sir. Anything else? “Thres degen chaira “Anything else?’ “Yon might have a hearse ready And now | wonld like to look at a corpse,’ The clerk was amazed “Now, said Sothern, “you advertise to furnish everything for fanerala If son can’t do the thing thoronghly, 1 shall have to patronize another store And, wishing the clerk good day, the crinedian departed ' wnid the min A Sight For Sackeloth and Ashes, If thurs is one thing that America has to be ashamed of, 11 is the neglected state of her shipping says H. Phelps Whitemnarsh in The Altantic It is a disgrace to the nition No wonder tha foreigner ayers his eyes in amarsmment no wonder the ancient mariners of the capes fosin at the mouth when they speak of it The wight of gray oid Sa Jers wit hsrbor, its desert wd, 1 wharfe an’! not a deep wa The sight of this ix enongh oomaks rout into the Boils smnpty tine ter ship to ita name hirtirie BLY patrioty oo high frie American g« Tait a¥ in sackeloth ard ashen * Poor Papa! The father of a faniils poved at thie fant dren th tage one dav at coinney are intoleralde Yon Loses al evervining I was often giad bread Lo “Poor papa’ said Hose, the family. 1 am so glad ye ing such pice marae and as’ ig: tuy #2330048 § wl Frias ey: iT Atami. CRORE (vet Yi turn ¥en Worn | wasn boy, to get dry ste hile Te 3 ening n it thin pet of Mare heer now, jv with What to iHies Li Fat Escapes ott a Techanleality. The Blakely (Ga Reporter wavs there on man in Early connty who bas been relieved of road duty. for years on a ‘technicality It customary to suniinoets 8 man to work the road near: est to where he sleeps and bas hin cloth ing washed Aw this man has never is been sean with so much as a clean shirt LON, the supposition is that he has po washing done, and he relieved of We know of no bettir ras. OASTORNRTIA. The Kind You aw Aways Boo Sf 7 27 e! Foe? Reed ie Bignatare of Pure spring water ice delivered to any part of town every day except Sanday no witl divered on Sunday, Chest BSpris ice | Sold «1 a joe be ide Ere water AG pound. Leave orders at redidence on Fifth avenue near a crossing rail Storm at one-half road. Pure, clean blood and a healthy result from the parly Risers the “famous little pills.” They cure constipation, billousness and sick-headache, CW Pharmacy. use Gf Dewitt’s 1d bo. ty Hodgkins, Patton Ice delivered to all parts of to bry A. G. Storm at & «ont per pound pure spring lee and dont you forget $i it Lack Eiston, Minute Mr. and Mm. B Mao, writes: “one saved the life nearly dead with croup, € kins, Patton Pharmacy. To who pleasure; Harpers whiskey adds zest to existance, To those who drink key for health's sake, Harpers whiskey makes life worth living. Sold at Pal- mer House, _inp, ough DOs Cire iagt Ol oir 1iilds Wied . Hodg. those drink whiskey for whis- Dewitt’s Little permanently. tance to nature, arly Risers benefit They lend gentle assis- causing no pain or weakness, permanently curing consti pation and liver ailments. CC. W, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. sed 53d ; Liki Gd pri SAAN HAA le Stig HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with | your water and let it stand twenty-four i hours: a sediment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition of the kidneys; Lif it staine your linen it is evidence of kidney trouble; too freqnent desire to pass it or pain in the back 8 also con. vincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are ont of order What ti so. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curiog rheuma. tism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the trinary passages. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that on- pleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Hoot is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. [If you need a medicine you should have the beat. At druggists fifty cents or one dollar. You may have a sample bottie and a book that tells more aboat it, both sent absolutely free by mail, if you send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co, Binghamton, N. Y. When writing be sure and mention that you read this generous offer in the PATTON COURIER. | DICKERS IN DIRT Deods Renorded at Ehenstury ap to Friday, July 31. John Kaylor et ux David J. Cramer, Gallitzin borough, $1,000, Louis Delaby et ux. mont, Jr, Eider, $130. Joseph Haid et ux Monteith, Patton, $900. Thomas (i. W. Amsbry, Allegheny, $5354. Barneshoro Water company to bor. ough of Barnesboro, Barneshoro, $1,250, Barnes & Tucker Barnesboro, $1 FP. E Dillon #t arty, Reade, $125. Henry 1. Farabaugh Mohler, Carroll, $900. Michael M. Weakland Swiltzer, Carroll, $1. 8 L Irwin et ux to Harry (0. Patton, $800 Trustee of Mary J. Lesming to Cath. aring Garman, Ebensbury, $900 Jacob Navatin et ux. to John hase Cambria, 84875 Philip Noon et ux. to Joseph Tran- Carroil, 385, ff John MaDe et to W. WW. Anmmbry, Clearfield, $438, John TT, Monahan WwW. W Ams Clearfield, $167 Matilda Donegan st al Clearfield, $36 Prurbin ot al to WW bry, Clearfield, 8543, Jobn Durbin Clearfield, $914 Englebert FP to W. WW. Amsbry, rate to to Alexander to # ux. to J. Clair Heg- Michael fo Jomeph M. Lands berry, Per. gle, Exertitor ¢ rinitt al $4 bry, toy W Ww Armmsbry, John Ams- W. WW. Amsbry, ® $4) Hoe as MeConire x al. Allegheny, $1,468 weather Inst same tack of cholera my leaving my A. Hare, of Hare Ofte. After taking doses of Chamberlain's piarrhora Remedy and in few hours was able to resume my work in the store. | sincerely recommend it tr any one afflicted with stomach or bowel trouble.” For sale by . W Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. “During the hot { had A REVErs tier At morbus, necessitating business’ Bros says Mr ( Fincastle, rh th Hera I was completely two or res: Cotbe, Che and relies on} A $40.00 Bicycle Given Away Daily The publishers of Tire New York STAR, the handsomely Mustrated San- day newspaper, are giving a Hien GRADE BioyCLE each day for the larg. est list of words made by geing the let. ters contained in “T-H-E N-E-W YORK STAR no more times in any one word than it is found in The New York Star. Web. ster’s Dictionary be considered as authority, Two first. class timekee pers given daily iste, and includ 5 Gold Watches will be ns hhisgd for second and thind best £3 5 (E2841 rewards, Tea Sets, man r valuable Ching, Ster é £8 ing Dinner Seta, lng Nilverware, ete, ele, in merit. This educational os ing ven to oder nest in bee ta 1nd rosst LEC BEVErTing BL this sucoessful weekly into new homes, rem Will be awarded promptly Twelve 2 enclosed for Thirteen Trial Subscription with full par- 300 valuable without partiality cent stapes must be weeks lars and a List of over Contest opens and awards Monday, June 26th, and Monday, Avgust 2st, Ing8 Your ean reach any day be. tween these dalle, and will receive the award to which it may be entitled for that day, and your name will be printed in the following issue of New York Star. Only be: entered] by the Prices are on exhibition at The Star's business offices. Persons securing bicycles may have choice of Ladies’, Gentlemen's or Juveniles’ 1888 model, color or size de- sired. Call or address Dept. “E," The New York Star, 238 W. 39th Street, New York City. £3 rewards. Codnineice y £31 Nee xs int Us he list can Cine sae person, injarious counterfeits on sale. to Emile Sod- | Rosensteel ot ux, to W. borough of Jodi ne Aceon P Patton A rae NE en nls ssn “ have ased Chamberlain's cough : Remedy in my family for years and al- ways with good result,” says Mr. W. B. Cooper of El Rio, Cal: “For small chidren we find specially effective. For sale by CC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Phar- macy. J. V. Hobbs, M. D., Fort Valle, Gs. says: “I have been practicing medicine twenty-five vears and know plies re one of the most diffienit of diseases to cure, but have known pewitt’s witch tiazel salve to cure nombers of cases and do not hesitate to recommend it” Be sure yon get UDewitt’s]”” there are CW. Hotlgkins, Patton Pharmacy. “i o . rate Pittsburg & Fastern Time Table. 10 TAKE EFFECT MONDAY, JUNE. 19 1999 Westward Noi A. Hy, Union Station (Mahaffey 5 Hooch reek Janetion AR Ma bia fle ¥ x Lanhsthnrst “I Medivwn 5a Wetenll 3 Works 5 Sanderiand 1 dk Tdrk Rurnside Fassryore! folen Cam phel Motsiey Hewsvertiarst Nai Nob pm. pom eave am 11 g £3 4% i 4 i fi &.061 & Esha nigeng Ba do ver en a OR a Se 5 b 5 » 28 ad 3e3ngeeannEnn? a = Eastward Prmve Nod dE - - - BEERS RRENpRe zed J ¥ ut 3 et td FXEeagnueuNcl Hoovertmmst MM. Filey (iter iid ail Passsnore Barnside Wetgeil Mad joi fatathors: f Mabon ey Breech Creek Janetion Untom Station {Maha fey {. Fing station, Uomneciions At alos Station, with Heveh (reek miirad & © Pennsyivanta rellirond, and P. rom: at Whiskey Hun with Metiors & Now. nbury raiiromd. st Molin with P. AN, W min Notes "nti! fartbvr notice trains will ran only tetween U non Siativn (Mabafley; and Glen Campbell All tralos dsily stoop San day = H, Hieks, General Manager, Mabhalley, I's Pennsylvania Rajlroad Time Table Jane 12, 1399. Main Line. aomve Cresonvn- Eastward. Sem Nhore Egpross, wiek davs A tonsa Aceon mcelation, week dave Main Line Express, dally Alien Acedn nsiatibon, Mali Express daily Philsdeiphia E x proses, daily amv rennin. Westward, wield days Facific Epross, dally Was Passenger dally Piltabimirg Fx proms Mail Fastiine, daiiy Foinstorwn Acedia, ® HABA NRIBBEOIDAIN DN’ yRrnagonsgesnd Wh Oo Ge UB Ba SB A bo = Re 8 dally Bsus Fa SEs EUW EY COTES *3EZ2R FBI 5 Ww. ee ” ~ wa We week hays cambria and Clearfield Remeber Wve oxi for Patton ant Ores it Anis iy fan PWaRY By tivgs Tm Bradiev Furst ATT VINE at ress al 3 four Past Esrnpte il wt id al Ee = Pai Ravior Tw ABernawm be {remuial A sal TUE IH train of A Trews i. Mahath Janetivens 28v Winter fyarway for Creesom Faved $i fay ¥ at bad 5 © ig E530 Mast $ re Parton be P es dre Rayo $19 arriviag al i ress vi $5 North wn ot lomuest § resamr for Mannie Ak Headey Jaetios far Hastin we Moran Bh » Al wa Fastin haley 1A Mahatoy 1) pA wi Fes a traits fog 1 : ings aves {renmen 8 ltr Kayior 9 iradiey farm tion ds Patton 38 (mrway £17 WN awt. aver BI arrive Hg al Hastinge at 56 pm For ales wi Th yn Le PA * 1 ad hem. ¥. ¥ a Futaba g. ¥ et Ww . Bp Wate, Pa Sram, J the tn Mgr Woiwet Fase Agt New York Central Hudson River Railroad, arin Iivisiom KH fon, Peainay iv Beech Cr Condenses<i Time Table . CORK - Ihsiri xa Patton | Wem Mabatffey Kerr LHR ERA I Koryo Nove Miler! tanta Mitebeils yiivarfieid Fw r Wont land Vigler Wisilacyion Morriwinie Mines » wpe 5 wr = o hg 4 = Beseds Crvek Mil Hail frei Has Pe x SEW RBE RE i Af re rhe 3 A sport, Pa Buffalo, Hovhestir and Pittabinrg Ks iia mm Dra bhoads Ia Basis tard and SLAW fir Trains arms in In For tickets, Lae abi cai On oF sddd ress, Bo Hyxlip EF. Ayn, Clemrticld, Pa - Lapey, teeny’ BY waneligel Agt Rochestsr Ny
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers